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Heart Calls

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As the Kundalini infuses the heart a distinct call, or an

intuitive " pull " towards expressed love can be felt very strongly.

This is an aspect of the infusion that calls for the person to

engage in the giving of a loving " service " or a gift of love to

those around them or their entire social network of friends and

family or state or province, country, and the entire world.


This is part of the divine directive of what the Kundalini's agenda

is for the infused and infusing human being. This is where the

Kundalini wants to move out and radiate towards others. The carrier

wave of that radiation is love. Love in all of its facets.


So when you feel this do not hesitate to respond. Reach out into

your world however large or small and radiate that good will and

loving service to all who you know and to those who are strangers to

you. This will move the Kundalini inside you and increase the

radiations around and pulsing out from you.


This is helpful for the continuing infusive process as these actions

and intentions can free up old stuck ideas and expectations of what

is and isn't appropriate inside of your society. This allows you to

gain a new strength of self and of your purpose with in the divine

matrix of the bridge the Kundalini is building with in you. It helps

you to learn how to " listen " to the Shakti as she guides and

formulates experiences and processes for you to learn from and act



Love is the strength and the fuel and the platform that will help

the Kundalini take you into the next areas of its expression with in

you. The throat and the third eye chakras and the crown will

resonate and respond to what the heart chakra is expressing and

moving through its activities of love.


All areas of the infusion will grow from this acknowledgement and

pro-active approach to the invitation the Kundalini extends through

these feelings and intuitive guidance's. So do your best to hear and

respond to the " calling " that is coming to you from behind your eyes

and inside your heart. -

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Yes, I have felt strongly the desire to do " random acts of kindness'

of late, the term " Pay it forward " keeps coming to mind, paying more

attention to those around me. All of you may remember I live in a

huge city and neighborliness is unheard of, in general. You mind your

business and don't look too much at anyone, God forbid you smile and

say hi or stop to help! When I see a need I can help with, I do,

though something (ego?) has held me back a couple of times. Getting a

cart/trolley in the grocery store for the lady with a baby in her

arms and a toddler pulling at her other one, giving the needed change

to an elderly woman in front of me in line struggling to count out

enough change to pay her bill, letting people in front of me on the

freeway when everyone is cutting them off, leaving a little bit more

tip for the flustered, frazzled waitress, doing that little bit more

than is expected, seeing each stranger as a possible friend. Just

little stuff like that but I'm drawn to these things, almost made to

look and see that this person or that is struggling silently, mostly

unnoticed and I just spring in and do something, totally unexpected

to them and even me sometimes. I don't even expect thanks (I feel

slightly embarrassed if they do)though most are very gracious and

thank me. It's almost better if they don't because then ego can't

come into it. And if it does, I get to chide it! LOL And the love

feelings have been very strong the last 2 going on 3 weeks now. So

much love filled my heart at Christmas, especially toward my Mom, I

burst into tears hugging her and the longer I held her the harder I

cried! It was all in Love, not sorrow. Like all the years I didn't

say " I Love You " enough came pouring out of me in one moment. Now if

I can just overcome the frustration and anger that comes up now and

then (less, thankfully, than it has been) especially where certain

behavior from my very bull-headed daughter is concerned!!


Anyway, thanks for that, Chrism. It hit home for me.

Blessings to you, dear friend and as always, in great gratitude,


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I can definitely relate to this Valerie, especially

the part about all the years you haven't said I love

you enough. Living in a big city can be really

challenging. It seems like most everyones' suffering

comes from wanting to express the love they have

inside but not feeling safe to do so or fearing that

it won't be reciprocated. Keep spreading the love

girl! Thank you for sharing.



--- Valarie Vousden <vjvousden wrote:


> Yes, I have felt strongly the desire to do " random

> acts of kindness'

> of late, the term " Pay it forward " keeps coming to

> mind, paying more

> attention to those around me. All of you may

> remember I live in a

> huge city and neighborliness is unheard of, in

> general. You mind your

> business and don't look too much at anyone, God

> forbid you smile and

> say hi or stop to help! When I see a need I can help

> with, I do,

> though something (ego?) has held me back a couple of

> times. Getting a

> cart/trolley in the grocery store for the lady with

> a baby in her

> arms and a toddler pulling at her other one, giving

> the needed change

> to an elderly woman in front of me in line

> struggling to count out

> enough change to pay her bill, letting people in

> front of me on the

> freeway when everyone is cutting them off, leaving a

> little bit more

> tip for the flustered, frazzled waitress, doing that

> little bit more

> than is expected, seeing each stranger as a possible

> friend. Just

> little stuff like that but I'm drawn to these

> things, almost made to

> look and see that this person or that is struggling

> silently, mostly

> unnoticed and I just spring in and do something,

> totally unexpected

> to them and even me sometimes. I don't even expect

> thanks (I feel

> slightly embarrassed if they do)though most are very

> gracious and

> thank me. It's almost better if they don't because

> then ego can't

> come into it. And if it does, I get to chide it! LOL

> And the love

> feelings have been very strong the last 2 going on 3

> weeks now. So

> much love filled my heart at Christmas, especially

> toward my Mom, I

> burst into tears hugging her and the longer I held

> her the harder I

> cried! It was all in Love, not sorrow. Like all the

> years I didn't

> say " I Love You " enough came pouring out of me in

> one moment. Now if

> I can just overcome the frustration and anger that

> comes up now and

> then (less, thankfully, than it has been) especially

> where certain

> behavior from my very bull-headed daughter is

> concerned!!


> Anyway, thanks for that, Chrism. It hit home for me.

> Blessings to you, dear friend and as always, in

> great gratitude,

> Valarie










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