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Strange Dream - possibly linked to service

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I don't normally post dreams here, because I don't want to

be off topic- but this dream seems like an answer for me.


After reading all the posts about service, I began to realize

that the void I've been feeling of late is caused

by a lack of doing for others. I asked of my soul,

which type of service it felt the need to accomplish.

I let all the different types of giving of myself to others flow

through my mind. I was trying to feel a pull in my energy, so that I'd

know which one my soul needed to accomplish. I seemed to feel a glow


the middle of me(where I've always felt the soul lies), and the same

glow in my face, like a kind of inner joy wanted to break free.

What it settled on was service to elderly. I would love to cook with

love for someone who has no one to for him/her. I would also love to

spend some time as a companion to those in nursing facilities, who

don't get frequent visits from family.

I thought I had made up my mind, when I told Mike that I wanted to

volunteer my time somewhere. I didn't say what my plans were, because

I didn't expect to get any real feedback from him. Sometimes I think

that I'm a little too 'out there' for him and he just listens without

knowing what to say. His face lit up, too. He said that since I love

animals so much, I should volunteer my time at the local shelter.

I listened, but I didn't get that same glowing feeling through me, and

I didn't feel any tugging at my energy. The more I thought of the

animal shelter, the more I fell away from my original destination. I

began wondering what kind of animals I'd care for. Then I did a search

and saw them all, rabbits and everything. I called, but the

receptionist said they don't need any volunteers at all.

I guess I felt a little hurt and a little thrown off, because I began

deciding that I would just adopt another rabbit. I had gotten way off

course from my plan of service, and that night, I had a strange dream.


My dream:

I dreamed I was in my apartment, and I was walking toward our front

door, when I discovered that it was wide open. I looked, and saw a

very old woman. She was little, and wore a long, white or off white,

nightgown with blue flowers on it, and a pink- quilted looking, thin

house coat on top. He hand was on the our door, as if it was hers, and

she looked the other way as she causally conversed with two other

elderly ladies.

I felt a little confused as to how the door got open, but I didn't

linger on that thought for too long. I think I just kind of slid under

her outstretched arm, and out the door- and locked it behind me as I

left. I felt a stare from the other two elderly women. As if I had a

nerve to do that. As if I had no right to lock them out. I shrugged it

off and kept going. When I came home, I found the same door open

again, and the three ladies, spread out on various couches and chairs


around the living room- all cozy and having a little chit-chat.

They looked strangely at me, as if they were noticing that I felt they

didn't belong there. Somehow they left, and were standing outside our

front door, in the hallway. My boss for my cosmetics line came through

the house, and she was getting ready to leave. She walked through

quickly, with a clipboard and a some pares in her hand. She seemed

happy to be speaking with me, and she asked me to let her know if I

needed anything. I began to tell her about the problem I was having

with these ladies who seem to have a copy of my house key, and use it

to make themselves at home while I'm away. Suddenly, I became aware of

the difference between work problems and home problems, so I stopped

myself. I decided to turn it into a joke instead. She looked out at

the ladies still standing in front of the door chit-chatting, and she

pointed, as she asked me who the ring leader was. I felt bad, because

something didn't feel right. Suddenly, I was feeling as though there

was a real reason..a higher purpose for them to be here like this. I

pulled my boss inside, and spoke of it quietly. She sensed the same

thing- we read it on each other's faces, although we didn't

speak of a it. Later on, I felt as if they didn't have anywhere else

to socialize and have fun together. I decided that instead of

reporting it to our apartment manager and getting a new lock- I would

just' look the other way' and let them enjoy their harmless fun.

It was weird though, because during parts of my dream- my conscious

and unconscious minds seemed to be comparing data; as my unconscious

mind experienced the open door in the dream, my conscious mind was

remembering the way one of my doors seems to open by itself and lock

on its own, too. After the shared data, my mind as a whole agreed that

these ladies must have been the reason for all of this, and that it

must've been going on for months.

Weird, huh? Any thoughts?


Love and blessings to you,


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