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Update on my Shaktipat Week.- Linda

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Well done Linda, you had your ups and downs but it

seems like you gained insight into yourself and what

you need and grew a little.

I love the way you found to do the prayer, it sounds


Wishing you much more growth and freedom to cry those


love and hugs Elektra x x x




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Beloved Linda,


My heart ached in reading your post.


You've chained yourself to a verse of Scripture.


The verses you're referring to were written to new

believers during the first years of the church to

prevent a surge in divorces because of the new

experiences in Christ. Time was to be given to allow

the others a chance to experience the Spirit through

their mates and see if it was something they wanted,

instead of just abandoning them.


I've seen this used and abused so often it makes me

want to puke.


Look at the whole picture, dear Linda.


Christ is the embodiment of Love.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.

All things are lawful, but not all things are



You have to use common sense along side your

spirituality. If you choose to leave a man that has

threatened your life and is dead set against

everything you love and follow, that is using your

common sense and the freedom you have in Christ.


If you cannot do this, then come out from behind the

scriptures and find out why. There must be more to

it... It will come to a head and will be changed for

you if you don't address it, and maybe not in a way

you would wish. I know this from experience. The

Spirit will not allow this to continue if you are

called to other things.


Loving you, dear sister.

Warm hugs, dhyana


--- Linda <crazycats711 wrote:

This all stems from the night I

> recieved baptism of

> fire by the Holy Spirit. The moment I walked in the

> door that night

> without saying a word, he knew and got so angry with

> me. He being an

> atheist, felt it was the ruination of our

> relationship. And even

> though it happened some days later, that was the

> real reason he put

> the gun to my head that night.


> I can more fully understand Chrism's statement that

> the spouse needs

> to be informed. I don't know how to go about it

> though. Anything that

> has to do with spirituality is religious to him and

> he does not have

> much tolerance. Divorcing him is no option for me,

> mainly because the

> bible states that when one finds themself unequally

> yoked that you

> are to stay in that relationship as long as the

> spouse chooses to

> stay. As long as they stay, there is always the hope

> of winning them

> over. He doesn't want to leave me, nor does he want

> to end it, even

> though it may be for selfish reasons.


> I don't know what to do except to continue praying

> and loving him

> unconditionally. I know I can't continue supressing

> my spirituality

> to kept him comfortable. I just don't know how to go

> about that

> without having my life threatened. I am not afraid

> to die, I just

> don't want to yet.


> Ever since going through my 6 months of hell, he

> knows I am not

> afraid of him any longer and I do not allow his

> trying to control me

> any longer either, even though he has made attempts

> to a few times

> since. One day during that 6 month period, I wrote a

> little poem or

> an attempt at it. Hehe. I am not a poet for sure,

> but I thought I

> would share anyways. :)


> My heart bleeds

> The pain is real

> My hope is knowing

> Suffering...

> ends.


> Also, Chrism, these three last days, the eggs

> sensation is still

> there in my spine, but it does not seem expanded and

> sending out

> warmed and tinglies like during the first part of

> the week, but feels

> very condensed now. It moves up and down my back.

> When it is near the

> solar plexus that is when I feel most of the nausea,

> when it moves up

> to the heart level that is when I feel the urges to

> cry, when it

> moved up to the base of my neck that is when I could

> not seem to

> focus. Is it being in a condensed form, the cause

> these things

> because of my surpressing? I feel like I have

> failed, but I have

> learned a lot from this. Tonight as I write this,

> it seems to be

> expanding back out and I feel much better.


> I was also given a way to say the Shakti prayer that

> feels so right

> for me. I replaced " to the goddess I go " with " to

> the all and all I

> go " . That is the only thing I could find that would

> flows and

> represents the true God source.


> I am very much grateful to all of you and thankful

> that I feel safe

> to express myself here, whether it is read or not.


> Mucho love to all,

> Linda












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Sweet caring Dhyana, I hate the thought that I made your heart ache.


It is not just because of that verse that I stay with my husband. You

only see him in that one bad day we had. Of course he has his faults

and problems, but overall he is a sweet, caring, generous man and was

wonderful father to my girls. It was not even his fault that I

reacted the way I did this week. We have had some rocky times, but

there has been more good than bad.


Hehe! About that verse, it makes me want to puke to too. Actually,

much of the bible, written my Paul does this to me. I have oftened

wondered if Paul was not the first anti-christ. I am not joking, his

teaching are so opposite of what Jesus taught. That's the way I see

it anyways.


Please don't feel sad for me... I had gained a lot this week even

though there were some rough moments.


Love and Hugs back to you,



, novalees

<Novalees wrote:


> Beloved Linda,


> My heart ached in reading your post.


> recieved baptism of

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Hello Linda, I'm so glad things are looking brighter.


When I see women staying with abusive husbands because

of words of any kind (any religion), that bind them to

the situation when they want to leave, I have to speak

up. I feel such DEEP outrage. Most especially when the

Bible is used. So many churches push that idea that

you referred to.


In my opinion Paul is badly misunderstood. And

situations he wrote about, that referred to the early

formation of the church and issues of that period in

time, are adopted as absolutes for all time. It won't

work, so people turn against him instead of those who

misinterpret what he says. imho


Warm love and hugs, dhyana


--- Linda <crazycats711 wrote:


> Sweet caring Dhyana, I hate the thought that I made

> your heart ache.


> It is not just because of that verse that I stay

> with my husband. You

> only see him in that one bad day we had. Of course

> he has his faults

> and problems, but overall he is a sweet, caring,

> generous man and was

> wonderful father to my girls. It was not even his

> fault that I

> reacted the way I did this week. We have had some

> rocky times, but

> there has been more good than bad.


> Hehe! About that verse, it makes me want to puke to

> too. Actually,

> much of the bible, written my Paul does this to me.

> I have oftened

> wondered if Paul was not the first anti-christ. I am

> not joking, his

> teaching are so opposite of what Jesus taught.

> That's the way I see

> it anyways.


> Please don't feel sad for me... I had gained a lot

> this week even

> though there were some rough moments.


> Love and Hugs back to you,

> Linda


> --- In

> ,

> novalees

> <Novalees wrote:

> >

> > Beloved Linda,

> >

> > My heart ached in reading your post.

> >

> > recieved baptism of











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Thank you Dhyana, To be honest I have not left him because of the

verse nor even because of my marrigae vows, it is because I have not

wanted to bad enough to do so.


About Paul; I have to wonder why his teaching were added to the bible

if they were not meant for all times. I do think, a lot of what he

taught was becasue of political reasons.


Warm hugs back to Dhyana, Rrrooooaaaaarrrrr! Yeah!



, novalees

<Novalees wrote:


> Hello Linda, I'm so glad things are looking brighter.


> When I see women staying with abusive husbands because

> of words of any kind (any religion), that bind them to

> the situation when they want to leave, I have to speak

> up. I feel such DEEP outrage. Most especially when the

> Bible is used. So many churches push that idea that

> you referred to.


> In my opinion Paul is badly misunderstood. And

> situations he wrote about, that referred to the early

> formation of the church and issues of that period in

> time, are adopted as absolutes for all time. It won't

> work, so people turn against him instead of those who

> misinterpret what he says. imho


> Warm love and hugs, dhyana


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