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visit to brazil...

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i feel blessed in so many many ways to have this opportunity to be

going to the healer john of god- the first i heard of him was when i

read crism's bio - so i looked up the site and felt a strong pull to

go there - since then he has been popping up all over to me - i get

all k ing when i read the posts and think about going - i feel i am

suppose to go there for some reason - have always felt that i was

strong in some way - have thought that i was probably a wise old lady

at one time - i have been skirting on the periphery of all things

healing/alternative/other worldly all my life - would never really

get into the area- did not feel worthy or knowlegable - now i feel

so differently - i know there is a plan for me - it has something to

do with others in a big way - this trip is part of the discovery for

me -


it is not gonna be easy - c has shared what he expereinced yet i know

it is different for each one - entities form other worlds - bring

them on - this has been a life long dream of mine to communicate with

other worlds - i may not be able to directly but just being near is

enough for me - i cry too - like now - i know this will be a life

turning event for me - i am ready to get on with the show - it is

gonna be hard for me in many ways yet the results will be worth any

pain -


all my life i have wanted a husband and a family - that was not my

fate - and now i see why - if i had what i had wanted i could not be

going on this path - i am free to go where and when the whim takes

me - i am so blessed to have met c and this group -


and to chrism i say - thank you from the bottom of my heart for being

willing to be by my side in my new journey - i trust you completely

and know that you will offer assistance if i need it - and i am here

for you to promote k in all areas- the non profit, the gathering, and

any new ventures you are directed to develop.

i do not understand much of what is happening here yet i have decided

that it is not importatn for me to understand for when i need the

knowing it will be there - no worries - i liek that - i have no

worries - i have only wonderful feelings of what is to come for

myself and all of the group -


chrism has said a number of times that k folk are special and unique -

i see this and understand it - the possiblilites for this group to

affect big changes in the world is real- i know this and i am so

honored to be part of the changing for good - i am here to do

whatever i can to help with the process-


thank you all for your support and your curiosity - i will do a

running diary of what happens to me - if i am together enough to do

so - i want to take part in anything i am allowed to join in -


do any of you remember the poem i sent to you all about the flowers?

well i am taking along some petals of silk roses that i will pass out

to those i meet - have thought of having my poem translated and being

that we will be there for the holidays - i will make and bring my

crocheted towels as gifts - i love to give to people and the holidays

are a special time -


last year i spent xmas in italy this year in brazil - wonder where k

will take me next year ? i am so so blessed - and know that each and

every one of you will be right there with me in every

test/session/meeting/healing- i am not going alone - i am going with

the group - all being carried by chrism and i -


pray that i can keep my thoughts pure and focused - have thought i

might get an electric zapper to keep me focused - no thoughts on sex -

now that is a challenge of great magnitude for me - to be early k

activited and not be able to even think about sex - pray for me i

will need every prayer i can get - i am trying now to ready myself -

pain is the only thing i can think of that will help - any

suggestions are appreciated - thank god it is only for 40 days after

the sessions - even thinking about not thinking about sex has my body

pulsing - has to have been a man thing - just had to have been


we have moved the trip up - am gonna try to go early dec and back

late jan - write if you have any questions - wish me luck in getting

a visa - i leave this sat and have to get it from miami - and i have

to have the tri booked before getting the visa - oh my -




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Dear ,


I'm so happy that you are finding your way, you are on

the lightening path now...

If I get some money in the next month I am seriously

considering buying a ticket a meeting up with you out

there, it all depends on money honey.

So much can change in a week, or two.

It sounds so beautiful my heart just wants me to grow

wings and fly out to see the parrots.


I would love to come and also bring my friend who has

HIV with me.


Well, you never know, crazier things have happened and

I do have until January to get out there.


Wishing you well on your travels, wishing you well for

the visa office.

Hugs and love

Elektra x x x




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This sounds absolutely amazing . Please keep us posted about your

plans. And the trip too of course! By some miracle if I could go too, I

would. Or at a future date!


lots of love,



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Electra - yes i know about the money thing - you could hook up with us and share

my room - and there are couch surfers there - perhaps free board would help -

that may be an option - flights seem to vary lots - try some one way paths -

that seems to be less expensive - oh and wear white - i have to get white

clothes - was telling dyana i do not do white - i like color and lots of it -

but they all seem to wear white - yeah i get the heavenly imagine but so boring

- white - red yellow green purple orange now there are some colors that feel

good - i did notice on the pics from the new york trip for john of god - he was

the only one that had any color on- his jacket was not whtie all others wore

white - makes me pause??????????


check out friends of john of god - lots of good info on what occurs - and i

need to figure out a way to bring some kind of cushion or seat - hours sitting

meditating will be not so good on the butt or back - any and all are welcome -

once the arrangements are made we will post so if anyone wants to join up you

will know where we are -


just thought of a wasy to keepo my mind free of those inpure thoughts - study

italian - or portuguese ot some language - reciting conjugations may do it -



cico bambina mia













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Dear ,


the having no sexual thoughts for me would be so easy,

I got that down pat. I've had nearly no sexual

thoughts for over 12 years....easy peasy.

I would have made a great nun.


I just need the money now, pray for me, there is a

possibilty I could come in to some money quite soon so

fingers crossed, and toes crossed also.


I'll be using the kubera mudra to manifest..WINK*


Not sure about the white clothes mind you, do your

trousers need to be white also?


Love and happy travels

Elektra x x x




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Hi !


We are really happy and excited for you! It sounds like a once in a life

tiome trip. Be sure to share all the details while you are there and when you

get back!








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white all over - yes - skirts/pants - did not see any shorts - they

are very conservative - catholic conservative - someone mentioned

scrubs - i am gonna look in chicago for them -at the water fall -

men/women go at separate times - i can not imagine skippy suits there

at least in the healing area -


come on down - as they say on jeopardy stupid stupid show - never

watch it just have heard the phrase -


anyhow - i am going to a travel agent to day to see if they can get

better prices than i seem to be doing -


i promise i will keep all informed - once c is back to cal it will be

easier - and i will be there nov 20 -realized last night that i

probably should drive to miami for the visa - i do not like miami

traffic - and alligator ally is not so good - lots of wrecks - but i

will do what i have to - here for many visas one has to send the

passport to the embassy - that is not a fun thing - for they use

regular mail unless of course one does an overnight thing -


my new theory on all things - if it is to be it will be -


money is good - praying you a ****load -






, Elektra Fire

<elektra.fire wrote:


> Dear ,


> the having no sexual thoughts for me would be so easy,

> I got that down pat. I've had nearly no sexual

> thoughts for over 12 years....easy peasy.

> I would have made a great nun.


> I just need the money now, pray for me, there is a

> possibilty I could come in to some money quite soon so

> fingers crossed, and toes crossed also.


> I'll be using the kubera mudra to manifest..WINK*


> Not sure about the white clothes mind you, do your

> trousers need to be white also?


> Love and happy travels

> Elektra x x x



> _________

> Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit For

Good http://uk.promotions./forgood/environment.html


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