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A kundalini experince?--clarification

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To clarify, it was this part that I said sounded like a gift from Shakti:


And then I felt a distinct buzzing in my head and in my chest. It

spread a comfortable, soothing, warm vibration that moved down my

entire body. I could feel the vibrations extend beyond the borders of

my physical body. “A gift for YOU!” I heard a very female voice say.

The vibrations gradually faded. And the aqua rain whirl-pooled behind

my closed lids into a circle so tight that when I followed it, it

forced me to slowly open my eyes. I smiled. “Thank you.” I don’t know

what the vibrations were and why they’d be given to me, but I was happy

to receive them.


Dana Nourie <dana.nourie wrote:

Hi all, I had shared this experience with Claudia earlier, and she felt this

was kundalini. Since reading up on Kundalini I tend to agree. This is about my

experience in the forest when I went there to give something back to the forest,

as I always get so much out of going there.


Giving Back to the Forest


I’ve always considered the forests to be sacred spaces. They do much

more than look beautiful and provide the earth with water and oxygen,

and give of themselves in the form of building materials. I spend as

much time as I can in Big Basin, a wonderful place now protected

against cutting, with 80 miles of beautiful hiking trails.




The air is fragrant and invigorating, the

earth is soft and welcoming, and the trees are truly amazing. I don’t

just feel better going into the forest. I came out a new person, every

time. I get so much in a single visit. So, since last summer I have

been trying to think of ways I can give back to the forest, instead of

just going there and taking, taking, taking. One day the thought

occurred to me, a rune spell! I don’t have a lot of experience with

magic, and most especially spells, but I am familiar with the runes.





played with the idea for quite some time, and finally last week I

decided I would do it. I’d choose a rune, then carve it’s symbol into

the earth in various places throughout Big Basin. But which rune? I

read through the definitions for each, and had trouble making up my

mind. I realized then, I could simply ask the runes themselves!




With the question, “Which rune should I take to Big Basin to give as

a gift?” I stuck in my hand, swirled the stone runes around, then felt

one that was just right. EOH or EIHWAZ.




A look at my quick chart revealed this rune provides energy for

rebirth, perseverance, quest, conflict, and success. Yes, perfect for a

forest. Conflict in this sense is overcoming struggles, not creating

them. So, I did a little more research and discovered this rune

symbolizes the World Tree, the very tree Odin hung from when he gave us

the runes. I was excited.




This morning I hopped in my car, with the rune in my pocket, and

headed for Big Basin. It was a beautiful day with a blue cloudless sky.

All week it had rained, so I knew the forest would be delightfully

soaked and green, and indeed it was. I knew just the trail I wanted to

go on. I had been on this trail with a friend in summer, and as

beautiful as it was then, I knew it would be spectacular come winter. I

was not disappointed.




The last time I was at Big Basin on my own, I had sensed something

at the base of an upturned root system, but I didn’t know what it was.

I’ve been reading a lot about fairies and elves lately because of that

experience, but I’m not quite sure what to make of the information yet.

So, I decided to just be open.




I headed out onto the trail, taking in the sweet air, the feel of

the soft trail, carpeted with leaves and pine needles and spongy with

water. The bark on the trees was either dark and sopping wet, or

enveloped in coats of fresh, green moss. I hiked a ways up and felt the

strain in my body from all the chocolate I’d eaten over the holidays,

all the lying around reading I had done. As I stopped to catch my

breath and appreciate the beauty all around me, I heard crackling

noises, then the rustling of leaves.




About 100 feet a way, two trees began to visibly shiver and shake. I

looked around and saw no evidence of wind, felt none on my face. Odd.

All the other trees in the area were as still as I. The shivering in

those particular trees increased, and then suddenly droplets of water

fell down through the bright sunlight. I watched in amazement as the

trees rained excess water like a dog shaking its fur dry. The sight was

so beautiful I felt a lump in my throat. And then it suddenly it

stopped. It was amazing. Had I imagined it?




I turned to head up farther on the trail, and again the sounds of

crackling, followed by rustling leaves. Three trees directly ahead

shivered hard, shaking off water droplets that caught the sunlight like

a million diamonds falling to the ground. A part of me wanted to take a

picture, but I didn’t want to miss a second of it! I watched, again, in

amazement. In all my hikes here, I’d never seen trees do that until

this day. No matter whether it was a natural process or not, it sent

shivers up my spine.




As I hiked farther up the trail, I realized that the ground was so

covered with oak leaves and pine needles, that trying to carve a rune

symbol into the ground just wasn’t going to work here. What to do? I

stopped and closed my eyes, asking my higher consciousness, and

universal energies to guide me, to tell me how I could spread this

valuable rune energy as a gift to the forest. I noted with my eyes shut

that I didn’t see the usual aqua rain I often see from tree energy.

I’ve noticed when the forest is drenched that I have a much harder time

detecting tree energy. I don’t know why. I moved on.




Later, I stopped at a particularly beautiful group of trees. The sun

hit me directly as it shone between two trees on my right, and then it

struck me how I could spread the rune magic. Light. Light is the most

powerful energy force in the universe. I pulled out my rune and held it

in my open hand. I closed my eyes and imagined my body taking in the

full light of the sun, absorbing the light until is was seeping out my

pours and nostrils. Then I directed that light out of my chest into the

rune. The rune then projected the light and its energy out in a blanket

of multicolored light into the forest before me. I asked that the magic

of the rune protect the forest, and that it may continue to be a place

of rebirth, perseverance and success for as long as the earth is on the

material plane. I felt confident that process had spread the rune

energy outward.




I repeated this ritual in several other places along the trail while

enjoying the forest as I always do. Then I came this beautiful huge

redwood that had had its core burned out, leaving a cave at its base.

There are many of these in Big Basin, and I’m realizing there is

something extra special, sacred, about these places. I stopped before

this one and asked if it was ok to use this space for my shamanic

journeys? “Of course,” I sensed in my head. I mentally thanked it and

moved on. But when I came to another similar place, but bigger tree and

fringed with mosses, I felt something even more powerful here.




I stepped before the opening at its trunk base, then noticed inside,

on the ground lie a stick. “May I carve my rune symbol on the ground

there at your center?” I asked mentally. “By all means,” came the

reply. I don’t know how to explain the response other than in words

like this. As I stepped inside, I immediately sensed small beings

scurrying to the edges of the trunk. “I mean no harm,” I whispered, “I

only want to help by placing a rune into the dirt.” I slowly knelt,

sensing their nervousness, and picked up the stick. Were these fairies?

Nature spirits?


They were not comfortable with me, but they were calming themselves.

I used the stick to carve the rune into the earth, closed my eyes and

repeated the same words as I had when using the light. Then added, “May

everything that dwells here always be safe, may this place always be

sacred.” I thanked them, and felt distinct relief as I backed out.




I realized this was a really cool place for journeying as well, and

I asked if I could take a flashless picture. “Yes,” was the response,

so I took a picture, and moved on, repeating this process at many of

the other hollowed out trees that I came across.




At one though, I got the distinct voice in my head of, “Just keep on

moving, lady!” Ok then! I didn’t hesitant and went on my way.




Not far down the trail, I stopped at an upturned root system. When

redwoods fall over, they often pull up their entire root systems as

they go down. It was at a place like this that I sensed some sort of

being, afraid of me, but curious a few weeks ago. Now I stopped, and

had the distinct word, “Guardians,” come to mind. Theses root systems I

guess are called guardians? I was fascinated, pulled out my rune, but

then had the distinct feeling it was not needed in this place. I asked

if I could take a picture, and sensed, “If you must.” So I did, thanked

the guardian, then moved on.




I was on my way back now, on the second half of the loop, when I

felt tugging on my foot. A curved twig was caught round my ankle, so I

shook it off, and continued, then had the thought that perhaps

something wanted me to stop. I stopped and turned. Three huge redwoods

leaned distinctly to the left, with nothing in particular at their

bases. I saw nothing out of the ordinary, and was about to leave, when

I thought to close my eyes. Suddenly, the aqua rain filled the backs of

my eyes lids, the energy I usually only see when the forest is dryer.




And then I felt a distinct buzzing in my head and in my chest. It

spread a comfortable, soothing, warm vibration that moved down my

entire body. I could feel the vibrations extend beyond the borders of

my physical body. “A gift for YOU!” I heard a very female voice say.

The vibrations gradually faded. And the aqua rain whirl-pooled behind

my closed lids into a circle so tight that when I followed it, it

forced me to slowly open my eyes. I smiled. “Thank you.” I don’t know

what the vibrations were and why they’d be given to me, but I was happy

to receive them.




I used the rune and the light procedure a few more times, and then

returned to my car. It had been a wonderful 4 mile hike, and I hoped

that I had sufficiently given back to the forest as it has given so

much to me. I’m now pondering where the voices came from. My

subconscious? Nature spirits? The trees themselves? I don’t know, but I

feel like my presence was known in some significant way, and I

certainly feel better for having given what I could think of, a little

bit of rune magic, the safety of the World Tree and Odin’s protection.


This was originally posted on my website. Dana


Dana Nourie

Cosmic Pathway






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