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Welcome New Members

All new members are automatically put on moderation for a time to

avoid those who would spam us. So please take no offense. Welcome to

the group and feel free to introduce yourself. Post as soon as you

wish and our moderators will review then bring it into the group.


For an idea of how some of us are approaching the Kundalini please

come here:




Blessings to you all and welcome again! - chrism

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Dear Chrism,


I joined this group recently and I have been reading and learning a

lot. It has been very informative and I started my practice - it has

been 2 weeks now.


This morning just when I was about to get up I had it seemed like

visit from " entity " - it was white dwarf and did not really look too

scary and was sitting on my back. I turned and flung my arm and it

went straight through it. It screamed and left and I woke up. It was

very weird feeling and I never ever had this experience.


I also notice my low back is in pain although I have been very careful

with Tibetans etc. What can I do to ease the pain - is this due to

some blockage?


Appreciate any insights..






, " chrism "

<> wrote:


> Welcome and please feel free to introduce yourself. To help you

> understand what we do here please go to this site and read

> the " Safeties " - blessings and welcome again - chrism

> http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-safeties.html


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I am new member here. I first posted this message to KUNDALI -group,

but I was suggested to join this group and write here.


I hope my english is good enough to make my experience and thoughts

understable. I am from Finland.


At last spring I was meditating and trying to " contact " my

Self/Soul/Atman. I meditate " I am Atman " and I focused to my hearth.

Then I had an experince, which continue about 5 hours. I will not

describe it very much, like I was initiated by someone and my

Kundalini was raised up. (I have had some Kundalini experienses

before with one group, earliest four years ago, but I didn't want to

be depended on that group.) Next day I was meditating also many

hours, and I had very big experiences at that time too. I mentioned

that someone was there, but that someone didn't want to identify



After thouse experiences I spend next 1 - 1,5 month doing some

automatic breathing/pranayama and movements. Some positons to what I

go on the floor was quite painful, but I tryed to handle because I

believed thouse position are good to me and makes me body/ astral

body better. I couldn't find excatly the same pranayama exercises

from books (which isn't many in finnish). Then I do some asanas (from

Swami Sivanada Ashram's book in finnish language) by my own will, but

I feel some automatic quidance too.


Then I stopped /it stopped. I was thinking I must become vegetarian,

that is the only way to go higer, to live in Gods will, to live like

my soul will to live. But my body says else, I feel I will starve to

death without meat! I was confused, I want to go higer but I cann't,

I am not good enough, I am in low level because it want to eat meat,

desperadly. And the other thing was, that I read some Indian gurus

teachings about women and how bad western women are, and that is

complete opposite I thik. I am very proud of what western women has

achieved, and I think it is a good thing to all humankind, to our

planet. So I feel two great contradiction, when practising hinduism -

based thing. And the third one was s#x, I read that I shouldn't have

that kind of feelings at all (at least not much) in spiritual way.

How dirty my mind was!


Couple of days ago I went into this mail account, and read thouse

messages what had come from Kundalini group. And I was starting to do

some automatic pranayama again! And I go to web site

http://www.kundaliniawakeningsystems1.com/the-safeties.html , and

read about food and I felt relief, I am not bad/low level person if I

feel I must eat meat. And in some other site was about men and woman,

like some androgynous persons were shamans or respected in primitive

cultures because they have both s#x qualities.


Mayby there is a little fundamentalist in me :) . If some authority

have said something, it is law to me.


Now I wonder should I start to listen next authority ;-) . I have

read messages here, and I notised how important it is to practise the

safeties. It takes time to me both translate them and understand

them. I think I have already been practising a lot of that emotional

part, but I am not familiar with the 5 tibetans. I go next to check



Thank you all for this group and specially you Chrism. I am back in

kundalini process thaks to your web sides.

- Anu

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At 04:27 PM 8/14/2008, you wrote:

Now I wonder should I start to

listen next authority ;-) .

See if you can get a copy of the book " If you meet the Buddha on the

road, kill him " ;-)


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