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premonitions and little blessings

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Hi guys,

I thought I'd take a moment to share this.

Several weeks before my uncle passed, I had a dream.

In the dream, I was in his house visiting him.

My aunt was sitting at the table, all alone.

She was staring and staring at something she had made for him.

Everyone had put something on it, and she was staring at it with tears

that didn't fall, but filled her sad eyes.


Yesterday was the first time I went to that aunts house, since the service.

Upon arriving home, my mother mentioned that she gave a card with some cash

to my aunt, in the hopes that maybe it would help a bit. After all the hospice

expenses, they had only enough for one little present each, on Christmas day.

My aunt, always so gracious and never wanting to be any type of burden, tried to

refuse it. When my mother insisted, she said she'd buy a frame for the banner

which everyone signed.

My mom was telling me this, and as she was, I was realizing that

that's what I saw in the dream. Everyone had put something on it.

My mom said it was sitting on her table, just like in the dream.

When she was telling me this, I became so sad, because I knew what she was

staring and staring at, and brushing with her fingertips the names of all who

attended his service. It filled me with the deepest sadness, to know that.


Yesterday, I had a chance to be welcomed in a different perspective, into my

aunts home. It was because I had opened up and said all the things I never said

before, when I learned that he was sick, and she felt she knew me on a different

level. It was nice to feel like family. My aunt kept looking at me, into my

face. It was as if she was studying every feature of her long lost daughter. I

found it to be very heartwarming, and I felt like I was really home...home in

the place I always wanted to be my home.


They'd had a very difficult Christmas without him, but they said that if

anything good came out of it, it was the strengthening of distanced


I know that my uncle is smiling down, at his once distanced family coming

together and understanding one another..and being there for each other, and

offering their love and oneness for the first time.


Just thought I'd share that.






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Thanks for sharing that Tara, that's wonderful. Some sadness, but it

will lead to healing.




, tara jacoby

<tjmassage7777 wrote:


> Hi guys,

> I thought I'd take a moment to share this.

> Several weeks before my uncle passed, I had a dream.

> In the dream, I was in his house visiting him.

> My aunt was sitting at the table, all alone.

> She was staring and staring at something she had made for him.

> Everyone had put something on it, and she was staring at it with tears

> that didn't fall, but filled her sad eyes.

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Thank you, Tara. That was quite beautiful. Living from the heart can

open many doors. Love, dhyana



, tara jacoby

<tjmassage7777 wrote:



> My aunt was sitting at the table, all alone.

> She was staring and staring at something she had made for him.

> Everyone had put something on it, and she was staring at it with tears

> that didn't fall, but filled her sad eyes.


I became so sad, because I knew what she was staring and staring at,

and brushing with her fingertips the names of all who attended his

service. It filled me with the deepest sadness, to know that.


> Yesterday, I had a chance to be welcomed in a different perspective,

into my aunts home. It was because I had opened up and said all the

things I never said before,

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Thats a heartwarming stort lil Tara,


I'm so glad you are building bridges and bravely

walking across them arms open wide, heart beaming.

I know that often death can bring closeness amongst

family members.

We are all works in progress and each process we go

through opens us up or closes us down. It's up to us

which way we chose to go.

Sounds like you are all choosing the opening path :-))

Yeah for you guys, so wonderful.

I wish blessings upon you and your little family (not

forgetting Bunny), hugs.


Love Lektra x x x




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Thanks, my lil Lektra! :)

I have to remember to keep on growing.

You are so right about a choice to grow and flourish, or to close up and


It's no fun to let yourself be caught off guard, and find yourself closing up..

and whithering. I think that's one reason why the safeties; the prayer breathing

and forgiveness in particular, are so important. They seem to keep the mind set

on progress.

I'm learning.

Now if I could only I could use them to defeat these seizures.

Yetserday, I found myself slipping in and out of consciousness all day long.

I could feel my spirit and physical body separating as I was walking down the

sidewalk. My eyes kept rolling up, and I kept 'freezing' in place momentarily.

When I got home, I was drained, and I felt like I would just fall out, but I


Maybe if I practice all the safeties extra extra good, it will minimize.

I think I made more progress before all these passed issues surfaced.

That seems to have slowed by evolution, quite a bit.

Nevertheless, onward we go, toward progression of soul..

and oneness with creation.


Thanks sweet sister.

Your kind words always gladden my lil heart.


My bunny says thanks, for remembering her. :P


Here's another short, but heartwarming story;

Mike's been challenging me on my referring to my bunny as Mischief.

Although I swear, she's Mischief, reicarnated.

Just the other day, I put carpet in her cage (my spoiled lil princess)

and I was telling him how cute it was, that she liked it sooo much, that even

with her cage door open, she remained inside..on her nice soft floor. Aww.

I said, well maybe we can call her Smokey-the-Mischief-maker (her given name is

Smokey, but ironically she only responds to Mischief, and Mike get's freaked out

when I call her that; so I was trying to find a happy medium.)

He said " Tara, Mischief has her own identity. And Mischief would never pass up a

chance for freedom. Carpet or no carpet, she'd be out if she had the chance.

She was never content in a cage. If that was really Mischief, she'd be out right

now. "

Just then, as hidden tears drwned my face, I got a feeling, and when I went in

to look at her, she was gone.

She had heard him say that, and immediately took off for freedom.

I told him, and he was amazed to find her in Mischief's favorite spot..

under his bed. LOL


Love..love..and more love lil Lektra,




>Elektra Fire <elektra.fire wrote:

> Thats a heartwarming stort lil Tara,

>I'm so glad you are building bridges and bravely

>walking across them arms open wide, heart beaming.

>I know that often death can bring closeness amongst

>family members.

>We are all works in progress and each process we go

>through opens us up or closes us down. It's up to us

>which way we chose to go.

>Sounds like you are all choosing the opening path :-))

>Yeah for you guys, so wonderful.

>I wish blessings upon you and your little family (not

>forgetting Bunny), hugs.


>Love Lektra x x x



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