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Response 's kundalini experience

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Judge ye not yet ye be judged, unless of course you are the ultimate judge, in which case you would just BE, with no comment or only "Is that so?" would be the only words emanating from your mouth, however pragmatic they may seem.


If we consider the moment of now in which both past and future are concurrent, we have already achieved perfection it is just the degree of consciousness that we express. Belief systems which you may hold are merely ideologies and in no way represent spirituality, which is the degree of consciousness bestowd upon us by our ability of being who we really are in terms of love and choice.


Truth can only be recognised when you can identify with it, clearly you are identifying with your own truth, which becomes your reality, until that reality is forced to change through realisation and intuitiveness to the only one reality of absolute love.


May you continue on your blessed path, love will always follow you, only in the expression of that love can true divinity and realisation be recognised by your small "I" and bring alignment into your true nature and purpose - the longer you leave it the greater the opportunity arising in you life to experience the truly wonderful expression of the creator within you and everyone.

Of course this is my humble opinion and you have yours.


blessings, love and healing




--- On Fri, 1/8/08, Smile Forme <smile.forme wrote:

Smile Forme <smile.forme chrism's kundalini experience Received: Friday, 1 August, 2008, 2:27 PM


rse radiates a specific frequency or minute energy field that remains in the field


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Beautifully said, Nick!!!!









Belief systems which you may hold are merely ideologies and in no way represent spirituality, which is the degree of consciousness bestowd upon us by our ability of being who we really are in terms of love and choice.


Truth can only be recognised when you can identify with it, clearly you are identifying with your own truth, which becomes your reality, until that reality is forced to change through realisation and intuitiveness to the only one reality of absolute love.



--- On Fri, 1/8/08, Smile Forme <smile.forme@ ymail.com> wrote:

Smile Forme <smile.forme@ ymail.com>[Kundalini-Awakenin g-Systems- 1] chrism's kundalini experienceKundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 Received: Friday, 1 August, 2008, 2:27 PM


rse radiates a specific frequency or minute energy field that remains in the field


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This was my horoscope today.... I loved the message and wanted to pass it along.


Love to all!



Friday, August 1, 2008, 6:17 PM














Today's DailyOM brought to you by:














Gemini Horoscope


August 1, 2008Positive Humor

Your quick wit and sense of humor may lead to lively discussions today, and it might be that by activating the part of yourself that is fun-loving and enjoys banter you could find that your interactions are much more energizing. While peppering your conversations with witticisms can make them fun and exciting, you may want to pay attention to the type of humor you are most likely to employ. If you should notice that your conversations are focused on negative things—put-downs, gossip, or criticisms—you might want to take a deep breath and remind yourself that humor doesn’t have to come at the expense of other people. Keeping your playful nature positive today could make your discussions not only clever and upbeat but also encouraging and constructive.Humor is a wonderful conversational tool when used in an affirming way. So much of our wit is often used to poke fun at another person, which means that instead of being

positive, the joy of our conversations comes from putting down another person. Changing the nature of our humor, however, reframes the way we interact; instead of putting ourselves above another person, we use our humor as a means to comfort and identify more deeply with others. Our interactions then become a means to connect instead of separate from the people around us. Using your humor in an encouraging and supportive way will infuse your interactions with the delight that comes from making others laugh with you today.

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