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My Entity Intro - Deb

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Hi Deb.


Shortly before my entity interactions began I stuck my head in my

bedroom just in time to see a huge spider drop startled (on a thread)

from the window sill to behind my bed. It really freaked me out

because it sorta looked like a stuffed toy at the same time! It had a

huge round body about the size of a CD. It was evident that the

" spider " wasn't anything physical. This was well before I had heard of

kundalini and prior to me pursuing anything spiritual.


A few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night with something

violently vibrating, shaking vigorously on the end of the bed (beyond

the edge). I was frozen with fear lying there in the dark. My fear

intensified when " whatever it was " started pulling itself up the

covers and actually pulling the blanket down off the edge with its

weight as it crept towards me. That was enough for me. I literally

leapt out of the bed, scaling half the room in a single leap, and hit

the light switch.


Nothing was there of course.


That just totally freaked me out and would you believe I actually

forgot about it - I think because it was just too totally unacceptable

to my conceptual logic; too unbelievable...


Around two months later I was lying in bed, not yet asleep, when I

felt " tap tap tap " on the base of the bed. My heart began racing as I

immediately remembered and realized it could only be the same

creature, even though it was acting differently. I didn't move a

muscle. " Tap tap tap " again - like it was testing to see if I was

asleep yet. When I didn't move it began pulling itself up towards me

while sorta shuffling/shaking at the same time. This time I just lay

there with my heart beating so hard it felt as though it was going to

burst through my chest. There was a dim light from the computer (which

was still on) and I was trying to look down the length of my body so I

could see whatever it was as it pulled the blanket down as it tugged

and clawed its way towards me. When it started crawling up onto my

feet I was terrified. I had no idea what I would/could do when it

crawled all the way up. But it stopped on my shins and continued to

shuffle around – I couldn't work out what it was doing? This persisted

for a minute or two till somehow I summoned the strength and throwing

the blanket back, screaming " be gone demon " (something I never

pictured myself ever yelling!) and leapt what felt the length of the

room hitting the light switch and turning in one swift movement to

face the empty bed.


I just stood there for over 45 minutes staring at the spot from where

it came.


It got weirder and weirder from there on in. Everytime I sat on or

felt the bed within about 10 seconds that spot started vibrating

intensely from within the mattress. Not only that but sometimes things

moved in there – even poking my hand hard as I felt around. That made

me yelp in panic. I only got a few hours sleep that first week (on the

lounge and then on the floor in the opposite corner of the room from

the bed).


I almost had a complete breakdown because of my experiences. These

creatures remained with me 12-18 hours per day for about eight months.

They used to crawl around after me and climb into whatever I was

sitting in or lying on and poke or suck or draw patterns on me with an

appendage. Once one even stretched over and around me like a giant

slug. Around my thigh, up over my stomach and around my back. It was

pulsing and flattened itself as it stretched out. The most common

types though were always shaking and vibrating.


The answers (as to what they could be) eluded me longer because I was

not prepared to believe it was anything astral or otherworldly. It was

more like invisible aliens. It was all very physical. I could hear

their growly utterances and hear them crawling on the floor and

dropping from chairs beds etc. Even smell them in a lot of instances.

Generally, I could usually hear them coming before they climbed on me.


Eventually I learnt there were many different types. Some were

persistent; some gave up instantly after a single failed attempt at

attachment. Some never even touched me – believe it or not the one

that scared me the most just used to walk around me (very close up)

studying. I won't go into details but it was very insidious and

possessed an alien intelligence – there was no understanding between

either of us. Like the majority, it thought I was oblivious to its

presence until I made it aware I knew it was there.


Some did not concern me at all. Like one for instance used to suck on

my chin. It is interesting because these types give off a " psychic

anaesthetic " to mask their vigorous suckling. To notice it at all

required a focusing of intent. Every now and then, after it thought I

was asleep, it would come up my body (without really touching – just a

sense of movement) and then just start sucking, making slurpy noises

and all. It was only because I noticed it coming up once that I could

follow the parasite to its destination without it bio-energetically

numbing me in that spot to hide its presence. It always left a deep

pimple the following day in the spot that it sucked on. That (once

again) freaked me out since this pimple had been recurring for years.

That was my introduction to the realization that their attachment in a

lot of instances can leave blemishes. Yet this was one of the types

that did not worry me at all eventually – like chrism says these ones

are more like a mosquito. They feel harmless. When I focused my intent

on this type (and some others) I could see them as a dark, not-quite

cloud, swarming mass of energy.


So much happened over this time that one day I might even write a

book. I made lots of discoveries about entities. And having them with

me basically all the time allowed me to confirm various suspicions and

theories about their behaviour.


I can still feel them at will, if I choose to. Most of what I can

learn through these interactions has been already gifted me. I reached

so deep for answers in my despair. Nothing worthwhile is easy. As

frightening as my experiences were I am thankful for the opportunity

(in retrospect). At the time I was terrified, even convinced I was to

die at one stage. Thats how far it went. But I wouldn't take any of it



chrism was the first person to give me good " real " advise and

ultimately it all led me to kundalini which I discovered was already

manifesting within me. It has been a journey of discovery and a

journey I have had to make myself with conviction in my discernation.

Having others who are enduring strange phenomenon as their awareness

blossoms is a Godsend. We are all one and everything we do for ourself

is for others also.


Some of this may sound " negative " or " unpleasant " or whatever, but

that is just a perspective. I truly love it all! (now :)) Everything.

I love everything that has brought me to where I am, I love where I

am, I love where I'm going and I love each and every one of you and

everything you all go through. We are all so lucky.


love, glen o.



, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Yes Deb,

> Why do children get sick? Why do accidents happen? Why does

> hurt, pain, illness, and anything short of fuzzy bunnies and

> floating hearts exist in our world?


> This is a world that is based, from a natural perspective, of one

> species consuming another in ways that from our protected and

> sanitized reality are quite brutal.


> So take no blame for having this kind of situation anymore than you

> would take the blame for being bitten by a mosquito. This is the

> blended reality(s) that we live in. You would be surprised to see

> what people have attached to them and I won't go into it but it is

> plentiful and they are varied.


> So not your fault if you have been practicing the safeties this may

> have been attracted to the increased energetic signature that you

> are emitting because of that. I have had them too. It seems in my

> experience I have endured so much of the kind of experiences one

> does not want to have - lol - So no you are not alone with this and

> you have done nothing wrong and you are in fact doing quite well to

> even perceive it. That is a sign of advancement.


> Camphor oil or campo phenique should do the trick. Put it in each

> corner of the room including the upper ceiling corners. Smudging is

> a process of burning sage and sometimes cedar fronds and using the

> smoke, not the flame, to permeate the entire house and taking it

> into every room saying prayers with the intentions of removing all

> parasitic activity and hurtful consciousness from the rooms and

> house.


> Parasites come in all forms sexual energetic parasites are also

> common. This multiped is just being a kind of energetic mosquito so

> no worries and don't get angry or go Rambo up on us! - lol.


> Don't tell others. I like the new hair excuse as it is true and

> appropriate.


> As far as protection goes, we need experience to learn from. Even

> harsh experience sometimes. That is why I rarely engage in a healing

> for a child that has scraped their knee or stubbed their toe. Or hit

> their head. These are experiences they will learn and grow from. A

> needed survival lesson in this predatorial world we live in.


> You can first control your fear and disgust. Then you can take the

> measures mentioned. Then you can congratulate yourself for the

> improved sight and see what other beautiful visions and sites you

> can perceive. Nothing is wrong here really. This is another learning

> opportunity and one in which I feel you will do well.


> You can also run the Macro cosmic ball right through them which is

> what I have done in the passed. This has the effect of slicing them

> in half but not killing them. It does get their attention though.


> If other family member's are activating it may migrate to them. But

> if you put it into perspective there are over three hundred species

> of lice in the typical human scalp. We just do not see them and

> there fore are not grossed out by them.


> Garlic may have an effect if you are drawn to use it that way. Most

> of all please know that nothing is wrong. Now you know it is there

> and you can take effective action towards its removal. No accident

> that you are able - now - to see it. It is time for you to move into

> your next phase of development and indeed you are already moving

> into it and it into you!


> Not everyone has these. But many do and many more do so with out

> knowing it. So you are GOOD! Have no worries and keep us apprised -












> 1 , " flowerpowers7777 " <flowerpowers7777@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Chrism,

> > I am trying to remain calm...having a parasite on top of my head

> does

> > not sound good. Maybe its just me but I'm feeling squemish about

> > this. LOL I should also mention that as I believe Lisa posted a

> few

> > wks ago I've seen this sorta black huge insect shadow flying

> around.

> > Does all this mean my vibration is not high and I'm attracting low

> > level stuff? Ok being calm, I mean I thought a mouse on my head

> was

> > bad, but a parasite, trying not to throw up.

> > Do you mean camphor oil? How often do I rub that on my head? Just

> > before bedtime? And how long does it normally take to rid oneself

> of

> > a parasite? Can it then attach to my family or in anyway affect

> them?

> > And I will look up Lauras old posts, do you remember her email or

> > another way to look it up quicker....

> >

> >

> > Also when you said its a common occurance, does everyone get one

> of

> > these things when opening and what does it want? Is it going to

> > deplete me or make me sick or anything bad? Sorry for so many

> > questions here.

> >

> > Its interesting I've been wondering why kids see bad things. I was

> > wondering why they werent protected from that? I would think that

> a

> > child would have a high vibration? Or is this something when

> someone

> > is sensitve that they just have to go through?

> >

> > Okay last question, how does one smudge? I am so unknowledgeable

> in

> > these areas, please forgive me and trying not to freak...but

> gross!

> > And any other advice on what I can do to get rid of it would be

> great.

> > I know smudging has something to do with lighting something on

> fire

> > and walking around but thats it.

> >

> > I don't know why I saw it, I was overtired. I should also mention

> I

> > may have a preexisting issue. What I mean is that the couple times

> > that I've seen something have not been pleasant. When I was a kid

> I

> > saw lets say very scary faces on my windows. I use to pray for

> > everyone before I went to bed...you know the " Now I lay me down to

> > sleep " one and it seemed the more I did this the more I would see

> > nasty stuff on the window. When I noticed this I was very mad at

> God

> > you could say for letting them be there and not protecting me. The

> > other time was about 10 yrs ago when my k was activating and I

> didnt

> > know what was going on. One night I heard horrible horrible music

> > (the coming to get you music) and I froze in fear. But I honestly

> > thought God would never let anything happen to me and I thought at

> > any second I would hear angelic music which would keep the nasties

> > away. Well no angelic music ever came so I was pretty darn mad at

> God

> > and finally when it felt it was upon me I ran into my bedroom,

> locked

> > the door and put the music up and lights on. (Yes my bravery is

> > inspiring, isnt it?) But silly as this may sound I felt betrayed

> by

> > God. At this point I stopped meditating or praying and finally

> > strange stuff stopped happening. I only mention this because I

> really

> > may need your advice with stuff like this. As you can see I havent

> > handled it well. And I don't want to get angry again with God so I

> > will need your guidance here. Cuz I want to avoid the negative

> side,

> > heard some of those stories, and thats no picnic in the park! LOL

> >

> > I do feel a bit annoyed with myself that I've attracted this! I

> > thought if you don't think about stuff like this it didnt happen!

> > Maybe its about finding inner strength? Anyway do I send it love

> and

> > ask it to leave? Exactly how does one tell something like this to

> > beat it? I'm not exactly the intimadating type but I will do what

> I

> > have to.

> >

> > Should I also rub garlic on my head and stop all

> praying/meditating

> > activites right now? (Hopefully the husband won't have me locked

> up

> > LOL) I think I'm gonna keep this to myself unless you think

> > otherwise. Maybe I'll just say I'm trying out a natural hair

> > conditioner!

> >

> > Well to the cherry on top of my day or should I say parasite on

> top

> > of my head hopefully your days are numbered. I guess this sweet

> girl

> > (yeah me) is gonna have to Rambo up.(Oh good, I'm pmsing, I knew

> > everthing had a purpose)One reason I have never used protection

> > meditations like imagine the white light, is because it seemed to

> me

> > that by imaging this it says there is something out there that I

> need

> > to protect myself from. But if you think that helps let me know.

> >

> > Okay I'm done rambling, need to Rambo on off to the store for

> > camphor! Thanks Chrism!!! From your little nutty friend,

> > Deb

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > Its a common experience though most do not get to see it so

> > > congratulations Deb!

> > >

> > > It is a parasite that has attached to the top of the seventh

> > chaktra

> > > and is feeding of the energies that collect there. It could be

> > > helping your activation to ensure a feeding source, just not

> enough

> > > to overpower its connection by helping you activate too much.

> > >

> > > Please use some of the techniques Laura suggested with regards

> to

> > > its removal. Also I am getting an intuitive communication

> regarding

> > > the use of camphor. Put some of that in small quanitites on the

> top

> > > of your head all around the fontanel which is where it would be

> > > attaching.

> > >

> > > try to keep a visual on it or an intuitive sense on where it is

> and

> > > what is happening. Put the camphor on the pillow too. Let us

> know

> > > how this goes.

> > >

> > > FYI many entities when seen with physical eyes are often

> perceived

> > > as octopus like beings with many attachments. They are multipeds

> > and

> > > use the many appendages to attach to various energetic points in

> > > order to feed.

> > >

> > > No need to panic. Just begin to use your knowledge in a way that

> > > will help them to release their interest in " you " as a feeding

> > > source. You may also wish to smudge the house and room. -

> > blessings -

> > > chrism

> > >

> >


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Wow, Glen, what a story, thank you for sharing that, I

found it really interesting.

Sounds creepy indeed, the fact that you could hear and

feel them creeping over you in bed..... Like a horror


That would totally freak me out. I like to think I'm a

calm a collected person, but if I was living alone and

that began to happen..yikes... Don't know what I'd do,

probably run to the local church and get a preist to

come and do an excorcism...ha ha.


such an amazing story,


Elektra x x x




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Wow Glen! Fascinating experiences you had. I'm really glad to hear

you came through them and glad you are here in the group to share all

your knowledge!




, " gleno "

<gleno wrote:


> Hi Deb.


> Shortly before my entity interactions began I stuck my head in my

> bedroom just in time to see a huge spider drop startled (on a


> from the window sill to behind my bed. It really freaked me out

> because it sorta looked like a stuffed toy at the same time! It had


> huge round body about the size of a CD. It was evident that the

> " spider " wasn't anything physical. This was well before I had heard


> kundalini and prior to me pursuing anything spiritual.


> A few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night with


> violently vibrating, shaking vigorously on the end of the bed


> the edge). I was frozen with fear lying there in the dark. My fear

> intensified when " whatever it was " started pulling itself up the

> covers and actually pulling the blanket down off the edge with its

> weight as it crept towards me. That was enough for me. I literally

> leapt out of the bed, scaling half the room in a single leap, and


> the light switch.


> Nothing was there of course.


> That just totally freaked me out and would you believe I actually

> forgot about it - I think because it was just too totally


> to my conceptual logic; too unbelievable...


> Around two months later I was lying in bed, not yet asleep, when I

> felt " tap tap tap " on the base of the bed. My heart began racing as


> immediately remembered and realized it could only be the same

> creature, even though it was acting differently. I didn't move a

> muscle. " Tap tap tap " again - like it was testing to see if I was

> asleep yet. When I didn't move it began pulling itself up towards me

> while sorta shuffling/shaking at the same time. This time I just lay

> there with my heart beating so hard it felt as though it was going


> burst through my chest. There was a dim light from the computer


> was still on) and I was trying to look down the length of my body

so I

> could see whatever it was as it pulled the blanket down as it tugged

> and clawed its way towards me. When it started crawling up onto my

> feet I was terrified. I had no idea what I would/could do when it

> crawled all the way up. But it stopped on my shins and continued to

> shuffle around – I couldn't work out what it was doing? This


> for a minute or two till somehow I summoned the strength and


> the blanket back, screaming " be gone demon " (something I never

> pictured myself ever yelling!) and leapt what felt the length of the

> room hitting the light switch and turning in one swift movement to

> face the empty bed.


> I just stood there for over 45 minutes staring at the spot from


> it came.


> It got weirder and weirder from there on in. Everytime I sat on or

> felt the bed within about 10 seconds that spot started vibrating

> intensely from within the mattress. Not only that but sometimes


> moved in there – even poking my hand hard as I felt around. That


> me yelp in panic. I only got a few hours sleep that first week (on


> lounge and then on the floor in the opposite corner of the room from

> the bed).


> I almost had a complete breakdown because of my experiences. These

> creatures remained with me 12-18 hours per day for about eight


> They used to crawl around after me and climb into whatever I was

> sitting in or lying on and poke or suck or draw patterns on me with


> appendage. Once one even stretched over and around me like a giant

> slug. Around my thigh, up over my stomach and around my back. It was

> pulsing and flattened itself as it stretched out. The most common

> types though were always shaking and vibrating.


> The answers (as to what they could be) eluded me longer because I


> not prepared to believe it was anything astral or otherworldly. It


> more like invisible aliens. It was all very physical. I could hear

> their growly utterances and hear them crawling on the floor and

> dropping from chairs beds etc. Even smell them in a lot of


> Generally, I could usually hear them coming before they climbed on



> Eventually I learnt there were many different types. Some were

> persistent; some gave up instantly after a single failed attempt at

> attachment. Some never even touched me – believe it or not the one

> that scared me the most just used to walk around me (very close up)

> studying. I won't go into details but it was very insidious and

> possessed an alien intelligence – there was no understanding between

> either of us. Like the majority, it thought I was oblivious to its

> presence until I made it aware I knew it was there.


> Some did not concern me at all. Like one for instance used to suck


> my chin. It is interesting because these types give off a " psychic

> anaesthetic " to mask their vigorous suckling. To notice it at all

> required a focusing of intent. Every now and then, after it thought


> was asleep, it would come up my body (without really touching –

just a

> sense of movement) and then just start sucking, making slurpy noises

> and all. It was only because I noticed it coming up once that I


> follow the parasite to its destination without it bio-energetically

> numbing me in that spot to hide its presence. It always left a deep

> pimple the following day in the spot that it sucked on. That (once

> again) freaked me out since this pimple had been recurring for


> That was my introduction to the realization that their attachment

in a

> lot of instances can leave blemishes. Yet this was one of the types

> that did not worry me at all eventually – like chrism says these


> are more like a mosquito. They feel harmless. When I focused my


> on this type (and some others) I could see them as a dark, not-quite

> cloud, swarming mass of energy.


> So much happened over this time that one day I might even write a

> book. I made lots of discoveries about entities. And having them


> me basically all the time allowed me to confirm various suspicions


> theories about their behaviour.


> I can still feel them at will, if I choose to. Most of what I can

> learn through these interactions has been already gifted me. I


> so deep for answers in my despair. Nothing worthwhile is easy. As

> frightening as my experiences were I am thankful for the opportunity

> (in retrospect). At the time I was terrified, even convinced I was


> die at one stage. Thats how far it went. But I wouldn't take any of


> back.


> chrism was the first person to give me good " real " advise and

> ultimately it all led me to kundalini which I discovered was already

> manifesting within me. It has been a journey of discovery and a

> journey I have had to make myself with conviction in my


> Having others who are enduring strange phenomenon as their awareness

> blossoms is a Godsend. We are all one and everything we do for


> is for others also.


> Some of this may sound " negative " or " unpleasant " or whatever, but

> that is just a perspective. I truly love it all! (now :))


> I love everything that has brought me to where I am, I love where I

> am, I love where I'm going and I love each and every one of you and

> everything you all go through. We are all so lucky.


> love, glen o.



> , " chrism "

> <@> wrote:

> >

> > Yes Deb,

> > Why do children get sick? Why do accidents happen? Why


> > hurt, pain, illness, and anything short of fuzzy bunnies and

> > floating hearts exist in our world?

> >

> > This is a world that is based, from a natural perspective, of one

> > species consuming another in ways that from our protected and

> > sanitized reality are quite brutal.

> >

> > So take no blame for having this kind of situation anymore than


> > would take the blame for being bitten by a mosquito. This is the

> > blended reality(s) that we live in. You would be surprised to see

> > what people have attached to them and I won't go into it but it


> > plentiful and they are varied.

> >

> > So not your fault if you have been practicing the safeties this


> > have been attracted to the increased energetic signature that you

> > are emitting because of that. I have had them too. It seems in my

> > experience I have endured so much of the kind of experiences one

> > does not want to have - lol - So no you are not alone with this


> > you have done nothing wrong and you are in fact doing quite well


> > even perceive it. That is a sign of advancement.

> >

> > Camphor oil or campo phenique should do the trick. Put it in each

> > corner of the room including the upper ceiling corners. Smudging


> > a process of burning sage and sometimes cedar fronds and using


> > smoke, not the flame, to permeate the entire house and taking it

> > into every room saying prayers with the intentions of removing


> > parasitic activity and hurtful consciousness from the rooms and

> > house.

> >

> > Parasites come in all forms sexual energetic parasites are also

> > common. This multiped is just being a kind of energetic mosquito


> > no worries and don't get angry or go Rambo up on us! - lol.

> >

> > Don't tell others. I like the new hair excuse as it is true and

> > appropriate.

> >

> > As far as protection goes, we need experience to learn from. Even

> > harsh experience sometimes. That is why I rarely engage in a


> > for a child that has scraped their knee or stubbed their toe. Or


> > their head. These are experiences they will learn and grow from.


> > needed survival lesson in this predatorial world we live in.

> >

> > You can first control your fear and disgust. Then you can take


> > measures mentioned. Then you can congratulate yourself for the

> > improved sight and see what other beautiful visions and sites you

> > can perceive. Nothing is wrong here really. This is another


> > opportunity and one in which I feel you will do well.

> >

> > You can also run the Macro cosmic ball right through them which


> > what I have done in the passed. This has the effect of slicing


> > in half but not killing them. It does get their attention though.

> >

> > If other family member's are activating it may migrate to them.


> > if you put it into perspective there are over three hundred


> > of lice in the typical human scalp. We just do not see them and

> > there fore are not grossed out by them.

> >

> > Garlic may have an effect if you are drawn to use it that way.


> > of all please know that nothing is wrong. Now you know it is


> > and you can take effective action towards its removal. No


> > that you are able - now - to see it. It is time for you to move


> > your next phase of development and indeed you are already moving

> > into it and it into you!

> >

> > Not everyone has these. But many do and many more do so with out

> > knowing it. So you are GOOD! Have no worries and keep us

apprised -

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > 1 , " flowerpowers7777 " <flowerpowers7777@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Chrism,

> > > I am trying to remain calm...having a parasite on top of my


> > does

> > > not sound good. Maybe its just me but I'm feeling squemish


> > > this. LOL I should also mention that as I believe Lisa posted a

> > few

> > > wks ago I've seen this sorta black huge insect shadow flying

> > around.

> > > Does all this mean my vibration is not high and I'm attracting


> > > level stuff? Ok being calm, I mean I thought a mouse on my head

> > was

> > > bad, but a parasite, trying not to throw up.

> > > Do you mean camphor oil? How often do I rub that on my head?


> > > before bedtime? And how long does it normally take to rid


> > of

> > > a parasite? Can it then attach to my family or in anyway affect

> > them?

> > > And I will look up Lauras old posts, do you remember her email


> > > another way to look it up quicker....

> > >

> > >

> > > Also when you said its a common occurance, does everyone get


> > of

> > > these things when opening and what does it want? Is it going to

> > > deplete me or make me sick or anything bad? Sorry for so many

> > > questions here.

> > >

> > > Its interesting I've been wondering why kids see bad things. I


> > > wondering why they werent protected from that? I would think


> > a

> > > child would have a high vibration? Or is this something when

> > someone

> > > is sensitve that they just have to go through?

> > >

> > > Okay last question, how does one smudge? I am so


> > in

> > > these areas, please forgive me and trying not to freak...but

> > gross!

> > > And any other advice on what I can do to get rid of it would be

> > great.

> > > I know smudging has something to do with lighting something on

> > fire

> > > and walking around but thats it.

> > >

> > > I don't know why I saw it, I was overtired. I should also


> > I

> > > may have a preexisting issue. What I mean is that the couple


> > > that I've seen something have not been pleasant. When I was a


> > I

> > > saw lets say very scary faces on my windows. I use to pray for

> > > everyone before I went to bed...you know the " Now I lay me down


> > > sleep " one and it seemed the more I did this the more I would


> > > nasty stuff on the window. When I noticed this I was very mad


> > God

> > > you could say for letting them be there and not protecting me.


> > > other time was about 10 yrs ago when my k was activating and I

> > didnt

> > > know what was going on. One night I heard horrible horrible


> > > (the coming to get you music) and I froze in fear. But I


> > > thought God would never let anything happen to me and I thought


> > > any second I would hear angelic music which would keep the


> > > away. Well no angelic music ever came so I was pretty darn mad


> > God

> > > and finally when it felt it was upon me I ran into my bedroom,

> > locked

> > > the door and put the music up and lights on. (Yes my bravery is

> > > inspiring, isnt it?) But silly as this may sound I felt


> > by

> > > God. At this point I stopped meditating or praying and finally

> > > strange stuff stopped happening. I only mention this because I

> > really

> > > may need your advice with stuff like this. As you can see I


> > > handled it well. And I don't want to get angry again with God

so I

> > > will need your guidance here. Cuz I want to avoid the negative

> > side,

> > > heard some of those stories, and thats no picnic in the park!


> > >

> > > I do feel a bit annoyed with myself that I've attracted this! I

> > > thought if you don't think about stuff like this it didnt


> > > Maybe its about finding inner strength? Anyway do I send it


> > and

> > > ask it to leave? Exactly how does one tell something like this


> > > beat it? I'm not exactly the intimadating type but I will do


> > I

> > > have to.

> > >

> > > Should I also rub garlic on my head and stop all

> > praying/meditating

> > > activites right now? (Hopefully the husband won't have me


> > up

> > > LOL) I think I'm gonna keep this to myself unless you think

> > > otherwise. Maybe I'll just say I'm trying out a natural hair

> > > conditioner!

> > >

> > > Well to the cherry on top of my day or should I say parasite on

> > top

> > > of my head hopefully your days are numbered. I guess this sweet

> > girl

> > > (yeah me) is gonna have to Rambo up.(Oh good, I'm pmsing, I


> > > everthing had a purpose)One reason I have never used protection

> > > meditations like imagine the white light, is because it seemed


> > me

> > > that by imaging this it says there is something out there that


> > need

> > > to protect myself from. But if you think that helps let me


> > >

> > > Okay I'm done rambling, need to Rambo on off to the store for

> > > camphor! Thanks Chrism!!! From your little nutty friend,

> > > Deb

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > Its a common experience though most do not get to see it so

> > > > congratulations Deb!

> > > >

> > > > It is a parasite that has attached to the top of the seventh

> > > chaktra

> > > > and is feeding of the energies that collect there. It could


> > > > helping your activation to ensure a feeding source, just not

> > enough

> > > > to overpower its connection by helping you activate too much.

> > > >

> > > > Please use some of the techniques Laura suggested with


> > to

> > > > its removal. Also I am getting an intuitive communication

> > regarding

> > > > the use of camphor. Put some of that in small quanitites on


> > top

> > > > of your head all around the fontanel which is where it would


> > > > attaching.

> > > >

> > > > try to keep a visual on it or an intuitive sense on where it


> > and

> > > > what is happening. Put the camphor on the pillow too. Let us

> > know

> > > > how this goes.

> > > >

> > > > FYI many entities when seen with physical eyes are often

> > perceived

> > > > as octopus like beings with many attachments. They are


> > > and

> > > > use the many appendages to attach to various energetic points


> > > > order to feed.

> > > >

> > > > No need to panic. Just begin to use your knowledge in a way


> > > > will help them to release their interest in " you " as a


> > > > source. You may also wish to smudge the house and room. -

> > > blessings -

> > > > chrism

> > > >

> > >

> >


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We love you too my Brother! We are lucky to have you here with us. Thanks for

sharing your story...I am going to be nice to all the spiders in the house from

now on!! This all is a reminder to me that nothing can hurt you unless you let

it and you must surrender to the fear.


Love and Blesings!






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Wow! Glen, thanks for sharing your story. That was so very

interesting. I would have loved to had your book to read a few years

ago. What are you waiting on? :)


I am glad I only had the one astral creature to deal with. I would

have been in the psyhco ward by now, if I would have had that many.

LOL! I never saw my visitor, but heard it, felt it and sense it.

When I first begain experiencing it, I had no ideal what it could be,

but I didn't allow myself to think of it as being a demon. At that

time, I knew nothing about OBEs or K and wasn't for sure it had

anything to do with my taking up meditation. I had free counciling

with the meditation program and when I asked about what was taking

place the people did not even know what to tell me. That is when I

headed for the New age book section in Hastings to see it I could

find something that had to do with it, because my now I was thinking

maybe it could be a demon disquising itself as a cat.


I thought of it as a cat because of the way it roared and would then

pounce on my bed. I would have thought it was the ghost of one of my

cats if it had not been so large and feroious sounding. Hehe! My

first instinct was to order it to leave in the name of Jesus and it

would every time. (You cannot not do this in fear and expect it to

work, you have to do it with authority and convinced of who you are

in Christ.) So I figured it had to be something that had some kind of

intelligence. I still wasn't excepting it as a demon and was courious

at what it could be, but didn't want to have anything to do with it

either. I read a LOT. LOL! On the net and in books trying to figure

out what it was.


I posted about it on a paranormal forum and they thought is was an

alien visitation. After I bought William Bulhman's book I joined on

his forum and they told me it represented something negative about

myself that I needed to embrace and give love too. I just thought, I

don't think so. LOL! This was not a dream symbol, this was something

with life. I was totally awake at times when it pounced and pulled on

my covers. I dealt with it for about 5 years. I got to where I could

tell when it was going to showing up and on those night I would put

sage oil on the bed at all four corners and would use other oils that

were safe to use on my body.


That last time it came, I laid there totally still as though I was

asleep. It started at the foot of the bed pulling on the covers and

it kept coming on up. When it got up to my chest, I don't know what

possessed me to do what I did, but without even thinking I grabbed

it's paw. It was like grabbing a live electric wire that felt like a

paw...electra sensation when all through me like I was being

electricuted. I think it must have got zapped it to death, because

it has never come back since or it just didn't come back because it

didn't want any more of that. LOL!


From my reading, the only thing I found that would fit my entity

would be what Carlos Castaneda called inorganics or what the Gnostics

refer to as archons. Astral entities that feed off our energy. I

really don't care for calling them parasites because it sounds so

nagative. If one really thinks about it we would be considerd a

parasite as well, for we feed off Mother Earth. Right? Poor Mother

Earth, look how many of us there are. LOL! She is covered in

parasites. We are covered in parasites, as well. If you look at your

skin under a miroscope you will see these little creatures that look

like little cows that feed on your dead skin cells. If you don't take

a bath for a few days they will mutiply quite rapidly. LOL! :)


One other thing, my entity actually spoke to me one night. As I

ordered it away in the named of Jesus, it cursed me and called me a

bitch. Haha! :)





, " gleno "

<gleno wrote:


> Hi Deb.


> Shortly before my entity interactions began I stuck my head in my

> bedroom just in time to see a huge spider drop startled (on a


> from the window sill to behind my bed. It really freaked me out

> because it sorta looked like a stuffed toy at the same time! It had


> huge round body about the size of a CD. It was evident that the

> " spider " wasn't anything physical. This was well before I had heard


> kundalini and prior to me pursuing anything spiritual.


> A few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night with


> violently vibrating, shaking vigorously on the end of the bed


> the edge). I was frozen with fear lying there in the dark. My fear

> intensified when " whatever it was " started pulling itself up the

> covers and actually pulling the blanket down off the edge with its

> weight as it crept towards me. That was enough for me. I literally

> leapt out of the bed, scaling half the room in a single leap, and


> the light switch.


> Nothing was there of course.


> That just totally freaked me out and would you believe I actually

> forgot about it - I think because it was just too totally


> to my conceptual logic; too unbelievable...


> Around two months later I was lying in bed, not yet asleep, when I

> felt " tap tap tap " on the base of the bed. My heart began racing as


> immediately remembered and realized it could only be the same

> creature, even though it was acting differently. I didn't move a

> muscle. " Tap tap tap " again - like it was testing to see if I was

> asleep yet. When I didn't move it began pulling itself up towards me

> while sorta shuffling/shaking at the same time. This time I just lay

> there with my heart beating so hard it felt as though it was going


> burst through my chest. There was a dim light from the computer


> was still on) and I was trying to look down the length of my body

so I

> could see whatever it was as it pulled the blanket down as it tugged

> and clawed its way towards me. When it started crawling up onto my

> feet I was terrified. I had no idea what I would/could do when it

> crawled all the way up. But it stopped on my shins and continued to

> shuffle around – I couldn't work out what it was doing? This


> for a minute or two till somehow I summoned the strength and


> the blanket back, screaming " be gone demon " (something I never

> pictured myself ever yelling!) and leapt what felt the length of the

> room hitting the light switch and turning in one swift movement to

> face the empty bed.


> I just stood there for over 45 minutes staring at the spot from


> it came.


> It got weirder and weirder from there on in. Everytime I sat on or

> felt the bed within about 10 seconds that spot started vibrating

> intensely from within the mattress. Not only that but sometimes


> moved in there – even poking my hand hard as I felt around. That


> me yelp in panic. I only got a few hours sleep that first week (on


> lounge and then on the floor in the opposite corner of the room from

> the bed).


> I almost had a complete breakdown because of my experiences. These

> creatures remained with me 12-18 hours per day for about eight


> They used to crawl around after me and climb into whatever I was

> sitting in or lying on and poke or suck or draw patterns on me with


> appendage. Once one even stretched over and around me like a giant

> slug. Around my thigh, up over my stomach and around my back. It was

> pulsing and flattened itself as it stretched out. The most common

> types though were always shaking and vibrating.


> The answers (as to what they could be) eluded me longer because I


> not prepared to believe it was anything astral or otherworldly. It


> more like invisible aliens. It was all very physical. I could hear

> their growly utterances and hear them crawling on the floor and

> dropping from chairs beds etc. Even smell them in a lot of


> Generally, I could usually hear them coming before they climbed on



> Eventually I learnt there were many different types. Some were

> persistent; some gave up instantly after a single failed attempt at

> attachment. Some never even touched me – believe it or not the one

> that scared me the most just used to walk around me (very close up)

> studying. I won't go into details but it was very insidious and

> possessed an alien intelligence – there was no understanding between

> either of us. Like the majority, it thought I was oblivious to its

> presence until I made it aware I knew it was there.


> Some did not concern me at all. Like one for instance used to suck


> my chin. It is interesting because these types give off a " psychic

> anaesthetic " to mask their vigorous suckling. To notice it at all

> required a focusing of intent. Every now and then, after it thought


> was asleep, it would come up my body (without really touching –

just a

> sense of movement) and then just start sucking, making slurpy noises

> and all. It was only because I noticed it coming up once that I


> follow the parasite to its destination without it bio-energetically

> numbing me in that spot to hide its presence. It always left a deep

> pimple the following day in the spot that it sucked on. That (once

> again) freaked me out since this pimple had been recurring for


> That was my introduction to the realization that their attachment

in a

> lot of instances can leave blemishes. Yet this was one of the types

> that did not worry me at all eventually – like chrism says these


> are more like a mosquito. They feel harmless. When I focused my


> on this type (and some others) I could see them as a dark, not-quite

> cloud, swarming mass of energy.


> So much happened over this time that one day I might even write a

> book. I made lots of discoveries about entities. And having them


> me basically all the time allowed me to confirm various suspicions


> theories about their behaviour.


> I can still feel them at will, if I choose to. Most of what I can

> learn through these interactions has been already gifted me. I


> so deep for answers in my despair. Nothing worthwhile is easy. As

> frightening as my experiences were I am thankful for the opportunity

> (in retrospect). At the time I was terrified, even convinced I was


> die at one stage. Thats how far it went. But I wouldn't take any of


> back.


> chrism was the first person to give me good " real " advise and

> ultimately it all led me to kundalini which I discovered was already

> manifesting within me. It has been a journey of discovery and a

> journey I have had to make myself with conviction in my


> Having others who are enduring strange phenomenon as their awareness

> blossoms is a Godsend. We are all one and everything we do for


> is for others also.


> Some of this may sound " negative " or " unpleasant " or whatever, but

> that is just a perspective. I truly love it all! (now :))


> I love everything that has brought me to where I am, I love where I

> am, I love where I'm going and I love each and every one of you and

> everything you all go through. We are all so lucky.


> love, glen o.




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Hi Glen,

I really really appreciate you sharing this! I thought I had a good

attitude and really wasnt that afraid until I realized that this may

keep happening and now I'm a bit worried I'm bringing bad stuff into

my house, family and children. I don't know if I can handle that.


I mean AM I bringing bad stuff in?...or was it always there, always

everywhere and we just don't see it? Please be honest here, cuz I'm

thinking I brought it in and now I'm feeling kinda bad about that. I

thought if it was just a one time or occasional here and there type

occurance or they won't bother or harm my family (cuz if I am having

a hard time getting it off me, how am I gonna help them when I may be

the one who brought it in?) But...


Anyway last night I kept waking up with such intense headaches all

the way down to my teeth! I actually dumped a whole bottle of campho

on my head. It seems to help for a while but then I woke up again and

again. Interesting to note I have a hemisync pillow that has speakers

and beautiful music plays. Everytime I woke up feeling pain I noticed

the CD had finished and stopped. I know I could have focused to see

if this was my Patrick Parasite visitor, but honestly I really don't

want to see it. Glen I'm not as brave as you, I am ok with not

knowing who they are or what they are, just leave thank you very much.


And please everyone don't get freaked out, maybe I just had a

headache or have to go through this. On the other hand, I am very

sensitive to when fronts come in and last night we had a doozy snow

storm here in Chicagoland. Which by the way is so beautifuL! SO maybe

it was just that? (: I also have this crystal Himalyan Light that I

got last yr and kept that on all night


I really need to know if I'm bringing bad stuff into my family. And

if I raise my self in vibration and K....eventually are they just

going to go after my kids? My son is already sensitive. He's seen

things a couple of times, but just kinda puts it up to " Oh thatwas

weird " A mother needs to protect her children as I'm sure a father

does and I never ever want to do something that brings harm to them

or anyone else for that matter.


So this is what I'm wondering. My cursor keeps flying around and my

lights were just blinking. I'm sure it was the storm right? or my

worry about my family? Well when I woke up today, took a wonderful

shower and washed the Camphor Penq off and then I went in the kitchen

and peeled and cut up a bunch of garlic and rubbed it all over

myself....especially my head. Then I made sure I got plenty of

sunshine while I shoveled. Wow I'm ready for some seasonings and

slide me in the oven and Mmmmm how good I'll taste!


Now do you think since I have this garlic on it can just go to a

different family member???????


Or are they at a different vibration and because not in

practice/meditation ect they arn't interested?????



I mean why bother I must taste soooo good! Anyway all this may be

just my test. I act like I'm brave but really am not. I may have to

stand up to it. I think I can/and have, but the thought of more to

come or possibly in any way harming/or attaching to my family has me



Yesterday when I cleansed the house as suggested and myself I really

had no fear just kinda very confident that it was done. Honestly I

really did not think this might happen again!!!! How Naive am I!

I havent seen anything so that is all good so maybe thats it and the

headache was from the weather!!!


And do I do the next Shaktipat and raise my vibration so I can get

going with this and start to intensify my practice? Will they then

just get my family? Or do I slow down and make sure I can handle this

one first before I attract anymore?


So Glen what I really want to hear if you lived with anyone else when

this was happening? Did you see them go to other family members? And

now that your vibration is higher did they stop bugging you or go

after family since they couldnt attach anymore????????


Just how many people out there do you think have attachments on? Can

this harm your health?


Or Glen, do you rarely see them anymore or they just can't attach

anymore? DId you ever have one attached? I know I can handle moving

forward if I know my family won't be harmed by something I'm

attracting or doing. I don't think I could bare that!


Thank you for your stories because it does help! And if I were to

ever see something like that or feel something crawling on I will

think of how well you are and you survived and then so could I. (And

you would see a news alert on the tv.... " Crazy WOman runs down the

street in her PJ's hitting herself repeatedly with bat while

screaming as the men in white tried to wrestle her into the straight

jacket! LOL) No just kidding....I would have to grab my coat first!

(: Please let me know before I Rambo up again!

Thank you thank you thank you! Hoping the only thing thats crawling

on you these days...is something you actually want crawling on you! (:


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Linda I am cracking up thinking about you grabbing that thing and

zapping it!!! You are sooooo funny you gave me quite a visual!!

But you know what, you may have just helped me, because at one point

when I woke up my head was really hurting, but I also had that good

feeling energy in my hands and it was pretty strong. I did get the

feeling that I could heal myself. So I put my hands up but not on or

to near my head (didn't want to touch Patrick Parasite which is

ridculous since its already touching me and booring into my head1


and said some prayers and went back to sleep.


But now I see I should have just grabbed it like you! You are a riot!

Oh and I like Glen demanding " Demon be Gone "

I mean you don't here that much walking through the mall do you?


So if I'm feeling it tonight I'll try grabbing Patrick and send him

back to Parasite Paradise.


Thanks so much Linda for your help and Glen and Sarita and everyone!!!



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