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Turban retaining Kundalini

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I understant that Sikhs wear a turban to retain the extended position

of kundalini. Could you Chrism, or anyone, shed some knowledge on

this tradition?


PS Thank you for posting my picture and you recent statements

on the site. They have been helpful. Thank you also John for help in





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Hi Jake, I have heard several explanations for the wearing of Turbans and the points listed below are certainly not exhaustive:1. Wearing of a Turban is said to seal and consolidate the energy resonating in the Crown chakra preventing escape of prana.2. A tightly fitting Turban stimulates the nerves in the scalp area. I think Kundalini Yoga's founder, Yogi Bhajan, once said {jokingly(?)}: "Turbans are a constant craniosacral treatment saving thousands of dollars in psychotherapy...."3. Turbans form part of the Sikh male dress code and act as mark of  commitment to their faith,  see:   http://www.sikhpride.com/index.php?categoryid=2 & p2_articleid=6                                 =================================Jake asked:I understand that Sikhs wear a turban to retain the extended position of kundalini. Could you Chrism, or anyone, shed some knowledge on this tradition?

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Hello Jake,

Not to contradict any religious traditions or to be

disrespectful in any way towards any belief system. In my experience

there is nothing of a physical nature except the millions of

compressed agreements and agendas of the human physical structure that

can even begin to hold and enclose the fountain of the Kundalini as it

expresses through the top of the seventh chakra. Kundalini is an

expression of God and God is not contained.




This picture does really do a fine job of showing visually the main

dynamics of the awakened Kundalini and its containment within the

auric expression. The double auras or the aura and the halo or corona

there are many names, are the vessels that contain the awakened

Kundalini in as much as it requires any energetic containment.


Once Kundalini is awakened it will radiate. It isn't required to be

contained as it shines itself over the landscape like a walking Sun

upon the earth. But in the anchoring of Kundalini to the body, the

spine and chakras and the living human " self " are anchors enough.


No turban or hat or any head covering can contain the Kundalini and I

will suggest that they are perhaps not referring to an " Awakened

Kundalini " when they speak of this. Trying to contain the Kundalini

with a portion of cloth would be similar to a butterfly wing

containing the volcano. - Imho. -


, " jakecarney36 "

<jakecarney36 wrote:

I understant that Sikhs wear a turban to retain the extended position

of kundalini.

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