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Spirits incarnate into the Earth realm for one reason


and one reason alone...to raise their levels of


consciousness. As Spirits incarnated, humans live a life


motivated by choices, activated by experiences and while


ascending or descending in levels of consciousness. Each


incarnation presents opportunities for each and every


incarnated Spirit to raise their levels of consciousness


higher than their present level of consciousness. The


higher the level of consciousness the closer to the


perfection of All that IS and the closer to the Truth of


All that IS. All Spirit incarnated are given the same


starting point with their first incarnation, the same


chances, no one is better, or has a better shot, or


given better circumstances. The initial incarnation is


the starting point, what choices are made in such


incarnation will depend on whether the incarnated spirit


will ascend to the Celestial realms or inhabit the


realms that preclude incarnation. It is through


subjectivety that a human experience an illusionary


existence. It is through the false teachings, the


religions, and social interaction that a human is


presented with choices, these choices will either


enhance or hinder the level of conciousness of such


human. As the human continues the present existence the


level of conciousness will either go up or down. The


lower the level of conciousness the bigger the karmic


propensities of such human and the likelyhood of


reincarnating. As I said before, humans incarnate with a


set level of conciousness such that if the original


level of consciousness is not maintained or transcended


to a higher level the Spirit must incarnate over and


over again until a level of consciousness has been


reached that will allow the Spirit Self steadily be in


an attractor field that of the Celestial Realm. All


Spirits originate from the Celestial Reams and they are


given the same opportunity to return to such realm. The


choices are simple, live a life that is Love based as


the context of All...in such forgiveness, lovingness,


and compassion are the dominant factors. Human


exercising such simple existence will reach a level of


awareness that will transcend the need to depend so


emotionally with the ego/self. As such, the awareness


will lead to a willingness to surrender the


ego/self/will to the Divine Father/God/Godhead. This


surrendering is motivated by Love and only Love.

If the condition of Love does not exist in one self it


can not be a condition that the self can experience in


others. If the condition of forgiveness does not exist


in one self it can not be a condition that the self can


experience towards others. If compassion for one self


does not exist it can not exist towards others. In so


with the just said, Love, forgive and be compassionate


with your(self) as in doing so will create an impetus in


others including your consciousness level.

You are here, in this incarnation, to raise your level


of consciousness, you will be in your next incarnation to


raise your level of conciousness and your next


incarnation will be approached for the same reason.


Incarnation after incarnation until the level of


consciousness has been reached enough to meet the minimum


allowable to actually have a choice of whether to


incarnate or not. Frankly, not very many Spirits in the


Celestial Realms would be compelled to incarnate again


given the illusion that humans live in. It is an


illusionary perception that the ego/self creates for the


mere purpose of survival, an almost animal instinct


survival. The ego/self does not live in the lovingness,


forgiving and compassionate states...it threatens its


survival. Therefore, one needs to transcend the ego/self



Live this existence in the eternal now...in lovingness,


forgiveness and compassion, pray to the Divine God for


guidance, seek only the Truth. God is perfection.


People have definite opinions about what is Karma and


the question of reincarnation is a favorite area for


argument. All religions, however, agree that the energy


body, after physical death, goes on to a fate determined


by one's actions during the physical lifetime.


Therefore, the fate is determined primarily by the


spiritual decisions and actions that were made, with


great importance given to intention, responsibility and


the assent of one's own will.

One's fate, obviously, will either be for the better or


for the worse, depending on the choices made by the


person's " free " will. It is more important to understand


the factors that determine the fate of the soul/energy


body and its destiny after physical death. One's


ultimate fate is the automatic and impersonal


consequence of the choices one were presented with and


the decisions made with the choices.. One's fate after


physical death is merely the inevitable, consequence of


one's own choice and not a reward or a punishment meted


out arbitrarily by some external figure, energy or


power. This is the absolute justice of God that


guarantees absolute fairness and impartiality. Judgment


is therefore merely a semantic invention that serves as


an explanation from the presumption of the human mind.

One's spiritual destiny is sealed and determined by


one's own hand and its actions, each person, with


absolute fairness, determines their own fate. Thus,


God's justice is indeed perfectly self fulfilling.


Mankind then needs to take responsibility for its own


fate and stop blaming God, who has been much maligned.


In reality, the Love of God, like the sun, shines


equally on all.


The self-honesty arising from the self examination requisite to " know

thyself " requires not only courage but also the willingness to

relinquish self-judgment and surrender to God. The core of the ego

itself, with the conviction that it is the author and primordial

source of one's very life and existence, must also be surrendered to

God. The ego is concerned with physical survival, emotional pleasure,

and personal gain, that also must be surrendered to God.


Opportunities for change can be seen as invitations rather than as

moral obligations, and these options really offer greater degrees of

freedom and inner happiness. However, one is free at all times to hold

them in abeyance. Examples abound of failure to act or function

" blindsided " with unpreparedness.

The charge of the karmic spiritual body is set by intention, decision,

and alignment by intention. It appears to naive perception that what

is not intellectually explicable seems to be falsehood.

Neutrality allows for participation and the enjoyment of life because,

experientially, life becomes more like play than a high stake

involvement. This is consistent with the teachings of the Tao, in that

the flow of life is neither sought nor resisted.

Thus, veneration for the great teachers, ie the Buddha, Jesus and the

likes, is based on confirmable fact and not just myth.


Guilt is a function of the normal superego or conscience, and is a

mechanism of restraint to counterbalance the animal instincts and

impulses of what Freud termed the " Id " , which is composed of very

primitive repressed instincts. While an excess of guilt calls for

correction, its total absence is more serious and is generally a

consequence of a congenial pathological condition that leads to

various forms of criminality.


The inflated ego is vulnerable to attacks. Pride is weak because it

can be knocked off its pedestal into shame, which is the threat that

fires the fear of loss of pride.


People address the body as " you " and think that the " you " is the body.

The Self is silent, invisible and has no actual name as such. There

is no " person " to experience Kundalini, on the contrary, the person

disappears and is replaced by the true Reality. Therefore, it is

obvious that the Kundalini state is NOT an accomplishment, an

achievement, an acquisition, nor even a transformation. It is

actually a replacement.


The soul is the author of its own fate by the exercise of its own

choice and selection. Those who dedicate themselves to peace and love

automatically pull UP from the consciousness that is cruel, unloving,

and hateful to be instead healed. This process of spirituality, in

which one works through consciousness, may seem painful at times but

it is only transitional. The mistakes now reappear but are resolvable

from a higher understanding.

All that we condemn within ourselves reeals itself in almost any

television documentary about animal life. We see its origin, we see

the lovavility of the animals in their naivete, and then we realize

that those same motives arise in us from the same level of naivete.

When one accepts the structure and content of thought patterns along

with their origins, one can see that they are predictable.

The common misconceptions about the existence of God are that (1) He

appears briefly as a mysterious creator who sets the dice rolling

somewhere back in a distant, ancient time. (2)God then disappears and

the world unfolds according to biological reductionism on its own, for

better or worse:, and (3) while all this is occurring, God waits

elsewhere (in the human mind, heaven is " up there " ) and appears again

only in some very distant future as the great, feared judge of woeful

Judgment Day.

All that occurs between his brief appearance, as Creator in the long

distant past and his reappearance again on Judgment Day is assumed to

be a sequence of dependent causes to account for all the phenomena of

the universe. During all the ensuing eons, God apparently is assumed

to have disappeared to an invisible " elsewhere " (up there in heaven)

where he sits on a throne, awaiting the arrival of souls that tremble

and fear at their wickedness and sins that were caused by the fall of

man in the Garden of Eden long, long, long ago. The fate of man is

then seen as bligated from its very onset, and this event then runs

through and endless chain of assumed causes down to the present time.

Increase awareness of the origin and importance of these statements

through realizing that the individual person did not volitionally

create the structure of the human condition. This limitation loses

sight of God as the Ultimate Reality and Source of every instant of

Existence. God is first cause.


If human life represents a learning process, then society is the ideal

school that affords an extremely wide range of options for numerous

levels of consciousness to develop, progress, define, identify, and

grasp endless subtleties as well as learn more gross lessons.

The ego is extremely tenacious and therefore often seems to require

extreme conditions before it lets go of positionality. It often takes

the collective experience of millions of people over many centuries to

learn even what appears upon examination to be a simple and obvious

truth, namely that peace is better than war, or love is better than

hate. The level of consciousness is determined by choices made by the

spiritual will and therefore is the consequence as well as the

determinant of karma. Freedom to evolve requires a world that affords

the greatest opportunity to ascend or descend the spiritual ladder.

Viewed from that perspective, this is an ideal world and its society

is constituted by a wide range of experiential options.


Another error is the teaching that one should release all beauty, joy

and love. Here again, the attachments to these is the barrier. In

actuality these are the attributes of God. To negate the attributes

of God is to facilitate the arrival of the option of distancing one

self from God.


Spiritual commitment simply means to change the goal and meaning of

one's life. This needs to be done totally, and inclusively, so that

life does not become segmented into spiritual work versus ordinary

life. All life now becomes spiritual practice because context becomes

the priority that encompasses every act, thought, or moment. This

poised point of view already results in a degree of nonattachment.

From this viewpoint, the emplasis in practice is to observe all the

content of evolving life without making any comment, criticism, or

judgment. The prevailing attitude can be stated as, " That is how it

seems to be " .

The person becomes detached from commentary about life and is then

capable of transcending opinionation, likes, dislikes, aversions,

attractions, arguments or objections.

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Thanks Smiles,

It is a pleasure to meet you. Many blessings to you. -


, " Smiles "

<smile.forme wrote:

>Spirits incarnate into the Earth realm for one reason

and one reason alone.

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Hello New Person,


Welcome to the Group! We all have a great deal to share and

learn from each other. You'll find us to be a very warm and

friendly Group. Please feel free to introduce yourself. We'd

love meeting the one behind the PLEASE READ.


Love, dhyana


, " Smiles "

<smile.forme wrote:

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