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The Practice- Golden Dragon

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Hi Golden Dragon,


Welcome to the group! To answer your question: energy healing doesn't

have to make you feel depleted. The trick is: don't use your own

energy, get it from the Universe instead (through your crown and/or

feet chakras, of course)! That way, your patient gets a good healing,

and you get a nice energy high!







" golden_dragon_81 " <golden_dragon_81 wrote:


> , " chrism "

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > Please begin your activation sequence by starting your daily

> > practice of the protocols called " the safeties " and the 5 Tibetan

> > rites as described in these two url's.

> >

> > http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-practise.html

> >

> > http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-safeties.html

> >

> > This isn't a process, as given here, that is handed to you. One must

> > do some work in the conditioning of the body and mind and emotions

> > for this to occur safely. Failure to follow these guidelines can

> > result in some problems that can be difficult to resolve. So it is

> > in your best interest to follow them. Many may seem to be an

> > activity you are already doing. This is good! Continue doing them

> > with an attention upon the Kundalini.

> >

> > If you are involved in some activities that are harmful to your self

> > or to others you will need to stop these practices immediately.

> > Kundalini can provide an accurate and amplified reflection back upon

> > us in the form of actions that reflect what has been taken against

> > others or self for the purpose of narcissistic harmful explorations

> > of stagnative boredom or other actions of a depressive nature.

> >

> > So a positive flow of love towards others is greatly beneficial here

> > as this can also reflect back upon you. These traits both positive

> > and negative can become amplified, and it is best to have the entry

> > positive while one is learning to walk. So take a measure of

> > yourself and do some house cleaning.

> >

> > This is a lifetime condition and will flavor your existence from the

> > time of the activation, through awakening, and onward so be sure

> > about what it is you are doing here. The actions of both extremes

> > are not a certainty, at first, but a definate possibility and so to

> > insure your entry into this real and amazing state please follow the

> > safeties daily. -

> >


> I'm happy that I joined this friendly group. I'm a Medical Doctor ( I

> just finished my medical studies and about to begin my medical career

> ) and I'm very interested in parapsychology and energy healing even

> more than conventional medicine LOL

> I received Kundalini Reiki attunements many years ago and I practice

> Reiki occasionally.

> I now practice the tibetans ( 21 repetitions for each exercise ) and

> the safeties.

> Do you recommend a specific form of meditation or any form is good?

> Also, How can I heal with Kundalini? Is it like Reiki practice?

> It is my duty as a doctor to help patients and in some cases (

> non-curable ) energy healing is the only choice. I'm very sensitive

> and I can't see a person in pain without helping. Does K healing

> depletes our energy? Because I always feel like drained out of energy

> as if my aura has a hole in it leaking out energy constantly or may be

> cords or attachments between me and people. I don't know. Your

> thoughts are highly appreciated.



> Kind Regards,

> The Golden Dragon :)


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, " selena230 "

<selena230 wrote:


> Hi Golden Dragon,


> Welcome to the group! To answer your question: energy healing doesn't

> have to make you feel depleted. The trick is: don't use your own

> energy, get it from the Universe instead (through your crown and/or

> feet chakras, of course)! That way, your patient gets a good healing,

> and you get a nice energy high!


> Cheers,


> Sel




Thanks Selena for elaborating :)


I remember chrism said before that Kundalini healing is more powerful

than Reiki Healing.


Now my question is:

If I get energy from the universe, will it be a kundalini healing or a

Reiki healing?


I'm a little confused because in Reiki we use the universal energy and

I know that Kundalini is something inside our body.



Kind Regards,


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Kundalini is inside the body, but it is also inside the Earth. It's in

both places simultaneously--the microcosm and macrocosm--and you can

feel it surge through your feet during a healing. Reiki uses energy

from the Sky, which you get through the crown chakra.





" golden_dragon_81 " <golden_dragon_81 wrote:


> , " selena230 "

> <selena230@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Golden Dragon,

> >

> > Welcome to the group! To answer your question: energy healing doesn't

> > have to make you feel depleted. The trick is: don't use your own

> > energy, get it from the Universe instead (through your crown and/or

> > feet chakras, of course)! That way, your patient gets a good healing,

> > and you get a nice energy high!

> >

> > Cheers,

> >

> > Sel

> >



> Thanks Selena for elaborating :)


> I remember chrism said before that Kundalini healing is more powerful

> than Reiki Healing.


> Now my question is:

> If I get energy from the universe, will it be a kundalini healing or a

> Reiki healing?


> I'm a little confused because in Reiki we use the universal energy and

> I know that Kundalini is something inside our body.



> Kind Regards,

> Moaaz


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Now I got it. Thanks a lot Selena :)


Kind Regards,




, " selena230 "

<selena230 wrote:


> Moaaz,


> Kundalini is inside the body, but it is also inside the Earth. It's in

> both places simultaneously--the microcosm and macrocosm--and you can

> feel it surge through your feet during a healing. Reiki uses energy

> from the Sky, which you get through the crown chakra.


> Sel


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Dear Chrism,


>Much depends upon the individual. -


And Divine Grace...


Your post is very good and I love reading them!


Love, Angelina





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Greetings golden_dragon and a warm welcome to you. From reading on

this thread I already feel comfortable being in with a para-doc's, it

helps with the dementia. J/K


All kidding aside I do have a healing question as the thread has lead

to this point. I used to have a joint on my right index finger that

would become so inflamed (understatement) that a mild touch in this

area would make me recoil as if a hammer were dropped on it. One day

when this flared up I decided to really take a look at what was going

on and what I saw was a total amazement to me. At the point where the

pain would be the most I saw what would be best described as that

volcano on Io. It was a lot smaller about 5/16 of an inch high and as

wispy as a spider's web and the colour of blood red energy plasma.


I knew nothing of Reiki until this year and have just recently found

out that it uses symbols. The problem was solved with the K-energy but

with what I do it also involves symbols (sometimes) so would that make

me a K-Reiki person or what?


Oh, this part may be a test: " How did this happen " ? lol


Moaaz I hope you enjoy the people here and find a lot of useful



> Thanks Selena for elaborating :)


> I remember chrism said before that Kundalini healing is more powerful

> than Reiki Healing.


> Now my question is:

> If I get energy from the universe, will it be a kundalini healing or a

> Reiki healing?


> I'm a little confused because in Reiki we use the universal energy and

> I know that Kundalini is something inside our body.



> Kind Regards,

> Moaaz


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Thanks Ben for the warm welcome :) :) :)


About the symbols:

Usui Reiki uses symbols but Kundalini Reiki doesn't use symbols in


The following site offers information and 100% free Kundalini Reiki

attunements. It contains also a collection of free self-help Classics.




Kind Regards,




, " ben_hangen "

<ben_hangen wrote:


> Greetings golden_dragon and a warm welcome to you. From reading on

> this thread I already feel comfortable being in with a para-doc's, it

> helps with the dementia. J/K


> All kidding aside I do have a healing question as the thread has lead

> to this point. I used to have a joint on my right index finger that

> would become so inflamed (understatement) that a mild touch in this

> area would make me recoil as if a hammer were dropped on it. One day

> when this flared up I decided to really take a look at what was going

> on and what I saw was a total amazement to me. At the point where the

> pain would be the most I saw what would be best described as that

> volcano on Io. It was a lot smaller about 5/16 of an inch high and as

> wispy as a spider's web and the colour of blood red energy plasma.


> I knew nothing of Reiki until this year and have just recently found

> out that it uses symbols. The problem was solved with the K-energy but

> with what I do it also involves symbols (sometimes) so would that make

> me a K-Reiki person or what?


> Oh, this part may be a test: " How did this happen " ? lol


> Moaaz I hope you enjoy the people here and find a lot of useful

> information.


> > Thanks Selena for elaborating :)

> >

> > I remember chrism said before that Kundalini healing is more powerful

> > than Reiki Healing.

> >

> > Now my question is:

> > If I get energy from the universe, will it be a kundalini healing or a

> > Reiki healing?

> >

> > I'm a little confused because in Reiki we use the universal energy and

> > I know that Kundalini is something inside our body.

> >

> >

> > Kind Regards,

> > Moaaz

> >


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Thanks for the link Moaaz. It helps me to understand Reiki a little

more. On an honest point it doesn't seem the direction in which I am

going. The books they had are interesting and in the 60's read Max

Heindel's works through the Rosicrucian order.


The condition of which I spoke of I did balance, it took backtracking

the energy flow to realize that the main problem wasn't in my finger

but a misalignment of the 7th cervix of the spine. The energy was

being produced by the third eye chakra and because of infringements to

the neck it manifested in a leakage in the fingers.


The connection with the hands and 3rd eye is tremendous and I found an

Alex Grey short on youtube that expresses what I have found.




Selena you mentioned the use of symbols as a form of switch, I like

that. I like switches, fulcrums, focal points, and any other toys

people have to play with. I haven't had any formal training in any of

this so in the beginning I had to really fumble around in the dark for

that switch. I don't know how the reiki practitioners apply or form

their symbols but I am quite sure I am totally something different. Or

maybe not as I have never spoken with anyone that knows reiki, the

only thing that I would say about what I have done is that thought has


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