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Anger.....the hurdle for me

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Any emotion that begins to overwhelm me I just see it

as a gift wrapped present and then I kneel down

infront of Mother/Shakti and say " here, I am

surrendering this (my anger) to you now as my gift,

Thankyou for accepting it " , I repeat this over and

over again until I feel it is going.

Also, I use art, I draw my emotions onto a page and

see what it tells me, you could make a really angry

picture and then burn it, breathing out your anger.

Try not to focus this anger onto people, just allow

it, acknowledge it and then thank it and release it.


Hope some of this helps.

Don't worry Prasad, you just keep on moving through

this, it will pass.


Love Elektra x x x




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Hey Prasad,


Please use what you can and toss the rest!


I used to have a shorter fuse as well. For me, each time the anger

came up, or comes up, it's a little gift wrapped opportunity to test

myeslf to see how I'm progressing. It's just a little arrow pointing

to where I need to do a little work. I say thanks for the reminder,

even if I am or was reminded a bit too often at times, lol.


Life surely has circular lessons that repeat as many times as we need

them to be repeated, and each time they repeat we are often at a

higher perspective getting ready to move past the lesson at some

point altogether. And then when we do, on to the next issue or lesson

about something else. But be prepared for a recap now and then, and

if we forgot what we learned, start it all over again.


And of course if we don't listen to our lessons, expect them to come

in bigger and stronger forms. In other words, learning our lessons

while they are at the small annoyance stage is a great idea. If not,

we can expect more life altering 'troublesome' occurences to drive

the lesson home.


Please forgive yourself for getting angry with yourself about getting

angry. The anger is behind a deep and loving desire to be better

person, and that's something to celebrate, not get angry about right?


Peace be with you, bradly

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A few comments about anger. I see a lot of bandaids, such as doing

something different, a change of scenery. I think those are good

methods to diffuse the anger, but isn't it also important to figure

out the source of the anger? It seems as though deflection is just a

temporary measure, the anger is just going to come back another time.

I feel it would be vital to figure out WHY I am so angry, why small

things annoy me, etc. I think that takes a look within and some

blatant honesty with myself.


I am no expert on anger, this is just my feeling about it. I am

curious to hear what others think on this.



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Sometimes an angry space doesnt allow for introspection. Sometimes.

The physical activity can burn off the excessive energy and allow

one to come into a space where the exploration of the cause can be



You are correct searching for the source is a good approach Sarita.

Then balancing that issues so that it no longer is a vector of

expression for anger in the future is an effective measure.


Anger isnt bad, it is merely a way of communicating with an issue

with in that requires attention. - imho - chrism









, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> A few comments about anger. I see a lot of bandaids, such as


> something different, a change of scenery. I think those are good

> methods to diffuse the anger, but isn't it also important to


> out the source of the anger? It seems as though deflection is

just a

> temporary measure, the anger is just going to come back another


> I feel it would be vital to figure out WHY I am so angry, why


> things annoy me, etc. I think that takes a look within and some

> blatant honesty with myself.


> I am no expert on anger, this is just my feeling about it. I am

> curious to hear what others think on this.


> Sarita


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Dear All Angry people (hee hee just kidding)


I think that having a body that is too acidic also

makes you feel angry, and alkaline diet and body =


Acidic body = Angry, Irritable, Tetchy.


Too much sugar in the diet leads to aggression, often

just addressing your diet and seeing how to make it

more alkaline can help alot.


You may want to do a fast, or drink a lot of green

juices, cut out coffee , cut out dairy, white rice


Whenever I'm feeling fearful or angry I look at my

diet first and foremost.


Fasting is a great way to get rid of pent up emotions.


Love and alkalinity

Elektra Lite x x x (a new name ha ha )




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