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Difficult Life Experiences and Kundalini

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This is a huge subject and is often what people question me with so

I will touch on it here but please understand this is as a scratch on

a mountain side with what can be communicated on this subject. I will

not as yet discuss the area of technique, so please be advised.


Not everyone on this list lives in a place of peace or minimal

violence. Some places are extreme in the expression of violence and I

would like to address this aspect of living with the Kundalini among

predatorial people and governments.


The dynamics violence will often happen. Sometimes they are a jewel

wrapped in dung. Sometimes they are tests of our integrity and

diligence. Always there are many ways to respond to the experience

and in many directions of thought and activity.


What happens if you are robbed?


What happens if you are attacked and robbed?


What happens when you are given a choice of harm to your self or harm

to an attacker?


What happens when you are given the opportunity to defend a loved one

against a person that is doing your physical presence no harm?


Once again let us be clear. Your life is valuable. Not only to

yourself but also to those who love you and to those who will love

you in the future. You have every right to be here and thrive and

flourish and have happiness and joy with out fear or oppression.



As you develop Kundalini some precious gifts may become available to

you. These gifts are to be used, as they NEED to be used not as a

form of grandstanding or self-aggrandizement. Sometimes they do need

to be used.


If you are being robbed. Person(s) are taking " things " that belong to

you. They are incurring problems for themselves and releasing, in

many cases, a debt that you may owe. Either way this is not an

appropriate time to use a Kundalini skill unless the theft will

produce life threatening consequences for yourself or others such as

children or others who's succor will be assured from the use of these

items. Forgive the theft if it is a thing that survival does not

depend upon and move on.


If it is a needed item it can be tracked and returned or replaced via

the Kundalini.

If it is gone with slim chance of return, release it and go with a

resolute state of mind and make the needed adjustments. It is OK to

feel anger, so feel it and move into forgiveness when you can do so,

but do it ASAP.


What is appropriate action when faced with violence?


I to the:

" Five rules of Martial Arts "


1) Talk your way out of it.

2) Just walk away from it.

3) Run away from it.

4) Defend your way clear of it.

5) Offensive attack.


Much depends on the " quality " of the violence i.e. a gun to your head

or a fist to the face. If it is a gun to the head you must trust the

Kundalini and those connected to it to guide your actions.


Love is a viable defense in most situations. Love towards an

assailant can interrupt their aggression. It can still the trigger. A

surrendered gift of yourself to love and to the forces of love is a

viable and strong approach. Forgiveness to the assailant.

Interventions do occur. Especially in times of war.


Death by your hand or power must be the very last option used no

matter what. Please remember " Your life has value " so do not be quick

to sacrifice it to save an attacker from themselves, because if they

kill you they will have not been saved.


Defense is appropriate but this can come in many forms. Giving in to

the violence perpetrated upon you is an option. If you feel that it

will not be life threatening this is a viable option. This is a way

of defense as it allows for control of the situation by you, through

surrender, without harming the assailant but it can be a painful ride

for you.


Another way is to defend against it by non-violent protest. Yelling

or screaming or talking your way out of it. This too is a viable

approach as it reaches out to the sensibilities of the attackers.

Giving them more of a chance to make the better choice.


One must be very careful with the Kundalini. It can stop a heart in

the space of a thought. Horrendous damage can occur to the Kundalini

person who misuses these gifts. But that is an extreme example.

Rarely will that become the only option. I state it here as a warning

of the strength of the K and will not relate that particular

technique. I will let that come from your Kundalini to you.


" Things " are not to be defended, for the most part, unless they are

needed for survival.


Life is to be defended, yours or another. But once again this does

not need to be violent. Remember Kundalini can change another

person's thoughts. Thoughts of love and the qualities of loving

nurture can help one who is (by their own volition) approaching

murder. If they are a killer though, other methods can be employed.


Kundalini is well aware of what is occurring to you all the time you

are alive, as she is active with in you. So be clear that there is a

strong force with in that knows what is happening and the reasons and

decisions that have been made for what is happening to occur. All for

now -

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