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new direction - Chris_H

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It is still best to take and be with that middle path Chris. But

here is a bit on the Egyptians. Yes according to some they used a

form of white powder gold to bring on a Kundalini response in the

pharoaes and priest class. The Ureaus is the serpent one can see

coming from the sixth chakra or third eye region of the forehead

indicating the presence of an awakened Kundalini.


The Egyptian mystery schools were where many of the lessons and

trainings in the " High Arts " took place. These were areas of sorcery

and medicine and also religious based themes of cosmic importance to

them. They had knowledge of the Atlantean civilizations. They also

had some of that technology in the early dynasties. This began to

fade over time.


They new and understood the sacred geometry as you are suggesting

Chris. It is these areas of study that the Masonic memberships from

Europe acquired in and around the eleventh century about a thousand

years ago and used to build the cathedrals in Europe. The Golden

Means and the arch and the rose line as described in the Davinci

code are all part of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. These were sacred

secrets they used and hoarded to develop power over others to keep

themselves in control. Knowledge equals power so to say.


The flower of life is one that I enjoy. Not speaking of the group

that calls itself that but of the form itself. The group will

probably attract you. A man who calls himself " Drunvalo " and claims

to have the spirit of Hermes Trismagistus or Thoth in him and or is

in direct communication with it or him. I don't buy it personally

but many do. HT is an ancient Egyptian God and messenger from heaven

to earth. Giver of many secrets to the human being. So there is a

touch of it. They never channel a ditch digger eh? Go figure.


Not all was nice and happy with the Egyptian mystery schools and

people would be fed to crocodiles and other unpleasant rituals that

were meant to scare or program through fear. Be careful as the

Egyptians were as about as nice in these areas as the other magical

subjects recently discussed. And their practice is still as strong

now as it was then so please be careful. Don't misinterpret

a " pulling towards a subject " to mean that you are supposed to try

or take part in it. Sometimes just learning about it is enough. - my

take -

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Thanks for the reply . These feelings really did throw me off balance

.. In one direction i have this pull to learn more , much more its so

strong . On the other hand I feel my loss of balance and something

just doesn't feel right about it . I don't think I will look to much

into this subject and instead see where my dreams will take me . Maybe

it is just a feeling from my dream experience that is pulling my

attention .

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Your dream life may teach you all that you need to know in regards to

it Chris. Remember this is the area that Kundalini communicates in.

With symbols and feelings. Try just a meditation on a sacred

geometrical shape. I like the flower of life. But there are many

others. Here are some:








I am just lookin at the pics here not reading the writing. -c



, " Chris_H "

<chghes1 wrote:


> Thanks for the reply . These feelings really did throw me off balance

> . In one direction i have this pull to learn more , much more its so

> strong . On the other hand I feel my loss of balance and something

> just doesn't feel right about it .

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Very interesting information you have posted concerning ormus . I

don't believe I will be interested in using this but it does strike an

interest with me . I seem to be going through an internal battle right

now and last nights dream really didn't help me too much to overcome

this desire for information and understanding . I believe I am just

going to stop all practice and meditations for awhile to regain my

balance . I do not feel comfortable with my mind wondering and

becoming so engrossed in any subject that will effect my emotional

body . I firmly believe that we must master all our bodies to evolve

and this might be a test for me in a way .



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Crowley was the head of the Satanic Church..........Led Zeplin bought that house

of Crowley on the Loch in Scotland. To preserve it.

I have been close to it a few times and its no place of Light.

Yes Paula you are correct many unsavoury events happend there.







ari.reza: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:43:14 +0100Re: Re:

Re: new direction - Chris_H





egyptian mystery schools....alistair crowley, here in scotland he is called the

beast! his house is still there, loch lomond..sacrificed people...abused

women..taught winston churchill giving him his famous v for victory signonly the

v isnt victory it is baphomet....paula...> > <ari.reza>

2008/07/07 Mon PM 04:00:52 BST> To:

> Re:

Re: new direction - Chris_H> > this is ormus ...

white powdered gold, no need to burn the gold anymore...also known as the

philosophers stone,> got a few recipies, rosicrutian secret..that is trained for

,for many years and levels before being allowed to use it...> some of the guys

using it can relocate...can end up immortal.. antigravity properties the list

goes on..> i put it on my plants , makes them huge!! > > have wrestled with my

self for a few years as wheather to drink it or not, is it against the judgement

of god to use it? very very powerful...origins in the serpent cult egypt..it is

reputed to bring about the end of the world..> (but i guess that is the end of

time /ego)> > it is concious though sends things/entities/sprites out of the jar

that can smash your bottles,> you can get it also from vortexing the water as i

described before... > first comes a little spiral of purple , its in all food

everything...a bit like shakti :)> > paula....> > > > " chrism "

<>> > 2008/07/07 Mon AM 08:29:00 BST> > To:

> > Subject:

Re: new direction - Chris_H> > > > It is still

best to take and be with that middle path Chris. But > > here is a bit on the

Egyptians. Yes according to some they used a > > form of white powder gold to

bring on a Kundalini response in the > > pharoaes and priest class. The Ureaus

is the serpent one can see > > coming from the sixth chakra or third eye region

of the forehead > > indicating the presence of an awakened Kundalini.> > > > The

Egyptian mystery schools were where many of the lessons and > > trainings in the

" High Arts " took place. These were areas of sorcery > > and medicine and also

religious based themes of cosmic importance to > > them. They had knowledge of

the Atlantean civilizations. They also > > had some of that technology in the

early dynasties. This began to > > fade over time.> > > > They new and

understood the sacred geometry as you are suggesting > > Chris. It is these

areas of study that the Masonic memberships from > > Europe acquired in and

around the eleventh century about a thousand > > years ago and used to build the

cathedrals in Europe. The Golden > > Means and the arch and the rose line as

described in the Davinci > > code are all part of the Egyptian Mystery Schools.

These were sacred > > secrets they used and hoarded to develop power over others

to keep > > themselves in control. Knowledge equals power so to say.> > > > The

flower of life is one that I enjoy. Not speaking of the group > > that calls

itself that but of the form itself. The group will > > probably attract you. A

man who calls himself " Drunvalo " and claims > > to have the spirit of Hermes

Trismagistus or Thoth in him and or is > > in direct communication with it or

him. I don't buy it personally > > but many do. HT is an ancient Egyptian God

and messenger from heaven > > to earth. Giver of many secrets to the human

being. So there is a > > touch of it. They never channel a ditch digger eh? Go

figure.> > > > Not all was nice and happy with the Egyptian mystery schools and

> > people would be fed to crocodiles and other unpleasant rituals that > > were

meant to scare or program through fear. Be careful as the > > Egyptians were as

about as nice in these areas as the other magical > > subjects recently

discussed. And their practice is still as strong > > now as it was then so

please be careful. Don't misinterpret > > a " pulling towards a subject " to mean

that you are supposed to try > > or take part in it. Sometimes just learning

about it is enough. - my > > take - > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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