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Dearest All -


My husband has decided that what I am experiencing (what we have

labeled the K-factor) is just a bad case of PMS! Wow! I have never

felt so Loving and blissful in the past during the PMS episodes, I

think I want to be PMSing all the time! I thought it was hysterical.


I also mentioned to him that must be PMSing too!


Love and Happy PMSings to all!



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Yeah! PMS = Providing More Shakti = guilty as charged.


Seriously though he is scared. He hopes it is as simple as PMS not

that that is simple but it is a " known " and he is frightend for you

because he loves you. He would like this Kundalini to just go away.


Reassure him Becky. It isnt PMS and it will not go away and perhaps he

would be better prepared if he learned a bit more about it. Perhaps if

you showed him these websites.





Just a thought -

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Thank you Chrism, for your wonderful wisdom. We had a good talk about

Kundalini. He does have a fair amount of fear about my awakening.


I know if I am relaxed about it, keep my never ending smile shining and just

flow with it, as you suggested, his fears are not as present. I can understand

the PMS label...he wants everything to be back the way it was before. I

explained to him that this is something that I was not consciously seeking. I

am going through this because I am supposed to. It is NOT a bad thing. He has

found a Kundalini Yoga Center here in Stuttgart. He wants me to check it out.

What do you suggest? and would that kind of yoga help my journey?


Do I explain to my two boys, 11 and 13, what mom is going through? They know,

of course, of my meditation.


Much Love,




chrism <> wrote: Yeah! PMS

= Providing More Shakti = guilty as charged.


Seriously though he is scared. He hopes it is as simple as PMS not

that that is simple but it is a " known " and he is frightend for you

because he loves you. He would like this Kundalini to just go away.


Reassure him Becky. It isnt PMS and it will not go away and perhaps he

would be better prepared if he learned a bit more about it. Perhaps if

you showed him these websites.





Just a thought -








oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.



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LOL! Well, when it goes on indefinately I think he will realize the

error. It is very hard to accept at the beginning that you are going

through this yourself, so imagine how someone outside of the experience

feels. This turns your world upside down and it sometimes takes a

while to realize that it is a blessing not a curse.




, " Rebecca Jean

Rich " <beckyjeanrich wrote:


> Dearest All -


> My husband has decided that what I am experiencing (what we have

> labeled the K-factor) is just a bad case of PMS! Wow! I have never

> felt so Loving and blissful in the past during the PMS episodes, I

> think I want to be PMSing all the time! I thought it was hysterical.


> I also mentioned to him that must be PMSing too!


> Love and Happy PMSings to all!


> Becky


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I know what you mean, Becky. Years ago, I had a massive hot flash due

to my pingala activation. Guess what--I was immediately diagnosed as

" early-menopausal " , even though I wasn't even near menopause.


Sometimes it really looks like whatever we chicks do or say or feel is

immediately attributed to our uterus. This is a nice and easy

explanation that has been going around for a couple of thousand years

and is very helpful in preempting lots of uncomfortable questions.


I'll leave it at that, LOL!





, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> LOL! Well, when it goes on indefinately I think he will realize the

> error. It is very hard to accept at the beginning that you are going

> through this yourself, so imagine how someone outside of the experience

> feels. This turns your world upside down and it sometimes takes a

> while to realize that it is a blessing not a curse.


> Sarita


> , " Rebecca Jean

> Rich " <beckyjeanrich@> wrote:

> >

> > Dearest All -

> >

> > My husband has decided that what I am experiencing (what we have

> > labeled the K-factor) is just a bad case of PMS! Wow! I have never

> > felt so Loving and blissful in the past during the PMS episodes, I

> > think I want to be PMSing all the time! I thought it was hysterical.

> >

> > I also mentioned to him that must be PMSing too!

> >

> > Love and Happy PMSings to all!

> >

> > Becky

> >


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Hello Becky,

I suggest Hatha Yoga if you feel pulled to do Yoga at

all. Kundalini may have other plans and Yoga at this time may cause

some painful manifestations. This is the difference between seeking

and having. As you continue to surrender to the flow you may go into

spontaneous yoga positions in bed. You may wake up in a position

that is clearly yoga. This is natural. No worries.


If this is the case then I would seek out a Yoga class but do not

tell them of your condition because, oddly enough, Yoga

practitioners are very unaware of the Kundalini and practice Yoga

for the same reason you practiced meditation - general health and



So they are typically at as much of a loss as your husband.

Kundalini Yoga will often have a very cultish attitude towards Yogi

Bhajan their founder. To a degree of worshipping him so even though

this Yoga is very insightful regarding the Kundalini,and it is as it

mimics some of the kriyas caused by it I cannot recommend it due to

this factor. Not saying all of the Kundalini Yoga is this way just

the ones I have come across.


You may or may not experience the Kriya phenomena. This is when the

Kundalini will force you to assume certain positions to aid in the

infusion and subsequent development of the Kundalini. Talk to your

family as this will be obvious. Sometimes shaking (like a palsy)

will occur. Often just very strange - to your family - jerking and

difficult positions will be given. They will feel blissful to you.

It can be very frightening to those who are watching in ignorance.


So talk to your boys about this. Explain that Mom has been given a

great gift but for her to accept this gift her body must go through

some different and sometimes strange exercises. Take them to

the " How it works " page on the seminar site and let them click the

cursor over the chakras and explain to them that when they click it

over the top of the head is where Mom is at.


They may develop an interest and this can be fostered as Kundalini

is in them as well. - blessings Becky - chrism

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PMS = Providing More Shakti


I LOVE it!! Bless you, Chrism!




--- chrism <> wrote:


> Yeah! PMS = Providing More Shakti = guilty as

> charged.


> Seriously though he is scared. He hopes it is as

> simple as PMS not

> that that is simple but it is a " known " and he is

> frightend for you

> because he loves you. He would like this Kundalini

> to just go away.


> Reassure him Becky. It isnt PMS and it will not go

> away and perhaps he

> would be better prepared if he learned a bit more

> about it. Perhaps if

> you showed him these websites.


> http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com

> http://www.kundaliniawakeningseminars.com


> Just a thought -












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