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Spontaneous Awakening is a Myth, Awareness is a growing - betsy

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To all readers,

I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger approach

may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

sometimes it is needed. - chrism



Yes Betsy we have had this conversation before. And you express

yourself well which is why it is needed to help untangle some of

what it is you say that those who are impressed with your elocution

will not be consigned to understand an awakening as a process devoid

of individual expression. Kundalini a myriad of format and



You say - again - an acorn always becomes an Oak Tree. And yes a

human fetus will always become a human being. This doesn't mean the

Kundalini is a pattern that emulates the functions of genetics. Much

more is brought into the equation. Because " you " have experienced an

activation of Kundalini in a specific way doesn't mean that your

experience is the " rule " of Kundalini activation.


There is a broad spectrum of activations that do NOT follow your

model. You just don't seem to accept that. Perhaps this is an ego

challenge for you to realize that you are not THE Kundalini model

that authenticates all others, though you seem to cling to this




If you are considering it to be the event

> when one realizes that they are more than their self-image, then


> could state that people have spontaneous awakenings. So one might

> also call this the start of spirituality - I have no problem with



Well " IF " that is what you are feeling an awakening to be then we

are not communicating about the same thing at all.


Why are you going off into this direction? Betsy this group is about

KUNDALINI AWAKENING not a beginning recognition of spirituality.

Though for some this comes WITH a Kundalini awakening.



I even stated the same in my article, there are profound events

> that happen with deep surrenders, and in the past I called these

> the same. I change that for several reasons and one is because

> I realize that spontaneous isn't accurate. There is always a cause

> for something; to call it spontaneous makes it seem like a



Deep surrender isn't a necessity for a Kundalini event to

initialize. It is necessary for it to mature safely. Spontaneity is

a correct description of a sudden on rush of Kundalini to a person

not looking for it. It can happen in seconds and minutes and it can

be quite immediate. BUT it didn't happen that way for you, so you

have no reference for that kind of activity. Just because you Betsy

have not experienced Kundalini in a sudden onslaught of symptom and

phenomena does not make it an impossible or improbable condition for

OTHERS to experience.


Your experience is not the only way to experience the Kundalini. Yes

I know you are the queen of kriyas. And in the past you have felt

that you should be seen as an " authority " on that subject. You have

in fact expressed frustration that you are not recognized as such.

So here you are once again. But this time it is the authenticity of

the awakening process and awareness as others experience it that you

attack. Because they have experience outside of your own, you are

here once again to push your personal agenda and though your weaving

has improved your message is the same. It's all about " you " Betsy

and your need to be seen as an authority. Which may occur when you

can include the veracity of other peoples experiences.


Same with the miraculous. Until you Betsy have an experience with a

miracle you will not understand what it is you dismiss with such a

cavalier attitude towards it. You are like a child that can't

believe something until they experience it themselves, having

absolutely no trust in the experiences of others. Then if that

experience finally reaches you well then your story changes. If it

doesn't you continue to guide others into your own limited

experience. There by causing them doubts and perhaps damage when

their experience becomes different than yours.


This is the damage you cause. It is like basing a lie in truth for

the lie to be swallowed with greater ease. Yet you do it from the

position of " some " experience and belittling and casting doubt upon

the experiences of others because they do not fit your paradigm.



putting into the clouds of spirituality and unknown reasons not

> allowing to see the reason for the awakening came from inside

> the person themselves. Awakenings or rises in awareness happen

> when the personality lets go of clinging to itself. And I don't


> 'awakening' mostly because people see it as finite and the danger

> with this is that they stop, thinking they are done when they


> these profound openings.


Awakening of the Kundalini will come from many different locations

and stimulus. And you are a blessed example of how that activity

has further to go. So as you continue to " cling " to yourself in

this regard please consider the possibility that you are not done

either. We will wait to see what your developments cause you to

change in your assessment of what awakening is about if you indeed

allow yourself to reach that far.




So the bottom line is I guess you don't accept that awareness is a

> growing process and that we are growing. This defies all that I


> about myself and the things growing around me, evolution in other



Yes Betsy you are guessing. You project upon me your own conclusions

about what you " guess " I think. This should be a red flag for you.

You are projecting on me and on everyone your own little version of

your special reality. Foisting it off as incontrovertible fact. The

pitfall of the absolutist.


I have never indicated that awareness was not a growing process.

Indeed I recognize that the entire awakening platform is a growing

process and I indicate many times that " slow is good " for this very



If this defies all that you observe about yourself then perhaps it

is time that you looked at someone other than yourself.



The thing I think people might not understand about it is that we

> are not split. We are not 'higher awareness' and also the ego.

> We are one body, one person who has grown to be what we

> are today. What we are today has to do with all that came before,

> we are what we are.


Before Kundalini or a similar event occurs Betsy we are indeed

split. We are higher awareness and ego. Mostly ego. This is how we

are able to differentiate between the two when a Kundalini event

occurs and in some cases before that kind of an event occurs. Yes we

reside in the single body. We are not just the body Betsy. There is

consciousness behind the eyes that animates the body. And to say

that we are what we are is just stating the obvious.





We can't jump out of our personality in an instant of recognition,

> because we are it. We can only let go of our clinging on it, and

> this takes its time. It is a dropping, a letting go, a dissolving,

> a displacement and in the space opened by the dropping

> awareness fills in.


We change with the recognition Betsy. By that change we see

ourselves in a different way. This may be a complete and distinct

difference from the personality we were before the event, to the one

who is now awakened. It can be a stunning change and far outside of

the previously expressed personality. Miraculous even.


With a spontaneous Kundalini awakening the awareness of what is

reality has just - in an instant - undergone a complete change. This

didn't happen for you so you don't know about it, but it does

happen. And to those it happens to they are quite changed - in the

instant -from the experience.


This is another example of the restrictions you put into the

Kundalini equation based on your lack of experience in that area of

the Kundalini expression.


Only after that initial experience do we come into the understanding

that yes the little (i) needs to be given some discipline. And

that " The Higher Aspects " of who we are now need to become the

dominant aspect of the personality. This is how the safeties work.

Yes, I know you do not practice them. No kidding.



Surrender is surrender, you either are doing it or you are not

> doing it. I know you think this is absolute for me to express this


> it is, there is no question about it. Once you know for sure what

> surrender is then you can state this matter of fact. There is no


> form of expression for it although one might try different ways to

> do it and there are many interpretations about what surrender

might be,

> until one is sure about what it is and how to do it. This happens


> one's awareness is high enough to know the difference.



Your absolutism is an example of your immaturity in these areas. A

scorched earth approach. A way of escaping your fear by molding your

reasoning into a format that is explainable for you and empowering

to you as an agent of " the only authentic way. " A position of

denial. And by teaching it to others you surround yourself with

company to stave of the glowing eyes in the dark.


But you only avoid it Betsy. It will still come for you. It is

indeed coming for you now. And no matter how you couch your

experience in well explained formats you will still, have to face

them. Your fears do not care about how reasonable your explanation

to yourself and others is. Or about how authentic you feel you are.

Or how well you write. This is the one improvement I have noticed in

you Betsy.


Surrender takes many forms. At first it is a foreign concept to many

and so slow approaches are best. Forgiving and gratitude and love

help this to strengthen. Surrender is also a process and to cut it

into your expression of doing it or not is another display of

ignorance and indicates a lack of the very quality you claim to



When the ability to surrender is attained it isn't just to the

process it is to all personal preconceptions of what and how that

process will express. This is why I am saying that though your way

is good for you it isn't the one and only way that is experienced.

You lose your desire to cling to your own little world of

expectation and open to the larger view. I hope you are able to

experience this Betsy. - chrism

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Chrism: To all readers,

I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger approach

may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

sometimes it is needed.


Chrism, why is there this strong need in you to take

a strong and foreceful approach with me? Anyone can go back

and read the article I posted and my second reply to you

and I doubt they will see the need for such attacks and

accusations which are now coming out of you. Your attack as

far as I can see is unwarrented and unprovoked.

You have indeed taken all to a personal level painting your picture

of me and telling all your readers how much of a fake I am, etc.

And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own mind,

they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

to me.


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Wow Betsy, you're really way off in left field on this



Love, dhyana

--- betsy <ystebanar wrote:




> And I see how it works here, all of your readers

> will be quiet,

> not daring to respond to me or the essence of the

> article, because

> if they do they might upset the master who has

> spoken and made

> the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so

> comfy and cosy

> and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak

> their own mind,

> they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose

> the love of their

> dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their

> own mind then

> they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are

> now dishing out

> to me.

> Betsy










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Wow Betsy! That is quite an assumption to make don't you think? Some don't

respond, as we don't have to respond if we wish not to. But in love, I think I

need to step in and this point and ask you not to make assumptions, at least for



Love and Light, and MUCH peace to you dear friend,



<<And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own mind,

they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

to me.



betsy <ystebanar wrote:

Chrism: To all readers,

I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger approach

may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

sometimes it is needed.


Chrism, why is there this strong need in you to take

a strong and foreceful approach with me? Anyone can go back

and read the article I posted and my second reply to you

and I doubt they will see the need for such attacks and

accusations which are now coming out of you. Your attack as

far as I can see is unwarrented and unprovoked.

You have indeed taken all to a personal level painting your picture

of me and telling all your readers how much of a fake I am, etc.

And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own mind,

they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

to me.










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I don't think it is fair to the members of this group that you are

basically labeling us all. It does not anger me, but it is a bit

presumptuous not to mention incorrect.


Chrism speaks from 17+ years of experience with the Kundalini, he

receives guidance from Shakti and has guided many to awakening. I am

curious to know how much experience you are basing your information

on and how many other people (aside from yourself) that you have

watched awaken in the Kundalini process?


Can you back up your information with other than your own

experiences? Are there case studies that you are using?


Any time someone speaks in absolutes, some little warning bell goes

off for me. I think it is unfair to newer people who have not yet

reached the comfort level that many of us have, to read things

written with such authority that may be incorrect.


I wish the best for you Betsy. I would hope that you would be able

to put aside whatever is blocking you and read the teachings here and

the experiences that confirm them. Be a part of the group rather

than an island.




, " betsy "

<ystebanar wrote:


> Chrism: To all readers,

> I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

> forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

> that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

> and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger


> may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

> sometimes it is needed.


> Chrism, why is there this strong need in you to take

> a strong and foreceful approach with me? Anyone can go back

> and read the article I posted and my second reply to you

> and I doubt they will see the need for such attacks and

> accusations which are now coming out of you. Your attack as

> far as I can see is unwarrented and unprovoked.

> You have indeed taken all to a personal level painting your picture

> of me and telling all your readers how much of a fake I am, etc.

> And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

> not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

> if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

> the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

> and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own


> they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

> dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

> they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

> to me.

> Betsy


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I went back and read over the post because I did not remember

anywhere where has insinuated that your where a fake or even

said it plainly. I did not find it.


To me, it is you who is being intolerant and judgemental and looking

down on others here in this group as not having an authentic

expresion of K just because they do not line up with your



Maybe Betsy, if you could become aware enough to see these things

about yourself, you could find help here from chrism and all of us so

that you would not have to go through such torturous kyria's in your

prossess any longer. You were lead here for some reason Betsy, and

that would be other than to make judgements of our various

experiences and saying some of us are fakes. (You did do that. Your

statement bothered me for many days and even caused me to question my

own experience. Wondering if I was only fooling myself and what I was

experiencing was just my imagination. Of course, that did not last

long for Spirit gave me assurance.)


We already have a teacher here to give us loving guidance and he does

so without being jusdgemental. I trust him completely for he guides

us with his (I) not his (i).


Blessings Betsy, I pray you find what it is you are needing.






, " betsy "

<ystebanar wrote:


> Chrism: To all readers,

> I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

> forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

> that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

> and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger


> may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

> sometimes it is needed.


> Chrism, why is there this strong need in you to take

> a strong and foreceful approach with me? Anyone can go back

> and read the article I posted and my second reply to you

> and I doubt they will see the need for such attacks and

> accusations which are now coming out of you. Your attack as

> far as I can see is unwarrented and unprovoked.

> You have indeed taken all to a personal level painting your picture

> of me and telling all your readers how much of a fake I am, etc.

> And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

> not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

> if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

> the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

> and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own


> they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

> dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

> they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

> to me.

> Betsy


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Dearest Betsy -

Many of the things I have found in this group is the guidance,honesty, support,

and above Love and understanding that I have been given in my early awakening

and now when I need their support the most.


I will speak my mind out, Betsy,no one stops me from expressing what I honestly

and in good faith need to express, no one. I am not a guru's blinded pupil. I

am me, Becky, and whatever is in my heart, I will bring it forth, for that I

have no fears, none. God knows.


" all of your readers will be quiet,

not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own mind,

they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

to me. "


I am in no worries about upsetting Chrism, you have no clue what my experience

was and still is like. I will be blunt with you, no fears, I believe in my

heart my present experience would of been quite different if I had someone else

as the " guru " , it would of been quite confusing for me.


I do need the confyness, cosiness, and friendly and above all Loving atmosphere

I am given here. My spontaneous experience with Kundalini was a shock to me, I

had no idea such a thing existed, without the loving guidance not only from

Chrism but from this Loving group I can assure you I would of been in " hell " .


This is what struck me when I first read the KAS1 websight:


" We offer our service and support in love and kindness for the understanding and

activation of the Kundalini......We ask that members be considerate in their

communications with each other as this is conducive to a positive flow of

information. Ego isn’t the focus here. Information about how to attain or open

the Kundalini flow is our charter. Safety and sanity, practice and practicality,

Love and service in the search for truth with in the application of Kundalini is

where we live. "


I have chosen, by my own personal guidance this group, what I quoted above says

it all. I have no worries of being kicked out of here, they are a loving group

a respectful group a supportive group and I am confy with that.


Love from a Chestnut Tree,





betsy <ystebanar wrote: Chrism: To

all readers,

I apologize for having to take such a stringent and

forceful approach with Betsy. Please understand this isnt the first

that we have communicated about her obstinant absolutist opinions

and statements with regards to the Kundalini and a stronger approach

may help her to understand. I do not usually take this route but

sometimes it is needed.


Chrism, why is there this strong need in you to take

a strong and foreceful approach with me? Anyone can go back

and read the article I posted and my second reply to you

and I doubt they will see the need for such attacks and

accusations which are now coming out of you. Your attack as

far as I can see is unwarrented and unprovoked.

You have indeed taken all to a personal level painting your picture

of me and telling all your readers how much of a fake I am, etc.

And I see how it works here, all of your readers will be quiet,

not daring to respond to me or the essence of the article, because

if they do they might upset the master who has spoken and made

the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so comfy and cosy

and friendly here that they are afraid that to speak their own mind,

they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose the love of their

dear guru. Or it might be that if they speak their own mind then

they will have to suffer the kind of abuse you are now dishing out

to me.










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This is really not the case and members often have

different ways of seeing things, we just try to work

it out without the ego, and see it as a learning and

growing process.

Even the more outspoken ego driven people are here to

teach us all about ourselves. A mirror I suppose.

Everything is a mirror showing me more and more about

myself , my ego and the world around me.

There are on the other hand guide lines within this

lineage such as service to others, no self

engrandizement, so we try to pursue this as an active

reality within the group.

Rudeness and pushiness is something of an ego trap so

we try to evolve past this.


Blessings Betsy

Elektra x x x



> > And I see how it works here, all of your readers

> > will be quiet,

> > not daring to respond to me or the essence of the

> > article, because

> > if they do they might upset the master who has

> > spoken and made

> > the interpretation for everybody. Everyone is so

> > comfy and cosy

> > and friendly here that they are afraid that to

> speak

> > their own mind,

> > they might get kicked out of the group and/or lose

> > the love of their

> > dear guru.




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To All -


This thread has been somewhat upsetting to me. I can see myself in

some of what Betsy says so I think she should be allowed to post her

experience. That is not to say that others will not experience a

completely different course of events, as it seems anecdotally, this

list has experienced all different types of awakenings. We are all

different. Could we try to not defend a certain position and just

respectfully relate our own unique experiences?


In Love,



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Hi Melissa,


I understand what you are saying and this has been upsetting to many

of us. Everyone is free to post THEIR individual experience exactly

as it happens. However, it is not right to negate anyone else's

experiences by saying that is the only way to experience it, which is

essense is what Betsy is saying. Speaking in absolutes should throw

up a red flag to you.


Betsy certainly is free to post her experiences, the proof is in the

fact that it was posted for all to see.


I do not appreciate being called a drone or being told that I have to

awaken a certain way. MY experiences are vastly different than

Betsy's. Both of our experiences are valid.


As someone who has been here for a while, I can discern what is true

or not for myself through my own experience. Someone new, hearing

someone speak with such authority, might not question it. This might

make their awakening exprience more difficult or make them feel they

are on the wrong track because they don't fit into Betsy's " mold " .


Please note that does not speak in absolutes as he recognizes

that we are all individuals with different issues experiencing the K

in different ways.




, " Melissa "

<mm7810 wrote:


> To All -


> This thread has been somewhat upsetting to me. I can see myself in

> some of what Betsy says so I think she should be allowed to post


> experience. That is not to say that others will not experience a

> completely different course of events, as it seems anecdotally,


> list has experienced all different types of awakenings. We are all

> different. Could we try to not defend a certain position and just

> respectfully relate our own unique experiences?


> In Love,


> Melissa


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Hi Melissa.


I'm sorry that this thread has been upsetting to you. It doesn't have to be

upsetting though. You could look at it as more of an open dialogue. Betsy is

expressing, as well as other members of this group are expressing. Yes, Betsy

should be allowed to post 'her' experience, but that is not really what

happened. An article was posted, as you can see in the title of it " Spontaneous

Awakening is a Myth " ....This is an article of personal opinion only, and is

stated as if it is a fact. It is indeed, NOT a fact.


For many who are new to this group, and searching for answers to what has

happened to them, and seeking to find out what is going on, it does a

disservice. There are no etchings in stone on how awakenings evolve in a person.

Could be a long process, and could be somethiing 'immediate'. I have learned,

that nothing is impossible. Noone can be and should be placed inside of a box.

Placing one inside of a box leaves no room for growth, and can also leave them

feeling like there are no answers.


Also, it was stated in a posting to from Betsy things about this group

which were very incorrect, and which those in this group have every right to

respond to, since they were assumptions and generalizations put upon us as a



This group has been a very open, loving, safe group to communicate with. This

group has felt like family to me, and IS indeed family. has been a

guiding force for me, and the 'teacher' showed up at the perfect time in my

life. He is very honest, patient, calm, to the point, and sometimes blunt, which

is actually a very good thing.


Betsy is not excluded from this family. No one is excluded. Betsy is welcomed

with open arms. We are all connected, and we are ALL one. Lots of love and hugs

to Betsy. :)







Melissa <mm7810 wrote:

To All -


This thread has been somewhat upsetting to me. I can see myself in

some of what Betsy says so I think she should be allowed to post her

experience. That is not to say that others will not experience a

completely different course of events, as it seems anecdotally, this

list has experienced all different types of awakenings. We are all

different. Could we try to not defend a certain position and just

respectfully relate our own unique experiences?


In Love,










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