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Debs (ha),

I don't have cancer any more, and never will again. I believe cancer is about

feeling hopeless. It was back when I was in that horrible relationship I COULD

NOT GET AWAY from this man. It Was Unbelievable. I believe cancer is a

crossroads in your life. God(ess) is asking you. Do you want to live or do you

want to die? If you want to die, don't do much of anything and you can die. If

you want to live, you had better get busy changing the way you are going about

it, and I mean right now, and I do mean FIGHT! You Need to SHOW ME (Missouri

state slogan) that you want to live. So I did fight and I did change my life and

now I am healthy, happy, sometimes blissfully so, and most impotantly to ME, at

peace. And Deb, I am not sure my K is awakened NOW much less then. I think it

is, but I just don't know. I really think it has been for a long time, but I

just am not sure. I don't have a lot of the symptoms, but I do have and have had

many of them. It may have

just gone back to sleep, cause I am just TOO LAZY!! I have gotten away from my

yoga practice again, I am only doing some of the safeties, and I am not doing

the 5 tibetans either. I get so far, and it scares me, to be doing too well so I

backslide. One step forward two steps back. Partly it is because I don't feel I

deserve it, mostly I am scared of what will be required of me. Whine, whine,

whine. Namaste,




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Often people have attachments without having Kundalini. Kundalini

does allow one to perceive and experience the different flora and

fuana of the blended realities. You are not doing anything wrong or

bad Deb. Whether your kids have attachments or not isnt really up to

you at this stage and you cannot control it in any sense yet. So no

worries or guilt trips.


Yes raise your vibration and set that example for your family. Allow

them to perceive by your example what the best remedy is. Please

control your fears. Please do not go overboard with the camphor or

the garlic or the smudging. Moderation is best.


More important is for you to get a handle on your fears of this

unknown for you. It starts with you my friend. Get clear and

balanced with this behind your own eyes first. After a while it isnt

so dramatic or exciting and they do eventually fall away. There are

plenty of strange and beautiful aspects of Kundalini that will most

certainly displace your focus on the dramatic aspects of energy

parasites. They are not that important - except at first.


You are going well and yes this is a test for you. So do your best

to pass it with flying colors and bright smiles. Once you move

beyond this area you wont have to repeat it. Raise your vibration as

far as you can and in doing this will you be able to help your family

in the most effective and best possible way. -

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Dear Chrism,

Thanks so much for sending this! Just what I needed! Oh so you think

rubbing garlic all over may be a tad much? Ha But I smell so good! (:


You know yesterday when you sent that beautiful reply to me and at

the end mentioned that I will have many more " challenges and

adventures as it should be "

Well.....I'm a bit embarrassed to admit here that the

whole " challenges " word got me thinking that you knew more than were

saying and I started getting a bit worried about " more challenges "

part thinking I might have a flock of something bad coming my way!

Okay I know you're to nice to slap me silly, but come on admit it you

kinda wanna! (:


So yes I admit it! I obviously started to get into fear here! And you

wonder why I had a headache all night! I mean I could have focused on

the whole page of wonderful things you said!!!! And challenge doesn't

have to be bad, right? It was just a general statement of course? Of

course! Okay climbing out of the whole I made! Do I send this and

share my embarrassment? Hmmmmmmmmm


Love you Chrism, hope you arent annoyed with me yet!


Ps Right it was just a general statement! LOL

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