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Hello Everyone - Travis

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Hello Travis,

Yes you are not alone with the activation via light

bearing plants and fungi. They are powerful and yes I know you said

that you were mixing in other systems as well. I also understand how

it can turn into a " hell(s) " . Been there.....done that.(sigh)


It does not have to be that way though. Sometimes when a

person " Storms the Gates of Heaven " one can be exposed to what waits

outside those gates.


As I look at you I can see that you have been challenged severely

but that you are coming out of the effects, as you state in your

intro, of those challenges. I would only at this time suggest a

practice of the safeties be adopted by you and that you begin a

bottom to top balancing sequence.


There are prhaps some issues at your fifth or throat chakra and at

other places along the spine but none of them are insurmountable.

You are a strong person and your experience can be a great teaching

for others who are in a " hurry " . Having can be very different from

wanting yes? - blessings Travis and again welcome to you! - chrism

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Thank you so much for the advice. I've been trying so

many things to heal the blocks along my spine and

throat. I am just now beginning to come back in my

body enough to really address some things and it is

wonderful and terrifying at the same time as I realize

with my regained bodily awareness the extent of havoc

that I have wrought on my body. But I do agree that it

is a very great teaching that has made me realize the

preciousness of life and connection and the sacredness

of just being alive and not constantly grasping for

something greater. I think before this experience I

took for granted the amount of joy and compassion that

I was capable of experiencing on a daily basis and was

always seeking the next great summit to conquer. Then

I will be whole, Then I will be happy and complete,

Once I have achieved enlightenment. Using force

instead of unconditional love, but a lot of that is

what had to be worked through and it couldn't have

happened any other way for me so I must do my best and

I am slowly realigning myself with my higher

intentions and again experiencing that boundless state

of love and abundance. I have been using some of the

healing methods of mantak chia, the inner smile and

eye desensitization and reprocessing to try and clear

some blocks and reconnect deeply with my physical

body. I will definitely begin practicing the safeties

nightly and could you please describe what you mean by

a top to bottom balancing sequence. Do you just mean

asanas? Thank you so much for the advice and support

and please continue to offer suggestions. Also any

meditations or practices for healing and regenerating

the nervous system might be helpful if anyone knows




--- chrism <> wrote:


> Hello Travis,

> Yes you are not alone with the

> activation via light

> bearing plants and fungi. They are powerful and yes

> I know you said

> that you were mixing in other systems as well. I

> also understand how

> it can turn into a " hell(s) " . Been there.....done

> that.(sigh)


> It does not have to be that way though. Sometimes

> when a

> person " Storms the Gates of Heaven " one can be

> exposed to what waits

> outside those gates.


> As I look at you I can see that you have been

> challenged severely

> but that you are coming out of the effects, as you

> state in your

> intro, of those challenges. I would only at this

> time suggest a

> practice of the safeties be adopted by you and that

> you begin a

> bottom to top balancing sequence.


> There are prhaps some issues at your fifth or throat

> chakra and at

> other places along the spine but none of them are

> insurmountable.

> You are a strong person and your experience can be a

> great teaching

> for others who are in a " hurry " . Having can be very

> different from

> wanting yes? - blessings Travis and again welcome to

> you! - chrism










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Yes hello Travis,

That was BOTTOM to TOP not top to bottom. Never top

to bottom. imho. The chakras can act as filters for eachother only

allowing that which has been filtered or changed into a higher

frequency for the next chakra which uses that refined frequency of

energy as its base of operations, passing its refined energy to the

next and so forth.


For you at this time Travis I would strongly recommend service to

others as a form of meditation. Go out and seek to help through love

and any other love based means within reach that you can do for the

benefit of another or a group of others. Consistant selfless service.

Do NOT help so much that you hurt your situation financially or

otherwise. It is not about giving to the detriment of your self but

from the love that you have for the benefit of another.


This will do more for you at this time than any asana or breathing

technique. - blessings to you and those who are served by you - chrism

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Yes Chrism. Thank you so much for the words of wisdom.

I have just been recently beginning to remember that

intention of service and the feeling that accompanies

it. In Hawaii I had the opportunity to work trade and

was of service to many everyday and I have never been

happier. When I returned to Chicago I began trying to

find that niche again but I am also in financial dire

straits and getting a job has been very difficult so

it is just a matter of finding balance right now. I

woke up at about 5 a.m last night and began feeling

the calling of service again stirring within me and

felt the awesome healing power of that aim. It's just

a matter of finding a balance financially and somehow

finding work that benefits others in a meaningful way.

But this is truly my deepest desire to be in an

environment where love and compassion are shared and

encouraged. It has been somewhat challenging for me to

find that in the job market of Chicago.

Thanks again,




--- chrism <> wrote:


> Yes hello Travis,

> That was BOTTOM to TOP not top to

> bottom. Never top

> to bottom. imho. The chakras can act as filters for

> eachother only

> allowing that which has been filtered or changed

> into a higher

> frequency for the next chakra which uses that

> refined frequency of

> energy as its base of operations, passing its

> refined energy to the

> next and so forth.


> For you at this time Travis I would strongly

> recommend service to

> others as a form of meditation. Go out and seek to

> help through love

> and any other love based means within reach that you

> can do for the

> benefit of another or a group of others. Consistant

> selfless service.

> Do NOT help so much that you hurt your situation

> financially or

> otherwise. It is not about giving to the detriment

> of your self but

> from the love that you have for the benefit of

> another.


> This will do more for you at this time than any

> asana or breathing

> technique. - blessings to you and those who are

> served by you - chrism










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