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Some may think that the Kundalini may be causing some negative effects

on them, but instead look closely to your diet. Please stay as organic

as possible and let yourself feel the bliss of the K.


I'm an activist against Splenda and Aspartame, so I gotta share this.

Please pass this info to others you love.






Is Splenda Making You Sick? Find Out Some Common Reaction Symptoms



Splenda, which is the brand name for the non-nutritive sweetener

sucralose, is added to hundreds of foods and beverages sold in the

United States and abroad. At this time there have been no long-term

studies done to show how this manmade substance reacts in the human

body. Despite this lack of research, Splenda is showing up in many

products </2000/dec/3/sucralose_products.htm>, even those that claim to

be " healthy, " and Americans are buying them thinking they are somehow

better than those with sugar. In all actuality, if you eat Splenda you

are acting as a guinea pig in a science experiment since no one knows

what the long-term effects of Splenda will be.


Maybe you are thinking, but it is FDA-approved so it must be safe. Well,

I could fill many pages listing all of the " approved " substances that

have turned out to be unfit for human use, but here are just a few:


* Aspartame </2004/jan/7/aspartame_disease.htm>

* PEDIARIX combination vaccine for children <2003/jan/25/pediarix.htm>

* Food irradiation </2000/jan/30/food_irradiation.htm>

* FluMist nasal flu vaccine </2003/jul/5/spray_vaccine.htm>


If you would like to know more about why Splenda is essentially

chlorinated table sugar, you should read The Potential Dangers of

Sucralose </2000/dec/3/sucralose_dangers.htm>. Some chlorinated

molecules serve as the basis for pesticides such as DDT and accumulate

in body fat and tissues. Although is commonly thought that surcralose

passes through the body unabsorbed, FDA research says otherwise.

According to FDA tests, 11 percent to 27 percent of sucralose is

absorbed by humans, and tests by the Japanese Food Sanitation Council

show that up to 40 percent may actually be absorbed.


In fact, here is what it says on the Splenda Web site:


" Studies have shown that about 15% of ingested sucralose is

passively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The small amount

of sucralose that is absorbed is distributed to essentially all

tissues. "


Along with the lack of long-term studies, sucralose has been the subject

of fewer scientific studies than any other non-nutritive sweetener.

Perhaps they are afraid of what they may discover. Already Splenda has

surpassed Equal </2003/aug/23/splenda.htm> in dollar-market share, and

any negative findings would surely cut into these massive earnings.


The Splenda site also states that Splenda causes " no known side

effects. " Well below I've included a list of reactions compiled from

those that readers have experienced. Although many of these symptoms

could indeed have other contributing causes, most people stated that the

symptoms began around the same time they started using Splenda, and then

subsequently disappeared when Splenda was removed from their diet. You

can read our Splenda testimonials

</2000/dec/3/sucralose_testimonials.htm> to get their entire stories,

and if you find yourself experiencing any of the symptoms below I urge

you to remove Splenda from your diet if you have not done so already.


Splenda Reaction Symptoms


* Flushing or redness of the skin

* Burning feeling of the skin

* Rash

* Itching

* A panicky or shaky feeling

* Swelling

* Blisters on the skin

* Welts

* Nausea

* Stomach cramps

* Dry heaves

* Becoming withdrawn

* Loss of interest in usual activities

* Feeling forgetful

* Moodiness

* Dulled senses

* Unexplained crying




* Acne or acne-like rash

* Anxiety

* Panic attacks

* Feelings of food poisoning

* Headache

* Seeing spots

* Mental or emotional breakdown

* Altered emotional state, i.e. feeling irate, impatient,


* Pain (body, chest)

* Bloated abdomen

* Diarrhea

* Trouble concentrating/staying in focus

* Feeling depressed

* Vomiting

* Seizures

* Shaking

* Feeling faint





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