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Black dog again and update on Deb long

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Hi Linda and everyone,

I've been having dreams of the black dog also. Although I have yet to

remember while I am in the dream who he/she really is. A couple of wks

ago I was leading some people into this nature walk. But first we had

to go through the swamp. (my son may have been there also) While I was

immersed in this water and feeling slimy things swim around (oh and

lots of snake dreams) I remembered that I've been to where I was

heading many times before. I remembered that I walk through this path

leading people and it is very beautiful. But then all sorts of African

animals start appearing. No big deal yet. Then This pack of Big Black

Wild Dogs/Wolves start ripping us apart. I always feel horrible about

having led all these people to this place where we get ripped apart.

Its happened more than once. Well in this dream I remembered that I was

leading them down a path where they were going to get ripped apart and

I turned back. BOO HOO! I wish I would remember its Shakti!


Last night I dreamt (another reoccurring dream theme) that I was in

this big house. There was this man living in the basement that I felt

uncomfortable living in our house with us. He said he was like the

handyman. (In other similiar dreams an evil demonic man is there and

always after my son who I always have to try to save and its very

frightening-I don't know if this is because my son was a very sick baby

and I was always at the hospital with him-his health was not good when

young and still today if he gets sick it is much worse than any of us)

Anyway he promised not to hurt the children. But then I went to ck on

my kids and my daughter who was a baby was ok but when I went in my

sons room, my son was walking around like a zombie. So I hurried up and

grabbed my kids and started putting them in the car to just leave as I

was telling the man off! The entire time this huge black dog was just

standing there at my side. I just kinda ignored it as I put my kids in

the car. It was just like patiently waiting for me. I'm so wrapped up

in getting the kids to safety that I'm not remembering why the dog is



As a side note I've had many dreams of an evil man before, but when he

was just after me, I finally handled it and remembered to ask him what

he wanted and he turned into this really nice person. I seem to be

having a problem with doing something like this when it comes to my

kids. So I keep getting the reoccuring dream. I don't know how I'll do

this in the dream, because I feel like I have to save them.

I wish the dog would just come after me without anyone else around, so

I don't feel responsible for them and feel like I have to protect them.

I think I wouldn't be so emotional then and not remember why he's there.


Obviously I havent let go of my kids yet! LOL So any advice anyone? How

do I get over this motherly instinct? Ugg That dog keeps showing up and

I keep failing! I so want to remember and let it happen gracefully!

I've also seen these red eyes glowing at me when I close mine to go to

sleep. I know its Shakti so I welcome it, but always forget in the



On a side note I also see beautiful sparklies all over and lots of blue

dots! All very nice! I'm still feeling heat in hands and feet and other

places and lots of swirling energy in there also. Sometimes in my knee

or legs. Feeling different pressures on the head too. I have also felt

some bubbling in the back, but no energy rush up the spine. Sometimes I

also feel something shoot into my eye. One night I had really nice

vibrations around 3:00 throughout my body.


I'm sorry this is so long. I know I havent posted in awhile. Been busy

with my daughter coming home, work, kids, and I signed up for some

night classes. I'm mathmatically challenged, (: so I'm not sure how its

going to go, but we'll see. I have been reading everyones posts and

appreciate all of you! Thinking of you all and wishing everyone well!

You all are a big help to me, so many many thanks!!!


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