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step zero - survey comments

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As I continue to grow as a spiritual being, I am learning that the

importance of diet or thought control or pretence of being who we

really are is not of so much importance as surrender! We live in a

dualistic world. We have an opposite to love that exists within us

all. We might suppress this fact and pretend to be other or we might

defend our selfs by attacking others who show signs of our own

disdain for ourselves. The truth is that we all have a dualistic

side to ourselves. Our bodies are programed to survive!


In my process of learning to surrender, I have found that as I am

willing to let go of my ego self and allow my higher self to take

control, It's manifestation within me becomes stronger! This becomes

progressive to the point that you will become your higher self in

physical manifestation! As this happens, your kundalini will

manifest in accordance. My thoughts only! Love and Light bob



P.S. The resonance of love is the sound of ascension


-- In , " Shahin "

<sh1963sh wrote:



> step zero - survey comments


> Hi all

> May the (force=kundalini=chi=prana=shakti=holy spirit) be with you.



> Preface

> ==============

> This is what I believe. It might or might not be the way that


> is. This hypothesis can be examined scientifically.




> Hypothesis

> ===============

> There exist infinite steps to the final goal that is

> (perfection=joining the unified field=enlightenment=dissolving in

> God=getting infinitely near to the God or existence)


> step 0 is being vegan or at lest vegetarian

> step 1 is to start with a certain level of love and it will increase


> That means: Do not kill my brothers and sisters and say I am in love

> with existence and poetic claims like that. This is certainly an

> untruth poetic claim, if the claimer is non-veg. This might be or

> might not be truth, if the claimer is veg.




> Method

> ==============

> An anonymous survey on the web

> This is a way of finding statistical correlation between being veg


> K or different stages of K


> I will make a survey on the web and request politely from all people

> of this group to check it and after a month I will give you the





> Potential Questions

> ===============


> - are you vegan

> - are you vegetarian

> - are you corpse eater


> - are you K active

> - are you awakened

> - are you enlightened


> - how many months since K have activation

> - other questions that you friends suggest



> Usefulness

> ============

> a- Just for the fun of it. It wont take more than an hour to make


> survey and upload to my web server


> b- Its results might have educational effect for me and/or others



> Your comments and other questions to be added to the survey are



> have a happy day


> Regards


> Shahin


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I guess I missed this earlier, I am a meat eater, solid, rare, large

chunks of beef. Cook me a prime rib and I am yours. A huge slab of beef,

baked maine potatoes, and fresh greens. I'm set for 3 days I don't need

to eat again. I object to the thought that vegetarians are better people.

They are not, they are just different. Why have this better than the

other thing? I'm willing to let you have your biochemistry, why can't I

have mine.

I tap the same vein of light. I eat one meal a day. Goggle reduced caloric

consumption. I work hard, with my body, chop wood carry water..


Living with setting others apart, making judgements on them is not the way.

And I mean it is not THE WAY.






>> Potential Questions

>> ===============


>> - are you vegan

>> - are you vegetarian

>> - are you corpse eater


>> - are you K active

>> - are you awakened

>> - are you enlightened


>> - how many months since K have activation

>> - other questions that you friends suggest



>> Usefulness

>> ============

>> a- Just for the fun of it. It wont take more than an hour to make

> the

>> survey and upload to my web server


>> b- Its results might have educational effect for me and/or others



>> Your comments and other questions to be added to the survey are

> welcome


>> have a happy day


>> Regards


>> Shahin





> ---



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contrary to popular belief lol!

i eat beef ,chicken ,potatoes , honey, seeds ,and milk


if you eat a potato a death occurs,

look at the ouroboros the snake eating itself..

life eating life..a natural cycle of nature..


there is no guilt...



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Animals eating animals is the natural life cycle, I was a vegetarian for many

years and now I eat meat, I was no more spiritual when I was a vegetarian as to

now. Being a vegetarian actually made me weak, I need meat proteins. Blood type



God does not judge us on what we eat.


I do not believe that there is a " better " diet spiritually or that bad karma is

gained from eating flesh of animals who give themselves selflessly for our

nourishment and probably ascend up the wheel of reincarnation due to this fact.

Just eat whats good for you.


Love and meaty steaks

elektra x x x



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Typically one will need to partake of both areas. Vegeterianism is

useful and so is eating meat. Kundalini will require both. One isnt

better than the the other merely nourishing different areas.


Consider that plants are also conscious and able to be measured on

an ekg monitor and express emotional response and even music

preference. They faint before harm comes their way, see

" The Secret Life of Plants " by Christopher Bird


Another book was also published. I have both books and they are

loaded with excellent information. " Secrets of the Soil " is the

second book.


Plants have been measured in ways that confer a form of











So when we take this into account in our consuming of plants it is

similar to that of consuming of animals who eat the plants. There

can be little judgement that the spider and snake being carnivores

are not as blessed as the corn plant or apple tree bending in the



They both give us gifts in different ways. We need them both to

survive and to become enlightened. - my take - chrism

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I'll throw in my two cents on this one,


Regardless of where the food comes from, I think it's important to

give thanks to it. If we slow down a bit and really truly think of

everything that's gone into the food, all the people (and or animals)

that have helped bring it to our plate, and be really thankful our

bodies will get more out of the food. And our Kundalini of course.


If we give thanks to the air too, and of course the water we drink

it's great for us as well.


As well all know now, water holds consciousness. We should hop into

that ocean whenever we get a chance hmm? (But maybe not from bridges

or the cruise ship while in the Arctic.)


If we can give thanks to the water with every drop we drink, dish we

wash, shower we have and every single flush as well the world will be

a better place. The water continually recycles and separates but

continually returns to the whole. Just as we are, all one.



On another note, I had a nice millipede cling to the bottom of my

shoe yesterday in my home, I did a nice one foot hop across the room

to give him a free ride out the door, similar to Don's toad.

Unfortunately for mosquittos they weren't included in the Geneva

Insect convention. (smirk)


Quite often I'll think it's raining outside when I glance out the

window to see a tree in the distance. The shimmer of energy looks

like rain at a casual glance. That must happen to others?


lots of love to everyone,



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i eat lots of different things...including meat, but not too much. I

try and eat lots of vegetables and fruit and seem to drink vast

amounts of water and green tea. The last week I have been enjoying

strawberry ice-cream tremendously, along with filter coffee in the



I have been K. active for about 2 1/2 years now...thats when I

started having spinal sweeps. Diet is important though...whats

important is to learn to listen to the body...


Spirituality for me starts with an unceasing desire for unconditional

freedom and a yearning to know God.. i think thats what set K. off.


all the best with your survey...



-- In , " Shahin "

<sh1963sh wrote:


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At 12:02 AM 8/17/2008, you wrote:

Animals eating animals is the

natural life cycle, I was a vegetarian for many years and now I eat meat,

I was no more spiritual when I was a vegetarian as to now.


There is a terrific cartoon, Kevin and Kell, based on the idea of a world

where animals are the sentient creatures. It has a running sub-plot about

" diet discrimination " that some of you may enjoy.


www.kevinandkell.com ... go back to the beginning, it makes more

sense if you understand the story as it unfolds. I do find there is some

dietary discrimination in the spiritual community. I recall one message

here a while back where the writer said something about assuming we were

all vegans ... I didn't say anything at the time, but frankly, I found it

offensive. I don't see one diet as superior to the other - different

people have different needs. I get very ungrounded, nervous and sickly

when I don't eat meat.


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, " Shahin " <sh1963sh



hey shahin & group


i find this.. steps to ... enlightment or k awake or what ever one wants to

define it as

intersting in that you are looking for the... steps to...??


we all come into each incarnation with a different makeup and destiny and what

have we

carried over from another life time such as if one had been a monk of some sort

in a past

life, his awakening in this life might say come easy or with a spontaneous


brought on by just living a simple healthy life style .


where as somone else may be a younger soul with fewer life times and hence has


meditaite eat veg or vegan and live a very strict discplined life and still no

awakening . or

ones astrological chart may be a one who is a mystic and it all is just innate

and natural to

them hence the live an enllightened life.


or more difficult yet someone comes inot this incarnation and is abused as a

child they

have a lot of healing to do and an awakening may not even be in there destiny

just the

simple fate of healing and coming to a place of peace may be enough


there are no infinte steps with a guarntee of enlightenment.


i personally had a spontaneous k awakening by simply by healing from a


familly and trying to find personal health. little did i know the healing and

healthy, not

fanatical, life style wich includes meat, lead me to a k awakening and it gets

better and

better every day and year that i just keep up my yoga practice and my meditaion

and work

on healing others.


it would be fun to know what brought each person to there awakening but by no


using it as a how to manual or the steps to enlightment.. as i am sure many here

can say

there path has been ever winding with different and varied tools thought got

them to there

destination. and the road is never ending till u die and the it just keeps going


(read journy of souls... we all choose the path to our destiny)


peace out





> step zero - survey comments


> Hi all

> May the (force=kundalini=chi=prana=shakti=holy spirit) be with you.



> Preface

> ==============

> This is what I believe. It might or might not be the way that reality

> is. This hypothesis can be examined scientifically.




> Hypothesis

> ===============

> There exist infinite steps to the final goal that is

> (perfection=joining the unified field=enlightenment=dissolving in

> God=getting infinitely near to the God or existence)


> step 0 is being vegan or at lest vegetarian

> step 1 is to start with a certain level of love and it will increase


> That means: Do not kill my brothers and sisters and say I am in love

> with existence and poetic claims like that. This is certainly an

> untruth poetic claim, if the claimer is non-veg. This might be or

> might not be truth, if the claimer is veg.




> Method

> ==============

> An anonymous survey on the web

> This is a way of finding statistical correlation between being veg and

> K or different stages of K


> I will make a survey on the web and request politely from all people

> of this group to check it and after a month I will give you the results.




> Potential Questions

> ===============


> - are you vegan

> - are you vegetarian

> - are you corpse eater


> - are you K active

> - are you awakened

> - are you enlightened


> - how many months since K have activation

> - other questions that you friends suggest



> Usefulness

> ============

> a- Just for the fun of it. It wont take more than an hour to make the

> survey and upload to my web server


> b- Its results might have educational effect for me and/or others



> Your comments and other questions to be added to the survey are welcome


> have a happy day


> Regards


> Shahin


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I really like your line of thought on the subject Brad! We take a lot for granted and it is good to be thankful. Saying grace can sometimes become an automatic thing, without thought. Thanks for the reminder!


, "curball2002" <curball2002 wrote:>> I'll throw in my two cents on this one,> > Regardless of where the food comes from, I think it's important to > give thanks to it. If we slow down a bit and really truly think of > everything that's gone into the food, all the people (and or animals) > that have helped bring it to our plate, and be really thankful our > bodies will get more out of the food. And our Kundalini of course.>

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I agree with you, Paula.There are no inanimate objects-some objects are just very very slow.blessingsOn Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:16 PM, alayafire <ari.reza wrote:






chrism for me everything has consciousness , metal , rocks , atoms

am i wrong?



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