Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 Greetings and group, I would like some advice and to get the ideas of others on my present situation. I came across this post from 2006, while reading through the archives, and found it relevant to my present situation. A few months after the drastic change in my life I left my marriage, children, home, job etc. with nothing, not even a change of underwear. I had been meditating and starting work on Reiki for some time and I was aware of many positive changes in my body and mind. This is when I believe my Kundalini was really activated. I started to get bodily pains but trips to Dr's, a brain scan, and blood tests found nothing, but the pain was relentless. This was approx 15yrs ago and I have been treated with stronger and stronger pain killers as the years went on. Finally this year I asked my Dr if there was a way I could come off or greatly lower the dose of drugs but I did not tell him why. I had found that whenever I was in bad pain I would lie and give myself Reiki and then an immense heat would travel through my body and I could just lay on my bed, close my eyes and visualise the whirling mandalas, geometric designs, and wonderful images of colourful flowers blooming open. While my 'light show' is taking place my whole body feels as if I am being heated from my bones through my flesh and out through my skin & beyond. In fact I can visualise my skeleton as being made of a hot metal, like hot copper rods. By concentrating I can regulate that heat according to the depth of the pain. I can do this for 20-30mins, but then I have to get up and pop a pill. It would be lovely if I could 'hold' that state constantly. On 31st July I have my first appointment at a Pain Clinic where I will start a treatment programme to be arranged between myself & the Dr's. I would like to know whether anyone else has experienced this or would know what was going on and how I could lessen my pain without medication. The medication has also caused me to gain weight I can do without! They firstly diagnosed my pain as Sickle Cell but further tests have ruled that out. Fibromyalgia is their present diagnosis. I would be very grateful of any suggestions. Thank you in advance, and Blessings, Lady Skydancer x , " chrism " <> wrote: > > Please everyone be aware that if the energy isnt allowed to move then > it will cause pain.A stagnant energy response. A burning arthritic > kind of pain typically at the joints. This is why yoga can be so > helpful. So those of you who are sparking, do the Hatha Yoga. Find a > place for it in your life. A book or a class or the web. The Yoga will > allow for a better infusion and unblock some of the constrictions at a > persons joints. - > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 Yes LS, There are folks right now in the middle of this pain and it can be severe. Often with Kundalini one cannot go half way. One must really devote every waking minute to some aspect of the Kundalini. Either clearing issues for its further infusion of the body or learning what the agenda is for you. It is important to know what is occurring and that it is indeed Kundalini that is occurring. Osteo issues and arthritis or bursitis can give sensations of crepetice in the joints. So one can image those out with a modern imaging dx from the MD. Yet with the Kundalini this will not be expressed with in the visual or measuring modalities that are presently used in the medical practice. These are stuck energies or stagnant energetic responses. As is stated in the safeties you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. It hurts constantly. But there are ways to relieve these pains. Most of these ways do not include a pill or an injection or a pain killer of any type. No chemicals or plant extracts are used for this because " it is and is not " of the body systems at the same time. And no spells or incantations or entities are used either. This is a personal relationship between you and your Kundalini. It is Kundalini that is encountering blockage of various types within the physical structure itself. And the Kundalini is relentless. It will burn or dissolve the blockage away to flow through these areas. If not given a clearance it will make a clearance! Ouch! It can be like acid burning through the areas it is stuck in. I have had this and do not anymore so realize that there are ways out that does not include drugs or pills or injections or pain clinics. It does require courage and the willingness to be honest and open and able to follow instructions to the letter. Instructions that may not make any sense to your logical or spiritual mind. The ego will also have problems with some of these instructions. So this is an FYI. For treatment I will ask folks to come here: http://health.Kundalini-Healing/ There are some permissions and some tests that are also not very open to linear understandings. Yet these must be done. So there you have it LS. It is not forever and yet it will require effort and trust and commitment. - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 21, 2008 Report Share Posted July 21, 2008 Skydancer Greetings,welcome to the group, I'm a newbie as well. I don't know if it will be of any help but I can share the steps I've gone through. I have yet to have a really straight answer from an Md. I was diagnosed with the big C. as the pain seemed to creep in and take over more and more of my life. I was up to between 10 and 16 percocettes , oxycotin, a day. <500mg I think> Finishing that off at night with 3 or 4 or 5 very stiff burbons to be able to attempt to sleep. We bought a new couch because many nights I would wake my wife moaning in my sleep. We have seven cats and I swear they had a schedule, on who's turn it was to sit and be with Dad on the couch. There was some work the Mds could do with a surgical intervention. I went for that but only went for the barest minimum, ended up done in the doctors office. Now that seemed to actually be a turning point, there was a feeling of pressure lifted. Not so much pain gone but pressure. I had already started what I call my " energy " work. There is a wonderful book on chi, I'll try and dig up title and author tomorrow. But my search started there and so did my practice. Here's another disclaimer, I had just sold my business so I was financially able to do nothing at all but concentrate on my work. I let myself go, I surrendered to it. I opened myself to the energy around me. If you don't know yet I live an idylic life, off in the woods of maine. I opened and let it flow through me all of the energy around me. I found swiming in it, floating on it, letting it wash all over me, just me and the energy alone and naked, I found it cut down the pain. I'd open my eyes and my silly rabbit would be there. It at least made me think of something other than the pain. The more I did that, the longer were the spaces between when I took another dose. It's like I had found the basic fluid of life, and with my thought I could have it shower down on me. I wasn't actively trying to stop the pain meds, in fact I kind of liked them. The thought was not really there that it was about them, it was about healing this body. It wasn't spiritual, it was an engineer seeking balance in a complex system. Doing what I could to at least slow down entropy. The turning point happened quite suddenly, 3 months down the line, my wife was going into town and wanted to know if I needed my script refilled. it was time, it was due, but the script was for 200 pills and when we looked I had 100 left. That is when I made the connection between the energy work and the meds. 2 weeks later I stopped taking any of them. Yes I did spent most of the day, in energy collection. My body made some quite drastic changes. The hair on my arms and legs grew another 3 inches. Freaks some people out when they look at my arms. It is not a testosterone thing, because the surgical intervention actually decreased that . Montauk Chia talks about the hair being tiny antennas seeking out more chi. Gawd I'm long winded aren't I, tying this up. I pulled an energy in from the outside, that either healed or allowed me to disregard the pain. I think it is disregard because not very often, but sometimes I have waves of pain, like someone is trying to peel my skin off. I do my float, my open, I am the most empty place in the universe, and the universe rushes energy in to fill me. Caveat, the side effects of stopping the meds were that I could not sleep. Not at all. I went 10 days sitting on the couch with cats never sleeping. Back to the Md and a simple generic sleeping pill for week got me going again. I've had lower back pain since I can remember, 10 days after joining this group the pain is gone, that is just so kewl!! When it went it was a slap to the head, because I could not remember what it felt like not to have it. All this energy work I did, cued up Shakti, < Hi elektera> passed right by her, and she sensed the flow. There is a bunch more that has happened. It was what led me here. Peace Skydancer and if I can help with the pain I am here and well versed. I understand pain. Don Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Welcome Skydancer to the group, I am also surviving cancer, and would not resort to surgical intervention again. Sometimes I have pain, whether it is related to any disease or just "growing up" I don't know. I can choose to feel sorry for myself and stay in bed, and it stengthens, or I can get up and move, and take a yoga class, or take my grandbabies to the park, swim, or just sit by the water, watching the dogs frolic at Zilker Park. If I choose the latter, I forget about me, and magically, the pain goes away. I find the cleaner I can keep myself, whether in thought, word, deed, or diet, the less I suffer any pain, whether it be physical or mental. And I don't even keep an aspirin in my house. Just me........... I can't come close to Don's words; but am interested in learning about his book on CHI. Again, welcome to our group............Thank you for your kind offers of teaching and therapy.... May you find answers to all you seek............ hugs and blessings, Julie--- On Tue, 7/22/08, merlin6949 <merlin wrote: merlin6949 <merlin Re: Joint pain / stagnant energy response-Lady S. Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 12:27 AM Skydancer Greetings,welcome to the group, I'm a newbie as well. Idon't know if it will be of any help but I can share the steps I'vegone through. I have yet to have a really straight answer from an Md.I was diagnosed with the big C. as the pain seemed to creep in andtake over more and more of my life. I was up to between 10 and 16percocettes , oxycotin, a day. <500mg I think> Finishing that off atnight with 3 or 4 or 5 very stiff burbons to be able to attempt tosleep. We bought a new couch because many nights I would wake my wifemoaning in my sleep. We have seven cats and I swear they had aschedule, on who's turn it was to sit and be with Dad on the couch.There was some work the Mds could do with a surgical intervention. Iwent for that but only went for the barest minimum, ended up done inthe doctors office. Now that seemed to actually be a turning point,there was a feeling of pressure lifted. Not so much pain gone butpressure.I had already started what I call my "energy" work. There is awonderful book on chi, I'll try and dig up title and author tomorrow.But my search started there and so did my practice.Here's another disclaimer, I had just sold my business so I wasfinancially able to do nothing at all but concentrate on my work. I let myself go, I surrendered to it. I opened myself to the energyaround me. If you don't know yet I live an idylic life, off in thewoods of maine. I opened and let it flow through me all of the energyaround me. I found swiming in it, floating on it, letting it wash allover me, just me and the energy alone and naked, I found it cut downthe pain. I'd open my eyes and my silly rabbit would be there. It atleast made me think of something other than the pain. The more I didthat, the longer were the spaces between when I took another dose.It's like I had found the basic fluid of life, and with my thought Icould have it shower down on me.I wasn't actively trying to stop the pain meds, in fact I kind ofliked them. The thought was not really there that it was about them,it was about healing this body. It wasn't spiritual, it was anengineer seeking balance in a complex system. Doing what I could to atleast slow down entropy.The turning point happened quite suddenly, 3 months down the line, mywife was going into town and wanted to know if I needed my scriptrefilled. it was time, it was due, but the script was for 200 pillsand when we looked I had 100 left. That is when I made the connectionbetween the energy work and the meds.2 weeks later I stopped taking any of them. Yes I did spent most ofthe day, in energy collection. My body made some quite drasticchanges. The hair on my arms and legs grew another 3 inches. Freakssome people out when they look at my arms. It is not a testosteronething, because the surgical intervention actually decreased that .Montauk Chia talks about the hair being tiny antennas seeking out morechi.Gawd I'm long winded aren't I, tying this up. I pulled an energy infrom the outside, that either healed or allowed me to disregard thepain. I think it is disregard because not very often, but sometimes Ihave waves of pain, like someone is trying to peel my skin off. I domy float, my open, I am the most empty place in the universe, and theuniverse rushes energy in to fill me.Caveat, the side effects of stopping the meds were that I could notsleep. Not at all. I went 10 days sitting on the couch with cats neversleeping. Back to the Md and a simple generic sleeping pill for weekgot me going again.I've had lower back pain since I can remember, 10 days after joiningthis group the pain is gone, that is just so kewl!! When it went itwas a slap to the head, because I could not remember what it felt likenot to have it.All this energy work I did, cued up Shakti, < Hi elektera> passedright by her, and she sensed the flow. There is a bunch more that hashappened. It was what led me here.Peace Skydancer and if I can help with the pain I am here and wellversed. I understand pain.Don Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 I don't know if this is appropriate or not but many people now have Vitamin D deficiency,myself included and the bad thing is that they don't even know it.The symptoms can range from fatigue,muscle cramps and decreased muscle strength,depression,weight gain and not being able to lose weight,joint pain,headaches etc. love,nicole , " chrism " <> wrote: > > Yes LS, > There are folks right now in the middle of this pain and it > can be severe. Often with Kundalini one cannot go half way. One must > really devote every waking minute to some aspect of the Kundalini. > Either clearing issues for its further infusion of the body or > learning what the agenda is for you. It is important to know what is > occurring and that it is indeed Kundalini that is occurring. > > Osteo issues and arthritis or bursitis can give sensations of > crepetice in the joints. So one can image those out with a modern > imaging dx from the MD. Yet with the Kundalini this will not be > expressed with in the visual or measuring modalities that are > presently used in the medical practice. > > These are stuck energies or stagnant energetic responses. As is > stated in the safeties you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. It hurts > constantly. But there are ways to relieve these pains. > > Most of these ways do not include a pill or an injection or a pain > killer of any type. No chemicals or plant extracts are used for this > because " it is and is not " of the body systems at the same time. And > no spells or incantations or entities are used either. This is a > personal relationship between you and your Kundalini. > > It is Kundalini that is encountering blockage of various types > within the physical structure itself. And the Kundalini is > relentless. It will burn or dissolve the blockage away to flow > through these areas. If not given a clearance it will make a > clearance! Ouch! It can be like acid burning through the areas it is > stuck in. > > I have had this and do not anymore so realize that there are ways > out that does not include drugs or pills or injections or pain > clinics. It does require courage and the willingness to be honest > and open and able to follow instructions to the letter. Instructions > that may not make any sense to your logical or spiritual mind. The > ego will also have problems with some of these instructions. So this > is an FYI. > > For treatment I will ask folks to come here: > > http://health.Kundalini-Healing/ > > There are some permissions and some tests that are also not very > open to linear understandings. Yet these must be done. So there you > have it LS. It is not forever and yet it will require effort and > trust and commitment. - > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 yes we rust from the rain, rain , rain, here in scotland too! paula... > > " ntaroiu " <lsirca > 2008/07/22 Tue PM 03:25:57 BST > > Re: Joint pain / stagnant energy response-Lady S. > > I don't know if this is appropriate or not but many people now have > Vitamin D deficiency,myself included and the bad thing is that they > don't even know it.The symptoms can range from fatigue,muscle cramps > and decreased muscle strength,depression,weight gain and not being > able to lose weight,joint pain,headaches etc. > > love,nicole > > > , " chrism " > <> wrote: > > > > Yes LS, > > There are folks right now in the middle of this pain and it > > can be severe. Often with Kundalini one cannot go half way. One > must > > really devote every waking minute to some aspect of the Kundalini. > > Either clearing issues for its further infusion of the body or > > learning what the agenda is for you. It is important to know what > is > > occurring and that it is indeed Kundalini that is occurring. > > > > Osteo issues and arthritis or bursitis can give sensations of > > crepetice in the joints. So one can image those out with a modern > > imaging dx from the MD. Yet with the Kundalini this will not be > > expressed with in the visual or measuring modalities that are > > presently used in the medical practice. > > > > These are stuck energies or stagnant energetic responses. As is > > stated in the safeties you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. It hurts > > constantly. But there are ways to relieve these pains. > > > > Most of these ways do not include a pill or an injection or a pain > > killer of any type. No chemicals or plant extracts are used for > this > > because " it is and is not " of the body systems at the same time. > And > > no spells or incantations or entities are used either. This is a > > personal relationship between you and your Kundalini. > > > > It is Kundalini that is encountering blockage of various types > > within the physical structure itself. And the Kundalini is > > relentless. It will burn or dissolve the blockage away to flow > > through these areas. If not given a clearance it will make a > > clearance! Ouch! It can be like acid burning through the areas it > is > > stuck in. > > > > I have had this and do not anymore so realize that there are ways > > out that does not include drugs or pills or injections or pain > > clinics. It does require courage and the willingness to be honest > > and open and able to follow instructions to the letter. > Instructions > > that may not make any sense to your logical or spiritual mind. The > > ego will also have problems with some of these instructions. So > this > > is an FYI. > > > > For treatment I will ask folks to come here: > > > > http://health.Kundalini-Healing/ > > > > There are some permissions and some tests that are also not very > > open to linear understandings. Yet these must be done. So there you > > have it LS. It is not forever and yet it will require effort and > > trust and commitment. - > > > > > > -------- Email sent from Virus-checked using McAfee® Software and scanned for spam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Thank you Chrism, Thank you for replying so fully. I have joined the site and been accepted. I will have a look round and see what goes on. I will keep you informed of the pain regeime they put me on and how it is affecting my Kundalini growth. Off list if you prefer? Blessings LS x , " chrism " <> wrote: > > Yes LS, > There are folks right now in the middle of this pain and it > can be severe. Often with Kundalini one cannot go half way. One must > really devote every waking minute to some aspect of the Kundalini. > Either clearing issues for its further infusion of the body or > learning what the agenda is for you. It is important to know what is > occurring and that it is indeed Kundalini that is occurring. > > Osteo issues and arthritis or bursitis can give sensations of > crepetice in the joints. So one can image those out with a modern > imaging dx from the MD. Yet with the Kundalini this will not be > expressed with in the visual or measuring modalities that are > presently used in the medical practice. > > These are stuck energies or stagnant energetic responses. As is > stated in the safeties you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. It hurts > constantly. But there are ways to relieve these pains. > > Most of these ways do not include a pill or an injection or a pain > killer of any type. No chemicals or plant extracts are used for this > because " it is and is not " of the body systems at the same time. And > no spells or incantations or entities are used either. This is a > personal relationship between you and your Kundalini. > > It is Kundalini that is encountering blockage of various types > within the physical structure itself. And the Kundalini is > relentless. It will burn or dissolve the blockage away to flow > through these areas. If not given a clearance it will make a > clearance! Ouch! It can be like acid burning through the areas it is > stuck in. > > I have had this and do not anymore so realize that there are ways > out that does not include drugs or pills or injections or pain > clinics. It does require courage and the willingness to be honest > and open and able to follow instructions to the letter. Instructions > that may not make any sense to your logical or spiritual mind. The > ego will also have problems with some of these instructions. So this > is an FYI. > > For treatment I will ask folks to come here: > > http://health.Kundalini-Healing/ > > There are some permissions and some tests that are also not very > open to linear understandings. Yet these must be done. So there you > have it LS. It is not forever and yet it will require effort and > trust and commitment. - > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Offlist or on, it would more depend upon your comfort levels LS. Lets see what happens because if you havent noticed you are already being given to. The aggregate Kundalini Shakti that has collected here in this group is expressed as an egregore of positive love based interactions with those who come here. Kundalini Shakti has very few boundaries and cyberspace isnt one of them. You are being given to as you read and interact within this group. So lets see what begins to happen with your pain! - blessings LS - chrism , " Skydancer " <ionaskydancer wrote: Thank you Chrism, > Thank you for replying so fully. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Thank you Merlin6949, I'm sorry to hear about your brush with 'C'. I cannot imagine how that must feel emotionally along with the pain it causes. Yes, pain does creep up on you and like you I take Oxycontin. I was concerned about taking it but nothing else touched the pain. Luckily (for me) my dose is much lower than yours. I am presently counselling a woman with chronic pain and the more I hear, the more common it seems to be. > I was diagnosed with the big C. as the pain seemed to creep in and > take over more and more of my life. I was up to between 10 and 16 > percocettes , oxycotin, a day. <500mg I think> Finishing that off at > night with 3 or 4 or 5 very stiff burbons to be able to attempt to > sleep. We bought a new couch because many nights I would wake my wife > moaning in my sleep. We have seven cats and I swear they had a > schedule, on who's turn it was to sit and be with Dad on the couch. I have also made close friends with my couch, and as a co-incidence my husband will be getting me a kitten on my birthday so I'll have company. > > There was some work the Mds could do with a surgical intervention. I > went for that but only went for the barest minimum, ended up done in > the doctors office. Now that seemed to actually be a turning point, > there was a feeling of pressure lifted. Not so much pain gone but > pressure. > > I had already started what I call my " energy " work. There is a > wonderful book on chi, I'll try and dig up title and author tomorrow. > But my search started there and so did my practice. It would be great if you could give me the title. Thank you. > > Here's another disclaimer, I had just sold my business so I was > financially able to do nothing at all but concentrate on my work. > > I let myself go, I surrendered to it. I opened myself to the energy > around me. If you don't know yet I live an idylic life, off in the > woods of maine. I opened and let it flow through me all of the energy > around me. I found swiming in it, floating on it, letting it wash all > over me, just me and the energy alone and naked, I found it cut down > the pain. It sounds like bliss where you live. Be careful you don't have a coach load of visitors turn up! I'd open my eyes and my silly rabbit would be there. It at > least made me think of something other than the pain. The more I did > that, the longer were the spaces between when I took another dose. > It's like I had found the basic fluid of life, and with my thought I > could have it shower down on me. > > I wasn't actively trying to stop the pain meds, in fact I kind of > liked them. The thought was not really there that it was about them, > it was about healing this body. It wasn't spiritual, it was an > engineer seeking balance in a complex system. Doing what I could to at > least slow down entropy. Yes, that's what I want to do. Slow down the severity and frequency of the pain, while I am working on my spiritual body and Kundalini. Luckily I only work part time and that is voluntary, so on bad days or weeks I can stay at home. > > The turning point happened quite suddenly, 3 months down the line, my > wife was going into town and wanted to know if I needed my script > refilled. it was time, it was due, but the script was for 200 pills > and when we looked I had 100 left. That is when I made the connection > between the energy work and the meds. That must have been a 'eureka!' moment for you. I am working towards that goal myself. > > 2 weeks later I stopped taking any of them. Yes I did spent most of > the day, in energy collection. My body made some quite drastic > changes. The hair on my arms and legs grew another 3 inches. Freaks > some people out when they look at my arms. It is not a testosterone > thing, because the surgical intervention actually decreased that . > Montauk Chia talks about the hair being tiny antennas seeking out more > chi. As a woman with no bodily hair I don't really fancy that!. In fact if you see my photo in the files you will see that I am cutting my hair for charity. It is 42inches long. > > Gawd I'm long winded aren't I, ... No, not at all. It was good of you to take time with me. Peace Skydancer and if I can help with the pain I am here and well > versed. I understand pain. Maybe we can be " Kundalini Pain " buddies? Blessings, Skydancer x > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Namaste Julie, I am sorry to hear about your situation. I also find that if I am mobile the pain lessens. Maybe that's the positive energy being able to run more freely through the body? There is the point about feeling sorry for oneself but luckily I have gotten over that. Drinking more water helps a lot and so does visiting the local beach when its a good day. Thanks for your reply and I hope to be Med free like yourself, one day. Lady S. x , Julie <jewelport wrote: > > > > > Welcome Skydancer to the group, > I am also surviving cancer, and would not resort to surgical intervention again. Sometimes I have pain, whether it is related to any disease or just " growing up " I don't know. I can choose to feel sorry for myself and stay in bed, and it stengthens, or I can get up and move, and take a yoga class, or take my grandbabies to the park, swim, or just sit by the water, watching the dogs frolic at Zilker Park. If I choose the latter, I forget about me, and magically, the pain goes away. I find the cleaner I can keep myself, whether in thought, word, deed, or diet, the less I suffer any pain, whether it be physical or mental. And I don't even keep an aspirin in my house. Just me........... > > I can't come close to Don's words; but am interested in learning about his book on CHI. Again, welcome to our group............Thank you for your kind offers of teaching and therapy.... > > May you find answers to all you seek............ > > hugs and blessings, > Julie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 a vitamin deficiency is not something I had considered. I will look into it a bit more. Thanks Nicole, Lady S. x , " ntaroiu " <lsirca wrote: > > I don't know if this is appropriate or not but many people now have > Vitamin D deficiency,myself included and the bad thing is that they > don't even know it.The symptoms can range from fatigue,muscle cramps > and decreased muscle strength,depression,weight gain and not being > able to lose weight,joint pain,headaches etc. > > love,nicole > > > , " chrism " > <@> wrote: > > > > Yes LS, > > There are folks right now in the middle of this pain and it > > can be severe. Often with Kundalini one cannot go half way. One > must > > really devote every waking minute to some aspect of the Kundalini. > > Either clearing issues for its further infusion of the body or > > learning what the agenda is for you. It is important to know what > is > > occurring and that it is indeed Kundalini that is occurring. > > > > Osteo issues and arthritis or bursitis can give sensations of > > crepetice in the joints. So one can image those out with a modern > > imaging dx from the MD. Yet with the Kundalini this will not be > > expressed with in the visual or measuring modalities that are > > presently used in the medical practice. > > > > These are stuck energies or stagnant energetic responses. As is > > stated in the safeties you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. It hurts > > constantly. But there are ways to relieve these pains. > > > > Most of these ways do not include a pill or an injection or a pain > > killer of any type. No chemicals or plant extracts are used for > this > > because " it is and is not " of the body systems at the same time. > And > > no spells or incantations or entities are used either. This is a > > personal relationship between you and your Kundalini. > > > > It is Kundalini that is encountering blockage of various types > > within the physical structure itself. And the Kundalini is > > relentless. It will burn or dissolve the blockage away to flow > > through these areas. If not given a clearance it will make a > > clearance! Ouch! It can be like acid burning through the areas it > is > > stuck in. > > > > I have had this and do not anymore so realize that there are ways > > out that does not include drugs or pills or injections or pain > > clinics. It does require courage and the willingness to be honest > > and open and able to follow instructions to the letter. > Instructions > > that may not make any sense to your logical or spiritual mind. The > > ego will also have problems with some of these instructions. So > this > > is an FYI. > > > > For treatment I will ask folks to come here: > > > > http://health.Kundalini-Healing/ > > > > There are some permissions and some tests that are also not very > > open to linear understandings. Yet these must be done. So there you > > have it LS. It is not forever and yet it will require effort and > > trust and commitment. - > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Excuse me for butting in, but I would recommend Ultram as an alternative to narcotics. It is often used in cancer. Melissa undalini-Awakening-Systems-1 , " Skydancer " <ionaskydancer wrote: > > Thank you Merlin6949, > > I'm sorry to hear about your brush with 'C'. I cannot imagine how > that must feet emotionally along with the pain it causes. > > Yes, pain does creep up on you and like you I take Oxycontin. I was > concerned about taking it but nothing else touched the pain. Luckily > (for me) my dose is much lower than yours. I am presently counselling > a woman with chronic pain and the more I hear, the more common it > seems to be. > > > I was diagnosed with the big C. as the pain seemed to creep in and > > take over more and more of my life. I was up to between 10 and 16 > > percocettes , oxycotin, a day. <500mg I think> Finishing that off at > > night with 3 or 4 or 5 very stiff burbons to be able to attempt to > > sleep. We bought a new couch because many nights I would wake my > wife > > moaning in my sleep. We have seven cats and I swear they had a > > schedule, on who's turn it was to sit and be with Dad on the couch. > > I have also made close friends with my couch, and as a co- incidence > my husband will be getting me a kitten on my birthday so I'll have > company. > > > > There was some work the Mds could do with a surgical intervention. I > > went for that but only went for the barest minimum, ended up done in > > the doctors office. Now that seemed to actually be a turning point, > > there was a feeling of pressure lifted. Not so much pain gone but > > pressure. > > > > I had already started what I call my " energy " work. There is a > > wonderful book on chi, I'll try and dig up title and author > tomorrow. > > But my search started there and so did my practice. > > It would be great if you could give me the title. Thank you. > > > > > Here's another disclaimer, I had just sold my business so I was > > financially able to do nothing at all but concentrate on my work. > > > > I let myself go, I surrendered to it. I opened myself to the energy > > around me. If you don't know yet I live an idylic life, off in the > > woods of maine. I opened and let it flow through me all of the > energy > > around me. I found swiming in it, floating on it, letting it wash > all > > over me, just me and the energy alone and naked, I found it cut down > > the pain. > > It sounds like bliss where you live. Be careful you don't have a > coach load of visitors turn up! > > > I'd open my eyes and my silly rabbit would be there. It at > > least made me think of something other than the pain. The more I did > > that, the longer were the spaces between when I took another dose. > > It's like I had found the basic fluid of life, and with my thought I > > could have it shower down on me. > > > > I wasn't actively trying to stop the pain meds, in fact I kind of > > liked them. The thought was not really there that it was about them, > > it was about healing this body. It wasn't spiritual, it was an > > engineer seeking balance in a complex system. Doing what I could to > at > > least slow down entropy. > > Yes, that's what I want to do. Slow down the severity and frequency > of the pain, while I am working on my spiritual body and Kundalini. > Luckily I only work part time and that is voluntary, so on bad days > or weeks I can stay at home. > > > > > The turning point happened quite suddenly, 3 months down the line, > my > > wife was going into town and wanted to know if I needed my script > > refilled. it was time, it was due, but the script was for 200 pills > > and when we looked I had 100 left. That is when I made the > connection > > between the energy work and the meds. > > That must have been a 'eureka!' moment for you. I am working towards > that goal myself. > > > > > 2 weeks later I stopped taking any of them. Yes I did spent most of > > the day, in energy collection. My body made some quite drastic > > changes. The hair on my arms and legs grew another 3 inches. Freaks > > some people out when they look at my arms. It is not a testosterone > > thing, because the surgical intervention actually decreased that . > > Montauk Chia talks about the hair being tiny antennas seeking out > more > > chi. > > As a woman with no bodily hair I don't really fancy that!. In fact if > you see my photo in the files you will see that I am cutting my hair > for charity. It is 42inches long. > > > > > Gawd I'm long winded aren't I, ... > > No, not at all. It was good of you to take time with me. > > Peace Skydancer and if I can help with the pain I am here and well > > versed. I understand pain. > > Maybe we can be " Kundalini Pain " buddies? > > Blessings, Skydancer x > > > t Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 The very best way to give yourself more vitamin D is sunlight on bare skin. I think its been a very large factor foe me. Good call nicole !! Peace Don I don't know if this is appropriate or not but many people now have > Vitamin D deficiency,myself included and the bad thing is that they > don't even know it.The symptoms can range from fatigue,muscle cramps > and decreased muscle strength,depression,weight gain and not being > able to lose weight,joint pain,headaches etc. > > love,nicole > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 22, 2008 Report Share Posted July 22, 2008 Hopefully some help Skydancer. My brush with C isn't over, my last two biopsies came back positive. Held it a bay for about 2.5 years and plan to keep on doing just that. And there's another point for you, know, all the way deep inside that you can do what you set out to do. Love is one of the safeties for a reason. A good place to start is with yourself. Find things your body enjoys and do them. Pain can feed on itself, you have to give yourself a break from it. Never forget shakti is right there with you. Listen for her and to her. Now I have to go hunt up that book. <Grin> Peace Don Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 23, 2008 Report Share Posted July 23, 2008 Thank you for your mail. Yes, I have been aware of 'things' going on and my visions getting brighter & clearer and just a feeling of lightness that I've not had before. Then at 7.30am GMT it happened!! I went to the bathroom to have a pee, expecting to go straight back to sleep to be woken at 11am by my husband, on his return from work, for lunch. As I sat there I felt as if my insides were opening up and I was giving birth but the wrong way round? Up through my body instead of down I can now fully understand why it is called a snake as that it what it felt like-a snake making its way up through my body and coming out at the 3rd eye. As it rose higher I had to go down onto the floor. Our bathroom floor is tiled over concrete and usually cold, but It felt warm and strangest of all, I felt as if I was sinking into it. All the while this snake was still working its way up pushing against - I don't know what? Then I thanked god my husband was at work as I let out an almighty scream as if I was giving birth or having the biggest orgasm ever!! It seemed to go on for ever, with all the glorious technicolour mandalas and 'arrows' coming down into me. I have never experienced anything like it before. I'm still in shock and awe of it all. It lasted about half an hour then I went back to bed and as I closed my eyes I could see people coming up and shaking my hand, saying " Well Done " . I even saw the image of my first boyfriend who has recently got back in touch after 35yrs. Please Chrism, tell me that this was the Kundalini? Blessings, Lady S. x , " chrism " <> wrote: > > Offlist or on, it would more depend upon your comfort levels LS. Lets > see what happens because if you havent noticed you are already being > given to. The aggregate Kundalini Shakti that has collected here in > this group is expressed as an egregore of positive love based > interactions with those who come here. > > Kundalini Shakti has very few boundaries and cyberspace isnt one of > them. You are being given to as you read and interact within this > group. So lets see what begins to happen with your pain! - blessings > LS - chrism > > , " Skydancer " > <ionaskydancer@> wrote: > Thank you Chrism, > > Thank you for replying so fully. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 23, 2008 Report Share Posted July 23, 2008 That was a spinal sweep! Yes a " part " of the Kundalini. So yes you are on your way. Have a look at and make a copy of the safeties and do the locks eyes, tongue, fingers. Place the chin on your chest or slightly towards your chest when meditating. Be happy! This is a momentous experience in ones life and you have taken a big step. Stay hydrated and if your kidneys begin to expand in size no worries its normal. Try not to place or manufacture gifts. Just let them come naturally. This will have positive effects upon your pain. You may wish to reschedule your pain clinic. - blessings - chrism , " Skydancer " <ionaskydancer wrote: > > Thank you for your mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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