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I have never been into Abremalin the Mage, the Golden Dawn, Aleister

Crowley, or Doreen Virtue. Don't think that I have heard about " The

Fulcanelli Legend " . Possibly. I have never gotten into Magick, nor

have I ever done any spellwork. I don't want to attract any

entities! My Path has been more like a Gnostic/Grail Path, if that

makes any sense.


However, my Path has stalled out. I am increasing in wisdom and

knowledge, but, I want to go further. I have been wanting to keep

growing, " maturing " , and get on further down the Path, but, I don't

know where to go from here. Some of the posts lately have scared

me ... I don't want to put myself in any more danger, and I don't

want to bring entities into this house. I don't know if

that " helpful " entity is even with me anymore.


Isn't it true that you are called to your Path? I am just trying to

figure out Which Path ... Am I being called to This Path? You tell

me ...


I was raised Southern Baptist, but, early on, I lost interest.

Nobody seemed to actually act and think like Jesus. Very little Love

came from the pulpit, mostly just Hell-fire and Brimstone. What was

the point, then? As soon as I was out of my parent's house, I

stopped going to church. I was not anti-Religion, I just never

thought about it anymore.


Many years later, I was sitting out on the large front porch of my

house, that was deep in the country. I was thinking about the

argument that had gone on just before my husband left for work.

About finances. I hated to argue with him, especially, when he had

to leave.


I suddenly asked God, " Why is Life so hard? " Immediately, I went

into this trance-like state, and I felt this inner urging to go and

find ... a Bible ... I didn't know where to find one! I was told to

look in the box, in the middle bedroom. It was there. I took it,

and walked into my bedroom. I opened it, and suddenly, the words

rose up off the page, dancing like little tiny flames. The words

were - " Unto you has been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of

God ... " I slowly came out of the trance, and saw that the page now

appeared normal. Was that Jesus? It was his words! I was never the

same again ...


The change in me affected my entire family.


I began studying. Intensely. I asked for guidance in order to only

read the books that I was supposed to read. It wasn't long before I

came across some books that startled, and upset me. " The Passover

Plot " , " Jesus, the Magician " . Then, I found out about

Astrotheology. I got very angry. I found out that the reason that

Horus, Krishna, Buddha, Mithra, Jesus, and the other dozen or more

Savior Gods shared the same life story was because it was Myth. It

was the story of the sun going through the constellations ...


Okay. Fine. Whatever. I was going to find Truth!!!! I adjusted my

studies, and kept on going.


Approximately nine months later, I began reading " Holy Blood, Holy

Grail " . I was getting more and more upset. I didn't even know

why. I started feeling that - Something - was about to happen ...

The Summer Solstice was only a few days away ... Maybe, Something

was going to happen - then ...


I told my sister, her husband, and mine. They thought that I was

really getting weird. I didn't care. I was on to something.


My younger brother came by to pick up something or other. As he was

looking around, I heard him singing, " She Came In Through The

Bathroom Window " . I thought about that ... What were those lyrics

all about anyway? Never really thought about it before. Oh, yeah!

It's the song that comes after " Polythene Pam " on Abbey Road!



A night or two later, I started thinking about the Northern Lights.

Curious phenomena. I picked up World Book, " N " , and sat down in the

rocker. Wrong. It wasn't in there. It was under " Aurora

Borealis " . Then, I noticed this strange shield. Northwestern

Territories ... How odd! The design on the shield looked amazingly

similar to the top of the Ark of the Covenant ...




What a strange coincidence! Suddenly, it felt as if lightning struck

my head, and I passed out. When I came to, I noticed that everything

was bathed in this amber-colored glow ... I dragged myself to bed.

I had no idea that I was now in The Fire.


I awoke only a few hours later, which was to be my new pattern. If I

did sleep at all, I would sleep for exactly 3 hours. I noticed that

the world had changed. Not only was I in this reddish cloud,

everything looked less solid ... ???


Then, I heard The Voice. A raspy, rough masculine voice. He

said, " You are an adept. You have been chosen. We are going to play

a Game. If you win, you win Camelot " .


" Camelot " ???!!! I didn't even dare to ask what that was all about.

I just attempted to cooperate with " him " . He never asked me to do

anything " Bad " , he just told me to do some silly, strange things.

Among them - Make my husband say that he is God ... Just enough to

get me in trouble with my husband.


As the days passed, I felt worse, and worse. I could barely eat, and

if I did - No Meat!!! I was so tired, but, I could only seem to

sleep for 3 hours. At one point, I came out of my body, for just a

few seconds. Another time, I lost 3 hours. I was looking at the

clock. It showed that it was 2:00. I blinked, and the clock then

showed that it was 5:00.


I felt like all of these " eyes " were fixed on me. As if I was on

display. I made my husband take down the mirrors, so that I could

see if there were any cameras behind them.


The television was really acting weird. I asked my husband, " Are you

seeing what I'm seeing? " At first, he didn't understand what I was

talking about. Later, he saw it all, too. Dan Rather began ending

his news program - every night - with, " Courage ... " OMG!!! He



One day, I had the television on, for background noise, and I heard

these African drums playing ... I suddenly felt compelled to go into

the bathroom. A feeling close to dread came over me, but, I knew

that I had to go in. I cautiously walked into the room. A small

beam of light suddenly shone through the Northern tiny bathroom

window. It shone on the wallpaper, and the images on the paper began

to change ...


This experience went on for over a week. Many things happened. I

had several witnesses to the strange phenomena that occurred. As I

have said, at the finale of this drama, I nearly died.


Margaret Starbird (author of " Woman With the Alabaster Jar " , and

other books)had a similar experience, only hers happened a couple of

years after mine, and it happened on the Winter Solstice. She wrote

briefly about it in her second book. And, she had just finished

reading " Holy Blood, Holy Grail " before hers began, also.


Years later, my sister was again encouraging me to write a book about

what happened to me. I started writing. Soon, I noticed that

whatever I was writing about began to " echo " in my actual life. When

I wrote about the tractor that my husband bought, a detective called,

and told me that he had recovered our stolen tractor. We hadn't

owned it for years ... This kept on happening.


One day, however, I tossed the book into the fire of our wood stove.

I had been writing about the night that I was staring at that shield,

and then, the lightning struck me. I wrote, " The shield had turned

into a storm ... " I stopped writing for the day.


I realized that it was time for the News. Dan Rather

said, " Operation Desert Shield has just turned into Desert

Storm ... "


The Shield had - again - turned into a Storm ...


The fire consumed my book.

















, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> The west. When I talk about the west I mean as a society. The

> Western Way as I feel you mean it is really a European take on

> eastern thought systems. Christ and Demons and Angels and Lucifer.


> They exist and are a path. They represent the right and left the

> good and bad. The polarities. Many of the paths represent this in

> the human experience. The symbols may change the personages may be

> different but the context remains the same. Our path through the

> polarities.


> Are we going to be a good person today or not?


> The western alchemical path is a virtuous one if you are virtuous

> with in it. The use of entities is more pronounced and the use of

> fear as it has polluted that path is also strong. But fear exists


> other paths as well. I do not malign the western path. I have not

> had positive experiences with it though, I will say that. Because


> its use of fear and punishment as described in the writings

> of " Abremalin the Mage " and the " Golden Dawn " and " Aleister

> Crowley " " The Fulcanelli Legend " and the numerous barrowings from

> the Egyptian belief systems and culture.


> It is a valid path and a virtuous path if you are that way with in

> it.


> With the Kundalini, my priority with what happens here is safety


> sanity both of which can be at risk in some of these other paths. I

> do not encourage entity attachments.


> Because a new Kundalini person can be so easily taken advantage of

> by these discarnate forces that do not pay any physical costs for

> the damage incurred. That do so often with malicious intent veiled

> with in good intentions and used as a way of trapping the person

> inside an artificial world or reality of abuse and suffering.

> Harvesting the Kundalini and feeding on it as they go.


> So I do not support these areas. Yes not all aspects of the Western

> Path do this. But enough of it does encourage these interactions

> that I will not support or encourage anyone contemplating a

> Kundalini path into partaking of these practices, even if they are

> in pain.


> Ask that helpful entity of yours if I am off base Pam. See what

> comes up for you.


> has quit this group because she enjoys

> such interactions via Doreen Virtue. Doreen has a PHD so she must


> right......right? And her last name is ....Virtue.....so she must


> that way right?


> I do not go with the Hermetics as they involve capitulation to

> entities that have very little responsibility for

being ...virtuous.

> So I ask people to take personal responsibility. To make the


> that need to be made from a place of personal responsibility.

> Because it is YOU who will pay the price. It is YOU who should

> garner the benefit in my humble opinion. Your Kundalini belongs to

> you and you share it with those aspects of higher consciousness


> you choose to share it with. Those aspects from a Kundalini

> perspective are waiting for that to take place and they come with

> very recognizable interactions.


> As the safeties are based in love and helpfulness and personal

> responsibility, it is these qualities that are supported and given

> here. Not a supplication to the " intergalactic fleets of the White

> brotherhood " Or the spirit guides of those who have passed like

> Blavatsky or Bailey. Limitations and half truths abound.


> So I suggest a system based in your personal truths and ethics.


> some entity. Or group of entities. They are dime a dozen and most


> them are not interested in your advancement. Not all mind you, but

> most in my experience. It's mostly a distraction from taking

> personal responsibility for you actions and attitudes as you


> them towards others and yourself in your life.


> There are also some very painful results in accepting entity

> attachment. Getting bitten repeatedly or stung over and over. Oh!

> Didn't Red Feather mention that? Or Djwal Kul? Or Saint Germaine?


> the Ascended Masters of the Seven Heavens? Oh! And commander WTF

> from the intergalactic fleet. Can't forget him!


> Heh! No, you take the steps - you personally plant the seed and

> water the soil and YOU reap the rewards - You gain the power and


> divinity. YOU! No one and no " thing " else.


> That is how I feel about that. And if that is hurtful to some folks

> I do understand and bid them " fare well " if that is what they need

> to do. I do not mean to impugn others choices in these matters. I


> mean to support as safe an environment as can be given inside the

> tender early awakenings and activations in this group. - blessings -


> chrism


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