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My response to Pam

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" Corrections need to be made and I do not have a fondness for

statements that are being mistakenly or falsely given as mine, to go

uncorrected. "


I agree. Let's review ... ; )


Yesterday, you asked my husband and me to meet you in Oklahoma.


Then, you invite him to join this group.


Suddenly, you did a complete turn around, and you said that I - " ...

so severely misread and manufactured my writings about your condition

into this horrid array of untruths ... " ????!!!


Now - you are saying that - " I didn't have time to make that response

earlier as it takes quite some time for me to form those responses. I

am slow. "


Oh ... I was wondering if you were having severe mood swings. Your

attitude certainly changed. I thought that I had misjudged you,

because, earlier, you seemed to show so much dignity, understanding,

and love ... I had decided to suspend judgement until the Oklahoma




Back to the matter at hand ...


In addition to all of your posts at this list that I have brought to

your attention, in an e-mail you sent to me, Oct. 16, you said -




10/16/2007 7:49:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time






" Go ahead and try the Atomidine. Melissa uses the testing method that

is closely tied into how she may feel about a product. You may be

aware of these testing methods where the little finger is used to

pull through another finger for a yes or no question to be answered.


Melissa is an MD, board certified and she will have conscious and

unconsciou issues with treatments that are not familiar to her and

these feelings can bleed over into an opinion that can nullify these

types of testing procedures. - my take on that - I have used

Atomidine myself and can attest to its effectiveness. - blessings -

chrism "



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" chrism " <>



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This sounds as if you are going over an M.D.'s head, and giving me

medical advice, doesn't it?


In another e-mail, you said -


Re: Fenix

10/17/2007 3:26:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time






" Do your research dear friend. Make the needed effort and research

also nwhat is being given as to the cause of your issue. If the

medication is working then why are you not coming into range? Yes the

tests may have supported his theory but he doesn't understand the

Kundalini. Melissa doesn't either though she is going to. She is a

beginner on this path.


Read the Cayce literature on the ARE site about your particular issue

it is there. Keep me apprised of how you are feeling and what you are

doing dear friend. "



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Some clarity - " his " in this e-mail means - my doctor. BTW, there is

no Cayce literature on Hyperthyroidism, and Atomidine is ONLY

recommended for Hypothyroidism. Now, if this doesn't sound as if you

are continuing to give me medical advice, over and beyond what my

doctor, as well as Melissa said, then grits ain't groceries ...



You are the teacher here. You have said -


" An apprentice program is available for those who can so totally and

completely surrender to the Kundalini and the safeties as instructed

by my self(ves) that they wish to " teach others " and further

themselves on this path in the giving and receiving of service.


This requires meeting in person with me and a signed contract of

expressed desire and willingness to surrender to these teachings and

surrenderings. This requires a level of commitment so very deep and a

level of service to others that is tactile and unflinching here on

this and other groups and to the KAS1 community and your community at

large, as directed by myself. This is so strong and so very committed

that I do not expect many takers.


Its a rough program. I am a very strict and results oriented

teacher! -

lol - chrism "


" Please read Beckys declaration of surrender thoroughly and feel if

this is a degree of surrender that you can match or be comfortable

with. If so, in your own words, write a similar declaration that

covers the same degree of surrender and dedication to the process and

the teachings and the light behind your eyes. "


" Please be aware of the level of surrender needed. Please understand

that wanting is very different from having. "



You have - repeatedly - stressed the fact that you are a Very Strict

teacher, and the Apprenticeship demands obedience. You told me that

my doctor's treatment of my condition wasn't working (SEE ABOVE ^),

and he didn't " understand " , and you told me to " go ahead and try the

Atomidine " (SEE ABOVE ^). Sounded like an order to me. Sounded like

you were " giving a direction " .


BTW, I wrote my Declaration - twice. Then, I got an e-mail from you,

and you said -


" Please be as descriptive and detailed - in your words - like Becky

was. Go as deep and as open as you can at this time be. I feel a

slight reticence from you in this regard. Its not easy so go as far

as you can go and still back it up honestly and with active

experience as you surrender deeper then you have ever gone before. "


A " slight reticence " ???!!!


Then, another e-mail -


" Please use your full birth name in your declaration and write it in

a way that covers the intentions becky used in hers if you feel as

strongly about this as is needed for a stronger exposure. "


I started getting the feeling that you were becoming A Little

Controlling. I noticed that out of the many Declarations, only two,

I believe, were made in the form you required from me. Why is that?


" This Dr. Walters is erring on the side of caution as determined by

the medical community which doesnt understand Kundalini, doesnt even

admit to its existence, and has no reference for it in the

proffesional literature that they base most of their opinions on. "


Kinda sounds like damned good advice to me, Chrism. Caution is Good.


" Baba said it so it must be true. To use a Guru to support a

position of me as an irresponsible teacher (Guru) because I have

offered options mis interpreted as advice is unfortunate. At least

one could have used one of the better teachers. - lol " .


Uhhh ... I took this straight off a page at that web site! This is

not some kind of reference to you being " an irresponsible teacher " !

Everything taken from Dr. Walters is From - THE WEB PAGE. I was

simply trying to show that there were other knowledgeable opinions,

and they stated that discontinuing my medication wasn't necessary.


" It isn't legal for me to take full responsibility for your well being

for a condition that is not accepted by science. "


Hyperthyroidism - is - accepted by science. Duh? Or, are you

playing doctor again, and diagnosing me?


" Obviously this person wasn't given the facts as I am not teaching

Kundalini Yoga at all! These are not Yoga teachings. "


This is a questions of semantics, and an attempt to cloud the issue.

However, you are emphasizing The 5 Tibetans, No? The 5 Tibetans =



You recently said to Becky - " It isn't about personalities or egos. "


Then, to me -


" So proceed with your sadhana as you see fit. Make sure that you

call up and write these folks when ever you have an issue with

anything I say. I look forward to how they re interpret it. "


" I am not depriving you of your medicine. Perhaps then it is Dr.

Walters you should be studying with. "


" You have found a home with Dr. Edwards and Dr. Walters

and the support center they have and these are viable options for

you to take. I hope you do so. "


Sounds like you have a bruised ego. These are very emotional

statements. Very unworthy of you, a teacher.


It's interesting to me, that in the short time I have been at this

list, whenever another teacher comes up, you have attempted to

discredit that teacher. Seems like you present yourself as one of

the Few True Teachers.


" Yes I do not enjoy having to warn people about the mistakes being

perptrated by another so called " awakened " individual but the

prevented damage is more than worth it. "


" Baba said it so it must be true ... At least

one could have used one of the better teachers. "


" She is largely responsible for some unfortunate Kundalini


She is a sexual and energetic dominatrix with an agenda. She admits

this. I'm not being creative. Her Bondage and slavery issues are well

known. Though she tries to downplay them now. I believe she is

recruiting for her Fire Tantra students so be advised. "


" Her site can produce some interesting information and I would

exercise caution with regards to any interaction with her or her

information and students as she is as interested in your energy as

any astral entity that feeds on others. I have found hers and others

systems similar to hers to be more cannibalistic in that eating the

Kundalini babies is encouraged. Meaning those newly awakened. This

can have the effect of a newly awakened person losing a part of their

energetic identity in a way similar to what soul retrieval is about. "


" Yes it s a big aquarium and there are predators. Don't be frightened

and don't be discouraged. This is an aspect of existence in the levels

slightly outside of the norm. In many ways a reflection of our

predatorial world. "


" I say these things to offer you guidance about my research and

readings of her site and those who have direct interaction with her

and her students. I have also observed her behaviors in this area. She

is not alone though she is one of the more predatorial. There are

others. If your choice is abrogated by virtue of her energetic

abilities then you are essentially entrapped and must find the way


Not always an easy thing. "


I guess we can add Dr. Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D. and Dorothy Walters,

Ph.D. to this list of unworthy and horrific teachers.



And, finally, you said, in a post -


" ... so just be careful about any agreements you make with

anyone you havent developed a strong secure feeling or relationship

with. Including myself as I am sure there are people who clash with

many of my recommendations. "


Best advice I've heard in quite some time ...



I don't understand how you could have forgotten all of the things

that you have said to me, just a few days ago! Bad memory?


And, I Really don't appreciate it when you say that I " manufactured "

your writings, and then, labelled me as a person who

states " untruths " . The evidence speaks for itself, Chrism.


I respect your Path, and I respect the Paths of all of the others at

this group. Go forth, and teach. I have full confidence that I can

tread this Path alone, if necessary.







BTW - My husband's name is NOT " Rex " . That is his on-line screen

name ... : ) !!!!!!!!! (laughing!)




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> I didn't have time to make that response earlier as it takes quite

> some time for me to form those responses. I am slow.


> I have no problem with Pam. I feel she is a good and well meaning

> person as is her husband Rex. I am still willing to meet them. And


> can say that about her and still express my issue about what was

> written and mistakenly attributed to me.


> I will not allow words or sentiments that I have not voiced or


> or stated to be given as my own opinion. Corrections need to be


> and I do not have a fondness for statements that are being


> or falsely given as mine, to go uncorrected. It is as simple as


> blessings all - chrism


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