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Meeting with , Aileen and Travis

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Hi K family!


I just want to say that I'm so happy to meet Chrism, Aileen and Travis

in person last Wednesday.


Chrism decided for us to meet at the Cultural Center in downtown

Chicago. I was glad because it was only a few blocks from school. We

met around 3pm at the visitors lounge. I was excited to meet Chrism. I

really had no idea what to expect. I wasn't sure what he looked like -

with or without the beard, so I called to make sure where he was. I

spotted him right away. He reminded me of Santa Claus :) with the

white beard. He's so nice, funny, hyper, and cool. We hugged,

introduced ourselves and I felt like I've known him for a long time.

When I arrived there, he was eating. He and Aileen strolled at the

Millenium Park before they went to the Cultural Center. I met Aileen

too and she's nice. I like her.


Chrism told me that I am well-balanced. He asked me if I still see

lights and I said yes I often sense it when I'm alone studying,

meditating or when I'm just sitting there on my bed. We talked about

that golden energy ray (small thin dashed lines) that I saw floating

around me a week ago. He said that those were my energy. We gave each

other high 5's. Heh :D - is funny. He tried to show me his

energy, but I couldn't see it. He said sometimes they're shy. Then, he

asked me to sit beside him and keep my feet straight on the ground. He

raised my energy a little higher. He did some chakra check up. Then he

stopped because he said he didn't want to embarrass me - there were

some people looking, but I didn't mind. We walked to the Renaissance

Gallery to look at some exhibits and then he asked me to stand behind

the bench with a butterfly painting on it while he sat on the bench.

He instructed me to place both of my arms to his ear level and over

his head while breathing in his energy. He also asked me to recite the

Shakti mantra while doing this. It was a little awkward at first as

there were a lot of people walking in and out of the gallery. But

after that, we walked upstairs to look at the other art exhibits. He

gave me shaktipat in one of the galleries. Now knows how

ticklish I am. My feet and neck are very sensitive. Tee hee hee. We

had a very long talk. I'm glad I went to meet with him, because I

really needed that talk and now I'm always bothering/calling him for

advice :D. I'm your little sister trapped in a 35 year old body. I'm

loony in a cute way. also asked me how I knew Chandi. I met her

(not in person yet) through her online store (the world of tantra - I

posted the link to her store at the links section) a year ago. I was

looking for a yantra to help me with my studies. I purchased 2 types

of yantra from her. mentioned that yantras can activate the

kundalini. I didn't know that. Now I know. Heh :-P


I really am blessed because God knows that I always needed a mentor,

advisor, brother, teacher, and friend who is wise enough to guide me,

talk to me, and cheer me up. He kept reminding me to believe that I am

a leader. That I was born to be a leader. I didn't have a chance to

take a picture with Chrism, because it was not allowed in the gallery.

He tried to take some photos of me, but the security guard told him

" no pictures " . He tried to take one again downstairs at the

Renaissance gallery, but I kept blinking my eyes @_@ ... sowiee. I was

going to stay only up until 5pm since I have to study for midterms,

but I decided to just wait. We met Travis. suggested for Travis

and I to exchange phone numbers and meet up sometime. He showed me

where to put my pointer finger below the back of his head to help

balance his flow. After that, we went to a cafe and gave each other

healing. gave me a bottle of shaktivated spring water. I have

to say, that's some deep healing. I noticed that focused on

healing my heart chakra. No wonder I've been feeling emotional since

that day. I've been experiencing some ups and downs. Purification and

been feeling sad. I cried last night. At the same time, I'm trying my

best to shift my mood to being happy and focused because I have

midterm exams this week. I took my second exam today and I have

another one this thursday. I only had 1 hour of sleep today as I was

trying to study for my Economics and Art Appreciation exams. I guess

you can say that I'm cramming a little. I'm not fond of math. Luckily

I have my uncle to help me understand it. Waahhh!!!


Travis is cool. I was trying to convince him to go to my school and

take classes there. Wehehe. We took the train together.


Anyway, sorry my message is so lengthy. I didn't mean to put anyone to

sleep. :-P



While I am typing this message, I am feeling the energy moving around

my back and my butt (tickling me) is vibrating. My chair is vibrating.

LOL :D Ugghh. Okay, I better go home, eat, sleep a little and get back

to studying. I'm still in school and wide awake with a headache.

Please excuse my hyper mood. I drank 2 cans of Mountain Dew Amp to

keep me awake for midterms. @_@


Till next time! Muah :x


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