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*** Please Note - This post was intended to be sent privately to

Chrism and accidentally posted public by myself, and promptly deleted.

Following some greatly appreciated encouragement by I

decided to repost it, I've refrained from editing it from the

original, given my personality and nature it probably would have ended

up a very short post if I had started editing it. My apologies to

anyone receiving this as a duplicate e-mail.





My name is Scott, I'm 28 from Australia.


First of all Thank you for inviting me to your group and thank you for

running it.


I've been acutely introverted and reclusive my entire life, which is

why I'm writing to you personally.


I'll give you a little back story on myself. Always felt different

from other kids in my younger years which has continued into early

adulthood, several profound instances of Telepathy in my youth.


At age 12 I entered a phase (to borrow from you own mini-biography on

the forums) that I'll simply refer to as 'Hell', another name that

seems relevant to this event I've come across would be 'Shaman's Death'.


Extremely high sensitivity to Energy in general (not that I knew it at

the time), constant acute Telepathic and Empathetic perception during

every single waking moment (the thoughts and emotions were very strong

and in massive persistent quantities, they were also indistinguishable

from my own thoughts and emotions, they also weren't very clear).


This event has continued for the past 16 years, left me

psychologically crippled (since it didn't let up), extremely

socially-retarded (I haven't developed anywhere near what the majority

of human-beings do relative to my age), there was a minor alleviation

after a few years from the start of this time, and an extreme

re-emurgance in the last 2 years or so.


I dare not go into the specifics of this occasioning, it's simply too

painful and traumatic, suffice to say, I'm surprised I lived (nothing

short of miraculous that I've made it to this age if you ask me), I

honestly can't imagine what I did to deserve such extreme cruelty,

pain and suffering, but I'm familiar with the concepts of balance, and

the principle that 'nothing in life is free', so I assume there's some

sort of conclusion to my struggle, even if it is a quick painless

death at the end of my time here.


Anyway, I've been trying to practice psychic abilities for about 4

years, I know it's in there, and extremely potent, but I simply can't

manifest it. Shielding was the only skill I was pursuing, as I

believed it impairative to my survival, let alone any chance of

starting to lead a normal (or at least, remotely happy) existence, In

a single instance I, largely by accident, managed to achieve this, the

results were profound and a bit scary. I was transformed into an

extremely serene, wise and benevolent person, it only lasted 3 or 4

hours and I haven't been able to achieve this since. This was

approximately 18 months ago.


In my current circumstance, as of about the last 2 years or so, I've

been a shut-in (most of my life actually, just more extreme in this

period of time), not having the capacity to even tolerate the presence

of my parents or even my dogs for the briefest of periods. I've been

trapped in my room, and have had incredible difficulty leaving the

confines of the house because the energy outside would hit me really

hard. For quite a while there, I couldn't have the window open in my

room because it was simply too unpleasant. (I believe that physical

matter acts as some sore of minor barrier to energy, at least that's

what this discovery lead me to believe).


For the past 9 months I had also been spending about 20~22 hours a day

in bed, with the covers pulled up (again, as a physical barrier,

couldn't tolerate just lying there uncovered). Obviously I couldn't

sleep that much, so I've been engaging in extremely engrossing

daydreams, some lasting days as a method of coping with my circumstance.


I've always lived with my parents, having never moved away, couldn't

fend for my self under these circumstances.

No friends or any particular socially engaging contact since age 12

when it all started. Couldn't tolerate being around people.


But onto more happier subjects.


In the period of time from 9 months to 2 years ago, maybe more, my

Heart Chakra started playing up, slowly over time the pressure was

building, it became very noticeable and frequently uncomfortable, One

night I was lying in bed and had put my hand across that area just

before dozing off. A few moments later I felt this excrutiating sharp

pain that made me think I'd had a heart-attack or some other cardiac

episode, ever since then I haven't been able to put my hands or arms

anywhere near my Heart Chakra or chest in general, can't even hover

them 3 inches away from it without the pressure starting to rise. My

arms can't be tucked close to the side of my ribs for the same reason.

Even my thoughts seemed to make it react, I couldn't even

differentiate whether it was positive or negative thoughts that were

causing the reaction.


Approximately 7 or 8 days ago I started my most recent attempt to get

back into practicing psychic abilities, reading forums for something I

might have missed that would explain my in-ability to achieve, when I

came across a link for Indigo Adults, I joined the group and read most

(if not all) of their post. I immediately identified with the

characteristics they define as a Crystal Child/Adult, as apposed to



Their particular philosophy on the process of 'Awakening'was 'Saturn's

Return', dictating that people would go through a transition/awakening

at the age of 28 or so (conveniently my age) relative to the planets

returning the the same stage they were at birth. Personally I think

this might just be a convenient time keeping similarity.


There were an immense amount of single, lonely mothers and housewives

just looking for contact, or the knowledge that they were special,

which they were and are, they just have to recognize it for themselves.


But there wasn't much information relative to my particulars, a lot of

venting psychological issues and (dare I say it) 'role-playing'. In

one of the posts was a referal to your site KAS-1. I ignored it in

the first instance, but the word 'Kundalini' kept coming up in

different places over and over again, 4 or 5 times, so I eventually

looked into it and found that the symptoms of a Kundalini awakening

were almost identical to their definition of Awakening symptoms.


I read about 1/2 the post on the KAS group over the first 2 days, then

took more interest in practicing for the last 3 or 4, profound results

have ensued.


Disturbingly for me my situation started improving rapidly the day

after I went to the Indigo Adults website. Quite frankly the whole

experience of the last week or so, just happening to come across these

sites at the same time as I started to change strikes me as more that



I'll dictate the particulars of this period as accurately as I can.


On Day One I awoke to find everything a lot more quieter (regarding

telepathic/empathetic noise) I could concentrate a lot easier, and

even moving through the air (energy) wasn't exhausting, as it had been

for many, many years now. It also wasn't as difficult or unpleasant to

go outside in the sunshine/wind/general environment.


I hadn't practiced anything, this simply happened, probably just the

passage of time and coming to a point in my life.


This is more than my life had improved in the past 16 years, if this

is the only thing that happens from recent events, I can live with it,

I simply can't denote how much easier this has made daily life.


I can't remember much of Day two, I was too busy reading the KAS-1

group. But things seemed to continue improving in regards to the

above, I was a lot more content and happier, slightly more serene

even. I did the Tibetans and Chakra Breathing, which helped me

rediscover the Chakras I hadn't notice for a few years. Excluding the

Heart Chakra which was highly noticeable and active 24/7 for years

before this.


On Day Three, I started doing the Tibetans and Safeties, and that

night I meditated for the first time in over a year, because of the

changes listed above, it was much easier and reaped some noteworthy

results. It took about 20 minutes or so to quieten down, then i

entered a deeper meditative stage, immediately i noticed an intense

pressure, even pain in my heart chakra, this lasted about 15~20

minutes and I let it continue.


At about that time it (the pressure, energy perhaps?) disipated

started migrating north, and manifested at the left of my neck, a

small line grew down about 6 inches, then started to curve inwards

towards the center of my breastplate. after a few minutes of that, it

suddenly moved to engulf my entire left shoulder, all the way down to

the elbow, and became excruciatingly painful and intense, just

throbbing, it remained there for approximately 5~7 minutes, then the

energy returned to my Heart Chakra, leaving a painless feeling of

'energization' and presence at the area where it moved away from (I

noticed 2 days later that the tendons, ligaments and skin in this are

now a lot more flexible and healthy, I haven't done anything physical

to occasion this change).


The energy remained in my Heart Chakra for a few more minutes, then

suddenly moved again, up to the base of my skull, the first or second

vertebrae (which I now take to be the Throat Chakra). again the same

thing happened, it became intensely painful, almost to the point where

I couldn't tolerate the pain, remained for 5~10 minutes and then moved

back to the heart chakra.


Finally after a few more minutes it started to wrap around the left

side of my rib cage and started to become painful again, I was tired

so I stopped.


I went and lay down on my bed intent on continuing mediation in that

position, no sooner had a put my head back, but intense waves of

energy started engulfing my body, I don't know which direction they

came from or if they engulfed my entire anatomy, they weren't

painful like the Chakras or shoulder, from when i was meditating

sitting up but they were very high in energy, they continued at

intervals between 30 seconds and a few minutes, with periods of

moderate constant energy pulsing in between these convulsions,

several times I had to gasp for breath when the energy would surge

because I thought I couldn't breathe. This continue for approximately

2 hours.


I was in a semi-concious or tranced state, largely imobilized, I also

didn't want it to stop. Then exhausted I rolled over and went to

sleep for what seemed to be 8~10 hours, only to awake and realize I'd

been asleep for 30~60 minutes and felt completely rejuvinated. My body

and skin felt really good for about a day after that.


On Day Four I did the obligatory Safeties and Tibetans in the morning,

a while after that I noticed I started to experience the 'speed-like'

affect. Try not to think too poorly of me but I had tried speed in a

single instance many, many years back, the sensation was undeniable.

This lasted 90 minutes or so, and I went back to sleep. Only to be

awakened by an instance of G.F.A., that was a new one for me, it

coincided with someone grabbing me in 'that particular area' inside

the dream I was having, you could imagine my surprise when I woke up

the find that it was actually happening.


I meditated that night, and again the same thing as the previous

meditation happened, took some time to quieten down and get deeper.

then my Heart Chakra started to flare up again, only this time after

it moved, it relocated several inches down (a part of my anatomy I now

take to be the stomach chakra), again intense pain, followed by the

relocation of the energy back to the heart charka, leaving the stomach

are with pleasant mild energization. I stopped there because I was

tired and went to sleep.


Day Five (Yesterday), Tibetans, Safeties and Meditation in the

evening, time to quieten, heart chakra energized first again, but I

couldn't concentrate so stopped, was rather dissapointed that I didn't

put more effort in, especially considering the results of the last two



Day Six (Today), Tibents, Safeties, Mediation which I didn't put

enough effort into, and only had the Heart Chakra sensation which

happens first and foremost everytime I meditate, going to meditate

again later to see if something happens.


But since the start of this time, whenever I lie down and quieten my

mind, even for a few seconds I feel my whole body pulsing from head to

toe, presumably with energy.


I can also put my hands near my Heart Chakra again, it isn't

constantly painful, I forgot how much I missed being about to touch my

own chest.


I should mention that through-out all the above listed, the normal

symptoms have persisted, some of them started up months or weeks prior

and I just attributed them to poor health,


Things such as drinking water like a fish, I haven't watched or had

the desire to watch television or movies for months prior, I'm not

emotionally distressed by the negative, aggressive or violent

stimulation, it just doesn't feel 'right'. Diet change, for some

reason I can't even stand the thought of eating meat (which I usually

love), let alone the smell and suddenly desire vegetables which I

usually avoid like the plague, constant heat fluctuations, both at

sporadic points and sometimes general body heat increase (If anyone

had told me breathing through my left nostril would cool me down

before I'd experienced it, I would have deemed them fit to be tied),

sleeping patterns changing, numbness in my left leg below the knee

without reason, etc, etc.


The symptoms just keep mounting by the day, I honestly can't remember

them all.


I have been doing Forgiveness and Recapitulation, but having spent

most of my life in isolation I had already made a lot of progress on

these fronts, none the less I continue with it.


I generally can't relate to other peoples experience in the group,

There experiences and if you'll excuse me, 'Who they are', I can't put

my finger on it, but it just seems like there's of a degree of

separation between our paths (situation normal for me), particularly

in relating to prior life experience, seems a lot of these people have

lead relatively happy and normal lives. I honestly can't imagine why

they'd pursue this, all I ever wanted was to be normal.


I have never experienced an OBE, I don't have visions, my dreams don't

seem of any relevance, I'm really more perceptive to tactile

sensations than visual ones, no vibrations or tremors, no particularly

noticeable sensations to do with my spine, aside from feeling much

healthier since starting the Tibetans.


I apologize for the length of this message, Thank you for reading it,

you must get a lot of mail.


I would burden you with a few questions if I may?


Don't feel obliged in anyway to respond.


1. First and foremost I'm interested to know if this is likely to be a

Kundalini awakening.


2. Regarding meditation, is it more advisable to be sitting with a

straight back, I seem to have a different experience when I lie down

and do it.


3. Must the Tongue Up, Eyes Up, Finger-tips touching protocol continue

throughout the entire meditation?


4. My experiences and symptoms seem to be developing quite rapidly, is

this likely to be an indication of how soon I might be ready for an



5. Is this likely to be a Heart Chakra Awakening or a Spinal Sweep?


6. Regarding Shakipat, can an awakening occur without it? if this is

to be a Heart Chakra Awakening, does it have any effect? is it anymore

or less advisable to particapate in a Shakipat rather than achieving

it of your own accord?


Any diagnosis/prognosis/advice on my circumstance would be greatly

appreciated, you have my complete consent to 'view' me, don't feel

obliged to do anything, you don't owe me anything. Quite frankly if

you've read this letter I couldn't ask for more.


I've been waiting my entire life to something to change that I

couldn't achieve on my own, you site has given me a beacon of hope,

there might just be a better future for me

after all. So thank you.






Scott F.

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Hello Scott,

Yes this is Kundalini. You are already inside of the

process and have been for sometime. You are welcome here and are

among friends, family and fellow travelers.


You are in a Kundalini process at this time - no surprise Im sure!


Try both meditative positions and you will begin to notice qualities

that are unique to each one. One isnt better than another they are

aspects of different avenues to aid and aquire and balance the

Kundalini. Walking meditations and working meditations as well as

creativity meditations also apply.


Depending on what it is you are doing yes. For you at this point

keep the tongue up withput fingers or eyes up during most of your

waking hours that you are not engaged in meditation. Keep eyes and

tongue and fingertips in position when you are meditating lying down

or sitting. Please prepare yourself for a more active engagment with



You are in the middle of the infusion process Scott. This will last

for some time then will begin to merge into an awakening. Surrender

completely to this process to acheive the best balance possible with

in it. Things can still go in ways that are painful so please be

attentive to your intuitive natures and get into the sunshine as

soon as you can. By that I mean outside, barefeet to bare soil top

of head unshaded no sunglasses. At least fifteen minutes per day.

This will have a healthy effect upon you.


The shape of the awakening and its qualities will be determined by

the Kundalini and by your karmic and conscious natures. Both heart

activations and spinal sweeps can be experienced. I suggest you not

dwell on this though as that can develop expectation that can

influence your surrender.


Shaktipat will help where the energies require a balancing or a

beginning or another form of a flow treatment. Kundalini flow that

is. Activations and awakenings happen naturally without the aid of

anyone as mine did. But they can also be given. Whether it is good

for you should be up to your own intuitive discerment.


Welcome to life outside of the caccoon! You have aged yourself to

the point of aquiring an ability to work and be worked upon by the

Kundalini. A flexing of the wings is now needed to spread the energy

into the conduits that will allow for flight. So keep up your

practices my friend. Be an active participant and ask any questions

you feel. Your lift off is coming soon and a beautiful angel in the

flesh is about to be realized. - blessings Scott - chrism


> I would burden you with a few questions if I may?


> Don't feel obliged in anyway to respond.


> 1. First and foremost I'm interested to know if this is likely to

be a

> Kundalini awakening.


> 2. Regarding meditation, is it more advisable to be sitting with a

> straight back, I seem to have a different experience when I lie


> and do it.


> 3. Must the Tongue Up, Eyes Up, Finger-tips touching protocol


> throughout the entire meditation?


> 4. My experiences and symptoms seem to be developing quite

rapidly, is

> this likely to be an indication of how soon I might be ready for an

> awakening?


> 5. Is this likely to be a Heart Chakra Awakening or a Spinal Sweep?


> 6. Regarding Shakipat, can an awakening occur without it? if this


> to be a Heart Chakra Awakening, does it have any effect? is it


> or less advisable to particapate in a Shakipat rather than


> it of your own accord?


> Any diagnosis/prognosis/advice on my circumstance would be greatly

> appreciated, you have my complete consent to 'view' me, don't feel

> obliged to do anything, you don't owe me anything. Quite frankly if

> you've read this letter I couldn't ask for more.


> I've been waiting my entire life to something to change that I

> couldn't achieve on my own, you site has given me a beacon of hope,

> there might just be a better future for me

> after all. So thank you.



> Sincerely,



> Scott F.


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Welcome to the group Scott, sounds like you've come to the right

place! You'll find plenty of information and support here...

love & light ~Jen~


, " Scott "

<staticjade wrote:


> *** Please Note - This post was intended to be sent privately to

> and accidentally posted public by myself, and promptly deleted.

> Following some greatly appreciated encouragement by I

> decided to repost it, I've refrained from editing it from the

> original, given my personality and nature it probably would have ended

> up a very short post if I had started editing it. My apologies to

> anyone receiving this as a duplicate e-mail.

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Welcome Scott, I am glad you have found you way here and are already

getting the help you need. This is the best place on the the net!

Many blessings,




, " Scott "

<staticjade wrote:


> *** Please Note - This post was intended to be sent privately to

> and accidentally posted public by myself, and promptly


> Following some greatly appreciated encouragement by I

> decided to repost it, I've refrained from editing it from the

> original, given my personality and nature it probably would have


> up a very short post if I had started editing it. My apologies to

> anyone receiving this as a duplicate e-mail.



> Hello,


> My name is Scott, I'm 28 from Australia.


> First of all Thank you for inviting me to your group and thank you


> running it.


> I've been acutely introverted and reclusive my entire life, which is

> why I'm writing to you personally.


> I'll give you a little back story on myself. Always felt different

> from other kids in my younger years which has continued into early

> adulthood, several profound instances of Telepathy in my youth.


> At age 12 I entered a phase (to borrow from you own mini-biography


> the forums) that I'll simply refer to as 'Hell', another name that

> seems relevant to this event I've come across would be 'Shaman's



> Extremely high sensitivity to Energy in general (not that I knew it


> the time), constant acute Telepathic and Empathetic perception


> every single waking moment (the thoughts and emotions were very


> and in massive persistent quantities, they were also


> from my own thoughts and emotions, they also weren't very clear).


> This event has continued for the past 16 years, left me

> psychologically crippled (since it didn't let up), extremely

> socially-retarded (I haven't developed anywhere near what the


> of human-beings do relative to my age), there was a minor


> after a few years from the start of this time, and an extreme

> re-emurgance in the last 2 years or so.


> I dare not go into the specifics of this occasioning, it's simply


> painful and traumatic, suffice to say, I'm surprised I lived


> short of miraculous that I've made it to this age if you ask me), I

> honestly can't imagine what I did to deserve such extreme cruelty,

> pain and suffering, but I'm familiar with the concepts of balance,


> the principle that 'nothing in life is free', so I assume there's


> sort of conclusion to my struggle, even if it is a quick painless

> death at the end of my time here.


> Anyway, I've been trying to practice psychic abilities for about 4

> years, I know it's in there, and extremely potent, but I simply


> manifest it. Shielding was the only skill I was pursuing, as I

> believed it impairative to my survival, let alone any chance of

> starting to lead a normal (or at least, remotely happy) existence,


> a single instance I, largely by accident, managed to achieve this,


> results were profound and a bit scary. I was transformed into an

> extremely serene, wise and benevolent person, it only lasted 3 or 4

> hours and I haven't been able to achieve this since. This was

> approximately 18 months ago.


> In my current circumstance, as of about the last 2 years or so, I've

> been a shut-in (most of my life actually, just more extreme in this

> period of time), not having the capacity to even tolerate the


> of my parents or even my dogs for the briefest of periods. I've been

> trapped in my room, and have had incredible difficulty leaving the

> confines of the house because the energy outside would hit me really

> hard. For quite a while there, I couldn't have the window open in


> room because it was simply too unpleasant. (I believe that physical

> matter acts as some sore of minor barrier to energy, at least that's

> what this discovery lead me to believe).


> For the past 9 months I had also been spending about 20~22 hours a


> in bed, with the covers pulled up (again, as a physical barrier,

> couldn't tolerate just lying there uncovered). Obviously I couldn't

> sleep that much, so I've been engaging in extremely engrossing

> daydreams, some lasting days as a method of coping with my



> I've always lived with my parents, having never moved away, couldn't

> fend for my self under these circumstances.

> No friends or any particular socially engaging contact since age 12

> when it all started. Couldn't tolerate being around people.


> But onto more happier subjects.


> In the period of time from 9 months to 2 years ago, maybe more, my

> Heart Chakra started playing up, slowly over time the pressure was

> building, it became very noticeable and frequently uncomfortable,


> night I was lying in bed and had put my hand across that area just

> before dozing off. A few moments later I felt this excrutiating


> pain that made me think I'd had a heart-attack or some other cardiac

> episode, ever since then I haven't been able to put my hands or arms

> anywhere near my Heart Chakra or chest in general, can't even hover

> them 3 inches away from it without the pressure starting to rise.


> arms can't be tucked close to the side of my ribs for the same


> Even my thoughts seemed to make it react, I couldn't even

> differentiate whether it was positive or negative thoughts that were

> causing the reaction.


> Approximately 7 or 8 days ago I started my most recent attempt to


> back into practicing psychic abilities, reading forums for

something I

> might have missed that would explain my in-ability to achieve, when


> came across a link for Indigo Adults, I joined the group and read


> (if not all) of their post. I immediately identified with the

> characteristics they define as a Crystal Child/Adult, as apposed to

> Indigo.


> Their particular philosophy on the process

of 'Awakening'was 'Saturn's

> Return', dictating that people would go through a


> at the age of 28 or so (conveniently my age) relative to the planets

> returning the the same stage they were at birth. Personally I think

> this might just be a convenient time keeping similarity.


> There were an immense amount of single, lonely mothers and


> just looking for contact, or the knowledge that they were special,

> which they were and are, they just have to recognize it for



> But there wasn't much information relative to my particulars, a lot


> venting psychological issues and (dare I say it) 'role-playing'. In

> one of the posts was a referal to your site KAS-1. I ignored it in

> the first instance, but the word 'Kundalini' kept coming up in

> different places over and over again, 4 or 5 times, so I eventually

> looked into it and found that the symptoms of a Kundalini awakening

> were almost identical to their definition of Awakening symptoms.


> I read about 1/2 the post on the KAS group over the first 2 days,


> took more interest in practicing for the last 3 or 4, profound


> have ensued.


> Disturbingly for me my situation started improving rapidly the day

> after I went to the Indigo Adults website. Quite frankly the whole

> experience of the last week or so, just happening to come across


> sites at the same time as I started to change strikes me as more


> coincidence.


> I'll dictate the particulars of this period as accurately as I can.


> On Day One I awoke to find everything a lot more quieter (regarding

> telepathic/empathetic noise) I could concentrate a lot easier, and

> even moving through the air (energy) wasn't exhausting, as it had


> for many, many years now. It also wasn't as difficult or unpleasant


> go outside in the sunshine/wind/general environment.


> I hadn't practiced anything, this simply happened, probably just the

> passage of time and coming to a point in my life.


> This is more than my life had improved in the past 16 years, if this

> is the only thing that happens from recent events, I can live with


> I simply can't denote how much easier this has made daily life.


> I can't remember much of Day two, I was too busy reading the KAS-1

> group. But things seemed to continue improving in regards to the

> above, I was a lot more content and happier, slightly more serene

> even. I did the Tibetans and Chakra Breathing, which helped me

> rediscover the Chakras I hadn't notice for a few years. Excluding


> Heart Chakra which was highly noticeable and active 24/7 for years

> before this.


> On Day Three, I started doing the Tibetans and Safeties, and that

> night I meditated for the first time in over a year, because of the

> changes listed above, it was much easier and reaped some noteworthy

> results. It took about 20 minutes or so to quieten down, then i

> entered a deeper meditative stage, immediately i noticed an intense

> pressure, even pain in my heart chakra, this lasted about 15~20

> minutes and I let it continue.


> At about that time it (the pressure, energy perhaps?) disipated

> started migrating north, and manifested at the left of my neck, a

> small line grew down about 6 inches, then started to curve inwards

> towards the center of my breastplate. after a few minutes of that,


> suddenly moved to engulf my entire left shoulder, all the way down


> the elbow, and became excruciatingly painful and intense, just

> throbbing, it remained there for approximately 5~7 minutes, then the

> energy returned to my Heart Chakra, leaving a painless feeling of

> 'energization' and presence at the area where it moved away from (I

> noticed 2 days later that the tendons, ligaments and skin in this


> now a lot more flexible and healthy, I haven't done anything


> to occasion this change).


> The energy remained in my Heart Chakra for a few more minutes, then

> suddenly moved again, up to the base of my skull, the first or


> vertebrae (which I now take to be the Throat Chakra). again the same

> thing happened, it became intensely painful, almost to the point


> I couldn't tolerate the pain, remained for 5~10 minutes and then


> back to the heart chakra.


> Finally after a few more minutes it started to wrap around the left

> side of my rib cage and started to become painful again, I was tired

> so I stopped.


> I went and lay down on my bed intent on continuing mediation in that

> position, no sooner had a put my head back, but intense waves of

> energy started engulfing my body, I don't know which direction they

> came from or if they engulfed my entire anatomy, they weren't

> painful like the Chakras or shoulder, from when i was meditating

> sitting up but they were very high in energy, they continued at

> intervals between 30 seconds and a few minutes, with periods of

> moderate constant energy pulsing in between these convulsions,

> several times I had to gasp for breath when the energy would surge

> because I thought I couldn't breathe. This continue for


> 2 hours.


> I was in a semi-concious or tranced state, largely imobilized, I


> didn't want it to stop. Then exhausted I rolled over and went to

> sleep for what seemed to be 8~10 hours, only to awake and realize


> been asleep for 30~60 minutes and felt completely rejuvinated. My


> and skin felt really good for about a day after that.


> On Day Four I did the obligatory Safeties and Tibetans in the


> a while after that I noticed I started to experience the 'speed-


> affect. Try not to think too poorly of me but I had tried speed in a

> single instance many, many years back, the sensation was


> This lasted 90 minutes or so, and I went back to sleep. Only to be

> awakened by an instance of G.F.A., that was a new one for me, it

> coincided with someone grabbing me in 'that particular area' inside

> the dream I was having, you could imagine my surprise when I woke up

> the find that it was actually happening.


> I meditated that night, and again the same thing as the previous

> meditation happened, took some time to quieten down and get deeper.

> then my Heart Chakra started to flare up again, only this time after

> it moved, it relocated several inches down (a part of my anatomy I


> take to be the stomach chakra), again intense pain, followed by the

> relocation of the energy back to the heart charka, leaving the


> are with pleasant mild energization. I stopped there because I was

> tired and went to sleep.


> Day Five (Yesterday), Tibetans, Safeties and Meditation in the

> evening, time to quieten, heart chakra energized first again, but I

> couldn't concentrate so stopped, was rather dissapointed that I


> put more effort in, especially considering the results of the last


> Days.


> Day Six (Today), Tibents, Safeties, Mediation which I didn't put

> enough effort into, and only had the Heart Chakra sensation which

> happens first and foremost everytime I meditate, going to meditate

> again later to see if something happens.


> But since the start of this time, whenever I lie down and quieten my

> mind, even for a few seconds I feel my whole body pulsing from head


> toe, presumably with energy.


> I can also put my hands near my Heart Chakra again, it isn't

> constantly painful, I forgot how much I missed being about to touch


> own chest.


> I should mention that through-out all the above listed, the normal

> symptoms have persisted, some of them started up months or weeks


> and I just attributed them to poor health,


> Things such as drinking water like a fish, I haven't watched or had

> the desire to watch television or movies for months prior, I'm not

> emotionally distressed by the negative, aggressive or violent

> stimulation, it just doesn't feel 'right'. Diet change, for some

> reason I can't even stand the thought of eating meat (which I


> love), let alone the smell and suddenly desire vegetables which I

> usually avoid like the plague, constant heat fluctuations, both at

> sporadic points and sometimes general body heat increase (If anyone

> had told me breathing through my left nostril would cool me down

> before I'd experienced it, I would have deemed them fit to be tied),

> sleeping patterns changing, numbness in my left leg below the knee

> without reason, etc, etc.


> The symptoms just keep mounting by the day, I honestly can't


> them all.


> I have been doing Forgiveness and Recapitulation, but having spent

> most of my life in isolation I had already made a lot of progress on

> these fronts, none the less I continue with it.


> I generally can't relate to other peoples experience in the group,

> There experiences and if you'll excuse me, 'Who they are', I can't


> my finger on it, but it just seems like there's of a degree of

> separation between our paths (situation normal for me), particularly

> in relating to prior life experience, seems a lot of these people


> lead relatively happy and normal lives. I honestly can't imagine why

> they'd pursue this, all I ever wanted was to be normal.


> I have never experienced an OBE, I don't have visions, my dreams


> seem of any relevance, I'm really more perceptive to tactile

> sensations than visual ones, no vibrations or tremors, no


> noticeable sensations to do with my spine, aside from feeling much

> healthier since starting the Tibetans.


> I apologize for the length of this message, Thank you for reading


> you must get a lot of mail.


> I would burden you with a few questions if I may?


> Don't feel obliged in anyway to respond.


> 1. First and foremost I'm interested to know if this is likely to

be a

> Kundalini awakening.


> 2. Regarding meditation, is it more advisable to be sitting with a

> straight back, I seem to have a different experience when I lie down

> and do it.


> 3. Must the Tongue Up, Eyes Up, Finger-tips touching protocol


> throughout the entire meditation?


> 4. My experiences and symptoms seem to be developing quite rapidly,


> this likely to be an indication of how soon I might be ready for an

> awakening?


> 5. Is this likely to be a Heart Chakra Awakening or a Spinal Sweep?


> 6. Regarding Shakipat, can an awakening occur without it? if this is

> to be a Heart Chakra Awakening, does it have any effect? is it


> or less advisable to particapate in a Shakipat rather than achieving

> it of your own accord?


> Any diagnosis/prognosis/advice on my circumstance would be greatly

> appreciated, you have my complete consent to 'view' me, don't feel

> obliged to do anything, you don't owe me anything. Quite frankly if

> you've read this letter I couldn't ask for more.


> I've been waiting my entire life to something to change that I

> couldn't achieve on my own, you site has given me a beacon of hope,

> there might just be a better future for me

> after all. So thank you.



> Sincerely,



> Scott F.


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Welcome Scott! So glad you decided to join us. You are in good hands



NO accident you are here or that you posted the message to the group

rather than sending it to Chrism, LOL.




, " Scott "

<staticjade wrote:


> *** Please Note - This post was intended to be sent privately to

> and accidentally posted public by myself, and promptly deleted.

> Following some greatly appreciated encouragement by I

> decided to repost it, I've refrained from editing it from the

> original, given my personality and nature it probably would have ended

> up a very short post if I had started editing it. My apologies to

> anyone receiving this as a duplicate e-mail.

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Hello Scott F.


I can relate to so much of what you posted . I grew up bombarded by

others emotions and energies . I would speak to none and stay to

myself for years . I can say that since joining this group my life has

really turn for the better . I follow the safties daily and really

work hard on the aspect of selfless service to others .


Please feel free to ask questions in the group . I found that having

this group is a blessing . I ask a lot of odd questions sometimes but

someone always sends a reply . It really makes you feel good inside to

know that there is a place you can feel free to ask questions and have

the support of others inside this awakening stage .




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Welcome Scott!


You have found a wonderful place here. The people are so loving and

helpful...better than family. I came here in August 2007 and still can

not believe the love and support I continuiously get from this group.

Chrism is a great teacher and friend and gives so much to us all. He

has been through so much and has dedicated his time and energy to

helping people like you and me so that we can have better lives and

find the support we need to grow in our understanding and development

of the K. So welcome! I like you name too!!!


Blessings and Love my friend!


Scott...the Love Potion #9 guy!

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So glad you could join with us. We're here to help you come out of your

shyness, Hahahah. Scott, many of us here resonate so well with most of

the experiences you had or are going through right now. You are NOT

alone. As you continue with us you will learn and grow with us and we

are also here to assist you in anyway we can. As explained to

you earlier, you are well into Kundalini at this moment and learning

how to deal with this new and foreign subject. First of all, I want you

to know that there is absolutely nothing to FEAR about Kundalini. I am

so excited to have you with us and hope to get to know you better. We

are all super loving, supportive, and caring people who are here for

you. One of the topics I wanted to share with you from what you wrote

earlier...about being bombarded and overloaded with emotions and such.

It is in my opinion that you are what I call a super sensitive EMPATH.

You can learn here how to control those unwanted emotions so you can

lead a " normal " life. Yes, we all are normal here. hahahah I am also a

sensitive EMPATH and it took me awhile to learn how to deal with it and

control it so I can manage my life better and easier. Now that you know

what it is called, you can begin to evolve and grow with confidence.

Just take it one step at a time, even if its baby steps, there is no

hurry. Being an EMPATH and Kundalini activated are so close in

resembalance that they seem like they are one and the same but they are

totally different. Empath abilities you have more of a control over

where as Kundalini you surrender and just allow whatever to come and

go. Anyway, Scott, we welcome you with wide open arms.


DenDen (Denny)



, " scott.regel "

<scott.regel wrote:


> Welcome Scott!


> You have found a wonderful place here. The people are so loving and

> helpful...better than family. I came here in August 2007 and still


> not believe the love and support I continuiously get from this group.

> is a great teacher and friend and gives so much to us all. He

> has been through so much and has dedicated his time and energy to

> helping people like you and me so that we can have better lives and

> find the support we need to grow in our understanding and development

> of the K. So welcome! I like you name too!!!


> Blessings and Love my friend!


> Scott...the Love Potion #9 guy!


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Welcome Scott -


You will find much love and understanding here.




, " scott.regel "

<scott.regel wrote:


> Welcome Scott!


> You have found a wonderful place here. The people are so loving and

> helpful...better than family. I came here in August 2007 and still


> not believe the love and support I continuiously get from this group.

> is a great teacher and friend and gives so much to us all. He

> has been through so much and has dedicated his time and energy to

> helping people like you and me so that we can have better lives and

> find the support we need to grow in our understanding and development

> of the K. So welcome! I like you name too!!!


> Blessings and Love my friend!


> Scott...the Love Potion #9 guy!


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Welcome Scott! You are in a wonderful group of people who are also a part of

your family! I look forward in learning from you what you have to share!









Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:49:24 AM

Re: New Member - Scott


Hello Scott,

Yes this is Kundalini. You are already inside of the

process and have been for sometime. You are welcome here and are

among friends, family and fellow travelers.


You are in a Kundalini process at this time - no surprise Im sure!


Try both meditative positions and you will begin to notice qualities

that are unique to each one. One isnt better than another they are

aspects of different avenues to aid and aquire and balance the

Kundalini. Walking meditations and working meditations as well as

creativity meditations also apply.


Depending on what it is you are doing yes. For you at this point

keep the tongue up withput fingers or eyes up during most of your

waking hours that you are not engaged in meditation. Keep eyes and

tongue and fingertips in position when you are meditating lying down

or sitting. Please prepare yourself for a more active engagment with



You are in the middle of the infusion process Scott. This will last

for some time then will begin to merge into an awakening. Surrender

completely to this process to acheive the best balance possible with

in it. Things can still go in ways that are painful so please be

attentive to your intuitive natures and get into the sunshine as

soon as you can. By that I mean outside, barefeet to bare soil top

of head unshaded no sunglasses. At least fifteen minutes per day.

This will have a healthy effect upon you.


The shape of the awakening and its qualities will be determined by

the Kundalini and by your karmic and conscious natures. Both heart

activations and spinal sweeps can be experienced. I suggest you not

dwell on this though as that can develop expectation that can

influence your surrender.


Shaktipat will help where the energies require a balancing or a

beginning or another form of a flow treatment. Kundalini flow that

is. Activations and awakenings happen naturally without the aid of

anyone as mine did. But they can also be given. Whether it is good

for you should be up to your own intuitive discerment.


Welcome to life outside of the caccoon! You have aged yourself to

the point of aquiring an ability to work and be worked upon by the

Kundalini. A flexing of the wings is now needed to spread the energy

into the conduits that will allow for flight. So keep up your

practices my friend. Be an active participant and ask any questions

you feel. Your lift off is coming soon and a beautiful angel in the

flesh is about to be realized. - blessings Scott - chrism


> I would burden you with a few questions if I may?


> Don't feel obliged in anyway to respond.


> 1. First and foremost I'm interested to know if this is likely to

be a

> Kundalini awakening.


> 2. Regarding meditation, is it more advisable to be sitting with a

> straight back, I seem to have a different experience when I lie


> and do it.


> 3. Must the Tongue Up, Eyes Up, Finger-tips touching protocol


> throughout the entire meditation?


> 4. My experiences and symptoms seem to be developing quite

rapidly, is

> this likely to be an indication of how soon I might be ready for an

> awakening?


> 5. Is this likely to be a Heart Chakra Awakening or a Spinal Sweep?


> 6. Regarding Shakipat, can an awakening occur without it? if this


> to be a Heart Chakra Awakening, does it have any effect? is it


> or less advisable to particapate in a Shakipat rather than


> it of your own accord?


> Any diagnosis/prognosis /advice on my circumstance would be greatly

> appreciated, you have my complete consent to 'view' me, don't feel

> obliged to do anything, you don't owe me anything. Quite frankly if

> you've read this letter I couldn't ask for more.


> I've been waiting my entire life to something to change that I

> couldn't achieve on my own, you site has given me a beacon of hope,

> there might just be a better future for me

> after all. So thank you.



> Sincerely,



> Scott F.









Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.





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