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Loving perspectives

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Hi folks,


how are you all doing? Just reading the posts of the last couple of

days I got to thinking a little about the K. journey. One thing that

I have been asked to do in this process is to learn to get to know

myself really well and to end the fight within. K. has propelled me

on a journey to self-understanding and self-realization, and in doing

so, I have had to become deeply curious about myself. In a sense, I

have had to have a relentless curiosity about what is occuring

within, as well as a love for each of my perspectives, even when a

perspective may appear to be divisive and reactionary.


By perspectives, I mean a viewpoint, an ideal, and sometimes an

emotionally bound way of looking at the world. K. has been about

opening, opening and opening, in energetic, physical, psychological

and emotional ways. My experience has been that when I feel compelled

to react to someones viewpoint, then that is when I most need to

understand their viewpoint first before I respond.


I feel this is relevant as living with K. calls me to end the

divisions within me. If I stay divided, both against myself or

against the world, then I feel that as suffering. This doesnt mean

that I idealize love and forgiveness. What it means is that I

lovingly and curiously work with what is arising, instead of thinking

things should be a certain way.


This process, of curiously working with reality, creates movoment for

me. I was wondering what it would be like if, when we feel compelled

to react to someone, or to a post, what would it be like if we became

curious about the persons viewpoint first? What would be it be like

if we could find their viewpoint within ourselves, if we could stand

in their shoes, and then communicate from that place of

understanding. Wouldnt that bring people together?


IMHO, thats love, empathy, and that gives rise to forgiveness when

there is a conflict.I have a sense that this is the real work of K.


Back to the K. phenomena...

1. How many of you have rising K. Symptoms with the full moon? This

weeks full moon was thankfully the first full moon in years where I

didnt have brutal tension and debilitating sysmptoms.




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Nicely stated Bruce,

Yes let us wonder what it is like to walk in

anothers shoes first before we respond. Excellent! We do not always

need to be together I feel but we can always be considerate of

eachother and where each of us is responding from as best we can.


We are companions on the path and even if we have disagreements it

does not demand that we allow those to alter our flow. We can learn

and contribute what we have learned in a way that is not challenging

but constructive towards the foundations of balance within us.


Like Chris has mentioned. We strive for balance in the early stages

as the amplification of emotions and desires can be quite

tremendous. Sometimes this will take us off on our own section of

the path that we must travel alone. Often we are able to do this and

then return.


We are coming from many perspectives and histories and Karma as

Narayan mentioned and not all of the dynamics will respond to group

dynamics. Some things must be done in private. When we are reading

these e-mails we are most often I think in a private space of

reception and reflection. A good time to become curious. A good time

to haul water and chop wood in ways that occur behind our eyes.


When we feel the emotional or ego based buttons being pushed within,

let us stand back as Bruce states and learn the " whys and hows " of

that response first and then perhaps we will better understand

ourselves and others at the same time.


But do not think that there will be no more challenges because of

these fine and worthy ideas. Writing, reading and doing require

their own disciplines and to do these ideas honor we must haul the

water of our truth as much as we use the wood of our actions for our

warmth. It takes effort and intention to be considerate. - my take

on it - chrism

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Bruce,I feel divided and so alone at times too and that brings on

suffering but it's always followed by a breakthrough which brings

acceptance through faith and joy.I think that's how we grow and

understand the world.As for the full moon,i have been burning hot

lately with no relief in sight but no pain.




, " bruce_oom "

<bruce_oom wrote:


> Hi folks,


> how are you all doing? Just reading the posts of the last couple of

> days I got to thinking a little about the K. journey. One thing


> I have been asked to do in this process is to learn to get to know

> myself really well and to end the fight within. K. has propelled me

> on a journey to self-understanding and self-realization, and in


> so, I have had to become deeply curious about myself. In a sense, I

> have had to have a relentless curiosity about what is occuring

> within, as well as a love for each of my perspectives, even when a

> perspective may appear to be divisive and reactionary.


> By perspectives, I mean a viewpoint, an ideal, and sometimes an

> emotionally bound way of looking at the world. K. has been about

> opening, opening and opening, in energetic, physical, psychological

> and emotional ways. My experience has been that when I feel


> to react to someones viewpoint, then that is when I most need to

> understand their viewpoint first before I respond.


> I feel this is relevant as living with K. calls me to end the

> divisions within me. If I stay divided, both against myself or

> against the world, then I feel that as suffering. This doesnt mean

> that I idealize love and forgiveness. What it means is that I

> lovingly and curiously work with what is arising, instead of


> things should be a certain way.


> This process, of curiously working with reality, creates movoment


> me. I was wondering what it would be like if, when we feel


> to react to someone, or to a post, what would it be like if we


> curious about the persons viewpoint first? What would be it be like

> if we could find their viewpoint within ourselves, if we could


> in their shoes, and then communicate from that place of

> understanding. Wouldnt that bring people together?


> IMHO, thats love, empathy, and that gives rise to forgiveness when

> there is a conflict.I have a sense that this is the real work of K.


> Back to the K. phenomena...

> 1. How many of you have rising K. Symptoms with the full moon? This

> weeks full moon was thankfully the first full moon in years where I

> didnt have brutal tension and debilitating sysmptoms.


> love

> Bruce


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Hi Nicole,


yep...I have the same process...I feel unbearably alone or seperate and

go through deep darkness, and then there is a breakthrough and its okay

again and I am joyful and faithful and my sense of humor returns and i

want to go dancing..that kind of stuff. I burnt up last week and my

crown chakra was doing a lot of twitching, but its okay again now..I am

just craving a lot of ice-creams..


I have learnt to kind of hunt in the darkness, and find the roots of

the suffering...does that make sense to you?






, " ntaroiu "

<lsirca wrote:


> Bruce,I feel divided and so alone at times too and that brings on

> suffering but it's always followed by a breakthrough which brings

> acceptance through faith and joy.I think that's how we grow and

> understand the world.As for the full moon,i have been burning hot

> lately with no relief in sight but no pain.


> love,nicole



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Hi Bruce. I enjoyed your post.


You wrote: "How many of you have K symptoms with the full moon?" Funny you say that as the last 2 nights I've had 3am wakings to a room full of moonlight and buzzings all over and very definite feelings of movement up and down the spine. More so than usual! I lay there doing the alternate breathing then Shakti prayer as it went on which just ramped it up a bit. Nice! I am drawn to the full moon so strongly, I have to go out and bathe in it's light at least for 15 mins.


I like hearing of your progress. Thanks for sharing!


Blessings, Bruce.


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The full moon has always been sacred to me, ever since I was a young

child. I would have to be outside and 'bathe' in its rays. It was a

full moon when I had my first child and may have also been the start

of my awakening, (although I did not know it at the time).


As the moon affects the tides, water and women's menstrual cycle, it

can be given that it also affects our spiritual awakening.


LS, x


, Valarie Vousden

<vjvousden wrote:


> Hi Bruce. I enjoyed your post.


> You wrote: " How many of you have K symptoms with the full moon? "

Funny you say that as the last 2 nights I've had 3am wakings to a

room full of moonlight and buzzings all over and very definite

feelings of movement up and down the spine. More so than usual! I lay

there doing the alternate breathing then Shakti prayer as it went on

which just ramped it up a bit. Nice! I am drawn to the full moon so

strongly, I have to go out and bathe in it's light at least for 15



> I like hearing of your progress. Thanks for sharing!


> Blessings, Bruce.

> Valarie


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