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kundalini awakening - Sylvia

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Hello Sylvia,

Nice to see you found us. If you have the symptoms then

you can be somewhat confident that you are inside of a Kundalini

awakening. If you have more than 5 of these symptoms you can be

reasonably sure. Go here to review many of the symptoms.




Yes you can ask God to suspend this activity. You can also ask the

Shakti energy itself (the feminine part of the Kundalini) to desist

in the activation. You can also realize that nothing is given that

you cannot handle. Sometimes surrendering completely to this " divine

connection " is the best way to ease the journey.


Please get a hold of yourself.


Do not constantly turn to fearful scenarios or fantasies as these

can be expanded by the Kundalini.


MD's will not be able to help you and they will insist on drugging



You have the safeties. Please follow them as best you can. Read the

part about surrender and please try as best you can to do this. If

you choose to continue resistance then you can have many more

difficulties. And if you think it is difficult now. The current

situation is a cakewalk compared to what can await those who resist



So yes pray for a release from the awakening but if this doesnt come

do not resist it any longer. You are trying to swim against the

current of a large and swift river. It is far better to " go with the

current " rather than fight against it.


So you have a choice to make.


Like it or not Kundalini has possibly come to you. Just like puberty

or maturity this condition comes unannounced to some of us in the

populations, not all but some. So please calm yourself and begin to

pay attention to what you are being given and learn about it as much

as you can. There is nothing in it that is out to harm you. But if

you continue to give in to your fears your response to what is given

can harm you. Your " response " to what is given. Not the Kundalini

itself.Its only agenda is the upgrade of your body into a vessel

that can indeed engage a close and definable connection to God.


Eat some heavy foods like meats and breads and cheese. This may or

may not help to relax the activation. Ask the Shakti to stop the

activation and do this as if you are asking a person and be sincere.

Ask God to help you in this matter. Be sincere.


If this doesnt work then completely surrender to this gift that you

didnt ask for except by asking for a connection to God (which this

is!) What were you expecting? - lots of love and blessings Sylvia -






1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is


> through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

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Hi Sylvia,


Is your disconnect from your children the only symptom you have?





> Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> >

> > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> going

> > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.


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Hello Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here. My

Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms and

Chrism suggested I join this group.


I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death and

all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the mother of

a young child.


I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it has

made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my injuries

which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a very

loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless service for

others are readily available. My K has not affected my family in

negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways than I

can count.


I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be allowed

to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will be

assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.





> Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> >

> > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> going

> > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.


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THANKYOU all so much, I am feeling calmer now much calmer, I think i

do have pre conceived ideas as to how this will all unfold. I asked

god to stop the process and now im not so sure, what i want to do. I

spoke to the shakti energy and said, im so sorry, i am scared and i

dont know what to do. I asked you to stop, but im not sure what to do

now, please help me. etc I dont think the energy wanted to stop, but

i am willing to compromise with it as long as it awakenes me very

slowly so that i can come to terms with what is happening. To answer

another question asked, while looking at the symptoms charts, I seem

to have more than 5 of the symptoms but these symptoms can be linked

to any condition. I had tests done because i was experiencing weird

stuff, like chest pains, dizziness. But currently symptoms were or

are, feeling like legs are rubbery, like my mind is so open and

scattered, large in size, some twitching, feel the earth moving under

me, like standing on moving ground. Feeling high, this inner warm

glow, voice inside which is so calming. Intense feeling that i will

start speaking involuntarily, intense fear and honestly, i have done

self growth therapy before, but nothing like this has come up. I

seem to lack interest in food, i sleep less, since i foundout about

the energy and seem ok. I woke up this morning with hot flushes and

sweats, after i had asked the energy to stop. I think it knows that

i secretly deep down inside want it. I thankyou all so much and ty

for being so sturn with me chrism, well it seemed like you were, but

geeze it really shook me up and brought me back down to earth.


I will now, ask the energy to restart if it wants to and to go very

slowly with me, so that i can look after my family and cope with what

is happening to me.


thankyou all so much, i can not describe how good i feel at this

present time.



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That's wonderful, Sylvia! The Safeties will take you far in calming, leveling,

and balancing your awakening--become intimate with them as well as with your own

burgeoning Kundalini energy. And welcome to your new family!


Blessings & love,



awakenedspirit70 <awakenedspirit70 wrote:

THANKYOU all so much, I am feeling calmer now much calmer, I think i

do have pre conceived ideas as to how this will all unfold. I asked

god to stop the process and now im not so sure, what i want to do. I

spoke to the shakti energy and said, im so sorry, i am scared and i

dont know what to do. I asked you to stop, but im not sure what to do

now, please help me. etc I dont think the energy wanted to stop, but

i am willing to compromise with it as long as it awakenes me very

slowly so that i can come to terms with what is happening. To answer

another question asked, while looking at the symptoms charts, I seem

to have more than 5 of the symptoms but these symptoms can be linked

to any condition. I had tests done because i was experiencing weird

stuff, like chest pains, dizziness. But currently symptoms were or

are, feeling like legs are rubbery, like my mind is so open and

scattered, large in size, some twitching, feel the earth moving under

me, like standing on moving ground. Feeling high, this inner warm

glow, voice inside which is so calming. Intense feeling that i will

start speaking involuntarily, intense fear and honestly, i have done

self growth therapy before, but nothing like this has come up. I

seem to lack interest in food, i sleep less, since i foundout about

the energy and seem ok. I woke up this morning with hot flushes and

sweats, after i had asked the energy to stop. I think it knows that

i secretly deep down inside want it. I thankyou all so much and ty

for being so sturn with me chrism, well it seemed like you were, but

geeze it really shook me up and brought me back down to earth.


I will now, ask the energy to restart if it wants to and to go very

slowly with me, so that i can look after my family and cope with what

is happening to me.


thankyou all so much, i can not describe how good i feel at this

present time.










Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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ty sarita, while reading what you wrote, I couldnt stop crying, I was

so moved and I am very sensitive these days. I cant seem to be around

my family(parents) they caused me much discomfort in the past as I

feel very anxious around them now. This has only happened recently,

its like i sense all the things in them that held me back and

triggered my anxiety responses. These days, It feels wrong to harm a

cockroach and not only since i found out about kundalini, but before

that, i felt so guilty about taking any life as small as an insect

even. If im honest with myself, this time round, my symptoms have

been different to past therapy, this is much deeper and i know its

big. My problem is believing in myself and then also thinking, why am

i listening to what everyone else tells me what if there wrong? etc.

I am the type of person, who was easily led in my past and am finding

such a issue surface again, since this opening. It has been

difficult, I lack discipline also i feel. I am starting to let in

the possibility, that whatever this process is, that my painting has

opened up, that it is deep and it is far better to just go with it,

accept how im feeling and just go with it. Whatever its name is,

doesnt matter its a process and i asked to be healed.


thankyou so much for listening


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I'm glad you are feeling a bit better Sylvia! This really is the

group to be in. So many knowledgable, loving people and lots of



I understand not wanting to kill things. There were some spider eggs

near my basement window and I begged my husband not to kill them and

now we have spiders coming into the house. My husband laughed, thank

God he has a good sense of humor to deal with his tree hugging wife,



I've also had some issues with family members that I no longer

resonate with. I have been working through this for the past year

and am finally coming to terms with it. I have realized that I don't

have to accept certain behaviors, but that forgiving them is key.


Welcome to the family!





1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> ty sarita, while reading what you wrote, I couldnt stop crying, I


> so moved and I am very sensitive these days. I cant seem to be


> my family(parents) they caused me much discomfort in the past as I

> feel very anxious around them now. This has only happened recently,

> its like i sense all the things in them that held me back and

> triggered my anxiety responses. These days, It feels wrong to harm


> cockroach and not only since i found out about kundalini, but


> that, i felt so guilty about taking any life as small as an insect

> even. If im honest with myself, this time round, my symptoms have

> been different to past therapy, this is much deeper and i know its

> big. My problem is believing in myself and then also thinking, why


> i listening to what everyone else tells me what if there wrong?


> I am the type of person, who was easily led in my past and am


> such a issue surface again, since this opening. It has been

> difficult, I lack discipline also i feel. I am starting to let in

> the possibility, that whatever this process is, that my painting


> opened up, that it is deep and it is far better to just go with it,

> accept how im feeling and just go with it. Whatever its name is,

> doesnt matter its a process and i asked to be healed.


> thankyou so much for listening

> sylvia


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Sarita <sarita1969 wrote: Hello Sylvia

and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here. My

Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms and

suggested I join this group.


I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death and

all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the mother of

a young child.


I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it has

made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my injuries

which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a very

loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless service for

others are readily available. My K has not affected my family in

negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways than I

can count.


I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be allowed

to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will be

assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.





> Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> >

> > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> going

> > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.









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Sylvia,welcome to our group.I've been tired lately but as I was

reading your post I felt this energy.I have children too and I know

how you feel but let me tell you that it does get better.I,too feel

disconnected from my children at times and you shouldn't feel guilty

or think that you are a bad mother.You are not !Try to think only

good thoughts,be positive,don't watch violent movies on tv and trust

yourself first of all.





1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> ty sarita, while reading what you wrote, I couldnt stop crying, I


> so moved and I am very sensitive these days. I cant seem to be


> my family(parents) they caused me much discomfort in the past as I

> feel very anxious around them now. This has only happened recently,

> its like i sense all the things in them that held me back and

> triggered my anxiety responses. These days, It feels wrong to harm


> cockroach and not only since i found out about kundalini, but


> that, i felt so guilty about taking any life as small as an insect

> even. If im honest with myself, this time round, my symptoms have

> been different to past therapy, this is much deeper and i know its

> big. My problem is believing in myself and then also thinking, why


> i listening to what everyone else tells me what if there wrong?


> I am the type of person, who was easily led in my past and am


> such a issue surface again, since this opening. It has been

> difficult, I lack discipline also i feel. I am starting to let in

> the possibility, that whatever this process is, that my painting


> opened up, that it is deep and it is far better to just go with it,

> accept how im feeling and just go with it. Whatever its name is,

> doesnt matter its a process and i asked to be healed.


> thankyou so much for listening

> sylvia


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Yes Sylvia I had that problem when my awakening started almost 2

years ago.I had no appetite for 3 months and couldn't eat more than 1/2

cup of food per day and that I had to force myself to do when I

remembered that I ate nothing all day.






1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing loss of appetite, wow


> weight i could loose with this. I was thinking there may be something

> else wrong, like thyroid or whatever.


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My appetite has swung in both directions. I have sometimes been

repelled by meat and other times I crave it. I try to just follow

whatever cues I am given.





1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing loss of appetite, wow


> weight i could loose with this. I was thinking there may be something

> else wrong, like thyroid or whatever.


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Hi Sarita,


> My appetite has swung in both directions. I have sometimes been

> repelled by meat and other times I crave it. I try to just follow

> whatever cues I am given.


The same thing happens to me and I do the same thing as you.




, " Sarita "

<sarita1969 wrote:


> My appetite has swung in both directions. I have sometimes been

> repelled by meat and other times I crave it. I try to just follow

> whatever cues I am given.


> Sarita


> Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> >

> > I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing loss of appetite, wow

> the

> > weight i could loose with this. I was thinking there may be something

> > else wrong, like thyroid or whatever.

> >


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thankyou for the link i would rather though, not read any stories on

the pit falls of kundalini so i will probably not follow that link as

it tends to stir my anxiety and fear.



, Venugopal AK

<akvenugopal wrote:


> http://biologyofkundalini.com/article.php?story=PitfallsonthePath


> Sarita <sarita1969 wrote: Hello

Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

> I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here. My

> Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

> fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms and

> suggested I join this group.


> I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

> Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death


> all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the mother


> a young child.


> I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it


> made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my


> which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a very

> loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless service


> others are readily available. My K has not affected my family in

> negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways than I

> can count.


> I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be


> to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will be

> assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.


> Sarita


> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> > going

> > > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

> >


> Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.



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ok i clicked on the link as i felt i should and it was both helpful

and not so helpful. I dont understand what some of that means but my

guess was in a way it is saying that I am externalising my feelings

thinking that something from the outside is influencing me?? just one

of the pitfalls i read which stood out. Again, i dont understand them

all and i stopped reading as i am most vulnerable now. I am

wondering is it normal occurence to fear being around ppl right now??

Its like i cant cope being around ppl atm.


, Venugopal AK

<akvenugopal wrote:


> http://biologyofkundalini.com/article.php?story=PitfallsonthePath


> Sarita <sarita1969 wrote: Hello

Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

> I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here. My

> Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

> fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms and

> suggested I join this group.


> I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

> Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death


> all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the mother


> a young child.


> I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it


> made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my


> which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a very

> loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless service


> others are readily available. My K has not affected my family in

> negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways than I

> can count.


> I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be


> to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will be

> assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.


> Sarita


> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> > going

> > > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

> >


> Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.



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Yes being around crowds can be a sensitive issue as it can get a

bit " busy " for the new senses that are developing. Not harmful just

busy. If you know what I mean. - c








1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70 wrote:



> ok i clicked on the link as i felt i should and it was both


> and not so helpful. I dont understand what some of that means but


> guess was in a way it is saying that I am externalising my


> thinking that something from the outside is influencing me?? just


> of the pitfalls i read which stood out. Again, i dont understand


> all and i stopped reading as i am most vulnerable now. I am

> wondering is it normal occurence to fear being around ppl right


> Its like i cant cope being around ppl atm.


> , Venugopal AK

> <akvenugopal@> wrote:

> >

> > http://biologyofkundalini.com/article.php?story=PitfallsonthePath

> >

> > Sarita <sarita1969@> wrote: Hello

> Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

> > I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here.


> > Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

> > fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms


> > suggested I join this group.

> >

> > I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

> > Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death

> and

> > all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the


> of

> > a young child.

> >

> > I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it

> has

> > made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my

> injuries

> > which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a


> > loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless


> for

> > others are readily available. My K has not affected my family


> > negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways

than I

> > can count.

> >

> > I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be

> allowed

> > to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will


> > assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > >

> > > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@>


> > > >

> > > > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one


> > > going

> > > > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

> >

> >

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I'm beginning to eat a lot more vegetables and fruit, and drinking

water. I used to eat beef twice a day and now it four times a week or

so. Very interesting!






, " gypsyeyes_101 "

<gypsyeyes_101 wrote:


> Hi Sarita,


> > My appetite has swung in both directions. I have sometimes been

> > repelled by meat and other times I crave it. I try to just follow

> > whatever cues I am given.


> The same thing happens to me and I do the same thing as you.


> Angelina


> , " Sarita "

> <sarita1969@> wrote:

> >

> > My appetite has swung in both directions. I have sometimes been

> > repelled by meat and other times I crave it. I try to just follow

> > whatever cues I am given.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing loss of appetite, wow

> > the

> > > weight i could loose with this. I was thinking there may be


> > > else wrong, like thyroid or whatever.

> > >

> >


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Dear Sylvia, (and also to chrism),

Purely with a motive to help you i provided two links. I

write from India, where Kundalini is a ten thousand year old tradition. It is

considered a dangerous pursuit and also instructions from a Guru on one to one

basis is a must. I know chrism will help you. At the same time if you can find a

Guru who can instruct to you'Personally' that will be great help. Meanwhile my

humble prayers for your well being.

With love and regards



awakenedspirit70 <awakenedspirit70 wrote:

ok i clicked on the link as i felt i should and it was both helpful

and not so helpful. I dont understand what some of that means but my

guess was in a way it is saying that I am externalising my feelings

thinking that something from the outside is influencing me?? just one

of the pitfalls i read which stood out. Again, i dont understand them

all and i stopped reading as i am most vulnerable now. I am

wondering is it normal occurence to fear being around ppl right now??

Its like i cant cope being around ppl atm.


, Venugopal AK

<akvenugopal wrote:


> http://biologyofkundalini.com/article.php?story=PitfallsonthePath


> Sarita <sarita1969 wrote: Hello

Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

> I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here. My

> Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

> fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms and

> suggested I join this group.


> I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

> Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death


> all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the mother


> a young child.


> I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it


> made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my


> which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a very

> loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless service


> others are readily available. My K has not affected my family in

> negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways than I

> can count.


> I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be


> to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will be

> assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.


> Sarita


> >

> > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one is

> > going

> > > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

> >








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This is the stuff i dont need to hear at this point.





, Venugopal AK

<akvenugopal wrote:


> Dear Sylvia, (and also to chrism),

> Purely with a motive to help you i provided

two links. I write from India, where Kundalini is a ten thousand year

old tradition. It is considered a dangerous pursuit and also

instructions from a Guru on one to one basis is a must. I know chrism

will help you. At the same time if you can find a Guru who can

instruct to you'Personally' that will be great help. Meanwhile my

humble prayers for your well being.

> With love and regards

> VG


> awakenedspirit70 <awakenedspirit70


> ok i clicked on the link as i felt i should and it was both


> and not so helpful. I dont understand what some of that means but


> guess was in a way it is saying that I am externalising my


> thinking that something from the outside is influencing me?? just


> of the pitfalls i read which stood out. Again, i dont understand


> all and i stopped reading as i am most vulnerable now. I am

> wondering is it normal occurence to fear being around ppl right


> Its like i cant cope being around ppl atm.


> , Venugopal AK

> <akvenugopal@> wrote:

> >

> > http://biologyofkundalini.com/article.php?story=PitfallsonthePath

> >

> > Sarita <sarita1969@> wrote: Hello

> Sylvia and welcome! I hope you don't mind me butting in here.

> > I was in a similar position to yours when I first came here.


> > Kundalini was activated by a serious car accident in which I

> > fractured my lumbar spine. I was having some scary symptoms


> > suggested I join this group.

> >

> > I too was just looking to make it stop. I wasn't interested in

> > Kundalini, didn't even know what it was! I was scared to death

> and

> > all I could think of was the fact that I was a wife and the


> of

> > a young child.

> >

> > I can't promise what the K may do in your life, but for mine it

> has

> > made changes all for the better. I was healed of many of my

> injuries

> > which were keeping me from living my life fully. This is a


> > loving supportive group and opportunities to do selfless


> for

> > others are readily available. My K has not affected my family


> > negative ways, in fact it has enhanced my life in more ways

than I

> > can count.

> >

> > I know you are scared right now, but if you ask that you be

> allowed

> > to care for your family as you need to, I'm sure that you will


> > assisted. I wish you whatever is best for your higher good.

> >

> > Sarita

> >

> > >

> > > Kundalini-Awakening-Systems-

> > > 1 , " awakenedspirit70 " <awakenedspirit70@>


> > > >

> > > > I am wondering if there is anyway of really knowing if one


> > > going

> > > > through this process, I mean a spiritual energy check etc.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Explore your hobbies and interests. Click here to begin.

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...

I recall earlier in my activation I had the same fears and anxiety. I was afraid

that I would wind up as a raving mad-woman on the streets. I had asked " god " a

few years to come to me because I didn't know what my purpose, religion, place

in this world was. Well, it was answered hah.


Alas the Kundalini started rising in me. It brought a deep anxiety within me

because I had a lot of pre-conceived notions from fear based material. I didn't

trust in the process and my micro-management wrought more fear and anxiety

within me. I felt like I was in a tornado I couldn't stop.


Suddenly I decided that I must trust " god " (this is just a term and not

theological in any way) and let the process do as it will. Yes, unsettling

things occurred but they were liberating and may not happen to you as they do

for others. It is merely a cleansing. It really depends on how you can handle

these changes, and what changes are necessary. As time passes you soon learn

that the disruption in your life is with great purpose and you learn to let go

and trust and love the divine. With the disruption is also bliss and growth.


It is up to you, and you must trust your intuition. All I can say is that the

transformations, terror and unknowing have helped me grow in ways that I never

thought I could accomplish in this life.


If you feel this is meant for you, trust in it and do what you feel. If you are

afraid that this path may not be right for you, ask " god " for peace and answers.

If you decide to move forward, look in the old posts for what you are feeling

(if you are ever confused) and there is a wealth of information in this site. If

you have questions, there are many people willing to give their insights. This

is a very active and loving group and I hope you find what you are looking for



-Tiffany S




, " awakenedspirit70 "

<awakenedspirit70 wrote:


> THANKYOU all so much, I am feeling calmer now much calmer, I think i

> do have pre conceived ideas as to how this will all unfold. I asked

> god to stop the process and now im not so sure, what i want to do. I


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