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Oh my GOSH Deb!

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I had no idea as I am so behind on the posts, a lot going on here!

Sorry to hear about your little visitor! Or is it BIG! Probably feels

huge to you, RIGHT! What an extremely bizarre experience sis! Only

the best as so lucky as to have a parasite land on ones head and be

able to see and talk about it! What a wild and zany experience! You

can say that you are truly fortunate to know it is there and

cleansing your room/house with the camphor is a really neat idea

although I have never heard of that technique before! I have heard of

the sage though and have actually done it myself in the house we used

to live in. My oldest son Sam said that every time he was in that

house it made him feel really sad so one day I bought some sage and

went into every room in every corner cleansing it as I said the

Lord's Prayer! It seemed to work because a few days after I did it

while my kids were at school I asked Sam if he still felt that way

and he said no. I told him what I had done and he seemed pleased by



Personally, I think I might have reacted the same way you did, at

least at first and I would have done exactly what you did! Contact

Chrism. I know a while ago before I started with this group I used to

have dreams of spiders dropping from my ceiling as if they were

perposefully dangling above me in efforts to say, I can scare the tar

out of you and there is nothing you can do. I don't mean small

spiders I mean large ones and sometimes they would be shiny. It would

wake me up everytime and I would be freaked out and I would cut on my

light and search my bed waking my husband up most everytime it

happened and I was as I said freaked out about it because it was all

so real. Soooooo...I know that if I reacted that way when I was

asleep and experiencing the visitations from spiders quite

frequently, then I know with no doubt I would be even more extreme in

reaction if I were awake like you! I know me well enough to know that

I might not go to sleep just like you didn't!


So darling, in my humble opinion what you did was pretty normal and I

have to say that your linking it to Kundalini was quite superb! I am

proud of you finding it in you to surrender! Way to go sis!


Anyway, I am interested to hear what happens. Keep us informed of the



I know, it is trying to suck all that knowledge from you that you are

gaining from K and from school work! It wants to be smart like the

person it has attached to! Okay, just joking, but putting all jokes

aside, I am very excited for you and very proud of your willingness

to surrender under the circumstances.


Hope the oil and sage work! Blessings to you sis!




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