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step zero - survey comments

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step zero - survey comments


Hi all

May the (force=kundalini=chi=prana=shakti=holy spirit) be with you.





This is what I believe. It might or might not be the way that reality

is. This hypothesis can be examined scientifically.






There exist infinite steps to the final goal that is

(perfection=joining the unified field=enlightenment=dissolving in

God=getting infinitely near to the God or existence)


step 0 is being vegan or at lest vegetarian

step 1 is to start with a certain level of love and it will increase


That means: Do not kill my brothers and sisters and say I am in love

with existence and poetic claims like that. This is certainly an

untruth poetic claim, if the claimer is non-veg. This might be or

might not be truth, if the claimer is veg.






An anonymous survey on the web

This is a way of finding statistical correlation between being veg and

K or different stages of K


I will make a survey on the web and request politely from all people

of this group to check it and after a month I will give you the results.




Potential Questions



- are you vegan

- are you vegetarian

- are you corpse eater


- are you K active

- are you awakened

- are you enlightened


- how many months since K have activation

- other questions that you friends suggest





a- Just for the fun of it. It wont take more than an hour to make the

survey and upload to my web server


b- Its results might have educational effect for me and/or others



Your comments and other questions to be added to the survey are welcome


have a happy day





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