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Touching Base

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Hi Chrism, Hi Everyone,


Just touching base.


The last couple of mornings I woke up around 3:00 AM. The

buzzing/ringing in my ears louder in my left.


The floaters in the right eye remain but not as intense as when they

first appeared. The periodic flashing to the right of my right eye

continues but I don't notice it until I am in a darkened area .


Yesterday (the 24th) most of the activity was once again was in the

upper part of my head with the tingling in the upper spine and across

the shoulders. Now and again a balloon like feeling about midway up

the back on the left side of my spine. Strange though – around 5:30

PM both of my wrists were sore as if I had overextended doing wrist

curls with too much weight. Both were fine when I woke this morning.


Overall the calm, peaceful, happy mood continues. Although this

morning (the 25th ) I had a bit of a grey feeling for a couple of

hours. During meditation this morning an image of an atomic hydro

plant exploding came out of nowhere and

hung there before fading into the deep mauves and purple I usually


Once again most of the activity is in the top part of my head. The c-

clamp feeling feels more like a tight skull cap or beanie today. The

shoulders and spine continue to tingle. At first I thought it's just

imagination or whatever but I have had a strange feeling just above

the hips about two inches from the spine. First left then right then

to the left of the centre of my back – the balloon like feeling.


I enjoyed your Guru test questions Chrism. I've always wondered (I

know almost everyone has to earn a living) why an enlightened person

wants dollars or something of material value prior to showing one the

pathway leading to God and then more before helping one up from a

stumble or fall.


Your comment, " Is there a dentist in the house " , also intrigued me.

While eating an apple this past Sunday I broke off a large filling on

an upper molar. Fortunately a root canal was done on the tooth so

there is no pain.


I will post this to the board as well.




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