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The kundalini force during the transition of the Kali Yuga to the Sat Siva Yuga

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The following is excerpted from Lemurian Scrolls, though i imagine

most will resonate to a degree with what it says regardless of where

it comes from...



" The kundalini force during the transition of the Kali Yuga to the Sat

Siva Yuga appears in the Second World as a great massive oil, slowly

permeating body and mind, trees and foliage, in a great mass

awakening, as did happen before on this planet when the Sat Yuga began.


In the beginning of the Sat Siva Yuga the advancement will be rapid.

As this begins to happen, the population will come to know the laws of

life, transition and reincarnation and have mental facility to quickly

adjust to the rapid changes, externally and internally, of one age

fading into the other, giving new stability, peace, security and



The sense of separateness will begin to fade as man is able to travel

and communicate one with another once again. People will become more

friendly one to another because they will see more deeply into one

another. People will be calm, strong and full of love and

understanding as a result of this mass awakening of the kundalini

force. No one culture or system will try to impose itself on another

again. A common desire for peace among beings will persist, and man's

wants will be few, for his fulfillment will come from the inside.


It is predicted that the Kali Yuga will begin when the first human

kills another and will actually end in its fullness when this process

of killing one another ceases, as the power of the Sat Siva Yuga is

felt more eminently through the even distribution of kundalini primal

force pervading all beings. The veiling between the three worlds will

fade. Transcendental beings will occasionally be seen, and then the

turmoil that is beginning now in the Second World will cease.


Those who first emerge, in groups small but strong, here and there

around the planet, will be extremely careful in their dealings one

with another, so that no traces of Kali Yuga habit patterns are

allowed to persist among them.


The first signs of this awakening will be a religious revival of the

different religions. The religions will eventually merge into one, as

the people will be one, due to the same existing awakening. "

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Thanks glen, funnily enough I've been doing some creative writing the past

couple of days and have found myself writing something of a similar nature.

Maybe I will post it to see what people think of it :)


I thoroughly enjoyed reading that,

big hug and thanks again

Love Elektra x x x




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