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White Light - Randy

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You have already been taking the steps on the path towards Kundalini

Randy. Get used to the srange phenomena LOL. I have seen these

brilliant flashes as well and indeed you may have brought a healing

upon yourself. Via the Kundalini or via another means.


You are now a different person as you begin to accept the changes

occurring. These changes will continue and your phenomena will

increase. Try not to put a rational explanation into the experiences

and allow them to be as they are. Much of the phenomena is way

beyond the rational explanations that even the fringyest New Age

devotee can summon!


Just know that you are walking the vertical path. And as you

continue, many issues, temporary and long suffered or enjoyed, may

experience a change. A refinement in expression and reception by

you. Health and healing of a super natural quality is one of those

phenomena. - blessings my friend - chrism

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If this is truly the case then I welcome it with all my heart (it's very

cool too). Something else that is unrelated (or not) that has me

wondering is this.


We live in Arizona and there are lot's of crickets around this time of

year. Crickets are filet minion to scorpions so if you don't get rid of

the crickets you get scorpions. I was sitting at the computer one

evening in just my cut offs (it gets hot in these parts) and felt

something crawling up my leg, I look down and there's a scorpion

climbing up my shin. I brush it off grab a kitchen towel and smack it,

then grab some toilet paper and flush it.


My question is this, I get crickets in the house from God knows where

(dryer vents, kitchen fan etc). Some evenings when I come downstairs in

the middle of the night for water or a slice of watermelon I may see two

or three crickets on the kitchen tile. My standard MO is to grab a

kitchen towel and smack'm and dispose of them in the same manner as the

scorpion. Am I keeping the K fire from coming into me by not respecting

life in this way? What about spraying pesticide around the house (the

standard AZ way of keeping them from nesting near your house and

attracting scorpions).


I seem to be experiencing positive K sensations regardless of this

activity and I do have to keep the bugs at bay, I'm just curious if

anyone has any information one way or the other in how this may affect

my K energy. I feel a little amount of guilt because they are living

creatures, at the same time, left alone and your home can quickly be

infested. I suspect spraying around the house allows them to just keep

their distance due to the odor they detect and isn't really a direct

attack on their lives.


Thank you, Peace & Love







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Yes you are approaching the Karmic questions regarding the respect

or disrespect of life. I have issues with wasps, though they haven't

attacked me they can get confused and of course can be having a bad

day and just confuse your finger or arm with an attack upon them.

Yet they are fellow mortals and we " share " this world. I do not kill

them or pesticide them. I catch them and let them go. Same with



Scorpions can be deadly. The small ones anyway. So as you take as

many of the precautions that you can take in the defense of your

home and their lives, by keeping them out of the house, so to must

you defend your own space. Drowning them isn't needed. It is just as

easy to throw them outside. Yes they may come back but they also may

become part of the food chain before that occurs - my take.


This is an individual platform of development for you Randy. The

very fact of your asking this question is an indication of its value

as a teaching and a consideration and perhaps as a form of gentle

guidance towards the respecting of all life forms that come your way.


This nagging thought as you flush them away is a form of

communication. From you to you. Be creative and try to find ways

that are a win - win.


Your Kundalini is ex-pressing itself as an intuitive question. She

is an aspect of life that is divine in its expression and love. The

crickets are a loved creature, not only by the Scorpions! The

cricket comes to the early activation as a chirping that tells one

they have indeed reach the area of the Kundalini. Along with the

Humming of bees, the crickets are a harbinger of activation.


The Scorpions give us the pose that has been most beneficial for

shiva K in this group. It is also another aspect of an activation

oriented pose that is one half of the fifth Tibetan.


Sometimes death must occur. But perhaps not purposeful, convenience

oriented death. Follow what your intuition tells you on this Randy.

It is an issue of love. Let love of " others " be balanced with love

of " self " is my suggestion. But I do not live in Arizona. Follow

your inner guidance and if you have to ask the question there is a

reason for it being asked. lol - chrism

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Thank you Chrism, good wisdom (as usual). I respect their contribution

to the " sounds of the outdoors " I just like that sound to stay out of my

living room. I'll invest in a bug sucker and deal with them accordingly.


Love & Peace





, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Yes you are approaching the Karmic questions regarding the respect

> or disrespect of life. I have issues with wasps, though they haven't

> attacked me they can get confused and of course can be having a bad

> day and just confuse your finger or arm with an attack upon them.

> Yet they are fellow mortals and we " share " this world. I do not kill

> them or pesticide them. I catch them and let them go. Same with

> spiders.


> Scorpions can be deadly. The small ones anyway. So as you take as

> many of the precautions that you can take in the defense of your

> home and their lives, by keeping them out of the house, so to must

> you defend your own space. Drowning them isn't needed. It is just as

> easy to throw them outside. Yes they may come back but they also may

> become part of the food chain before that occurs - my take.


> This is an individual platform of development for you Randy. The

> very fact of your asking this question is an indication of its value

> as a teaching and a consideration and perhaps as a form of gentle

> guidance towards the respecting of all life forms that come your way.


> This nagging thought as you flush them away is a form of

> communication. From you to you. Be creative and try to find ways

> that are a win - win.


> Your Kundalini is ex-pressing itself as an intuitive question. She

> is an aspect of life that is divine in its expression and love. The

> crickets are a loved creature, not only by the Scorpions! The

> cricket comes to the early activation as a chirping that tells one

> they have indeed reach the area of the Kundalini. Along with the

> Humming of bees, the crickets are a harbinger of activation.


> The Scorpions give us the pose that has been most beneficial for

> shiva K in this group. It is also another aspect of an activation

> oriented pose that is one half of the fifth Tibetan.


> Sometimes death must occur. But perhaps not purposeful, convenience

> oriented death. Follow what your intuition tells you on this Randy.

> It is an issue of love. Let love of " others " be balanced with love

> of " self " is my suggestion. But I do not live in Arizona. Follow

> your inner guidance and if you have to ask the question there is a

> reason for it being asked. lol - chrism


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