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Feeling VERY wired

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Dearest Melissa 0

I am far from being a veteran, so I can only give you the advice from a newbie

of a sort. I am wired too, it's 5 in the morning here in Germany, I have been

up since 4, went bed nearly 11 pm. I am buzzing, wow!


Things I do to calm down, I drink chamomile tea or make several bags of tea let

it seep well, take a small tub place the warm tea with its leaves in the tub and

soak my feet. mmmmmm, it's nice. As I am loving my feet I gently meditate, I go

as far as visualizing that I have become my foot and feel the warmth of the tead

water bathing me. After a bit dry my feet and massage them lovingly like it's

my baby. If that fails you can always take a hot/warm shower sprinkle Lavender

oil on the tiled walls and inhale the sweet perfume. I have noticed that the

Tibetans has a calming effect on me, you could shoot for a dose of that. I hope

these couple of things can help.

Loads of Love for you Melissa,



Melissa <mm7810 wrote: Hello Group -


I am feeling uncomfortably wired. Last night I began having kriyas in

bed, I haven't slept (I think) in 2 days, and I keep buzzing. I was

having shock-like feelings in my left hand earlier, I have been

terribly emotional today, and I keep going to the restroom like

nobody's business! I know stuff like this is going to happen, but

it's just tough. Any words of wisdom from a veteran?


Thanks and Blessings,










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Hi Becky -


Thanks for your input. You are fast! I actually posted this, then

decided to delete it and I guess you got to it first! I figure hey,

I've got two options here . . . 1) continue, 2) quit. Well, I guess

I can continue for now. Unfortunately, being nonambulatory, a foot

soak or shower without assistance is not an option for me; I have to

wait until my hired help arrives tomorrow during the day. I am just

listening to some mantras on a few CDs now and trying to relax. I

just want to get some sleep tonight! I have done an extra round of

chakra breathing - my replacement for the Tibetans. I like doing

that; I just hope it doesn't activate things more! Thanks again,

dear Becky.


Much Love,




, Becky Jean

Rich <beckyjeanrich wrote:


> Dearest Melissa 0

> I am far from being a veteran, so I can only give you the advice

from a newbie of a sort. I am wired too, it's 5 in the morning here

in Germany, I have been up since 4, went bed nearly 11 pm. I am

buzzing, wow!


> Things I do to calm down, I drink chamomile tea or make several

bags of tea let it seep well, take a small tub place the warm tea

with its leaves in the tub and soak my feet. mmmmmm, it's nice. As I

am loving my feet I gently meditate, I go as far as visualizing that

I have become my foot and feel the warmth of the tead water bathing

me. After a bit dry my feet and massage them lovingly like it's my

baby. If that fails you can always take a hot/warm shower sprinkle

Lavender oil on the tiled walls and inhale the sweet perfume. I

have noticed that the Tibetans has a calming effect on me, you could

shoot for a dose of that. I hope these couple of things can help.

> Loads of Love for you Melissa,

> Becky


> Melissa <mm7810 wrote: Hello

Group -


> I am feeling uncomfortably wired. Last night I began having

kriyas in

> bed, I haven't slept (I think) in 2 days, and I keep buzzing. I


> having shock-like feelings in my left hand earlier, I have been

> terribly emotional today, and I keep going to the restroom like

> nobody's business! I know stuff like this is going to happen,


> it's just tough. Any words of wisdom from a veteran?


> Thanks and Blessings,


> Melissa


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That is great news, you were having kriyas, I'm amazed

how quickly it's happening for you.

I'm over joyed.

Not so happy that you felt uncomfortable though


Do as Katherine suggests and say out loud 'I surrender

totally to this energy, I surrender to shakti " and

keep saying this like a mantra if you can.

I think it's all about surrender with the K.


You just go there girl, we've all got your back!!!


Lots of love and support

Elektra (woo hoo, go girl) x x x




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