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I Think My Solar Plexus is Blocked......

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I was sitting last night, just thinking about how I'd heard people

saying that the reason people have problems as kundalini rises, is

because either they are not ready or- as an alternative answer-

because they have blocks in a chakra and the pain is just the

kundalini getting rid of the blockages. I was wondering where my

kundalini might have problems. Honestly, I'm going to guess that

everyone has some blockage in all the chakras, since none of us are

perfect in any area, and we all have some issues or scars in all

areas, I believe. Yet, as I imagined having rising kundalini and

tried to imagine what it might be like, day dreaming in my mind, I

did not seriously try to guess where the block would be, but just

seemingly picked a random place, as I imagined I said the first block

it hit. It was not in my lowest chakra.....although it was fairly low

down. Strangely, I imaged the block was not in the exact center of

the chosen chakra, either. I imagined it was right above my navel. I

am used to people saying the solar plexus is at the navel, but I saw

it just a little bit above my bellybutton.


I spoke to my friend tonight, about my desire to have my kundalini

activated. I told her that I knew of the problems that could arise,

and I had read that some people believed these to be a product of the

kundalini breaking through blockages. I joked- although it wasn't

really funny- about how " she " (personifying the kundalini as a female

snake inside of me) would probably die when she got to my heart- or

else my heart would explode and kill me. I said this because I think

I have problems with emotion, and as you know, sometimes people joke

about things that they find the very opposite of funny. It has been

awhile since I read about the chakras and I did not recall that the

solar plexus had connections to many emotions, as well. So,

logically, I consciously thought of my heart chakra (which of course

has some connection to emotions- such as love, compassion, etc.).

That is when my friend said something that I found a tad odd. To

parahphrase (not an exact quote) what she said, it was something

like, " Mine would stop in about the middle of my back. " By this she

meant it would hit a block there that it would have to deal with

before going on. I found this odd, because the night before (this

morning really, but before I went to bed), I had thought of my

blockage as being right above my bellybutton. Since the chakra is

inside of me, I knew I could just have easily said the same spot on

my back. I told her of this, and how that would have our blocks in

about the same place. She said hers was actually slightly more

towards her upper back, as well, actually, just as mine was slightly

above my navel. I found that interesting and started to wonder if my

earlier day dream had been more tha pure fantasy, and had picked out

an actual blockage.


I was thinking I needed to refresh myself on chakras, anyway, since I

want my kundalini to rise. As I got to looking at information once

again, I especially paid attention to the solar plexus and have re-

discovered that it concerns emotions, as well, and when it is

blocked, it can mean supressing our emotions, having superficial

emotions, only negative emotions, etc. and can also be a problem with

anger or feeling victimized. Perhaps, somewhere in my subconscious I

had remembered this.....and just as logic and my conscious opinions

of my problems, led me to pick my heart, my subconsciously remembered

info. about the solar plexus charkra, combined to my conscious

assesment of my own issues, caused me to imagine a block there. Or,

then again, maybe I actually intuited that I have a block there. I do

not know. I don't know if my friend ever knew what that chakra was

connected to, either, though, and she picked it, as well. Actually,

she has similar problems to myself in this area. We both have issues

with emotions- including anger issues, and I think we both have

problems with feeling mainly negative emotions (feeling them more

easily than positive ones, etc.) and block emotions sometimes, etc.

There are also other issues that I feel we have that might be related

to blocks in this area. I found it interesting, at least.


Regardless of why I imagined the block there, after reviewing things

that the chakras are related to, I do suspect that when my kundalini

rises, I might experience issues when it reaches this chakra. Are

there ways I can clear this block somewhat, before trying to

activiate my K? I would like to minimize the block, so that, if my K

is activated, it might get through this block more easily and the

negative side effects might be minimized. Also, I would like to know

if anyone has any idea why we'd imagine it slightly above our navels

or, slightly above the middle of our backs, instead of right in the

middle of the back or right over the navel. That is also part of the

reason why I think maybe it was not just my previous knowledge of

chakras (in the back of my head somewhere) causing me to have this

thought of a block there. That could have very likely facrored in,

but if that was all there was to it, then why wouldn't I have

imagiend it directly over the bellybutton? That combined with the

fact that I really do have problems associated with a block in this

area, I do believe I have an actual block here. However, is it

significant that it is a little higher up than the navel or not? Does

this mean the kundalini will not hit the block till it is nearly

through it? Or?


Thanks for any advice.


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Hello Phantom,


Have you had a chance to look at the Safeties? They

are a remarkable tool in balancing and preparing for

an activation. I'm sure they even help with blockages.

So don't let your mind drive you crazy in trying to

imagine what may be blocked. You can take things in

hand and prepare for a wonderful activation and

infusion. And if blocks do appear, the key word is

surrender and let Shakti have her way in dissolving



Hope that helps. Love, dhyana



--- phantom_mermaid_82 <phantom_mermaid_82



> I was sitting last night, just thinking about how

> I'd heard people

> saying that the reason people have problems as

> kundalini rises, is

> because either they are not ready or- as an

> alternative answer-

> because they have blocks in a chakra and the pain is

> just the

> kundalini getting rid of the blockages. I was

> wondering where my

> kundalini might have problems. Honestly, I'm going

> to guess that

> everyone has some blockage in all the chakras, since

> none of us are

> perfect in any area, and we all have some issues or

> scars in all

> areas, I believe. Yet, as I imagined having rising

> kundalini and

> tried to imagine what it might be like, day dreaming

> in my mind, I

> did not seriously try to guess where the block would

> be, but just

> seemingly picked a random place, as I imagined I

> said the first block

> it hit. It was not in my lowest chakra.....although

> it was fairly low

> down. Strangely, I imaged the block was not in the

> exact center of

> the chosen chakra, either. I imagined it was right

> above my navel. I

> am used to people saying the solar plexus is at the

> navel, but I saw

> it just a little bit above my bellybutton.


> I spoke to my friend tonight, about my desire to

> have my kundalini

> activated. I told her that I knew of the problems

> that could arise,

> and I had read that some people believed these to be

> a product of the

> kundalini breaking through blockages. I joked-

> although it wasn't

> really funny- about how " she " (personifying the

> kundalini as a female

> snake inside of me) would probably die when she got

> to my heart- or

> else my heart would explode and kill me. I said this

> because I think

> I have problems with emotion, and as you know,

> sometimes people joke

> about things that they find the very opposite of

> funny. It has been

> awhile since I read about the chakras and I did not

> recall that the

> solar plexus had connections to many emotions, as

> well. So,

> logically, I consciously thought of my heart chakra

> (which of course

> has some connection to emotions- such as love,

> compassion, etc.).

> That is when my friend said something that I found a

> tad odd. To

> parahphrase (not an exact quote) what she said, it

> was something

> like, " Mine would stop in about the middle of my

> back. " By this she

> meant it would hit a block there that it would have

> to deal with

> before going on. I found this odd, because the night

> before (this

> morning really, but before I went to bed), I had

> thought of my

> blockage as being right above my bellybutton. Since

> the chakra is

> inside of me, I knew I could just have easily said

> the same spot on

> my back. I told her of this, and how that would have

> our blocks in

> about the same place. She said hers was actually

> slightly more

> towards her upper back, as well, actually, just as

> mine was slightly

> above my navel. I found that interesting and started

> to wonder if my

> earlier day dream had been more tha pure fantasy,

> and had picked out

> an actual blockage.


> I was thinking I needed to refresh myself on

> chakras, anyway, since I

> want my kundalini to rise. As I got to looking at

> information once

> again, I especially paid attention to the solar

> plexus and have re-

> discovered that it concerns emotions, as well, and

> when it is

> blocked, it can mean supressing our emotions, having

> superficial

> emotions, only negative emotions, etc. and can also

> be a problem with

> anger or feeling victimized. Perhaps, somewhere in

> my subconscious I

> had remembered this.....and just as logic and my

> conscious opinions

> of my problems, led me to pick my heart, my

> subconsciously remembered

> info. about the solar plexus charkra, combined to my

> conscious

> assesment of my own issues, caused me to imagine a

> block there. Or,

> then again, maybe I actually intuited that I have a

> block there. I do

> not know. I don't know if my friend ever knew what

> that chakra was

> connected to, either, though, and she picked it, as

> well. Actually,

> she has similar problems to myself in this area. We

> both have issues

> with emotions- including anger issues, and I think

> we both have

> problems with feeling mainly negative emotions

> (feeling them more

> easily than positive ones, etc.) and block emotions

> sometimes, etc.

> There are also other issues that I feel we have that

> might be related

> to blocks in this area. I found it interesting, at

> least.


> Regardless of why I imagined the block there, after

> reviewing things

> that the chakras are related to, I do suspect that

> when my kundalini

> rises, I might experience issues when it reaches

> this chakra. Are

> there ways I can clear this block somewhat, before

> trying to

> activiate my K? I would like to minimize the block,

> so that, if my K

> is activated, it might get through this block more

> easily and the

> negative side effects might be minimized. Also, I

> would like to know

> if anyone has any idea why we'd imagine it slightly

> above our navels

> or, slightly above the middle of our backs, instead

> of right in the

> middle of the back or right over the navel. That is

> also part of the

> reason why I think maybe it was not just my previous

> knowledge of

> chakras (in the back of my head somewhere) causing

> me to have this

> thought of a block there. That could have very

> likely facrored in,

> but if that was all there was to it, then why

> wouldn't I have

> imagiend it directly over the bellybutton? That

> combined with the

> fact that I really do have problems associated with

> a block in this

> area, I do believe I have an actual block here.

> However, is it

> significant that it is a little higher up than the

> navel or not? Does

> this mean the kundalini will not hit the block till

> it is nearly

> through it? Or?


> Thanks for any advice.

> ~Phantom~








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A daily practice of the safeties will begin to loosen and eventually

clear many of the blockages that would otherwise present themselves to

the rising Kundalini. This is why we use them as a form of balancing

and conditioning of the body before we begin the raising. The Tibetans

will release just enough Kundalini for a person to see/feel where

there is more work to be done. -

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Hi again, dhyana! That was helpful! I hadn't looked at the safeties

when I posted the original post in this thread, but after recieving

your response and the one from chrism, I have read them and the

Tibetans. I went ahead and tried the compression prayer/alternate

breathing using my own mantra. I believe it is a quote from the

Bible. I'm eclectic in spirituality, and I like this quote. It

is, " God is love. " I was saying in another response, that I have

heard someone say before, " You have to feel it, to heal it, " and I

think that is true of a lot of things, and happens to be the case

with these blocks we have. We have to feel them, as kundalini

unblocks them, in order to heal them. While I am not looking forward

to negative side effects, I AM loooking forward to hopefully having

them healed and moving past them. Thanks for your support and advice.


Love, Light, Healing, and Blessed Be,



, novalees

<Novalees wrote:


> Hello Phantom,


> Have you had a chance to look at the Safeties? They

> are a remarkable tool in balancing and preparing for

> an activation. I'm sure they even help with blockages.

> So don't let your mind drive you crazy in trying to

> imagine what may be blocked. You can take things in

> hand and prepare for a wonderful activation and

> infusion. And if blocks do appear, the key word is

> surrender and let Shakti have her way in dissolving

> them.


> Hope that helps. Love, dhyana

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Hello again, chrism. I was just replying to dhyana to say that I had

not read the safeties when I posted the beginning post in this thread,

but have now done so. I have tried the compression prayer/alternate

breathing now. How long should I practice the finger locks and eyes up,

each day? Do I need to keep the tongue up all the time? I am trying. It

feels odd because I am not used to it. I will try the Tibetans. I am

pretty out of shape, but think I can do them for the most part. I might

get dizzy with the spinning, but I'll attempt it and see what happens.

I am going to have some trouble cleansing my body. I haven't eaten meat

in years, which I think is good, but the are other parts of my diet

that are not so good. For example, I drink a lot of pop and have a fair

amount of junk food and sugar intake. I need to stop relying on so much

on junk, sugar (except in sources such as fruit), and pop. You say the

Tibetans will release just enough energy for a person to feel where the

block is. How might this manifest? As energy bundled there? Thanks.


Love, Light, Healing, and Blessed Be,



, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> A daily practice of the safeties will begin to loosen and eventually

> clear many of the blockages that would otherwise present themselves


> the rising Kundalini. This is why we use them as a form of balancing

> and conditioning of the body before we begin the raising. The


> will release just enough Kundalini for a person to see/feel where

> there is more work to be done. -


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I'm sure our dear will offer some of his

thoughts about your possible chakra blockages...I

would like to recommend an excellent book on the

chakras...it is the most exhausting treatise on every

aspect of the chakras that I have seen:


Eastern Body, Western Mind

by Anodea Judith


Soon there will be a Link available here to a document

snynopsized from that book...a sampling of what she

has written about each of the chakras. I will be sure

to call your attention to that when it is posted,

which should be sometime in the upcoming week!


Peace & love to you,



--- phantom_mermaid_82 <phantom_mermaid_82



> I was sitting last night, just thinking about how

> I'd heard people

> saying that the reason people have problems as

> kundalini rises, is

> because either they are not ready or- as an

> alternative answer-

> because they have blocks in a chakra and the pain is

> just the

> kundalini getting rid of the blockages. I was

> wondering where my

> kundalini might have problems. Honestly, I'm going

> to guess that

> everyone has some blockage in all the chakras, since

> none of us are

> perfect in any area, and we all have some issues or

> scars in all

> areas, I believe. Yet, as I imagined having rising

> kundalini and

> tried to imagine what it might be like, day dreaming

> in my mind, I

> did not seriously try to guess where the block would

> be, but just

> seemingly picked a random place, as I imagined I

> said the first block

> it hit. It was not in my lowest chakra.....although

> it was fairly low

> down. Strangely, I imaged the block was not in the

> exact center of

> the chosen chakra, either. I imagined it was right

> above my navel. I

> am used to people saying the solar plexus is at the

> navel, but I saw

> it just a little bit above my bellybutton.


> I spoke to my friend tonight, about my desire to

> have my kundalini

> activated. I told her that I knew of the problems

> that could arise,

> and I had read that some people believed these to be

> a product of the

> kundalini breaking through blockages. I joked-

> although it wasn't

> really funny- about how " she " (personifying the

> kundalini as a female

> snake inside of me) would probably die when she got

> to my heart- or

> else my heart would explode and kill me. I said this

> because I think

> I have problems with emotion, and as you know,

> sometimes people joke

> about things that they find the very opposite of

> funny. It has been

> awhile since I read about the chakras and I did not

> recall that the

> solar plexus had connections to many emotions, as

> well. So,

> logically, I consciously thought of my heart chakra

> (which of course

> has some connection to emotions- such as love,

> compassion, etc.).

> That is when my friend said something that I found a

> tad odd. To

> parahphrase (not an exact quote) what she said, it

> was something

> like, " Mine would stop in about the middle of my

> back. " By this she

> meant it would hit a block there that it would have

> to deal with

> before going on. I found this odd, because the night

> before (this

> morning really, but before I went to bed), I had

> thought of my

> blockage as being right above my bellybutton. Since

> the chakra is

> inside of me, I knew I could just have easily said

> the same spot on

> my back. I told her of this, and how that would have

> our blocks in

> about the same place. She said hers was actually

> slightly more

> towards her upper back, as well, actually, just as

> mine was slightly

> above my navel. I found that interesting and started

> to wonder if my

> earlier day dream had been more tha pure fantasy,

> and had picked out

> an actual blockage.


> I was thinking I needed to refresh myself on

> chakras, anyway, since I

> want my kundalini to rise. As I got to looking at

> information once

> again, I especially paid attention to the solar

> plexus and have re-

> discovered that it concerns emotions, as well, and

> when it is

> blocked, it can mean supressing our emotions, having

> superficial

> emotions, only negative emotions, etc. and can also

> be a problem with

> anger or feeling victimized. Perhaps, somewhere in

> my subconscious I

> had remembered this.....and just as logic and my

> conscious opinions

> of my problems, led me to pick my heart, my

> subconsciously remembered

> info. about the solar plexus charkra, combined to my

> conscious

> assesment of my own issues, caused me to imagine a

> block there. Or,

> then again, maybe I actually intuited that I have a

> block there. I do

> not know. I don't know if my friend ever knew what

> that chakra was

> connected to, either, though, and she picked it, as

> well. Actually,

> she has similar problems to myself in this area. We

> both have issues

> with emotions- including anger issues, and I think

> we both have

> problems with feeling mainly negative emotions

> (feeling them more

> easily than positive ones, etc.) and block emotions

> sometimes, etc.

> There are also other issues that I feel we have that

> might be related

> to blocks in this area. I found it interesting, at

> least.


> Regardless of why I imagined the block there, after

> reviewing things

> that the chakras are related to, I do suspect that

> when my kundalini

> rises, I might experience issues when it reaches

> this chakra. Are

> there ways I can clear this block somewhat, before

> trying to

> activiate my K? I would like to minimize the block,

> so that, if my K

> is activated, it might get through this block more

> easily and the

> negative side effects might be minimized. Also, I

> would like to know

> if anyone has any idea why we'd imagine it slightly

> above our navels

> or, slightly above the middle of our backs, instead

> of right in the

> middle of the back or right over the navel. That is

> also part of the

> reason why I think maybe it was not just my previous

> knowledge of

> chakras (in the back of my head somewhere) causing

> me to have this

> thought of a block there. That could have very

> likely facrored in,

> but if that was all there was to it, then why

> wouldn't I have

> imagiend it directly over the bellybutton? That

> combined with the

> fact that I really do have problems associated with

> a block in this

> area, I do believe I have an actual block here.

> However, is it

> significant that it is a little higher up than the

> navel or not? Does

> this mean the kundalini will not hit the block till

> it is nearly

> through it? Or?


> Thanks for any advice.

> ~Phantom~









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Hi Claudia. Thanks for the reply and thank you for the book

recommendation. When I get the chance, I'd like to check it out. It

sounds like it could be really helpful and informative. And thank you

for saying you will tell me when the link you mentioned, is posted. I

would be interested in checking it out.


Love and Light (and Peace, as you mentioned),



, Claudia

Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:


> Hello,


> I'm sure our dear will offer some of his

> thoughts about your possible chakra blockages...I

> would like to recommend an excellent book on the

> chakras...it is the most exhausting treatise on every

> aspect of the chakras that I have seen:


> Eastern Body, Western Mind

> by Anodea Judith


> Soon there will be a Link available here to a document

> snynopsized from that book...a sampling of what she

> has written about each of the chakras. I will be sure

> to call your attention to that when it is posted,

> which should be sometime in the upcoming week!


> Peace & love to you,

> Claudia

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You're welcome. The file has been uploaded...there

will be an announcement soon, but you'll need to go to

the group homepage and click on 'Files' and look for

'Chakra File for KAS1.' It's near the top...the files

are in alpha order. It is just a tiny part of the

book but it illustrates how much information is in

that fabulous book!




--- phantom_mermaid_82 <phantom_mermaid_82



> Hi Claudia. Thanks for the reply and thank you for

> the book

> recommendation. When I get the chance, I'd like to

> check it out. It

> sounds like it could be really helpful and

> informative. And thank you

> for saying you will tell me when the link you

> mentioned, is posted. I

> would be interested in checking it out.


> Love and Light (and Peace, as you mentioned),

> Phantom


> --- In

> ,

> Claudia

> Lambright <newtfoodbowl wrote:

> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > I'm sure our dear will offer some of his

> > thoughts about your possible chakra blockages...I

> > would like to recommend an excellent book on the

> > chakras...it is the most exhausting treatise on

> every

> > aspect of the chakras that I have seen:

> >

> > Eastern Body, Western Mind

> > by Anodea Judith

> >

> > Soon there will be a Link available here to a

> document

> > snynopsized from that book...a sampling of what

> she

> > has written about each of the chakras. I will be

> sure

> > to call your attention to that when it is posted,

> > which should be sometime in the upcoming week!

> >

> > Peace & love to you,

> > Claudia








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