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Spinal sweep in dream form? the storm is over for now I think :)

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Chrism, I thank you for your suggestions and help. I went to bed and

had a good cry last night and more stuff was brought up for me to deal

with. After the dream of domestic voilence I had this morning upon

awaking I know now what incident on vacation with family members

triggered all this stuff coming up at this time. On top of that I woke

up to a day of choas, but I do feel I handled it well and healing has

come from it. I feel a bit exhausted, but lighter. :)


Soon after leaving the reply to Elektra's post to me last night, I felt

somewhat in a better frame of mind, but the stinging pain I had in my

feet went on to become pain in all my toes. This is kind of funny in

away. It felt like there were suctions on all my toes and the force of

the suction was slightly painful, but not so much to need any

medication. I have a high pain tolerance. It was enough that I could

not fall asleep for a long time, though. The sun was already coming up

before I finally crashed. After a while I got out my good old trusty

Dali Lama tape and listened to it for a while. I immediately felt love,

peace, and joy and fell asleep finally with the suction still going on

and even felt a little of it happening in my fingers as well. Today

both my fingers and toes feel sore, like they have been excerised

excessively. :)


Today during times of great amounts of emotions being released, I could

feel it in my right arm (the one where I had the cancer removed) as

pain in that spot. Tonight my arm muscles there feels sore as though

they had been exercised. Right now my arm there feels very warm as

well. Would this mean a healing or blockage or whatever (something

funky?) :)


I didn't do any of the excercises, meditation or even prayer today

(much), nor even had time to read on the computer except for a quick

glance over the post when there was a small pause. Looking back now I

think the force that was seemingly keeping me from the exercises and

all was Shakti herself and I didn't have enough sense to surrennder

to " not doing " . Live and learn.


Thanks a whole big bunch for your help and guidence, Chrism... and you

too Elektra. I feel more back to normal now, if there is such a thing.




, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> You may stop your practice as well Linda. Do nothing for a time.

> Nothing includes no meditation or praying. No breathing excercises

> either just let it " be " for a little while. These pains will come and

> go Linda they are not an indication of anything being wrong. -

> blessings Linda. - chrism


> , " Linda "

> <crazycats711@> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks for the encouragement, Elektra.


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