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I so agree with Kelly on this. I saw it years ago & then went thru a period

of what I call a personal hell from which I've begun to awaken anew. I see

things more in depth than I ever did before and now my ex is beginning to

see it too (yes, I still talk to him). I get the same thing you're getting

..... people looking at me, acting around me like I'm the one who has

completely lost my marbles and anything I say/do is so far above these folks

heads. I get the same thing too of " Why don't you .... ? " " How about doing

it ....? " " You know .... if you did it this way .... " I just look at them

like " What the .... ? And just how do you rationalize that? What about ....

(naming off what apparently they didn't see)? Did you stop to think about

any of it? " as they look at me like I've done more than insulted their

intelligence (or lack their of) and was utterly & completely disrespectful

to them.


After a point, I just said to myself " Fine! If you don't want to wake up

from your self induced dream la la land, that's your issue. I tried to

reach you. You walked away from it like I was the one who was way off. At

least I tried .... " and went on my merry way. I will still strive to grow &

change & become a better person. If someone is helped along the way or sees

what I do & changes their life even w/o me knowing, excellent! If I'm

considered whack-a-doodle by the rest? Hey! Fine! I can live with it. Not

the first time and doubtful it'll be the last one. Those who remain in my

life thru it all are the ones who I will treasure and the rest get my

sympathy for living in a not so blissful ignorance (like there ever really

was a blissful ignorance LOL)




> ______________________

> 1c. Re: :(

> Posted by: " Kelly Anderson " longlivlife longlivlife

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 8:52 am ((PDT))


> drea- you are so very unalone here. I feel the same way you do often, and

> many others and we all feel so very alone in it. because we are swimming

> in

> a sea of apathy as seemingly everything falls around us.

> The bottom line is this society, this system, is all an experiment in

> power,

> and the results speak loud and clear. this is not working. millions of

> years

> of evolution and we have found ourselves outside all natural systems.

> The unease is vibrating through the collective and sensitive people like

> ourselves cannot help but feel that energy. I feel like I see the

> culmination of this insane existence everywhere I look and am continuously

> shaking my head in shame and such disappointment.. thinking 'oh

> humanity...

> really?!?'

> At twenty I began to realize that the lies of society permeated every

> corner

> of my psyche, even into my dreams. I went through what felt like a very

> violent awakening and detachment process. I stood on my soap box for

> years.

> so very few people understood and so many more would take it as arrogance,

> obsession, or fanaticism on my part that I learned to keep my mouth shut.

> Even at mine, one of the most radical colleges in the nation I was always

> saying too much.

> So I took five months off and lived in a redwood tree, a tree sit. alone

> with nature. Of the many lessons I learned one of the greatest came first

> from the birds song, which systematically reverberated throughout the

> entire

> natural world.

> The difference between humans and all other nature: We are no longer

> living

> in harmony with the natural systems. those creatures that are, live lives

> of

> celebration. Just look at the way the branches of a tree grow. they are

> dancing! The birds song is an ecstatic song! They are in harmony and

> celebrate that even as humans bring down habitat all around them.

> We are traumatized from living such an unnatural existence. Our climate

> control, light switches, and yes, computer screens are not at all what we

> have evolved to be. this is trauma. our society was founded on massive

> trauma, westerns violent expansion in every sense of the word.

> This has helped me to have a deep compassion for every person, no matter

> how

> destructive or selfish. because all of these people who 'are asleep' are

> traumatized, and cannot see it yet. but they are waking up. each day as I

> am

> disappointed in humanity over and over again, little lights come to me,

> from

> the most unexpected places. Lights of humans getting uncomfortable enough

> to

> transform.


> Im not sure about your chakras, and would love for someone to elaborate on

> that.

> But you are not alone, and i am not either. thank you for the space.


> peace and love to all.

> Kellie



> On 7/3/08, Drea <lvledusa wrote:


>> I've been undergoing some serious changes with how I see everything

>> and its liek theres no way for me to ignore it. I really wish I had

>> a strong 3rd and 5th chakra to try to make a difference to this. I'm

>> just so sick of living in such fantasy on a daily basis, it's like,

>> humanity is devolving and everyone is so god damn asleep. Just

>> anything that I look at it just looks so much more different than

>> before. Just the ways in how we live, how we are brought up, the

>> belief systems, the traditions, just all sorts of things. I used to

>> see a lot of the sickness befoer, like a lot, but now its just even

>> more, to even littel things. You're going to think I'm just

>> awakening to the basics, but its so much more. Something really has

>> to be done about it so that I can sleep better at night lol.


>> I've tried talking about making some good positive changes in a

>> group to help stop crime and help humanity evolve and I was just so

>> shocked to get numerous responses from this group in just how evil I

>> was, they even attempted to create stories to try to get me banned

>> lol. And I just started crying, not because I've been unaccepted,

>> but because it just almost seems so hopeless that humanity is going

>> to wake up from their ignorance, stop false judgments/projections

>> and just listen, try to understand so that we can finally evolve. It

>> was like that huge ego created by the government and society has

>> already won their control over humanity. You seriously have to see

>> what was said there. My heart just sank, I didn't say anythign

>> really offensive either lol, it was like they replaced the words I

>> had there with something else.


>> Just on a daily now, I cant get these thigns out of my head. How can

>> I go out to party, smoke a joint, or drink? How can I sit to even

>> watch a full TV show? How can I hide the fact of whats realyl gonig

>> on? How could I go day by day surrounded by such fakeness? I'm so

>> sick of the constant questions of why I don't do this and that

>> because everyone else is doing it without knowing how to come up

>> with a good truthful response that will not be very akward or

>> upsetting. I'm really depressed because I am so very alone at the

>> moment. I feel like the only way I could truly be accepted is to

>> spread what it is I see and have it understood. I jsut can't go to

>> the old way to gte acceptance. It really is no fair that my 3rd and

>> 5th chakras are the weakest at the moment, its liek an unbalnace to

>> both of these chakras are just a trap. It would be really nice to

>> have a powerful voice back to get my points across clearly and

>> understood to some people.


>> Does anyone have any real suggestions for the 3rd and 5th chakras?


>> -drea





> Messages in this topic (5)

> ______________________

> 1d. Re: :(

> Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:10 am ((PDT))


> My opinion is that the chakras relating to the male destorted ego are

> base, solar, throat.

> The way you are perceiving the world is symbolic of the inbalance of your

> chakras. To change your inner balance will change the way you view ther

> world around you.

> It's all good though, shows you are getting deeper in to some issues :-))


> The tantric principles are to change yourself until the mirror of life

> reflecs only perfection.


> You can do it Drea, you are a beautiful soul, do not allow the illusion to

> overwhelm you girl.


> Spend time chakra breathing and asking your kundalini to guide you through

> clearing these issues and then write down your dreams (if you dont

> already).

> Surround yourself with positive images of the divine masculine and write a

> list of all the good things that are in this world, think about instances

> when the Will of God works for the benefit of all mankind.

> Perhaps also look at relationship to the men in your life, such as Father,

> Brother, Teacher and see what needs balancing.


> Love and light

> elektra x x x



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> Messages in this topic (5)

> ______________________

> 1e. Re: :(

> Posted by: " alayafire " ari.reza alayafire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:39 am ((PDT))


> hi Drea..

> this is human alchemy...

> look at how a gemstone or a diamond was formed

> by the earth ...

> the stones and the earth and everything is conciousness..

> alive and striving...

> diamonds were alchemically created through extreme pressure,

> this is the pressure humans are going through now, because without

> this pressure , no one would care to change...


> perhaps you have been reading about the illuminati, or chemtrails or

> hearing about so many people with cancer

> or tsunamis, all of these thoughts used to really torture me ,

> especially when i learned , they caused autism on purpose, i became

> a heavy campaigner, flew all over the world to get advice from

> scientists , eris was a massive black whirlwind in me , nothing

> stopped me, i was in newspapers and on the radio..


> the illuminati ,causing the dollar to crash, the housing to

> crash , spreading disease such as aids and cancer in vaccines,

> causing war and funding both sides against each other so that no

> matter what happens it seems they win,

> you look at their name illuminati, the illuminated ?

> the enlightened? are they the evil we think ? or are they pressing

> the gas pedal , trying to get us there faster?

> who knows either way same effect...


> here in the uk the govt. keeps testing in the seas and dolphins and

> whales keep being washed ashore, last year a baby one came right up

> the thames river , smack in the middle of london, to show us all to

> wake up...


> tsunamis and earthquakes, the goddess pele, meditate/trance her ,

> she will answer...get her take direct...


> to get anywhere we have to give up what we know as fact..

> chrisms advice to me , it was a good ...

> paula.....




> Messages in this topic (5)

> ______________________

> ______________________

> 2a. still happening but more gentle today...

> Posted by: " alayafire " ari.reza alayafire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 7:58 am ((PDT))


> we are still able to feel all of the parts we got yesterday, and a

> more gentle energy movement today ,has got a huge feeling of peace

> feels like being wrapped in a warm breeze.

> can feel all of the energy running through , myself and everything..

> in our bodies we are experiencing it as an ankh!


> don't know if all of these morphings are due to k. but purposely

> didnt learn about it , so that i would come to it afresh, just got

> attracted here to the list,(alex grey painting)


> chrism you were correct all of our parts we got match isis exactly...

> does everyone get isis,? or is it that caius and i are very

> interested in immortality,....


> caius feels that the horn are to manifest? he really wants to know

> how to use his wings!

> he has been with his higher self , just before we began morphing...


> the arm shields seem vortex energy in from the sun...(wonder if we

> can become breatherian with them! :)


> feel the 3rd eye, and it reacts to being touched!


> now im sure you guys are going to call the white coats on us! :)


> for anyone out there that is doubting kundalini , don't ..

> even with wings and all you can still function,

> it is if you try to resist, that causes difficulty..

> it's so kind it even chose our kids school holidays to start

> morphing us, thats a mother for you organising everything with

> love...

> paula

Messages in this topic (3)

> ______________________

> 2b. Re: still happening but more gentle today...

> Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:13 am ((PDT))


> Sounds wonderful and you are dealing with it all with confidence, you go

> girl!

> Love and joy e x x x



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> Messages in this topic (3)

> ______________________

> 2c. Re: still happening but more gentle today...

> Posted by: " alayafire " ari.reza alayafire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:48 am ((PDT))


> thanks e :)




> , Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:


>> Sounds wonderful and you are dealing with it all with confidence,

> you go girl!

>> Love and joy e x x x



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> Messages in this topic (3)

> ______________________

> ______________________

> 3a. Friends

> Posted by: " zinniaprint " zinniaprint zinniaprint

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:01 am ((PDT))


> Hi Iwould really like your comments regarding 2 situations that I've

> been thinking about. I'm temporarily living with my daughters and their

> father, my ex husbnd. They regularly attend church services and though

> I've gone w/them many times it's not the right fit for me. He's on

> vacation and my daughters will want a ride there. My oldest daughter

> is on the worship team w/the pastor's son whom she is dating.The

> pastor's wife also a pastor, puts my daughter in her pocket week in and

> week out. My daughter is at their house a lot. We get gifts she is

> often asked to help at church activities... she's at the pastors home a

> lot for recreational time too.Most of the time I've been resentful.

> My " family " is not nice to me when it comes to me wanting a different

> church environment for myself and my daughters. Should the Safeties

> time be the time when I pray for quick help or wisdom which I think

> takes longer. #1 is I don't want to live like this past Jan 09and #2 is

> I want to be careful with my 15 yr old. Her father is domineeringThis

> set up is due to financial constraints.




> Messages in this topic (2)

> ______________________

> 3b. Re: Friends

> Posted by: " Elektra Fire " elektra.fire elektra.fire

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:18 am ((PDT))


> I think that if you want the right to live as you wish I would start by

> letting go and accepting the way your daughter and ex husband live.

> Forgiveness and surrender bring miraculous results.


> Love and joy

> elektra x x x



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> Messages in this topic (2)

> ______________________

> ______________________

> 4a. Re: Expectations Linda

> Posted by: " Linda " crazycats711 danceswithcats999

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 9:23 am ((PDT))


> Thanks Elektra, that is a nice clear explanations, more alone my line

> of understanding. It is just a matter of being able to know if it is

> God's will or your will that is being done. That can be hard and

> tricky at times, but if it's God's will, things usually fall into

> place and there will be no struggle on your part for it to happen. It

> is not always a cut and dry thing though.


> My answer to chrism's questions, would be I don't really know what to

> expect from kundalini. All I know is that it came to me and the

> desire for it has been kindled. I just hope and pray that it is God's

> will for me. If is is not God's will then I am a back slidder in

> trouble and I have been left to my own vain imaginations. :) That is

> a very scarey thought.


> Linda


> , Elektra Fire

> <elektra.fire wrote:




>> As a christian, Jesus's own

>> > words where that we

>> > should ask, seek, and knock! He went on to say that those

>> > who do not

>> > ask, do not recieve. LOL!


>> Yes, quite right , one can ask and receive, I think the

> expectations thing is more a case of not trying to control what God

> brings you through ego, but more of an allowing so that our own ego

> ideas do not get in the way of Gods perfection. Our plans are usually

> not the same as spirits, spirit gets it much better :-))

>> Ask, and then stand back and GET OUT THE WAY! IN COMING! hee hee


>> Love e x x x



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> Messages in this topic (21)

> ______________________

> ______________________

> 5a. Re: Levitation

> Posted by: " Denny " dennynorton denny072893

> Thu Jul 3, 2008 10:07 am ((PDT))



> Once upon a time...i was about 9 or 10 years old at the time. i was

> attempting to levitate outside our front yard. i remember closing my

> eyes and thinking i am as light as a feather and i float upwards.

> after about 15 mintues of really hard concentrating and remaining in

> focus i began to levitate. i levitated about 3 feet off the ground i

> was told afterwards. if i turned my attention back to the ground i

> would slowly go back so i kept thinking and focusing upwards. my twin

> brother saw me do this a it totally freaked him out so he ran and

> knocked me down causing me to lose focus. after that i received a

> scolding from my parents to not ever do this again. in secret...i did

> try again but to this day have not been able to. i do not know what

> the block is. i just KNOW i can do it but i am not doing something

> right i guess. i try many times to go back to that very moment and

> SEE what i did to make it work for me. but to no avail...NOT

> happening for me. as a child growing up i had spontaneous abilities

> and those caused me to be disciplined from my parents. having these

> abilities caused me to be labled weirdo, different, odd, strange, too

> many lables to write here. i believe i knew even before that time

> that there IS a greater force or power greater than us and i knew it

> was right and OK for us to tap into. i felt and still feel it is our

> birth right to hold and to have.


> Denny




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