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From Becky

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Dearest -


You may post my questions to the forum, I am interested in knowing

what their thoughts are.


Much Love always,




chrism <> wrote:


Hello Becky, please see below bracketed by@@


Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich wrote:


Dearest -


I feel this fear, I cannot pin point it but I feel so fearful. My

meditations have been most pleasant the energies flow through me

like a warm shower in a cold day.


This morning I was awaken at about 3:15 AM and I decided to

meditate. Do you think I should stop meditating laying down at such

hours of the night?


@@ Only if your feel guided not to. The fact that you ask at all

should give you something to ponder on. @@



I spent 4 hours meditating in and out of sleep/awake state.


During all this time I was quite aware of my presentness yet

sometimes not. At all times my body was vibrating and feeling an

incredible tingling and roaring in my head. It didn't matter where

in this Universe I was residing at the time the physical sensations

followed me. It was past 8 when my husband woke me up and I didn't

want to get up from bed. Me? who wakes up with no effort at 5 every

morning! I had no desire to face the world.


My fears are about who I am and what the hell I am doing here?


@@ You are going through the process. This is natural and all who

come here will at one time or another ask similar questions. This

will pass. @@



I feel like a person placed in an environment that is foreign to

me. I am so confused. I see the familiarity of it all but as if I

don't really belong as if I should be somewhere else but I don't

know where. Where should I be?


@@ Part of this process is the feeling of being alienated from this

world. From the life you have been leading. There will come a point

when this releasing of concern for the old way of being will be

replaced with the new dynamic of joy with this process but first you

may feel some dis-connect. No worries. @@


where am I now?


@@ You are approaching the magnificence of who you are in the truest

relaity. This is the reality that decided to even " have " a body and

a lifetime. You are at the beginning of the " Awakened Journey " the

conscious path is opening to you now and it is different than the

sleep walking path that most are on so it is scary at times. Be

patient and go with this for as long as it lasts. Realize it is part

of the releasing of the old ways and an embracing of the new. A new

birth is far more fearful for the child than the parent.lol You are

doing fine my friend. @@


Chrism, I am scared because what I feel does not correlate with my

family's views at this point. I feel in a daze.


@@ Yes your views will be different. But not in a harmful or

unfortunate ways, quite the contrary, you will be able to help them

in new and special ways you may not have been aware of as you were

sleep walking. You may even help to wake them up! But only if you

are guided to. It is best to keep these things to yourself - at

first - after you become a bit more mature into the awakening you

can spread the news. @@


I feel this incredible feeling in my stomach like something is

going to happen, but I don't know what and at the end of the day

nothing happens that I should feel worries for. I feel as if theres

nothing wrong yet there is, as if all is well yet it isn't.


I am in a state of confusion. Is this normal?.


@@Yes it is part of the transistion. No worries. I know it feels

alien and uncomfortable but it will pass, be patient and give your

self the latitude to laugh or cry as the moods come.This is also

normal. It is an adjusting of the emotional body. Allowing for more

of an energetic response which at first may come out as over

emotion. These are normal changes and normal symptoms of these

changes - no worries my friend @@


I am practicing the safeties as you recommended. I am committed to

join you in the Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2007 if you would have

me. I feel like a lost soul in need of guidance. Like a lost

child in need of a hand to guide her home, but where's home?


@@ Home is where you are. Behind your eyes and responding from your

heart. Everything will fall into place, give it some time. @@


I have this innate feeling in my being that I need to keep on to

this path. No, not a path but the journey of my life. I laugh and

cry for no reason.


@@ Yes this path, this journey, is also your home. Your emotions

will stabilize, you are not crazy but do not mention this or allow

anyone close to you to mention this to any healthcare practitioner

as this can have devastating consequences as they try to medicate

you into " their idea " of what you're " supposed " to be. @@



I have never ever had any psychological problems in this

existence. I am one of those optimistic persons you will always

meet, loving, hugging, and caring. This feeling I have been

experiencing is not normal to my normality.


@@ Your not having psychological issues now either. These are

changes that are taking place and they are common to the Kundalini.

They can feel strange but they will stabilize. Surrender to them and

let them be for a time.@@


I want to see and experience what the members of this group does

experience but I know mine will be a different experience then them

yet I don't want to feel that what I am going through is not what

they are not because what I am going through might not be what

Kundalini is. Though my body feels this incredible force that is

imaginable and perhaps they don't have that feeling and maybe I am

going crazy.....I don't know where to turn to, I am scare


@@ Let me post, or you post, this answer and response session to the

group and see what they say. With your permission only though.@@


I feel like I should drift to sleep and wake up in.....I don't know

where. I am indeed confused. Please, I am not a person who

normally begs for anything, for one should never beg. But I will

ask, lovingly, for your help.


@@ You need not ask my friend I can come to you always. Blessings

and smiles and surrender to the wondrous - chrism @@


Love always to all, and I appreciate your blessings,



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O Becky, what you shared was so beautiful it made me cry. Thank you

for allowing to share it with us. I clearly heard and saw the

caterpillar/butterfly beginning the process of breaking out of the

cocoon. The transition being scary because of what has changed and has

not yet fully emerged. I saw it almost in a children's book format

with the new butterfly still thinking of itself as the larva, and

expressing its thoughts as the cocoon begins to split, not yet

revealing the beautiful butterfly that has been waiting. Oh! I love

it. Thank you. Keep expressing your experience. You may have a best

seller coming your way!!! Warm and encouraging hugs. Love, dhyana




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Dearest -


> You may post my questions to the forum, I am interested in knowing

> what their thoughts are.


> Much Love always,


> Becky

> ***************************************************************

> chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Becky, please see below bracketed by@@


> Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich wrote:


> Dearest -


> I feel this fear, I cannot pin point it but I feel so fearful. My

> meditations have been most pleasant the energies flow through me

> like a warm shower in a cold day.


> This morning I was awaken at about 3:15 AM and I decided to

> meditate. Do you think I should stop meditating laying down at such

> hours of the night?


> @@ Only if your feel guided not to. The fact that you ask at all

> should give you something to ponder on. @@



> I spent 4 hours meditating in and out of sleep/awake state.


> During all this time I was quite aware of my presentness yet

> sometimes not. At all times my body was vibrating and feeling an

> incredible tingling and roaring in my head. It didn't matter where

> in this Universe I was residing at the time the physical sensations

> followed me. It was past 8 when my husband woke me up and I didn't

> want to get up from bed. Me? who wakes up with no effort at 5 every

> morning! I had no desire to face the world.


> My fears are about who I am and what the hell I am doing here?


> @@ You are going through the process. This is natural and all who

> come here will at one time or another ask similar questions. This

> will pass. @@



> I feel like a person placed in an environment that is foreign to

> me. I am so confused. I see the familiarity of it all but as if I

> don't really belong as if I should be somewhere else but I don't

> know where. Where should I be?


> @@ Part of this process is the feeling of being alienated from this

> world. From the life you have been leading. There will come a point

> when this releasing of concern for the old way of being will be

> replaced with the new dynamic of joy with this process but first you

> may feel some dis-connect. No worries. @@


> where am I now?


> @@ You are approaching the magnificence of who you are in the truest

> relaity. This is the reality that decided to even " have " a body and

> a lifetime. You are at the beginning of the " Awakened Journey " the

> conscious path is opening to you now and it is different than the

> sleep walking path that most are on so it is scary at times. Be

> patient and go with this for as long as it lasts. Realize it is part

> of the releasing of the old ways and an embracing of the new. A new

> birth is far more fearful for the child than the parent.lol You are

> doing fine my friend. @@


> Chrism, I am scared because what I feel does not correlate with my

> family's views at this point. I feel in a daze.


> @@ Yes your views will be different. But not in a harmful or

> unfortunate ways, quite the contrary, you will be able to help them

> in new and special ways you may not have been aware of as you were

> sleep walking. You may even help to wake them up! But only if you

> are guided to. It is best to keep these things to yourself - at

> first - after you become a bit more mature into the awakening you

> can spread the news. @@


> I feel this incredible feeling in my stomach like something is

> going to happen, but I don't know what and at the end of the day

> nothing happens that I should feel worries for. I feel as if theres

> nothing wrong yet there is, as if all is well yet it isn't.


> I am in a state of confusion. Is this normal?.


> @@Yes it is part of the transistion. No worries. I know it feels

> alien and uncomfortable but it will pass, be patient and give your

> self the latitude to laugh or cry as the moods come.This is also

> normal. It is an adjusting of the emotional body. Allowing for more

> of an energetic response which at first may come out as over

> emotion. These are normal changes and normal symptoms of these

> changes - no worries my friend @@


> I am practicing the safeties as you recommended. I am committed to

> join you in the Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2007 if you would have

> me. I feel like a lost soul in need of guidance. Like a lost

> child in need of a hand to guide her home, but where's home?


> @@ Home is where you are. Behind your eyes and responding from your

> heart. Everything will fall into place, give it some time. @@


> I have this innate feeling in my being that I need to keep on to

> this path. No, not a path but the journey of my life. I laugh and

> cry for no reason.


> @@ Yes this path, this journey, is also your home. Your emotions

> will stabilize, you are not crazy but do not mention this or allow

> anyone close to you to mention this to any healthcare practitioner

> as this can have devastating consequences as they try to medicate

> you into " their idea " of what you're " supposed " to be. @@



> I have never ever had any psychological problems in this

> existence. I am one of those optimistic persons you will always

> meet, loving, hugging, and caring. This feeling I have been

> experiencing is not normal to my normality.


> @@ Your not having psychological issues now either. These are

> changes that are taking place and they are common to the Kundalini.

> They can feel strange but they will stabilize. Surrender to them and

> let them be for a time.@@


> I want to see and experience what the members of this group does

> experience but I know mine will be a different experience then them

> yet I don't want to feel that what I am going through is not what

> they are not because what I am going through might not be what

> Kundalini is. Though my body feels this incredible force that is

> imaginable and perhaps they don't have that feeling and maybe I am

> going crazy.....I don't know where to turn to, I am scare


> @@ Let me post, or you post, this answer and response session to the

> group and see what they say. With your permission only though.@@


> I feel like I should drift to sleep and wake up in.....I don't know

> where. I am indeed confused. Please, I am not a person who

> normally begs for anything, for one should never beg. But I will

> ask, lovingly, for your help.


> @@ You need not ask my friend I can come to you always. Blessings

> and smiles and surrender to the wondrous - chrism @@


> Love always to all, and I appreciate your blessings,


> Becky


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Dear Becky,

Sounds to me like you are coming a long just fine, congratulations for your

awakening.... You are a gift to us all , and we are all here for a reason.


Listen to the advice given by Chrism, he knows what he is talking about IMHO.


Definitely sounds like Shakti in all her glory is within you and very much


You are doing wonderfully, just keep breathing out the fear and it will soon

be released.

Follow the safeties and pray.


So glad you are here,

Love and hugs

Elektra x x x




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Welcome Becky! You certainly are in the right place - no


there. I really understand a lot of what you are feeling. It seems

like eons ago right now, but it was only a few short months ago that


was in a panic over what was happening to me. I thought I was


out and looked at it as more of a burden than a blessing. I was

ignorant about Kundalini and what it was, what it could mean. When I

realized that it was coming, like it or not (lol), I decided to get


board and absorb as much as I could. and this group has been


God send to me. The love, support and knowledge you have access to

here is simply amazing and humbling.


Due to some injuries and physical issues, I have needed a LOT of

special attention and modification of the Safeties. I have not been

disappointed and all the assistance I have received from Chrism, this

group and from Shakti has made my awakening a blessed experience so



One thing I have noticed is an amplification of whatever emotion I am

feeling - good or bad. Joy is more joyful, anger is more angry, fear

is more fearful. I try really hard to stay away from fear because I

feel as though it really feeds upon itself. I think what we really

have to fear is NOT awakening, not seeking out what we were meant to



You are in good hands Becky. Sorry this was so long!




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Dearest -


> You may post my questions to the forum, I am interested in knowing

> what their thoughts are.


> Much Love always,


> Becky

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Dear Becky, welcome! Silly me, I was so touched by your experience

that I forgot to welcome you, and I was on my way out and couldn't

resend. You've come to the right spot in the universe! There are many

butterflies here to show you what is awaiting you, and that you have

only adventure ahead. I mean, just look at Chrism...he's living proof

of the beauty and reality of the Butterfly! And he knows all the ins

and outs of it so we're in good hands. Ahhhh, take a deep breath and

surrender to the beauty that awaits you. This is the Shakti Express,

and we're all " movin on up " ! Hugs and a very warm welcome. Love, dhyana




, " novalees "

<Novalees wrote:



> O Becky, what you shared was so beautiful it made me cry. Thank you

> for allowing to share it with us. I clearly heard and saw the

> caterpillar/butterfly beginning the process of breaking out of the

> cocoon. The transition being scary because of what has changed and has

> not yet fully emerged. I saw it almost in a children's book format

> with the new butterfly still thinking of itself as the larva, and

> expressing its thoughts as the cocoon begins to split, not yet

> revealing the beautiful butterfly that has been waiting. Oh! I love

> it. Thank you. Keep expressing your experience. You may have a best

> seller coming your way!!! Warm and encouraging hugs. Love, dhyana




> , " chrism "

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > Dearest -

> >

> > You may post my questions to the forum, I am interested in knowing

> > what their thoughts are.

> >

> > Much Love always,

> >

> > Becky

> > ***************************************************************

> > chrism <@> wrote:

> >

> > Hello Becky, please see below bracketed by@@

> >

> > Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich@> wrote:

> >

> > Dearest -

> >

> > I feel this fear, I cannot pin point it but I feel so fearful. My

> > meditations have been most pleasant the energies flow through me

> > like a warm shower in a cold day.

> >

> > This morning I was awaken at about 3:15 AM and I decided to

> > meditate. Do you think I should stop meditating laying down at such

> > hours of the night?

> >

> > @@ Only if your feel guided not to. The fact that you ask at all

> > should give you something to ponder on. @@

> >

> >

> > I spent 4 hours meditating in and out of sleep/awake state.

> >

> > During all this time I was quite aware of my presentness yet

> > sometimes not. At all times my body was vibrating and feeling an

> > incredible tingling and roaring in my head. It didn't matter where

> > in this Universe I was residing at the time the physical sensations

> > followed me. It was past 8 when my husband woke me up and I didn't

> > want to get up from bed. Me? who wakes up with no effort at 5 every

> > morning! I had no desire to face the world.

> >

> > My fears are about who I am and what the hell I am doing here?

> >

> > @@ You are going through the process. This is natural and all who

> > come here will at one time or another ask similar questions. This

> > will pass. @@

> >

> >

> > I feel like a person placed in an environment that is foreign to

> > me. I am so confused. I see the familiarity of it all but as if I

> > don't really belong as if I should be somewhere else but I don't

> > know where. Where should I be?

> >

> > @@ Part of this process is the feeling of being alienated from this

> > world. From the life you have been leading. There will come a point

> > when this releasing of concern for the old way of being will be

> > replaced with the new dynamic of joy with this process but first you

> > may feel some dis-connect. No worries. @@

> >

> > where am I now?

> >

> > @@ You are approaching the magnificence of who you are in the truest

> > relaity. This is the reality that decided to even " have " a body and

> > a lifetime. You are at the beginning of the " Awakened Journey " the

> > conscious path is opening to you now and it is different than the

> > sleep walking path that most are on so it is scary at times. Be

> > patient and go with this for as long as it lasts. Realize it is part

> > of the releasing of the old ways and an embracing of the new. A new

> > birth is far more fearful for the child than the parent.lol You are

> > doing fine my friend. @@

> >

> > Chrism, I am scared because what I feel does not correlate with my

> > family's views at this point. I feel in a daze.

> >

> > @@ Yes your views will be different. But not in a harmful or

> > unfortunate ways, quite the contrary, you will be able to help them

> > in new and special ways you may not have been aware of as you were

> > sleep walking. You may even help to wake them up! But only if you

> > are guided to. It is best to keep these things to yourself - at

> > first - after you become a bit more mature into the awakening you

> > can spread the news. @@

> >

> > I feel this incredible feeling in my stomach like something is

> > going to happen, but I don't know what and at the end of the day

> > nothing happens that I should feel worries for. I feel as if theres

> > nothing wrong yet there is, as if all is well yet it isn't.

> >

> > I am in a state of confusion. Is this normal?.

> >

> > @@Yes it is part of the transistion. No worries. I know it feels

> > alien and uncomfortable but it will pass, be patient and give your

> > self the latitude to laugh or cry as the moods come.This is also

> > normal. It is an adjusting of the emotional body. Allowing for more

> > of an energetic response which at first may come out as over

> > emotion. These are normal changes and normal symptoms of these

> > changes - no worries my friend @@

> >

> > I am practicing the safeties as you recommended. I am committed to

> > join you in the Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2007 if you would have

> > me. I feel like a lost soul in need of guidance. Like a lost

> > child in need of a hand to guide her home, but where's home?

> >

> > @@ Home is where you are. Behind your eyes and responding from your

> > heart. Everything will fall into place, give it some time. @@

> >

> > I have this innate feeling in my being that I need to keep on to

> > this path. No, not a path but the journey of my life. I laugh and

> > cry for no reason.

> >

> > @@ Yes this path, this journey, is also your home. Your emotions

> > will stabilize, you are not crazy but do not mention this or allow

> > anyone close to you to mention this to any healthcare practitioner

> > as this can have devastating consequences as they try to medicate

> > you into " their idea " of what you're " supposed " to be. @@

> >

> >

> > I have never ever had any psychological problems in this

> > existence. I am one of those optimistic persons you will always

> > meet, loving, hugging, and caring. This feeling I have been

> > experiencing is not normal to my normality.

> >

> > @@ Your not having psychological issues now either. These are

> > changes that are taking place and they are common to the Kundalini.

> > They can feel strange but they will stabilize. Surrender to them and

> > let them be for a time.@@

> >

> > I want to see and experience what the members of this group does

> > experience but I know mine will be a different experience then them

> > yet I don't want to feel that what I am going through is not what

> > they are not because what I am going through might not be what

> > Kundalini is. Though my body feels this incredible force that is

> > imaginable and perhaps they don't have that feeling and maybe I am

> > going crazy.....I don't know where to turn to, I am scare

> >

> > @@ Let me post, or you post, this answer and response session to the

> > group and see what they say. With your permission only though.@@

> >

> > I feel like I should drift to sleep and wake up in.....I don't know

> > where. I am indeed confused. Please, I am not a person who

> > normally begs for anything, for one should never beg. But I will

> > ask, lovingly, for your help.

> >

> > @@ You need not ask my friend I can come to you always. Blessings

> > and smiles and surrender to the wondrous - chrism @@

> >

> > Love always to all, and I appreciate your blessings,

> >

> > Becky

> >


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Chrism and Becky, I want to thank you both for this post. I have experienced a

great deal of this matters and it is nice to hear that it is a natural part of

the process. Some of the things mentioned will come and then go, sometimes more

intense than others. Thanks again to the both of you because it is of great

comfort to know that this is only a part in the process of growth. Love and

blessings to you both.









Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:43:41 PM

From Becky


Dearest -


You may post my questions to the forum, I am interested in knowing

what their thoughts are.


Much Love always,



************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ******

chrism <@ > wrote:


Hello Becky, please see below bracketed by@@


Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich@ > wrote:


Dearest -


I feel this fear, I cannot pin point it but I feel so fearful. My

meditations have been most pleasant the energies flow through me

like a warm shower in a cold day.


This morning I was awaken at about 3:15 AM and I decided to

meditate. Do you think I should stop meditating laying down at such

hours of the night?


@@ Only if your feel guided not to. The fact that you ask at all

should give you something to ponder on. @@



I spent 4 hours meditating in and out of sleep/awake state.


During all this time I was quite aware of my presentness yet

sometimes not. At all times my body was vibrating and feeling an

incredible tingling and roaring in my head. It didn't matter where

in this Universe I was residing at the time the physical sensations

followed me. It was past 8 when my husband woke me up and I didn't

want to get up from bed. Me? who wakes up with no effort at 5 every

morning! I had no desire to face the world.


My fears are about who I am and what the hell I am doing here?


@@ You are going through the process. This is natural and all who

come here will at one time or another ask similar questions. This

will pass. @@



I feel like a person placed in an environment that is foreign to

me. I am so confused. I see the familiarity of it all but as if I

don't really belong as if I should be somewhere else but I don't

know where. Where should I be?


@@ Part of this process is the feeling of being alienated from this

world. From the life you have been leading. There will come a point

when this releasing of concern for the old way of being will be

replaced with the new dynamic of joy with this process but first you

may feel some dis-connect. No worries. @@


where am I now?


@@ You are approaching the magnificence of who you are in the truest

relaity. This is the reality that decided to even " have " a body and

a lifetime. You are at the beginning of the " Awakened Journey " the

conscious path is opening to you now and it is different than the

sleep walking path that most are on so it is scary at times. Be

patient and go with this for as long as it lasts. Realize it is part

of the releasing of the old ways and an embracing of the new. A new

birth is far more fearful for the child than the parent.lol You are

doing fine my friend. @@


Chrism, I am scared because what I feel does not correlate with my

family's views at this point. I feel in a daze.


@@ Yes your views will be different. But not in a harmful or

unfortunate ways, quite the contrary, you will be able to help them

in new and special ways you may not have been aware of as you were

sleep walking. You may even help to wake them up! But only if you

are guided to. It is best to keep these things to yourself - at

first - after you become a bit more mature into the awakening you

can spread the news. @@


I feel this incredible feeling in my stomach like something is

going to happen, but I don't know what and at the end of the day

nothing happens that I should feel worries for. I feel as if theres

nothing wrong yet there is, as if all is well yet it isn't.


I am in a state of confusion. Is this normal?.


@@Yes it is part of the transistion. No worries. I know it feels

alien and uncomfortable but it will pass, be patient and give your

self the latitude to laugh or cry as the moods come.This is also

normal. It is an adjusting of the emotional body. Allowing for more

of an energetic response which at first may come out as over

emotion. These are normal changes and normal symptoms of these

changes - no worries my friend @@


I am practicing the safeties as you recommended. I am committed to

join you in the Autumnal Equinox Shaktipat 2007 if you would have

me. I feel like a lost soul in need of guidance. Like a lost

child in need of a hand to guide her home, but where's home?


@@ Home is where you are. Behind your eyes and responding from your

heart. Everything will fall into place, give it some time. @@


I have this innate feeling in my being that I need to keep on to

this path. No, not a path but the journey of my life. I laugh and

cry for no reason.


@@ Yes this path, this journey, is also your home. Your emotions

will stabilize, you are not crazy but do not mention this or allow

anyone close to you to mention this to any healthcare practitioner

as this can have devastating consequences as they try to medicate

you into " their idea " of what you're " supposed " to be. @@



I have never ever had any psychological problems in this

existence. I am one of those optimistic persons you will always

meet, loving, hugging, and caring. This feeling I have been

experiencing is not normal to my normality.


@@ Your not having psychological issues now either. These are

changes that are taking place and they are common to the Kundalini.

They can feel strange but they will stabilize. Surrender to them and

let them be for a time.@@


I want to see and experience what the members of this group does

experience but I know mine will be a different experience then them

yet I don't want to feel that what I am going through is not what

they are not because what I am going through might not be what

Kundalini is. Though my body feels this incredible force that is

imaginable and perhaps they don't have that feeling and maybe I am

going crazy.....I don't know where to turn to, I am scare


@@ Let me post, or you post, this answer and response session to the

group and see what they say. With your permission only though.@@


I feel like I should drift to sleep and wake up in.....I don't know

where. I am indeed confused. Please, I am not a person who

normally begs for anything, for one should never beg. But I will

ask, lovingly, for your help.


@@ You need not ask my friend I can come to you always. Blessings

and smiles and surrender to the wondrous - chrism @@


Love always to all, and I appreciate your blessings,











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