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Say! I remember this from my Sufi Reiki LOL This is one of the thing that

you do only it's called Square Breath and hold in for 8 heartbeats per each

nostril. Hold right nostril closed. Breath in the left one & hold for 8

heartbeats. Breath out. Hold left nostril closed & do the rest .... purpose:

balance breath; improve vigor volume; strengthen magnetism; improve magnetic

energy inside you




Messages in this topic (3)


10c. Re: What is the compression prayer??

Posted by: " novalees " Novalees novalees

Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:04 am ((PDT))





The Compression Prayer is from the Safeties:




Breathe in through he left nostril with right nostril covered or

blocked Breathe in with the mantra for example " The love of Christ " or

" Krishna " " Buddha " or " Allah " or " I am one with the all that I am "

Find one that works for you but do not leave out a recognition of God

however God is to you.


Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times upon the intake of

the breath through the left nostril. At the top of the breath, Hold

and say the mantra three times again. At the beginning of the exhale

switch nostrils by covering the left and opening the right and

exhaling through the right with the mantra " the love of god " three

times, timing the sequence with a " love of God " at the beginning of

the exhale and the third one at the end of the exhale. This also

applies to the inhales.


Now with the left nostril covered and the right nostril open, inhale

with the mantra three times through the right nostril. Hold say to

your self the mantra three times and then switch nostrils and cover

the right and exhale with the mantra through the left nostril. This

equals one cycle. This is called Triangluar breathing.


Looks like this:


(right nostril blocked)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ...... The love of Christ "


(Holding at top of breath)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ...... The love of Christ "


(Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling out the right)

" The love of God...... .The love of God...... The love of God "


(Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through the right)

" The love of Christ...... .The love of Christ...... The love of Christ "


(Holding at top of breath) Repeat

" The love of Christ " x 3


(Switching nostrils and exhaling through the left)

" The love of God " x 3


And so forth for 15 cycles to start.


, " celticvoice6 "

<celticvoice6 wrote:


> What is the compression prayer?

> CV





> , " novalees "

> <Novalees@> wrote:

> >

> > ***********

> > Tuesday...Fifth Day of Shaktipat....West.

> > ***********

> >

> > Wear the color BLUE

> >

> > Add previous instructions.

> > Chakra breathe into 1,2,3,4 and now 5th chakra,

> > twenty one complete breaths for each chakra times

> > three separate sessions.

> >

> > Focus on communication

> > with body with soul with Divinity

> >

> > On the fifth day - fifth chakra stimulation - Add

> > the fifth Tibetan to the preceding ones, three (3) times

> > that day. Meditate for at least 21 minutes per

> > complete five tibetan session x three.

> >

> > The color is blue. The thoughts and actions are

> > those of all the preceding qualities plus the aspect

> > of communicating these qualities. To yourself to

> > others to God to life and creation.

> >

> > Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess

> > of your choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken in you,

> > No less than three times per session.

> >

> >

> > *********

> > IN THE EAST...Day Six

> > *********

> >

> > Wear the color INDIGO or Dark Blue

> >

> > Add previous instructions

> >

> > Focus on Intuitions and Knowing, receiving knowledge

> >

> > On the sixth day - sixth chakra stimulation - do the

> > five Tibetans three times that day and meditate for at least

> > twenty one minutes directly after when done, three

> > separate times

> >

> > Chakra breath all the five chakras and the sixth

> > chakra 21 times, three separate times.

> > Sit in meditation and open yourself to reception.

> > Look up at the brow of points or right between your

> > eyebrows. Just allow the preceding energies to flow

> > there - don't force it allow it.

> >

> > Breathe the compression prayer.

> >

> > Prayer to Shakti or a prayer to the God/Goddess of your

> > choice for the blessings of Kundalini to awaken in you.

> >






Messages in this topic (3)



11. mp3 interviews by Bradley

Posted by: " "

Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:13 pm ((PDT))


Bradley is gonna post an interview that he conducted with chrism and

also an interview he held with chrism, and Linda.






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12. Throat chakra experience

Posted by: " celticvoice6 " celticvoice6 celticvoice6

Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:01 am ((PDT))


Around 15 minutes ago, at around 8.45pm Aus time, I had a feeling of

lightheadedness and my head kept turning to the right. It was quite

an amazing feeling, as I had no control of it. I heard my neck click,

and then realised that this is the throat chakra day. I have been

singing today, more than usual, knowing that it is the 5th chakra day.

I think I have had experience of Shakti taking over to sort something

in my neck. I am honoured.





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13a. Re: New addition

Posted by: " stagspurling " stag stagspurling

Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:15 am ((PDT))




Many blessings to you and your family.





, " Chris_H "

<chghes1 wrote:


> Hello all and Happy Easter


> I just wanted to let my friends here know that my wife gave birth to a

> 7 pound 8 ounce boy . I hope you all have a beautiful Easter day .


> Blessings

> Chris_H






Messages in this topic (8)



14a. Tom day 3 and 4 continued

Posted by: " etomireland " singaporenoodles etomireland

Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:22 am ((PDT))


Thanks so much for all the condolences everyone! I've been having

such a weird time. Later on, I tried to reconnect with my Granny. I

was pretty sure she wasn't in need of soul retrieval now, but maybe

she had an important final message for someone...


The instant I asked, I saw a wash of detail, a drift of flowers. I

had no name for them, or even a name for their colour, but suffice to

say they were small deep, delicate bursts of freeform beauty not too

far from the blue to purple cusp, and were swathed in generous fine

green brushstrokes. And they left no doubt what to aim for at the

florists! The arrangement was a good bit wider than it was long, but

also had a curious, unresolved tail at one end that gave it a slight

L shape. It was near an edge of some sort.


Hunting them down in the physical on day 4 was an odd mix of

conviction and doubt. What would be a close enough approximation?

These? These? Did I have to dissuade my wife from mixing other

flowers in? Then, ten minutes in, I found them. The precise

photograph - half a dozen bunches in a rectangular bucket display,

with a final bunch put back imprecisely against the edge of the

container to form the mystery L shape! All I could do was stare.

Bye bye doubt!


Day 4's evening meditation really went one step beyond. I noticed

unspoken words in my head. " I can help if you want... "


Granny presented me with five attractively patterned buckets, slowly

revolving in a circle on a stand. Uhoh - hypogogic imagery like this

is incomprehensible to me. How could I extract any meaning from this?


" Lucky dip. Put your hand in the water twej! " The texture in her

voice was unmistakeable, and I saw my right hand drawing something

out of the nearest bucket. I had to wash it over several times to

perceive it clearly, but when I did, I found I was holding a small

gold crucifix and thin gold chain. There wasn't exactly someone on

it, more like getting off it. They were at ground level, and the

impression I got was that they were brushing it down, as if clearing

up after a honest day's toil!


There was something else wrapped up in the chain too. Seemingly

pushing a version of my bed clothes up like a tent as I did so, I

separated all the parts out and found it was a clear and chunky, cut

crystal heart. As soon as I'd recognised it for what it was, a

bright green light started shining through its lobes, as if a pen

torch was being held to it. The the radius of warm brilliance

quickly spread to almost a meter across, lighting up the sheets! I

had a tiny think - heart, green, 4th chakra...and slipped the light

source into my chest, just a little off center. Even inside me, I

could still see its glow, a broad horizontal bar. Wow. I lost track

for a bit.


Coming to, I wondered what it was all about. My heart had a gentle

flutter to it, and my chest seemed pretty full but no other clues

really. Was I meant to keep this thing in me or not? With that

thought, terrible, dark scary visuals, ragged blackened stalks, death

and fear leaped out in front of me, as if unleashed by the heart.

What?! Surely this couldn't be right!? I tried to rip them off, but

they kept coming back unaffected! Eventually, my mind came back to

the cross. As I waved it about, each stalk it passed over came back

to life, becoming billowy, fluffy jade and turquoise trees of peace

(much in the style of Clarice Cliff), hanging outwards from my chest

like popups. I didn't stop until every tree was done.


Erm...this is all a bit new to me! I'm guessing I've had my heart

degunked. I'm a bit knocked sideways by this, but I think I'm

handling it. I may keep quiet about this at the funeral...






Messages in this topic (6)



15a. Re: Spring!

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:03 am ((PDT))


I'm feeling that same joy today and yesterday


The sunshine is back, the warmth is returning, the

flowers are blooming in such a collection of vibrant

colours, it's a poem for the soul, birds are singing,

the stars could actually be seen in the night sky

(miraculous), and little bug friends are out and about

doing their thing :-))

Love to you Dhyana,

elektra x x x




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16a. Re: A Group Poem

Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:15 am ((PDT))




Everyone is invited to add a verse for Heart




Love is

The Field in which we play

The Song that rises in our hearts

when we embrace the Day!


With color beaming through our soles

Our hearts forever full

Our gift to you, abiding love

Come take our hand


And flow


One Heart beats true

Within us now

This love is here to stay

Green flowers in our garden plot

For Spirit loves to play.


An endless Sea,

That turns away,

No River, no stream,

However small or gentle,

Unity moving in spirals.





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17. Is this dream related to my illness?

Posted by: " Valarie Vousden " vjvousden vjvousden

Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:09 am ((PDT))


Going through my dream journal of this last week, I came across this

dream again from last Fri., first day of Shaktipat. It is long and

complex but I think has several messages in it. Just wondering if it

was related to my illness, Shaktipat or what? Here's the dream:


Where am I?...Nowhere? Oh, yeah, a suburban park. My daughter is

playing happily. It's also the neighborhood school's playground and

kids line up to go in to play. They are so excited! Anticipation is

making the goal even sweeter! I, on the other hand, am still in my

PJs, looking out a window of a building near it. It turns out not to

be an empty building but is used for classes sometimes. I've been

sleeping in a closet there. People start coming in with sheets of

music in their hands. Then my old choral director, G., comes in

(looking very thin) and his wife, V. carrying a violin case, both are

in concert dress (long black dress and tux). I run up and greet them

both enthusiastically (I haven't seen them in real life for over a

year now) and I'm still in my PJs. G. is very happy to see me, asks

me to stay and sing with this new group he's starting in this small

place. I look at the music--it's awfully simple, high school kids

could do it...it's not my cup of tea but I say I will, just to help

the new people out. V. smiles at me. They do a short rehearsal that's

not very good. Too few people, too many are women and not enough men

(as usual). As everyone leaves, I see another old friend from my

former choir, P. He is wearing a white dinner jacket and looks like

James Bond! I stop him and say hi and ask him what's up with the

fancy suit? He is surprised then laughs hugely to see me in my PJs.

He says he has to go now and we say bye. I'm in high school now,

looking through a home economics book for recipes. A lady teacher

comes behind me and whispers, " Going through it a second time must be

much easier and help alot " , referring to going through high school as

an adult. I agree that it is. Some children are near me having a book

sale. They are vocal in their selling style, touting these books

on " The Mysteries of Science " --Inventions! Discoveries! Mysteries

solved!--like it's a book about magic. They look like boy scouts but

are actually a science club. The books are red leather with fancy,

almost Victorian, lettering, like the books in bookstores now

called " The Daring Book for Boys " . I go back to my room when suddenly

3 ninja-type people come in, one right after the other, and try to

harm me with sharp weapons--a knife, a sword and an axe!! I'm able to

ward them off but for a peaceful person, why am I attracting these

assaults from someone??! After I recover from that shock, I hear a

door open down the hall and peeking out, see G and V come in and they

are arguing, it sounds like about a woman. V. is NOT happy at all and

G. is defensive, saying nothing is wrong with it. I get the uneasy

sense they are talking about me. I go out and to a communal room like

a student union hall. Against one wall is a long, low pew or bench,

with cushions and it's a long solid piece of furniture. It's back

curves up and over so it's hooded and the people in it seem to be

sitting in a wooden cave, secluded from the world sort of. About 20

people can sit there and some are meditating while others are like

gurus that consult with students, one right after another. There is

an opening at one end so I sit there, cross-legged like the others. I

have a glass of red wine. I notice the " guru " next to me has one,

too, but he is using his to dip a finger in and touch the 3rd eye of

people that come to him to awaken them. I'm amazed by this! Then my

choir director, G., comes walking by. I call out to him to get his

attention and he comes over and talks to me. He is kind and glad to

see me but I sense he's unhappy beneath the surface. I ask him why?

The " guru " next to me says with a chuckle, " The man has MAJOR wife

troubles! " which shocks G.! The guru whispers to me " You need to

dowse his 3rd eye wth the wine so he can SEE at last! " So I dip my

finger in my red wine and touch his brow making a circle then I drag

my finger down in a straight line to his heart/chest. His eyes go

wide and his mouth drops open. Does he see NOW? What does he see? He

leaves in a daze shortly after that. EOD


It seems like there are 2 or 3 dreams sort of melded together. I'm

wondering if the ninjas attacking me was the illness or something

more sinister? And I can't figure what my choral director is

symbolizing here. And as far as I know he's happily married. The

downsing of the 3rd eye with wine is interesting and I see the color

red comes up at least twice (root chakra, of course). Anyone that

would like to take a whack at some of this, it would be appreciated.


Love to all,





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18. Fwd: [moderatorcentral] Groups Site Slowness

Posted by: " Sarita " sarita1969 saritadreaming

Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:10 pm ((PDT))




jheldt wrote: moderatorcentral


Tue, 25 Mar 2008 19:55:37 +0000

[moderatorcentral] Groups Site Slowness


We are aware that some Groups users may currently be

experiencing site slowness when accessing the Groups site. Our engineering

team is currently investigating this issue and working to resolve it as

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Please look to the Groups blog for updates:



Thank you for your patience,


Groups Community Manager







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