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Hiya, Carol, I know what you mean! I haven't been to church services

in probably 25 yrs.! My memories of church are negative but at least

the singing gave me some joy. I now sing semi-professionally in

choruses and small ensembles. Some of the music is religious in

nature and I feel that, when I sing it. Even the non-religous has

some expression of the One in it, because It is a part of all our

human experiences as well. Something about singing lets the soul come

out and be HUGE, merging with all things in that experience, in my

own reality. It is an expression of God/Source/Divine/Holy/----fill

in your word for the All That Is that is in all of us. I miss the

community feel of a church but don't miss the duality part (love thy

neighbor/disrespect them when they aren't around; I'll help you but

only if you have 'X' beliefs; all are one in Christ but I dress

better than you and drive a better car!, etc.) I pray for a day when

church doesn't mean denomination or seperation anymore but All are

One, we really ARE family and Love reigns supreme. I dream on.

Anyway, I sing, that's MY church service (communing with Divine). And

I have found a Community of Love and expressions of God in others I

have made music with.


Oh dear, I didn't mean to go into the Philosophy/Tao of Valarie, it

just came pouring out...yikes!!! But on the other hand, it helped me

to actually put it out there and see it. A sort of declaration at a

spirit level...not sure why I needed to do that but there it is. I go

with it when I'm urged I guess. LOL! Shakti has been doing things

with me lately that have me on the emotional rollercoaster. Today is

an ~*Up*~ day...look out! *big smiles*


Love to you and hope you find your Special Place, Carol. And I'm glad

you're here, if I hadn't said that yet. I've enjoyed your posts and

thoughtful questions. Keep asking questions and telling us about

your experience!





, " Carol S. Gunn "

<cgunn1111 wrote:


> Valerie,

> Thank you for reminding me. I haven't been to church in years, and

really the only part I miss is the music, ...

> Carol

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Interesting what you say about music Valarie - I had my first

samadhi experience while listening to Pink Floyd - lol. I also

dated a guy once who was in a band and was an atheist; he said that

he felt music was the closest thing to being spiritual that he could

think of.


Much Love,




, " Valarie

Vousden " <vjvousden wrote:


Some of the music is religious in

> nature and I feel that, when I sing it. Even the non-religous has

> some expression of the One in it, because It is a part of all our

> human experiences as well. Something about singing lets the soul


> out and be HUGE, merging with all things in that experience, in my

> own reality. It is an expression of God/Source/Divine/Holy/----


> in your word for the All That Is that is in all of us.

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Oh yes, I agree. I have always gotten chills and/or goosebumps with

certain pieces of music. A few months ago, I started having a huge

amount of energy flow whenever I sing. It doesn't matter what I sing

either, it could be Mary Had a Little Lamb. I often feel a

blossoming in my heart chakra and the tingles envelope my entire neck

and head. Love it!




, " Melissa "

<mm7810 wrote:


> Interesting what you say about music Valarie - I had my first

> samadhi experience while listening to Pink Floyd - lol. I also

> dated a guy once who was in a band and was an atheist; he said that

> he felt music was the closest thing to being spiritual that he


> think of.


> Much Love,


> Melissa


> , " Valarie

> Vousden " <vjvousden@> wrote:

> >

> Some of the music is religious in

> > nature and I feel that, when I sing it. Even the non-religous has

> > some expression of the One in it, because It is a part of all our

> > human experiences as well. Something about singing lets the soul

> come

> > out and be HUGE, merging with all things in that experience, in


> > own reality. It is an expression of God/Source/Divine/Holy/----

> fill

> > in your word for the All That Is that is in all of us.


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Hi All,

I had an unusually instructive one of these this Saturday. I was out

walking, exploring deserted roads I'd never been down before. About

half an hour in, I noticed within the random chatter of my mind a

bubbling dissatisfaction with the word " road " . Somehow, " street "

seemed to fit the cool of the early morning so much better. In fact,

not just that one word, a phrase - " on the street " . After a while of

this thought bobbing around in my head for no apparent reason, I

noticed that thumb locks might not be a bad idea, and started them.

Very soon after doing this, I realised there was music backing too...

the phrase was in fact a scrap of lyrics from a mostly forgotten,

decades-old U2 song. And the music started running through my head -

there were loads of mumbly bits in the lyrics as it's been such a

long time:


" ...on the street / and the people she meets you know / "

" .. . .. ? ... .. / .... ? . .my love for you / "

" .. ?. . . ..live?.. die? ../ ... to my self some day / "

" ..? ? ? / .............? ... / " (etc!)


I still wasn't concentrating all that much, until this caught my



" [the city's] a fire, a passionate flame / "

" that knows me by name / "


Oh! I felt some meaning in that. I still hadn't identified the

song, but my body had, I was getting currents. A totally mumbled

verse went by, but then I suddenly had to stop in my tracks in awe.

As the volume ramped way up internally, the slower, softer, drawn out

female voice of the chorus revealed all. As wave after wave of

urgent, surging electricity charged up my scalp and head, racing and

overlapping each other in blankets of scintillation, these words

accompanied them:


" S u r r e n d e r ...


S u r r e n d e r ...




S u r r e n d e r ...


S u r r e n d e r ... "



, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> Oh yes, I agree. I have always gotten chills and/or goosebumps


> certain pieces of music. A few months ago, I started having a huge

> amount of energy flow whenever I sing. It doesn't matter what I


> either, it could be Mary Had a Little Lamb. I often feel a

> blossoming in my heart chakra and the tingles envelope my entire


> and head. Love it!


> Sarita


> , " Melissa "

> <mm7810@> wrote:

> >

> > Interesting what you say about music Valarie - I had my first

> > samadhi experience while listening to Pink Floyd - lol. I also

> > dated a guy once who was in a band and was an atheist; he said


> > he felt music was the closest thing to being spiritual that he

> could

> > think of.

> >

> > Much Love,

> >

> > Melissa

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Ooh how weird... I had that song come to me just the other day also,

and hadn't thought of it in a long time. I still say all of us here

are on the same wave, at least some of the time! Amazing...

love & light ~Jen~


, " etomireland "

<singaporenoodles wrote:


> Hi All,

> I had an unusually instructive one of these this Saturday. I was out

> walking, exploring deserted roads I'd never been down before. About

> half an hour in, I noticed within the random chatter of my mind a

> bubbling dissatisfaction with the word " road " . Somehow, " street "

> seemed to fit the cool of the early morning so much better. In fact,

> not just that one word, a phrase - " on the street " . After a while of

> this thought bobbing around in my head for no apparent reason, I

> noticed that thumb locks might not be a bad idea, and started them.

> Very soon after doing this, I realised there was music backing too...

> the phrase was in fact a scrap of lyrics from a mostly forgotten,

> decades-old U2 song. And the music started running through my head -

> there were loads of mumbly bits in the lyrics as it's been such a

> long time:


> " ...on the street / and the people she meets you know / "

> " .. . .. ? ... .. / .... ? . .my love for you / "

> " .. ?. . . ..live?.. die? ../ ... to my self some day / "

> " ..? ? ? / .............? ... / " (etc!)


> I still wasn't concentrating all that much, until this caught my

> attention:


> " [the city's] a fire, a passionate flame / "

> " that knows me by name / "


> Oh! I felt some meaning in that. I still hadn't identified the

> song, but my body had, I was getting currents. A totally mumbled

> verse went by, but then I suddenly had to stop in my tracks in awe.

> As the volume ramped way up internally, the slower, softer, drawn out

> female voice of the chorus revealed all. As wave after wave of

> urgent, surging electricity charged up my scalp and head, racing and

> overlapping each other in blankets of scintillation, these words

> accompanied them:


> " S u r r e n d e r ...


> S u r r e n d e r ...




> S u r r e n d e r ...


> S u r r e n d e r ... "


> Tom

> , " Sarita "

> <sarita1969@> wrote:

> >

> > Oh yes, I agree. I have always gotten chills and/or goosebumps

> with

> > certain pieces of music. A few months ago, I started having a huge

> > amount of energy flow whenever I sing. It doesn't matter what I

> sing

> > either, it could be Mary Had a Little Lamb. I often feel a

> > blossoming in my heart chakra and the tingles envelope my entire

> neck

> > and head. Love it!

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > , " Melissa "

> > <mm7810@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Interesting what you say about music Valarie - I had my first

> > > samadhi experience while listening to Pink Floyd - lol. I also

> > > dated a guy once who was in a band and was an atheist; he said

> that

> > > he felt music was the closest thing to being spiritual that he

> > could

> > > think of.

> > >

> > > Much Love,

> > >

> > > Melissa


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That's great, Tom! I'm constantly amazed at this phenomenon. How a

snippet of song comes to mind, usually at first without words, just

to get the idea of the song into my head, then slowly the words come.

At first I just shake my head and think, " Where the heck is this

coming from? " as it seems to have nothing to do with anything. Then

words come slowly and eventually an " ah-ha! " moment where the words

firm up and I " get it " as in it's some phrase that has an immediate

meaning after all. Sometimes it's even like a joke and I can't help

but laugh.


I'm glad someone else has this and it's not just me! LOL Blessed

Mother/Shakti gets thoughts across to us in whatever way works best

for us...and oh, doesn't She know us best?

Laughing and singing,



, " etomireland "

<singaporenoodles wrote:


> Hi All,

....one word, a phrase - " on the street " . After a while of

> this thought bobbing around in my head for no apparent reason, I

> noticed that thumb locks might not be a bad idea, and started them.

Very soon after doing this, I realised there was music backing too...


> " ...on the street / and the people she meets you know / "

> " .. . .. ? ... .. / .... ? . .my love for you / "

> " .. ?. . . ..live?.. die? ../ ... to my self some day / "

> " ..? ? ? / .............? ... / " (etc!)


> " [the city's] a fire, a passionate flame / "

> " that knows me by name / "


> Oh! I felt some meaning in that. I still hadn't identified the

> song, but my body had, I was getting currents. As wave after wave

of urgent, surging electricity charged up my scalp and head, racing

and overlapping each other in blankets of scintillation, these words

accompanied them:


> " S u r r e n d e r ...


> S u r r e n d e r ...


> S u r r e n d e r ...


> S u r r e n d e r ... "


> Tom

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