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The Five Bodies ()

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Chrism, can you comment on the five bodies and their differences? Their

purposes and how they interact with the Kundalini?


Are they physical, sexual, energetic, emotional and spiritual? I

thought I have also heard of the mental body and the ethereal body? Are

these different terms others have for the same things?


Much thank in advance Chrism.


love bradly

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I state the five bodies of expression as:





Psychological (ego)



Their " doctrine of signature " is evident from what they are i.e.

emotional body is dealing with emotions etc. The ethereal body is

like an astral body and even though it is indeed affected by the

Kundalini its expression is given from the Highself(ves).


Kundalini will magnify certain qualities in each of the bodys.

Typically those of an attachment frequency or fear issue or desire.

This can be from pain or lust or greed, love, joy, betrayal,

abandonment or healing, love and trust, honesty etc. Desires and

attachments of many different qualities. These will typically

surface first as a blockage or conversely as a hyper-expressive as

they are the issues in the person that need to be expressed or

balanced first. In example: It can be very difficult for a Kundalini

awakened person to be dishononest or deceitful.


The manner and selectivity of the expression is up to the

intelligent interaction of the Kundalini and the body it is

infusing. Kundalini knows where how and when to do a certain action.

Whether it is of a corporeal or energetic nature. Whether it is from

the person themselves or through another person. Kundalini will help

the person maneuver themselves into an area where they can receive

information that they require at that time.


In the west most of us live through our ego's. We buy, procreate,

survive, work, learn, socialize and preach through our egos.

Kundalini knows this and provides gentle or harsh instruction on how

and where to " feel " a certain location of information either with in

or with out.


So most of the process is directed from the Kundalini source. This

is why surrender is so very important. This is why the focus on

discernment and trusting intuitive guidance. This is why dreams can

be most beneficial as areas of communication.


Practice of the safeties allows one to become more attuned to these

areas of interaction with the components of the awakening that can

be felt first and in a most defined nature. From the shaking of the

body to the movement at the top of the skull or extreme fear, or the

hot and cold waves of temperature sensations, or the sensation of

wearing a helmet or of the third eye and many others. These are all

aspects of an infusion of Kundalini into the physical body which

goes straight into the emotional and mental and psychological and

spiritual body's at the same time. The expressive qualities can be

timed more sequentially due to the Kundalini parceling out a



So do your best to bring the safeties into a realtime practice. You

will experience realtime results and more so with repeated and

sincere articulation of the practices. -



, " curball2002 "

<curball2002 wrote:


> Chrism, can you comment on the five bodies and their differences?


> purposes and how they interact with the Kundalini?

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, " curball2002 "

<curball2002 wrote:


> Thank you Chrism! Say are you sure about the 'no flaming' rule? I

> thought we were going to use our holy fire?


> be well, bradly


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