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2012/ global warming /stock crash/ etc... etc...

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global warming..

the earth has always had the same amount of water it always had,

not a drop more or a drop less...

if you put ice in a glass to the top , when it melts it does not

over flow , the mass of water is less than ice..so i think sea

levels would stay the same, uk floods are because we have ancient

sewer systems..a huge uk flood caused because a stopcock

was " accidentally closed " ...if ice went into the gulfstream it would

cause global cooling , not warming!


food shortages not from drought but from grain tax for

biofuel...engineered famine..

not forgeting nutricide by codex...result depopulation...

stock market crash eminent...and engineered...kissinger said,

control the fuel you control nations....control food you control



the attempt to stop kundalini rising, and the goverment to take

control via the united nations and world health

organisation..without food or money they expect us to take the rfid

tag and global serfdom..


2012..too convenient whenever you read about it you bump into

zecharia sitchin..

using fear to herd people like sheep...such a vast timescale and

they can pinpoint it to the day! amazing don't you think!

i think of it like this , it is the end of the eon, the beginning of

aquarius, the holy spirit, kundalini is released on earth ,the

baptism of fire, it's the end of time of course, as time is a

concept of the ego, not the end of the earth or us and homo luminous

is born the new root race.. a golden age..

like dave (dave =love) in film 2001 he returns to earth as a

foetus , giving birth to his luminous




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Eat some beef Paula, you are in a world of poop over there. Your country

is 3 days out from a food famine. There is no way, the UK can support its

population without a ton of outside imports. All of your energy comes from

outside sources. Scotland may take some of the dregs back. Your government

is like one of the lowest level Bush lackeys.


The latest news, Georgia, the pipeline that feeds you, the hub is in Oseetia


Basic physics, ice.. there are tons of ice that rest on land, when that

melts it does add new water to the oceans, how did you miss that? Living

in fantasy land is not a good thing.

Some days its hard to open our eyes.





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you dig a lot of new age material don't you? like humans spawning from

alien seeds and reptilians among us and all that?


i find a lot of that so silly, might be interesting but where do you

draw the line between myth and reality?


i think that the biggest issue is with the paranoid New-Agers who

believe the government is out to get them. poisoning our food

purposely to kill us off. *sigh*


how us *indigo*, or crystal or whatever, people are so special and

everyone is trying to keep us down. be wary of technology because big

brother can watch you and know all your secrets! our inability to

trust government seems to come from fear of reading too much 1984 and

not trusting the evolution of society and the individuals inside it. i

have full faith due to my own reasoning that when a one world

government will exist (and i'm sure it will), people will be ready for

it and no Big Brother will exist.



about technology. imo this need to get back to nature is as backwards

as people who think the future of humanity is nano-integration like

the Borg. because both are extremist. we are where we are, technology

should not be ignored. nature is not a paradise for the human physical

body. and humans are not the sole cause of global warming. this is a

natural cycle of the earth. so i believe a balance of nature and

technology is where the future lies, not disdain for one and embrace

of the other.


2012? who knows. i think a lot of faith is being put in others

opinions, imagination, hope, fear, and assumptions (no one really

knows why the mayan calendar ends on 2012). paula you say that you

think kundalini will erupt and bathe the people of earth in a holy

cleansing fire. why is this happening in 2012 and not right now, every

second of every moment? what makes 2012 special? i don't get it! :)



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paula you say that you

> think kundalini will erupt and bathe the people of earth in a holy

> cleansing fire. why is this happening in 2012 and not right now, every

> second of every moment? what makes 2012 special? i don't get it! :)



p.s. this reminds me of when i experimented with psychedelics and felt

extreme anxiety at being in the current moment. i subconsciously

created a safety mechanism where I kept thinking that i can only find

comfort in the future. I was in the woods and all i could think about

was going back to my room. thats where i'll feel safe.. not here...

not now. so i got back to my room, the whole time feeling such

anxiety, but when i got there i didn't find safety. i didn't find

anything. i still felt uncomfortable. it was only when I completely

let go into the moment, the now, fully did I experience content not

needing to find comfort in the idea of a future.

that is what i learned, but its still very hard to live in that state

constantly because of habit



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*** The latest news, Georgia, the pipeline that feeds you, the hub is

in Oseetia***


merlin interesting bits what do you think :)....


before this the kurds (pro western)blew up the turkish pipeline, bp

stock piled oil before it happened (they knew)they want the turks and

the kurds to fight and kurds to control that part of turkey...


georgia pipe no damage (i think?) and a ceasefire...


iran,very high populations among the kurds and iranians are of the

aryan race, pro ,west! revolution from within maybe?


uk food...it has long standing trade agreements with the commonwealth

which still pays tax to the crown (independance phooey )


bush the queens relative , she knighted him for services to the crown:)


there is a saying the iranians have for the british , they hang you

with the silk thread...

devils in skirts...


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hi mikael...

i love making fun,... i don't belive at all in 2012, a fantasy of

sitchin,...i do believe in the stock market crash,... i don't

believe in global warming...i believe in getting back to basics, i

live it in my house building,and farm...i think the kundalini is

here and now , and will spread through the globe not in 2012 at all

but now...i think the human race will change evolve because it

always has in the past,..

wheather they grow wings or merge with machines who knows?

i believe the world has always had conflicts and always will, its

part of the game of life :)i don't play with crystals, faeries,

angels or tarot cards, partial in past to ethogens, and very fast

cars...i still love the cars..i don't care about entities, raising

the dead or walking on water..i'd like to be enlightened , whatever

that is (probabally a huge universal joke no doubt :)


and to top it all i think life is one big game, it's how you play

it , be strong, stand up proud and go for it....


paula ...

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The games that make up this life are many and varied. I like the way

you play, Paula. We are into all sorts of different games here and that

we can play together at all simply amazes me. K is the tie that binds

us all here so it's all relevant.


Gratitude to Shakti, let Kundalini cover the Earth, Love one another---

I'm so ready.

Only my opinion and I know we all have one. :-D

Love to all, let's go play!


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At 10:17 PM 8/10/2008, you wrote:

2012..too convenient whenever

you read about it you bump into

zecharia sitchin..

(Paraphrasing both parties as best I recall) ... Linda Molton Howe said

on Coast to Coast not long ago that she asked him if the government had

asked him to write his books and he said " If I had, I wouldn't be

able to answer the question " ... then refused to answer the

question. Question answered sez I. If he wasn't, nothing stopping him

from saying " No " , and that would clearly be in his better



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