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Thinking and changing the dynamic of how we think

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How do we change how we think? This is a great and important

question mfor so many so thanks to you Paula for asking it.


In order to change we must be able to surrender that which it is we

wish to change. This implies an intention towards a change. Any



After we come to this area we can then proceed to where we begin to

ideate or create the expression we wish to change towards. A new

approach to a different expression of the same feelings or processes

of information.


One can do this by making the decision to not " do " a certain

activity that may be tied to the older way of thought. Like learning

to write with the other hand. Or singing a response rather than

speaking it for example.


When one endeavors to bring a radical change in the thought

processes it can be beneficial to take it in little pieces.


People write to me and say:

" I just don't know " HOW " to forgive another

person! "


And they ask me for a technique and I give them one but it doesn't

always sink in effectively as this requires a new way of approaching

the issue. A new way of thinking about it and they are trying to

process new information within a system that amy not be prepared to

process it.


As we have the ability to adapt to new ways we also have the ability

to initiate those adaptations in new ways. So if you are having a

difficult time trying to make sense of an issue in the old way of

processing and communicating information to yourself and others try

a different approach.


Think about and create a new way for your inner process to be

experienced by yourself and from there towards others. It's not

always as easy as it sounds but it is a way of learning how to

surrender from one way of experience and welcoming in a new way of

experience. Like with the Kundalini for instance. - blessings all -


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daily i work on refining myself from within ,

i am by no means rigid in thought,

a stream as you tell me chrism ,

this has been the root of my success in life, that i could flow..

and see thinks from many angles..the property market in the uk for

example is dead but thank the goddess mine are rising in price

due to their proximity to the offshore oil fields, living in the

accordance with nature the goddess has provided her bounty, she is

truely generous,and i am greatful...


like nature she requires us to flow with her, be at one with her ..

and in my bounty i pass this on to the team that works with me..

we all gain they have well paid work where other builders are now

unemployed...i don't think this is egoic of me as you suggest, i am

providing as i have been provided for..


when i build i build in stone , and oak , buildings of quality that

will last their occupants through time, an item of quality, not kit

and render that wont last 15 years,

my attatchment to making eco projects is not an egoic thing either ,

i was not being a package piggy as you suggested, it is in the

spirit of giving to the goddess and the inhabitants of the houses

something of value , i will not make a profit by adding the wind to

the houses i build, it is a gift..


often mabruk and i see a young person struggling to get on the

ladder in life , our chef in the resturant recently for example burak

27, we introduced him to people we know spoke to them and now he has

his own resturant..he is turkish , he couldent believe it,


when the goddess asks of me to meditate i do , when she asks of me

to fast i do ,to flow with her i do, for her i do..


please understand i am not attacking you , have the greatest respect

for you as i have mentioned many times ..


just thought flowing from one consciousness to another ..


in reverence...


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