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Becky-FOOD-Carol and Poop Poop muffins

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Dearest Carol -

I am not sure if it was you who was talking about Flax Seed and not liking it.

I milled flax seed (1/4 cup) I add about 1/3cup of Rapseed Oil, a tad of water,

some honey and I drink it in the morning...I like it.

I have a recipe for microwave flax seed muffins, it takes 3 minutes to make

and I Love them! I call them Poop Poop muffins 'cause they keep me regular, lol

If you want the recipe I'll shoot it your way.




" Carol S. Gunn " <cgunn1111 wrote:

Becky, I just love you, you flamenco fairy you! There had better be a

kitchen, cause I bet we have some great cooks in this group. I'm not too bad in

the ole kitchen myself! I am so looking forward to it! I love food! All kinds!





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I frown on microwave usage. I want to share with you that I had a vision earlier

this year about the dangers of microwaves. The goddess/K energy rages in me when

someone uses the microwave. Silly as it seems, my soul and mind knows it can

cause harm. I will attach info on it, since I want everyone to have a wonderful

Kundalini experience. See http://www.mercola.com/forms/turbo_oven.htm for

alternative ovens.

blessings to you and thumbs up for being regular ;-)


Microwaves heat your food by causing it to resonate at very high frequencies.

While this can effectively heat your food, it also causes a change in the

chemical structure of the food that can lead to health issues.


Heating food can cause problems by itself but when you heat it with microwaves,

you further devitalize your food. This is one of the explanations for the

following observations:


A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of

Food and Agriculture found that broccoli " zapped " in the microwave with a little

water lost up to 97 percent of the beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains.

By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants.


When microwaving, carcinogenic toxins could be leached from your plastic and

paper plates or covers and mix with your food.


Not surprisingly, Dr. Hertel's study was met with great resistance from those

with much to lose. After a gag order by a Swiss trade organization was removed,

his study was finally published in 1992. Dr. Hertel's startling findings showed

that microwave cooking resulted in:


Increased cholesterol levels


More leukocytes, or white blood cells, which can suggest poisoning


Decreased numbers of red blood cells


Production of radiolytic compounds (compounds unknown in nature)


Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemic tendencies





---- Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich wrote:

> Dearest Carol -

> I am not sure if it was you who was talking about Flax Seed and not liking

it. I milled flax seed (1/4 cup) I add about 1/3cup of Rapseed Oil, a tad of

water, some honey and I drink it in the morning...I like it.

> I have a recipe for microwave flax seed muffins, it takes 3 minutes to make

and I Love them! I call them Poop Poop muffins 'cause they keep me regular, lol

If you want the recipe I'll shoot it your way.

> Love,

> Becky


> " Carol S. Gunn " <cgunn1111 wrote:

> Becky, I just love you, you flamenco fairy you! There had better be

a kitchen, cause I bet we have some great cooks in this group. I'm not too bad

in the ole kitchen myself! I am so looking forward to it! I love food! All

kinds! Namaste,

> Carol



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I am with you Lisa on the microwave issue. Not good for our bodies

at all.


Much Love,





<pleiades69 wrote:


> I frown on microwave usage. I want to share with you that I had a

vision earlier this year about the dangers of microwaves. The

goddess/K energy rages in me when someone uses the microwave. Silly

as it seems, my soul and mind knows it can cause harm. I will attach

info on it, since I want everyone to have a wonderful Kundalini

experience. See http://www.mercola.com/forms/turbo_oven.htm for

alternative ovens.

> blessings to you and thumbs up for being regular ;-)

> ________

> Microwaves heat your food by causing it to resonate at very high

frequencies. While this can effectively heat your food, it also

causes a change in the chemical structure of the food that can lead

to health issues.


> Heating food can cause problems by itself but when you heat it

with microwaves, you further devitalize your food. This is one of

the explanations for the following observations:


> A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the

Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli " zapped " in the

microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of the

beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains. By comparison, steamed

broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants.


> When microwaving, carcinogenic toxins could be leached from your

plastic and paper plates or covers and mix with your food.


> Not surprisingly, Dr. Hertel's study was met with great resistance

from those with much to lose. After a gag order by a Swiss trade

organization was removed, his study was finally published in 1992.

Dr. Hertel's startling findings showed that microwave cooking

resulted in:


> Increased cholesterol levels


> More leukocytes, or white blood cells, which can suggest poisoning


> Decreased numbers of red blood cells


> Production of radiolytic compounds (compounds unknown in nature)


> Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemic






> ---- Becky Jean Rich <beckyjeanrich wrote:

> > Dearest Carol -

> > I am not sure if it was you who was talking about Flax Seed

and not liking it. I milled flax seed (1/4 cup) I add about 1/3cup

of Rapseed Oil, a tad of water, some honey and I drink it in the

morning...I like it.

> > I have a recipe for microwave flax seed muffins, it takes 3

minutes to make and I Love them! I call them Poop Poop

muffins 'cause they keep me regular, lol If you want the recipe

I'll shoot it your way.

> > Love,

> > Becky

> >

> > " Carol S. Gunn " <cgunn1111 wrote:

> > Becky, I just love you, you flamenco fairy you! There

had better be a kitchen, cause I bet we have some great cooks in

this group. I'm not too bad in the ole kitchen myself! I am so

looking forward to it! I love food! All kinds! Namaste,

> > Carol

> >

> >

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