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Kundalini Awakened Couples and Marriage

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Hi and group,


I have a dumb question out of curiosity. I know that most of us who

first walk this path are not awakened, but what if a couple both

become awakened and walk the Kundalini path (whether married or about

to get married) - do they get married in church - is there a

particular one or do they still marry in the same church they go

to/follow the same beliefs from that church (*dumb question)?


Sorry ... I was just curious how that goes.



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hmmm..well,marry me and let the kundalini sort out the church?


, " Anne "

<annicole72 wrote:


> Hi and group,


> I have a dumb question out of curiosity. I know that most of us who

> first walk this path are not awakened, but what if a couple both

> become awakened and walk the Kundalini path (whether married or about

> to get married) - do they get married in church - is there a

> particular one or do they still marry in the same church they go

> to/follow the same beliefs from that church (*dumb question)?


> Sorry ... I was just curious how that goes.


> Anne


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Practice of Celibacy is considered helpful to awakening Kundalini. :


From : http://www.innerself.com/Sex_Talk/celibacy.htm

Choosing Celibacy (or Brahmacharya)by

Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D. . . . . .

This article was excerpted from the book Eros,

Consciousness, and Kundalini: Deepening Sensuality

through Tantric Celibacy and Spiritual Intimacy, ©

1999 by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D. Reprinted with

permission of the publisher, Inner Traditions

International. www.innertraditions.com.


joe357540 <joe357540 wrote:

hmmm..well,marry me and let the kundalini sort out the church?


, " Anne "

<annicole72 wrote:


> Hi and group,


> I have a dumb question out of curiosity. I know that most of us who

> first walk this path are not awakened, but what if a couple both

> become awakened and walk the Kundalini path (whether married or about

> to get married) - do they get married in church - is there a

> particular one or do they still marry in the same church they go

> to/follow the same beliefs from that church (*dumb question)?


> Sorry ... I was just curious how that goes.


> Anne









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From : http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/9-5-2005-76131.asp

" . . . Every true seeker of spirituality understands that unless the

kundalini awakening occurs... one shall not be able to reach the level of

Nirvikalpa samadhi and the stage of self realization. Kundalini awakening is a

hundred percent must before one can gain enlightenment in this life.


Apart from practicing the Shavasana pose in Yoga and also Neti as advocated by

Maharishi Ramana... one needs to practice absolute celibacy for the kundalini

awakening to occur.


Kundalini awakening is not something which can be taught in form of books... it

only comes from experience. As we proceed on the path of pure spirituality while

practicing absolute celibacy and meditation... we shall find one-day that our

kundalini awakening has occurred.


Kundalini energy stored within our spine slowly recoils itself. It is as if God

is directly lifting us straight up for us to realize God with a short period of

time. It is a very noble experience for every true seeker of spirituality.


For the kundalini awakening to occur... we need to preserve the monthly quota of

energy given to every man and woman. We just cannot let this energy find pure

physical channels of pleasure " .


Anne <annicole72 wrote: Hi and



I have a dumb question out of curiosity. I know that most of us who

first walk this path are not awakened, but what if a couple both

become awakened and walk the Kundalini path (whether married or about

to get married) - do they get married in church - is there a

particular one or do they still marry in the same church they go

to/follow the same beliefs from that church (*dumb question)?


Sorry ... I was just curious how that goes.










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Lol ... no. Not getting married. I was just curious, because well some

of my relatives knows that I'm not Catholic anymore and they always ask

me what my religion is. I just say I'm not religious or I do not belong

to any religious group. So, I tell them I'm spiritual. When I mention

about kundalini, they ask what that is and you all know it's hard to

explain to people who are close minded or do not believe in



My cousin's husband is Hindu, so when I mention to him about Shakti,

Shiva and other deities, he knows. But then when he asked me if I was

Hindu, Buddhist or what now, I don't really know what to say.


My cousin asked, if I get married, how is that going to be? This is why

I am asking. Curious what you all have to say about it.




, " Anne "

<annicole72 wrote:


> Hi and group,


> I have a dumb question out of curiosity. I know that most of us who

> first walk this path are not awakened, but what if a couple both

> become awakened and walk the Kundalini path (whether married or about

> to get married) - do they get married in church - is there a

> particular one or do they still marry in the same church they go

> to/follow the same beliefs from that church (*dumb question)?


> Sorry ... I was just curious how that goes.


> Anne


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