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Off subject a bit...the movie Zietgiest--

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My husband and I watched it together tonight because I wanted him to see it and

his response to it was that he can't fathom our government intentionally doing

these things, yet at the same time it does raise some hair raising questions to

all that it talked about! With him being in the military it makes him question

it more so than the person not affiliated directly with the government per se!

He said as I said that he will never agree with implantation of the chip, but it

has already begun. All I have to say is that I am very happy to be on the path I

am on and I hope that I with the help of others can help stop these atrocious

goals and plans of our government. It is a scary and vicious scheme and I hope

that this video will spread as far as possible and the masses will pay close

attention to it and start the process of bringing down the government as it

stands so that we DO NOT loose our rights we have now.


I remember reading your words on the Kundalini seminar website and it didn't

resonate with me at the time, but it does now. All in due time I suppose, when

one is ready!


Just this week I saw " Dan Brown's novel, Angels & Demons which describes an

ancient cult called the Illuminati that is at work in the modern world and

plotting against the Catholic Church. Based on Simon Cox's book, Illuminating

Angels & Demons " on the History Channel. It didn't really surprise me, in fact

it inspired me to want to learn more and so I looked it up and the first website

that I clicked on showed the pictures of our current and past presidents. My

first thought was that anyone could use those pictures especially when they

don't like the president and so I started reading a book. Now it makes me want

to go and look it up again to find out exactly what it has to say.


Anyway, thank you for your opinion on it because my gut said it was real, but

like my husband it is hard or was hard to fathom it, but because we know this

same sort of thing goes on in other countries and the citizens of that country

can't believe their government or leadership would do such a thing I say to

myself, " What makes us so special? "









Saturday, August 11, 2007 5:00:24 AM

Re: Off subject a bit...the movie

" Zietgiest "


This world presently is in the process of volunteering to be

consumed by small faction of itself.


This is from the Kundalini awakening seminar website I wrote three

years ago -


" The Egyptians used it. The ancient Chinese used it. The Eurasians,

Mayans and Toltecs knew and used it. The ancient Yogic practitioners

designed the Yogic system to speed and activate its presence.


For thousands of years the secret societies of the ancient

world " kept it hidden " as it had the power to transform the human

being into an exalted luminous spiritual being. Many ways were

devised to " keep this information from reaching the populations of

the world. " Codes, intricate poetry and art became the home of this

knowledge but slowly, over time, people of love and compassion

allowed this awareness of the evolutionary and biologic goal for the

human race to emerge. The Yoga adepts called it the Kundalini.


The Kundalini is in everyone. It is an untapped resource of divinity

within us all that is waiting to be awakened and experienced. We

have only to learn and apply this tremendous force to bring about a

change in the mind, spirit, and bodies of all who will learn of its

secrets. Never has the time been so right and crucial for a change

of this magnitude to be explored and initiated. "


This is why it is so important for people to awaken to their true

natures before that choice is taken away. And it will be taken away.

Or attempted to be taken. Kundalini has its own agenda.


I found the movie to be truthful and relevant Katherine. Thank you

for giving it to us. - blressings - chrism








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