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my Teacher




radically occurred state of enlightenment historically has been

difficult to convey as well as comprehend. Only infrequently has a

realized being (i.e. Jesus, the Buddha, Rama Krishna) been able to

retain meaningful contact with the world in terms of verbal fluency

or explanation that is comprehensible by ordinary human





has been historically presumed that there are only two possible

states of consciousness: unenlightened (the ego/mind) and enlightened

(beyond ego), also termed “no-mind”.




following statements can be made with absolute certainty:


is both manifest as the Totality and Allness of Creation.


is infinite beyond time or space, without beginning or end.


is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient.


is the source of consciousness, awareness, knowingness, and



is the sole source of the energy of life.


is the source of evolution and Creation, which are one and the same.


is the source and presence of peace, love, stillness, and beauty.


is beyond all universes and materiality, yet is the source of All

That Is.


is the sole source of existence.


is the ultimate context of which the universe and all existence is



is the priori formless source of existence within all forms.


is not within the province of the probable or the intellect.


is the source and essence of the experienced state call Enlightment.


is descriptively immanent and transcendent.




is determinated only by identity with it and not by knowing about it.

A Christian follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Throughout

history, there has been all kinds of prophets with strange and

unlikely messages that attract the gullible. There has been and

still is a multitude of messiahs and prophets; however, they just do

not stand up to a simple test that reveals the error. Baptism is of

the spirit; the water is just symbolic. Of what use are claims to

exclusivity? There is not a single organization that has exclusive

possession of the truth. The data is selective and more importantly

imbalanced in that part of the story is presented, and the facts that

would change the influence of the teachings are suppressed.


Mechanics provides a rationale to explain phenomena as the occurrence

of the miraculous, the efficacy of prayer, and the exercise of free

will in which choice alters potentiality rather than a provable

reality. The important and critical point to understand is the

truths of every religion originate from awareness of the avatars upon

whom the religions were founded. They were uniformly God-realized

spiritually enlightened geniuses who were able to share their

experience, information, and knowledge for the benefit of mankind. All the great enlightened teachers, masters, saints, and sages

throughtout history are available to be discovered and learn from

their teachings.




people are motivated to discover the way out of the trap of the ego. The world of the ego is like a house of mirrors through which the ego

wanders, lost and confused, as it chases the images in one mirror

after another. Human life is characterized by endless trials and

errors to escape the maze. At times, for many people, and possibly

for most, the world of mirrors becomes a house of horrors that gets

worse and worse. The only way out of the ciruitous wanderings is

through the pursuit of spiritual truth and the exploration of the

ego's expressions and inherent limitations and how to transcend them.




said that those who are pure in their devotion and intention are

equally loved by God. God has no given name; Divinity is not

deceived. Those who truly long for God are embraced by that Infinite

Presence which is beyond all religions.




pattern of seduction by sophistry and clever arguments becomes

famous, sought after and attracts many followers whose adulation

feeds the spiritual ego. Thus, the innocence of consciousness is,

its Achilles' heel and vulnerable to attack from the energies that

actually refuse spiritual truth.




verify the value of a spiritual teacher, the primary and most crucial

determination is that they have integrity. The teacher's knowledge

must stem solely from the inner revelation of truth that accompanies

and is the hallmark of enlightenment. This results in an

unmistakable certainty and innate authority that only the absolute

truth can convey. The true spiritual teacher clairfies that which is

known by means of the Presence of God. The teacher's source of

understanding does not stem from external sources; therefore, quotes

from famous spiritual teachers of history are only used for purpose

of clarification for the sake of familiarity to the listener. The

enlightened teacher needs no external confirmation.




values are necessary and is the bottom line. Each enlightened

teacher had a different style and taught in different periods of

history to a different culture and geographic group. The Great

Spirit of Chief Detroit reflects that Native American spirituality

recognizes God Manifest, with Nature (i.e. Creation) as the

demonstration of the Unmanifest becoming Manifest. This is reflected

in the Native American reverence for Nature and all life (an

understanding which is intellectually somewhat criticezed

theologically as “Pantherism”).




a fish, water is “reality” in that it is innate to its total life

conditios. To observe and be aware of “water”, the fish would

have to experiece “non-water”, or air. To the fish, water is

friendly and represents reality. To the human, the same water could

be deadly and result in drowning. Although air is dedlier to the

fish, it is essential for the life of the human. These are two

different perspective. Even to the fish, water is only beneficial so

long as its stays within a certain temperature range. If it turns to

ice or steam, the water, which had formerly sustained life, now

threatens it because it has changed form and taken on neew qualities.

Likewise, the energy of consciousness sustains life and serves as

the source of life energy. Like water to the fish, the energy is

supportive of life. From this vewpoint, the moral dilemma is solved

by comprehending the teachings of Jesus Christ that evil is in the

eye of the beholder, yet paradoxically, to transgress results in

serious consequences to the huan who ignores spiritual reality and

willfully commits sin. Spiritual evolution brings with it new

responsibility and Karmic consequences. Truth is not impaired or

negated by falsity, and only its expressioncan be misunderstood or

misrepresented. There is no opposite of life, to God, to Truth or

the the Allness of Reality.

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