Guest guest Posted January 23, 2008 Report Share Posted January 23, 2008 Hi Denny What a phenomenal story, much appreciated. blessings and love nick > Denny <dennynorton wrote: > > Hello group...Chris had asked me to post my story to > this group also > so here goes my story of kundalini awakening. > Enjoy ! > > Growing up as a child I experienced many unusual and > unexplainable > things. I can remember at an early age of 4 playing > with Arthur my > imaginary friend but to me he was real and I could > see and hear him. > This was not an issue with my mother but my father > did not condone it > and I was punished if I was caught playing with > Arthur. I learned so > much from Arthur about things I was not supposed to > know and I did > not know better than to repeat it to my parents. Boy > did I get in > trouble. I was considered an odd or strange person > and people did not > like to be around me unless it was with other people > or if my family > was with me. I never could figure out why and no one > would really > tell me. I always thought it was on account of my > hearing disability. > Other students did not associate with me because I > wore a hearing > aid, and I had speech impairment. I became a loner > and became > introverted. All the while many other things were > happening to me, > and it totally confused me, and I became rebellious > on account of. > Our family life was a disaster, dad was a violent > alcoholic and he > abused us repeatedly for anything. We avoided dad > whenever possible > or just got lost period and stayed away from him. We > were safer that > way, at least most of the time. I had many visions, > intuitions and > premonitions, as well as OOBE growing up and when I > did express them > to family members they accused me of eavesdropping > on them or for > being nosey. I got in so much trouble over these > abilities that I > finally just stopped letting them know that I knew > something anyway. > I got tired of them calling me a liar or beating me > up. I was most > times in the dog house as a result. My dog Butch did > not mind > sharing his house with me. hahaha. It was difficult > for me to be > myself. I did have a few outside friends growing up > but even that was > limited to visiting times and with whom I could be > friends with, and > I usually had to stay in the living room area. This > however changed > once I became a teenager and began working and > making some money. > Little did I know that the money I made was going to > have to go back > into the household paying rent, electric, gas, > groceries, and so on. > I did not like this arrangement since my other > brothers were not > contributing to the expenses. I became very hateful > and resentful of > them and my parents. Over the years I provided for > my twin brother > and one other brother (Steve). Bill Jr., my oldest > Brother, had > already left the nest leaving Steve, Me and my twin > Danny. I was in > co-op in high school where I went to school half the > day and worked > the rest of the day, if I was scheduled to work. I > pretty much kept > my schedule full so I would not be at home. I > enjoyed working as it > kept my mind occupied and me busy. I can relate much > to knowing > about Kundalini through reading materials such as > books and so on. I > also have a rather large collection myself in which > I am very proud > of my library. How I came about " KNOWING " of > Kundalini was when I was > in the hospital in 2004 after a near death > experience along with > other medical issues. I awoke with this foreign, > strange word on the > forefront of my brain. I was completely confused and > baffled and > dismissed it as being disoriented. However, over a > few days I became > really troubled about this new found word as it > would not leave my > thoughts. I was not in the greatest of health during > this time and I > needed so much help to live and stay alive. I did > not have at that > time a friend with whom I could trust to express > this openly with, at > least I did not feel that I did. One morning a > friend of mine came > to visit me in the hospital, her name is Sandra. I > have known her for > about 2 years by then and I asked her to bring me > anything, something > to read other than the newspaper or magazines, I had > already read > everything there was available on the hospital > floor. She brought me > a book she had in her jeep titled " REIKI " . This > opened up a terrific > conversation for discussion as I was always > interested in Reiki but > did not know anyone who actually performed Reiki. I > learned she was > fixing to become certified and I was so excited for > her too. I asked > her if she was metaphysical as this is what I was > more interested > in. She expressed to me that she was, and Oh Boy, > was that a relief > to me. I told her I was too. This was the very > beginning of a very > fond and personal friendship together. I told her of > my strange > experience upon waking and that I was not sure how > to go about it or > what to make of it. I told her I woke up with this > strange foreign > word on my forehead. By lunch time I asked her if > she would go to a > bookstore and locate or find a book titled > " KUNDALINI " , as this was > the word I woke up to and its cover is gold in > color. I heard her > grasp for air and she gave me the strangest, > weirdest, oddest look. I > was thinking I might have offended her. I began to > think I went into > a dangerous area or fear came over me. She excused > herself and left > my room. All kinds of thoughts were passing through > my head. I was > thinking I offended her for sure, or maybe I said > something wrong. I > did not know what to think. I just knew I did not > want to ever hurt > her and this pained me terribly. She was not gone > very long before > she finally returned to my room. She brought with > her the very book I > had asked her to look for and it was gold in color. > WOW! Who would > have thought? I had total goose bumps running up and > down my body and > weird tingling feelings throughout my body, so many > images were > passing thru my thoughts, I could not slow them down > enough to know > what they were. She shared with me her honest views > on the subject > and for me to go real slow if I decided this was for > me. I told her > that it must be for me if I was told about it > without KNOWING of it > or ever heard of such word. She agreed with me but > she still held > strong reservations. We continued to talk more about > it and then she > left me so I could go read up on this new book I > just received. I am > an avid veracious reader this is one of my passions. > I quickly > finished the book. I consider myself extremely open > minded and I have > an ability of reading beyond words, I do have a > special gift of > insight that has a mind of its own. After reading > the book " I KNEW " > this is what I was looking for and I desperately > wanted this for me. > So the next day I asked my housemate Oskar to bring > me === message truncated === Make the switch to the world's best email. Get the new 7 Mail now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 23, 2008 Report Share Posted January 23, 2008 Dearest Denny - I contitue being proud of you! You are an inspiration of Love to many, I am sure notes are being taken. You are always in my heart Denny, you are brave and strong and handsome too! Not to many people can touch a heart, you have that gift. I send you my Love and blessings. I share with you my joy for all you are! Always have been proud of you and I will alwasy be, I Love you Denny, you are my hero! Becky Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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