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The Souls Journey

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Here is an interesting writing. -




The Souls perspective






Economics, which is a way we share goods and services to fulfill

need, is increasingly becoming a major focus for our soul-based

spirituality. Without having basic needs taken care of people do not

have the means to express fully who they are. Their focus is on

survival rather than on creativity and serving others. Poverty

diminishes one's humanity.


Traditionally economics has been a way of fulfilling the needs of the

community. The word `economics' means `taking care of the household

of the world'. The idea of using economics as a means to fulfill

individual desires at the expense of the community is a relatively

new and distorted idea of economics. It is based on the notion that

economics is for pleasure, rather than for fulfilling need. Personal

pleasure puts an emphasis on the individual and creates separative

thinking and action. It also supports the idea of controlling,

dominating, manipulating, using and abusing, which is clearly evident

in modern economic systems.


Robert Sardello shows great concern about the distortion of economics

and its link with psychology in his book, Facing The World With Soul.

He says that economics has replaced soul as the governing force of

the world. He says that there is a direct link between capitalism and

modern psychology, both beginning at the same time.


Since traditional psychology is limited to the ego and the

individual, with its selfish exclusiveness, so too economics has

become a selfish pursuit causing suffering for many through



The principle of sharing, which is the foundation for the new

economics emerging with the development of soul consciousness, will

arise along with the realization that we have a responsibility to

care for one another through the way we conduct our business, our

economics and all aspects of our social relationships.


Addressing this responsibility, Sardello writes: " The psychic

starvation brought about by removing soul from the world produces

insatiable greed, for when the world is no longer surrounded with

soul a vast emptiness intervenes that must be filled… The reduction

of soul to economic psychology has made the world sick… We are

provided with an opportunity to enter into a new age of the soul, a

new care of the world soul. "


The creating of a soul-based economy will fulfill needs and empower

people, enabling them to fulfill their purpose in life, making a

contribution to society and the world. This is our responsibility.




1. In what ways do you think we can introduce soul in our economic



2. How can you contribute to re-introducing soul into your personal

economy and relationships?



The Soul Journey Program -

Education for Higher Consciousness .

Resist the movement of soul within and you can become ill, have

accidents, experience emotional pain and struggle with money, work

and relationships. Explore how to respond to the basic impulse that

draws us to becoming conscious, compassionate, inclusive beings.See

how you can access the Soul Journey Library. Take The Soul Journey



© Reproductions Permitted: http://www.thesouljourney.com

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Thank you Chrism, I did find this very interesting and inspiring.


I've been receiving many insights regarding humanity and the nature of

the mind. When living without Spirit, or a spiritual dimension in our

lives, it looks like we go into a downward spiral very easily.


Most every one knows " The Golden Rule " : " Do unto others and you would

have them do to unto you, " as Jesus stated it.


This rule existed early on in Judaism and other religions in its

negative form: " Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to

you. " In this form its pretty easy to keep, if one chooses to keep it.

It simply means there are certain things we will keep from doing; but

in its positive form it means that we go out of our way to be as kind

and helpful to others as we would have them be to us.


Even something that simple can change everything. It goes hand in hand

with " love your neighbor as yourself. " Which we've talked about before

in the Group.


Reminds me again of the Parable of the Long Spoons. Don't remember if

I shared it before. In a nut shell:


A man wanted to know the difference between heaven and hell. An angel

brought him to a place where there was a great Banquet. The people

were seated at an abundant Feast, yet everyone was starving. They were

given long spoons to eat with, and couldn't get the food into their

mouths with them...so they starved. The angel said, " This is hell. "


Then he took him to another place where there was also a great Feast.

Everyone was happy and celebrating. They too had the long spoons yet

they were full and joyful. The man noticed that they were feeding each

other, and that the spoons easily reached the person across from them

or beside them, and they were happily sharing everything. " This, " the

angel said, " is heaven. "


Moment to moment we change things. One opportunity at a time the

stream changes direction.



Love, dhyana




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Here is an interesting writing. -




> The Souls perspective


> On...


> Economics


> Economics, which is a way we share goods and services to fulfill

> need, is increasingly becoming a major focus for our soul-based

> spirituality. Without having basic needs taken care of people do not

> have the means to express fully who they are. Their focus is on

> survival rather than on creativity and serving others. Poverty

> diminishes one's humanity.


> Traditionally economics has been a way of fulfilling the needs of the

> community. The word `economics' means `taking care of the household

> of the world'. The idea of using economics as a means to fulfill

> individual desires at the expense of the community is a relatively

> new and distorted idea of economics. It is based on the notion that

> economics is for pleasure, rather than for fulfilling need. Personal

> pleasure puts an emphasis on the individual and creates separative

> thinking and action. It also supports the idea of controlling,

> dominating, manipulating, using and abusing, which is clearly evident

> in modern economic systems.


> Robert Sardello shows great concern about the distortion of economics

> and its link with psychology in his book, Facing The World With Soul.

> He says that economics has replaced soul as the governing force of

> the world. He says that there is a direct link between capitalism and

> modern psychology, both beginning at the same time.


> Since traditional psychology is limited to the ego and the

> individual, with its selfish exclusiveness, so too economics has

> become a selfish pursuit causing suffering for many through

> deprivation.


> The principle of sharing, which is the foundation for the new

> economics emerging with the development of soul consciousness, will

> arise along with the realization that we have a responsibility to

> care for one another through the way we conduct our business, our

> economics and all aspects of our social relationships.


> Addressing this responsibility, Sardello writes: " The psychic

> starvation brought about by removing soul from the world produces

> insatiable greed, for when the world is no longer surrounded with

> soul a vast emptiness intervenes that must be filled… The reduction

> of soul to economic psychology has made the world sick… We are

> provided with an opportunity to enter into a new age of the soul, a

> new care of the world soul. "


> The creating of a soul-based economy will fulfill needs and empower

> people, enabling them to fulfill their purpose in life, making a

> contribution to society and the world. This is our responsibility.


> Exercises:


> 1. In what ways do you think we can introduce soul in our economic

> world?


> 2. How can you contribute to re-introducing soul into your personal

> economy and relationships?



> The Soul Journey Program -

> Education for Higher Consciousness .

> Resist the movement of soul within and you can become ill, have

> accidents, experience emotional pain and struggle with money, work

> and relationships. Explore how to respond to the basic impulse that

> draws us to becoming conscious, compassionate, inclusive beings.See

> how you can access the Soul Journey Library. Take The Soul Journey



> © Reproductions Permitted: http://www.thesouljourney.com


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" Moment to moment we change things. One opportunity at

a time the stream changes direction. "


This is going on my bulletin board so I can see it

every day....and into my heart so I can implement it

every day...thank you so much for sharing that,







--- novalees <Novalees wrote:



> Thank you Chrism, I did find this very interesting

> and inspiring.


> I've been receiving many insights regarding humanity

> and the nature of

> the mind. When living without Spirit, or a spiritual

> dimension in our

> lives, it looks like we go into a downward spiral

> very easily.


> Most every one knows " The Golden Rule " : " Do unto

> others and you would

> have them do to unto you, " as Jesus stated it.


> This rule existed early on in Judaism and other

> religions in its

> negative form: " Don't do to others what you don't

> want them to do to

> you. " In this form its pretty easy to keep, if one

> chooses to keep it.

> It simply means there are certain things we will

> keep from doing; but

> in its positive form it means that we go out of our

> way to be as kind

> and helpful to others as we would have them be to

> us.


> Even something that simple can change everything. It

> goes hand in hand

> with " love your neighbor as yourself. " Which we've

> talked about before

> in the Group.


> Reminds me again of the Parable of the Long Spoons.

> Don't remember if

> I shared it before. In a nut shell:


> A man wanted to know the difference between heaven

> and hell. An angel

> brought him to a place where there was a great

> Banquet. The people

> were seated at an abundant Feast, yet everyone was

> starving. They were

> given long spoons to eat with, and couldn't get the

> food into their

> mouths with them...so they starved. The angel said,

> " This is hell. "


> Then he took him to another place where there was

> also a great Feast.

> Everyone was happy and celebrating. They too had

> the long spoons yet

> they were full and joyful. The man noticed that they

> were feeding each

> other, and that the spoons easily reached the person

> across from them

> or beside them, and they were happily sharing

> everything. " This, " the

> angel said, " is heaven. "


> Moment to moment we change things. One opportunity

> at a time the

> stream changes direction.



> Love, dhyana




> --- In

> ,

> " chrism "

> <> wrote:

> >

> > Here is an interesting writing. - blessings -

> chrism

> >

> >

> >

> > The Souls perspective

> >

> > On...

> >

> > Economics

> >

> > Economics, which is a way we share goods and

> services to fulfill

> > need, is increasingly becoming a major focus for

> our soul-based

> > spirituality. Without having basic needs taken

> care of people do not

> > have the means to express fully who they are.

> Their focus is on

> > survival rather than on creativity and serving

> others. Poverty

> > diminishes one's humanity.

> >

> > Traditionally economics has been a way of

> fulfilling the needs of the

> > community. The word `economics' means `taking care

> of the household

> > of the world'. The idea of using economics as a

> means to fulfill

> > individual desires at the expense of the community

> is a relatively

> > new and distorted idea of economics. It is based

> on the notion that

> > economics is for pleasure, rather than for

> fulfilling need. Personal

> > pleasure puts an emphasis on the individual and

> creates separative

> > thinking and action. It also supports the idea of

> controlling,

> > dominating, manipulating, using and abusing, which

> is clearly evident

> > in modern economic systems.

> >

> > Robert Sardello shows great concern about the

> distortion of economics

> > and its link with psychology in his book, Facing

> The World With Soul.

> > He says that economics has replaced soul as the

> governing force of

> > the world. He says that there is a direct link

> between capitalism and

> > modern psychology, both beginning at the same

> time.

> >

> > Since traditional psychology is limited to the ego

> and the

> > individual, with its selfish exclusiveness, so too

> economics has

> > become a selfish pursuit causing suffering for

> many through

> > deprivation.

> >

> > The principle of sharing, which is the foundation

> for the new

> > economics emerging with the development of soul

> consciousness, will

> > arise along with the realization that we have a

> responsibility to

> > care for one another through the way we conduct

> our business, our

> > economics and all aspects of our social

> relationships.

> >

> > Addressing this responsibility, Sardello writes:

> " The psychic

> > starvation brought about by removing soul from the

> world produces

> > insatiable greed, for when the world is no longer

> surrounded with

> > soul a vast emptiness intervenes that must be

> filled… The reduction

> > of soul to economic psychology has made the world

> sick… We are

> > provided with an opportunity to enter into a new

> age of the soul, a

> > new care of the world soul. "

> >

> > The creating of a soul-based economy will fulfill

> needs and empower

> > people, enabling them to fulfill their purpose in

> life, making a

> > contribution to society and the world. This is our

> responsibility.

> >

> > Exercises:

> >

> > 1. In what ways do you think we can introduce soul

> in our economic

> > world?

> >

> > 2. How can you contribute to re-introducing soul

> into your personal

> > economy and relationships?

> >

> >

> > The Soul Journey Program -

> > Education for Higher Consciousness .

> > Resist the movement of soul within and you can

> become ill, have

> > accidents, experience emotional pain and struggle

> with money, work

> > and relationships. Explore how to respond to the

> basic impulse that

> > draws us to becoming conscious, compassionate,

> inclusive beings.See

> > how you can access the Soul Journey Library. Take

> The Soul Journey

> >

> >

> > © Reproductions Permitted:

> http://www.thesouljourney.com

> >










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